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5126787 No.5126787 [Reply] [Original]

Will generation Z be annoyed by us for being able to to make money so easily?


>> No.5126804

yes, we will become the new boomers

>> No.5126807

Fuck those guys

>> No.5126857

Gen Z is already in crypto too, its the boomers that are fucked.

>> No.5126903

generation z will be complaining about how "millenials had it easy", "it was so easy to make 50k satoshis in 5 minutes of trading in front of the computers, while his generation has to wageslave by fixing BTC mining drones on the martian fusion power plants, gaining only 1 satoshi per hour.

>> No.5126913
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Or you're all fucked because cryptocurrencies are not real, not even feasible in the long run.

>> No.5126973

Most people have a negligible amount of money on this. Just go to reddit and look at the litecoin board. "Will my 0.5 ltc make me rich bro?" "I finally have 1 ltc yeah". Fucking kek, they will probably cash it out for weed, alcohol or any other normie bs.

>> No.5127003

No money is real, Anon.

>> No.5127025
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>> No.5127043
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who here a member of the
>1 LTC club

>> No.5127066

Funny but true...

>> No.5127073


Gen Z isn't even out of high school yet, they don't have any money to put into cyrpto. Boomers on the other hand are starting to give in to the trend now that it's being legitimized by futures contracts.

>> No.5127091

gen z will get universal neet bucks, full VR porn, and robots to make them chicken tendies

i think the little faggots will get over it

>> No.5127115

this. Even right now the proportion of investors of crypto or millenials in their late 20s who have jobs already. Gen z'ers are going to be the ones who live through the crash.

>> No.5127165

>they're still in school
I know multiple high schoolers that have over $20k in crypto right now.

>> No.5127214

>I know multiple high schoolers


>> No.5127228

I'm a senior in high school
>inb4 b&
I'm 18

>> No.5127303

You know some high schoolers that have way more money then the average high schooler. What's your point?

>> No.5127514

Oh look the millennials are learning about crypto. It's about time Generation X had some company. A little late, but still welcomed kiddo.

Btw, we're already training Gen Z.

>> No.5127615
File: 32 KB, 297x331, 1513332618310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generation X silently controls everything behind the scenes without a single mention in (((Hollywood)))

For 20 years now it's been nothing but (((Millennial))) promoting. Gee, I wonder why that is. Maybe because you're all cock sucking trannies and good little goys? Not Gen X. No.... we're skeptical as fuck and revolutionary.

Haha, millennials will always be the useful idiots for the (((Boomers))) until they're pass (soon).

Gen X and Gen Z is literally going to dominate everything for the next 50 years.

>> No.5128032

> boomers in Stock market
> regulate It to no fun shit levels
> millennials go with crypto because stocks is too complicated
> as boomers die off their stocks tank
> as stocks tank more jump to crypto

>> No.5128070

100% will come true. Its like boomers and real estate.

>> No.5128125

Dude, millenials have know about crypto since forever.

>> No.5128547


>> No.5128553

No they haven't. They literally got in it a couple years ago. Holy fuck man. Once again Generation X invents everything.

>> No.5128765

Allow me to interject for a moment.

Take a sec to answer this poll. I am trying to make sense of the current situation. It's not for a college paper, nor I work in Wall St...
*sweats profusely*


>> No.5128860

18 y/o Gen Z here, just put my first $130 into Bitcoin today

>> No.5128916

I don't like this. Not one bit. Crypto used to be a nerdy side hobby you didn't talk about.

Now its fucking ruined. muh secret club n shit.

>> No.5129203
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>this whole post

>> No.5129242
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>just put my first $130 into Bitcoin today

>> No.5129250
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Generation Z will be crying how mummy and daddy can't afford anything cause they wasted their money on monopoly money

>> No.5129595

No. This bubble will never burst. There will be infinite money forever. This is how we end world hunger, inequality and sexual harassment.

>> No.5129722

Lol my younger brother at 14 put $200 from his debit card into coinbase this summer

>> No.5130103

>Gets triggered by Generation X

Stay mad cuck.

>> No.5130777

I'm very disappointed that I have missed out on this ride. In highschool I was mining when it was under $1, I told my friends and they some bought, they have millions now at the age of 20-21. I sold the 8 btc I accumulated at $180, then bought at $2600 and sold at $2300.
No point getting into it again when crypto frequently appearing in media and normies are flocking left and right. I FUCKING MISSED OUT!
Now I'm going to slave away as an electrician while my friends are driving nice cars and living in dream houses. I'd rather be a hobo or a prisoner since there is such little choice in life if you stay poor. FUCK!

>> No.5130929
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You sound pretty dumb in the first place.

Poor Gen Z. I honestly do feel bad that they were born too late to have money available at this moment now. I will employ them at my company out of pity.

>> No.5131493

1.0025 lmao

>> No.5131595

I took out a loan when I got my first job.

>> No.5131730

ONLY 1/3!? Holy shit, biz brahs we are going to be the new 1%. Also expect race relations to get worse because only like 4% of black millennials will get in (conservative estimate)

>> No.5131821
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>18 yr old
h-how do i get into this anon? should i get out while i can?

>> No.5131987

Fucking GenZ
In my days we could buy our lambos based on the basket weaving imageboard advice.
Now back to work, muhammad.
Work hard and you will get 3 sats annual bonus on Christmas.

>> No.5132010

23 here and already fucking crypto ballin