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51259014 No.51259014 [Reply] [Original]

bags aside, what's the most comfy platform for dapp development?
motoko is cute but sometimes baka. sync / async higher-order functions and actors are very neat to use, and being able to host web contents directly on-chain is beneficial. but actual js bindings are bloated by a huge baseline of low density informational constructs only normies can bear. icp does not have a sense of inclusive accountability, then supply decentralization is low and will likely never improve due to self-referential governance
could be the best platform for L2 development but there is nothing interesting ready for end-user dapps. there is no sense of holistic vision other than throwing things on a wall and looking at what sticks. solidity is potentially one of the worse language ever designed in terms of capital losses, but hopefully upcoming wasm vm may fix the mess. transition to pos gives up on some levels of censorship-resistance and decentralization, but it can also make the network more friendly to tradfi, making it net neutral.
one of the autism-friendly language out there, powered by megamilk. but community is full of obnoxious neo-maxis desperately suctioning on the low hanging fruits left behind by satoshi and bitcoin researchers while being oblivious to all technological advantages in competitor platforms. could be decent if it werent for the bigotry shadow
has potential if it werent for the lack of non-nonsensical data structures (pair unpair pair unpair pair pair with layers upon layers of meaninglessness in emptiness). vm shouldve native supports for json-like objects at the very least. blockchain consensus itself is appealing despite pos, as a more decentralized fork of tendermint, but nevertheless to bothersome to use with how native tokens arent implemented as standard contracts like icp or kda

>> No.51259020

boomers somehow believe assembly-level code in haskell is intelligible or desirable. eventual evm support shows absence of tangible vision for anything. at least they are trying to create something good
cute language and cute team, but doesnt benefit from positive financial feedback loops in developing suitable scaling solutions and tools
move language seems promising, its relatively clean and well-thoughts. sadly the platform itself is probably unfriendly to metaverse projects other than the ones pushed by parent company. then it will probably not be welcoming to lonely neet drones either

>> No.51259037

an american drew this

>> No.51259108

>but community
There is no community in kda anon, just some retards and me (retard)
If it grows we will see the real a community, I would like to know how they will look like, hope it's going to be more like eth as opposed to ada

>> No.51259228
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a dapp is like a force of nature, at least it has the potential to me.
I sometimes wonder why the tornado devs thought it would be a good idea to use it to generate revenue as opposed to just putting the code out, making the dao, then have people contribute to it however they see fit, make it a truly decentralized thing, but not for the sake of it, but because of the security doing that provides. Now he's in jail.

>> No.51259268

easily Polygon
they literally have more than 37,000 dApps and more than 10,000 monthly active building teams

>> No.51259730
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self-harm is love
g-good point. nevertheless seed for a given evolving structure usually have disproportionate influences on resulting state
>hope it's going to be more like eth as opposed to ada
probably would be better if closer to ada than eth, as long as its friendly and comfy to contribute to
dapp is definitely a powerful underestimated concept. self-sustaining forces are found within all living organisms having ever existed, but we have now the ability to be self-referential about it and adjust it toward whatever is beneficial. if you use it for mindless or malicious activities like criminal fundraising, you should expect a backlash.
b-but how many of them arent copy-pasta scams. optimism is throwaway tech and underwhelming compared to zksync

>> No.51259853
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>self-sustaining forces are found within all living organisms having ever existed, but we have now the ability to be self-referential about it and adjust it toward whatever is beneficial.

>> No.51260138

Are you nuwu?

>> No.51260166
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No, I am nuwu.

>> No.51260337
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>>conveniently doesn't mention the most viable option
every notable developer building dApps is on avalanche. Even efferiums devs are migrating when they come toe tha realization that they'll have no choice but to be a subnet

>> No.51260361

no efferiums devs are moving to cosmos

>> No.51260491
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the tendermint consensus was developer'd by the CEO of Avax

>> No.51261168
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d-dont know anyone by that name
forgot it but its mostly a fork of evm without meaningful improvement other than some dag-based consensus that breaks down under amdahl's law. snowman consensus can quickly create lots of purposeless empty blocks but it doesnt scale more than any other chain. custom subnets do not benefit from shared security, yet they are required to stake avax and validate mainchain without fair compensation. it would be wiser and easier to write a blockchain from scratch than trying to understand normie minds while pumping their bags.

>> No.51261208
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kino part 2

>> No.51262014
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kadena isnt even better than avax, please spare me such unintelligible noise
i-i really really loath how you have been popularizing my idiotic name on 4ch*n, of all place. making a target out of me because you didnt bother coming up with more creative posts, even though im just another random retraded neet as clueless as anyone. i dont want to be rude but you have the mentality of foolish entities who cause high amount of harms around them for ridiculously low amount of "fun" or "entertainment", which is actually extremely scary at a philosophical level. i hate myself, i shouldve been more upfront about the fact i cant handle social entanglements. i never cared about kadena, never mindlessly shilled it and only wanted to help all ecosystems to grow. now >>51261658
im killing myself. thxbye

>> No.51262084
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>> No.51262202

I'll take responsibility, I'm sorry you feel this way. Just keep in mind people can't read your mind so if you hated me or the shit I post then you could have told me. Yet you didn't (like you said), this technically pardons me from the blame you're trying to, very publicly, shift on me even though I never meant anyone any harm, but I'll still take it. This means I'll stop and apologize to you. Also keep in mind that I'm not retarded and seeing you pull shit like this makes me feel like an asshole to the core. I know this post is probably not good for your mental health, rember that I will never hate you or even carry any kind of hostility, I just thought we were friends.

>> No.51262471

So i’ll take a shot in the dark here: where do you see dfinity in the spectrum moving forward?
Looking at the roadmap, the self referential governance problem solves itself once the network gets sufficiently large. This gives me hope for its future compared to the current crop of offerings.

>> No.51262500

>motoko is cute but
just use rust

>> No.51262552
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i did consider you friendly for a while but this is not the first time i have been complaining about this, yet you are still making fun of me >>51237807 >>51237856 >>51260166
in fact, reflecting back the blame with a half-hearted apologize is more than i expected. its very hard for me to explain how i actually feel about anything, and i find writing anything online already very difficult and scary on its own. if i had less fears i wouldve been able to more carefully explain how incapacitated i am with things like this. im just some irrelevant neet, so nothing valuable will be lost or anything. please be more careful with others in the future, just because you believe something is funny doesnt mean it actually is, and not straight up harmful.
nvm dapps. existence is too painful. im off

>> No.51262713

I understand. You say I'm "making fun of you" but that is not true, I'm not making fun of you that's absurd. I never saw "hey anon can you not turn make me into a personality here by talking about my posts please" but you too explained how that should have happened and there is nothing we can do. Like I said I'm sorry that people are legitimately making fun of you, like that last time with the sociopath anon, I can't imagine how horrible that must have been - but then again you keep talking to him like an idiot and I obviously can't take blame for his actions.
>reflecting back the blame with a half-hearted apologize is more than i expected.
Of course it is, I've told you I'd never lie to you, this means I'll be honest when I tell you that lots of people do genuinely like you but also means that if you wake up one day and want to blame me for actions of other people and how I should have simply read your mind then I will tell you why that is bullshit.

That being said, if you really expected me to be the person you laid out (doing things for entertainment in disregard to harming people) then I should have done exactly that, make fun of your post and doubled down on the supposed harm.
Yet I didn't, I'm here showing you the upmost respect, while I can't turn back time I am genuinely sorry that you have to deal with this nonsense (this post included) even though you don't deserve too.
I hope that over time things will be better and that you don't kill yourself.

>> No.51262725 [DELETED] 
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forgot the (you)

>> No.51262839
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holyshit I really fuckedup with that image >>51262725 it just dawned on me.

>> No.51263329
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calling my posts b-word, as the only user who created such target, is not what i would define as heartful. yes i screwed up and shoulve tried to obfuscate my posts, but im already shattered by fears at all the deepest layers of existence, this is too much. i wanted to believe you were nice, but your behaviors are diametrically opposite from the shallow words you use, void of any compassionate concerns other than endless ego grind. not opening 4ch*n ever again bye

>> No.51263346

Checkout ANKR, solid team, solid product

>> No.51263409

Which one of these cute little languages should I get to know intimately if I want to develop a crypto game?

>> No.51263661

>be extremely recognizable on purpose
>anon goes with it and considers it a personality of a poster
>no issues for a year
>wake up one day
>somehow anon is now the "only user who created a target"
>go call that anon dumb, low IQ, essentially benethe you and that you hated him all this time
>blame anon for all the problems publicly in a way that's unmistakable for everyone that it's just blame shifting
>for some reason anon talks with you about it honestly and respectfully instead of dismissing it as (insert insult)
>noooo you need to be nice
what is happening, you realize I should be furious right now right. If you want nice don't be insulting, don't worry I know you don't mean it and are acting up, maybe I shouldn't have said anything because of this.

This is like immovable object and unstoppable force but with autism and retardation. Me being the latter

>> No.51263703
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What are some good resources for learning dev on icp? I feel kinda lost and I can’t find anything

>> No.51263874
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>on purpose
wrong, im dying
>no issues for a year
wrong, no apparent issue is not lack of issue
>somehow anon is now the
wrong, open the archive. not to mention all the screenshots where you make fun of me. other anones have just been copying your behaviors
>go call that anon dumb, low IQ, essentially benethe you
wrong, i never called you such things. i could not care less. the point is that you are harming me on a threadly basis and neglecting the impact your behaviors may have
>that you hated him all this time
wrong, i dont hate anyone. simply explaining how i feel
>blame anon for all the problems publicly in a way that's unmistakable for everyone that it's just blame shifting
please stop stirring meaningless ego nonsense toward me
>for some reason anon talks with you about it honestly and respectfully
you have made absolutely made no effort understand how i feel. if insults are your standards of sanity, it does explain things.
>noooo you need to be nice
you do
>you realize I should be furious right now
interesting form of apologize
>don't be insulting
never insulted you
useless evm pos chain spinoff empty of any purpose or vision other than making meaningless numbers for an insignificant amount of time
they are all terrible, thats the issue
since its designed by normies, you have to try nonsensical things until something nice happen

>> No.51264002

>you are harming me on a threadly basis
That's the shit I'm talking about, you obviously don't believe this.
You are having issues with people turning you into a big character and I'm just the only person in your reach you can blame because I'm always listening and because
1. blaming others doesn't work because they don't
2. blaming yourself doesn't work because ego
I'm not saying you are to blame, you are not, 100%, but blaming me is not the approach you should take simply because it's convenient.

Anyway, truth is enough time has passed for me too have completely forgotten about everything so..
my takeaway is to not do anything (you) related in the future.
and if you want to blame me forever and insult me form here on, feel free to do so untill you feel whole again. I'm not going to resent you for it.

fr fr

>> No.51264022

Looks pretty good, thanks anon! Idk why exactly, but icp feels so convoluted

>> No.51264092

What happened to you nuwu? Just before I took a mental health break I remember seeing rude posts in your posting style but I dismissed it as someone pretending to you as it was right after you announced you were leaving. Well today I learned that probably was you after all. I don’t know if disappointed is the right word because you have the right to say what you feel. I am surprised. I thought you were really nice but now you will just shit on people without giving a fuck. Maybe I’m being unfair as I don’t recognize the other posters and they could be deserving of all of that and much more but maybe I didn’t notice/read their posts. You probably don’t even know who I am and you probably don’t care at all because the new Nuwu is callous but I did want to share with you a bystander’s pov

>> No.51264121
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>be the first 4ch*n user endlessly posting screenshots of my discord account astroturfing some kind of personality
>dox identity everywhere as much as possible without the slightest care about the entity being targeted
>other users adopt the meme for fun
>get called out for being the origin of it
>write dense, meaningless replies disregarding extremely damaged emotional state of target
>dont even try to open the archive or rember any of after-mentioned events, just spin whatever imaginary narrative fits ego while perpetually moving goalposts around and playing the victim
i ate nuwu
i will kill nuwu

>> No.51264153

i'm on the tranny's side with this one, you guys are pretty retarded ngl

>> No.51264178

You drunk? Read >>51263661 I recognize being origin of it but that's not the narrative here, you're trying to make it look like I'm making fun of you and hurting you activity. Anon what.
We are literally infighting like high schoolers of course all of this is retarded

>> No.51264213

I just miss the nice nuwu who farmed (you) with cute posts. If that makes me a bad retarded person then so be it

>> No.51264292
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it wasnt me, but i was never nice. always writing extremely harsh critics for every projects, with many layers of satire to make it seems friendly. from the perspective of devs reading them, it could be hard if they actually stumbled onto it.
empathic understandings are conceptually very complex to get right, and there are so many layers and depth to them with lots of counter-intuitive pathways, its not something a retraded "thing" like me could manage. therefor im not nice.
not 100% but at least 50%, with the other half being obviously me. its a bit sad you dont even care about that. i dont have a point other than now that anones are trying to dox me im killing myself and need to tell you how i feel. i enjoyed the time with you, and i hope you can learn from it
nonsense, none of my posts have ever been cute. i kms now

>> No.51264320

>you don't like my behavior?
>ok i'm sorry BUT
you gotta learn to let things go man
>uwaaahh the stuttering tranny roleplayer isn't entertaining me like my anime shoooowwss ToT time to be a self-centered asshole with faux concernnn

>> No.51264369
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Holy shit you guys are actual retards wtf is this dumb larp shit
Just tell me if icp is gonna make me rich, you actually sound smart. Drop this dumb argument and continue spoonfeeding us retards about the current state of blockchain tech
Keep the tranny stuff private

>> No.51264377

Yes you were nice regardless if you were aware of how you were being presented. I interacted with you sometimes and it was fun. You also wrote to me some kind hearted things but maybe you were being snide behind a thousand layers of irony after all. I never saw your criticism as something other than a diagnosis, like a mechanic looking at a car with current and potential problems. Like I said I was away so I don’t know about this dox thing but I doubt they are serious because you are or were a fun and well-liked character. Dont kill yourself. I would have done it a long time ago if it were useful

>> No.51264378

okay I guess we're back to normal.
listen, no one is doxxing you and those schizos will go away over time, don't reply to them or take things they say seriously, they are the thing you made me out it be earlier (with the entertainment part)
What am I doing anon, what the fuck was my "behavior"
I replied kino to a post I liked and got insulted.
My greatest sin here was not being able to read minds.
If that makes me 50% to blame then there is nothing I can do except feel bad which is more than most autists

>> No.51264411
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And if I didn't feel anything I wouldn't be here at 2am for fucks sake anons

>> No.51264511
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im not nice.
>okay I guess we're back to normal.
not sure what you define as normal other than deflecting apologizes
>listen, no one is doxxing you
i was planning to kill myself anyway. doesnt change anything.
stop caring then. have a nice life with worrying about some retrad on internet who committed suicide for whatever reason

>> No.51264528

if you kill yourself im going to follow suit

>> No.51264538
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meaningless number go up
ego survival likelihood increases
existence happy
it's literally that simple
im struggling to not stutter, its part of how my fears are shaping me. im just a tool
ok then im definitely not killing myself uwu

>> No.51264691

you're the jewish chipmunk girl aren't you

>> No.51264697

>solidity is potentially one of the worse language ever designed in terms of capital losses, but hopefully upcoming wasm vm may fix the mess
The pitfall laden language and poor tooling contributes but this is not the main cause of the problem. If you aren't willing to design your dapp with the first consideration being code simplicity and security and the lesser consideration being adding lots of features, bugs and hacks are inevitable. wasm is made for flexibility and that's the last thing you want here, won't help a damn thing.

dapp development is never comfy, if something fucks up and people lose millions it is actually all your fault and there is no way to fix it.

>> No.51264740
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please janitors delete this thread, this is pointless
im harmful
its all my fault
i should die
probably not even possible to die
my existence is always shuffled into whatever new pathetic state gets me lost
im tired of this
its endless
it lasts forever
always the same fears
always the same misunderstandings
always running away
always foolish
never finding love
i cant into existence.
"14% left on dunning kruger graph" opinion

>> No.51264785
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you will wake up feeling better tomorrow

>> No.51264808
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will not wake up sadly

>> No.51264827

please chill out it's really not that serious

>> No.51264836

now hold it right there little lady, Satania's my name and trolling's my game. now I'm a devilish demon and I'd never try to do something nice like help people discover the magic of friendship, but gosh darn by golly, I hope you realize there are people who value you for who you are! They might be gay and retarded, but they're right here in this very thread! Never forget, you are not alone. Heh. Got that memorized? Now I'll catch you on the flippy flip, I've got some n00bs to pwn. Take it sleazy, my um, m-my nᶦᵍᵍᵉʳ

>> No.51264845
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forgot my pic ;*

>> No.51264871

Don’t kys stuttering anon, doxxing would only land you a good job, you’ve built nothing but credibility on this site.

>> No.51264944

Does it matter where you want to develop when you're going to rope?
I mean really

>> No.51265028
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>I replied kino to a post I liked and got insulted.
my initial post wasnt insulting you. comparing your mentality with some hypothetical entities doesnt mean you are those. im just sad you were still spinning this off to deflect everything leading to my mental breakdown rather than sharing the slightest care. you are much more dense than i thought and i shouldve distanced myself from you.
im killing myself. i dont see why i would be interested in meaningless corporate grind within boomer reputation systems.
thx satania but i will keep using apple products
does i matter if humanity do anything when everything will be wiped out eventually?
i mean, not really

>> No.51265035

> i will kill nuwu
Oh if you mean kill off the avatar (the stutter) I’m all for it, name/avatarfagging is never healthy, drives most people nuts inside the year.

>> No.51265062
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all layers of existence are avatars.

>> No.51265114
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i-im scared i dont want to die

>> No.51265121

Anon I appreciate that you have made a thread about the technical side of crypto and good luck with your budding career but it really is true that Solidity and its supporting ecosystem is the right tool in most cases.

If you feel you have nothing to lose then please make a cool dapp before anything drastic, at least it won't be greed driven garbage, use what you feel like, things will turn out fine.

>> No.51265166

I hope you are not currently hurting yourself in an attempt to die.

>> No.51265170

> i dont see why i would be interested in meaningless corporate grind within boomer reputation systems.
I know how this never actually dawns on real coder until the money lands in their lap, but the whole thing where they pay you pretty well is not a meme.
In the end, you’ll find that the reason that money funnels to you is you are making a positive impact on the world, and that’s 10x as true for the 1/10th of coders who do all the coding, like you. You’ll have fun and have the money to follow your heart, save a kitten, start a family, befriend a lonely boomer or whatever you think helps you leave a positive mark on the world.

>> No.51265209
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im sorry for the dumb one-liner previous reply. thanx for the magical (you)s appearing in my consciousness
i really need to forget all these fears but it just gets worse
making a dapp is actually scary in its own way, since if it does work, there is no way people will ignore you, and if it doesnt, its just a scam. maybe im just imagine the worse outcomes of everything but i dont see how it could be freeing in any way
solidity is a terrible language for most things. ethereum will only become useful after wasm vm is out
i see that i dont actually have what it takes, not even remotely. its actually pretty terrifying outside concepts.
makes me wonder why we still live in a world with meaningless wars and suffering.

>> No.51265210

Then don’t. Simple as. There’s never a rush, the option always remains unless you’re some high ranking military behind enemy lines.

>> No.51265303
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maybe living a npc life is the final redpill. there is really nothing to do other than pretending and forgetting. nothing is going nowhere.
ok i wont because im really really scared.
i dont know what to do anymore. i really made a fool out of myself. hopefully it wont get back to me

>> No.51265389


>> No.51265407
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thank (you)

>> No.51265439

>since if it does work, there is no way people will ignore you, and if it doesnt, its just a scam
I've made a lot of dapps some of which got some success. True, people won't ignore you (Constant scam and hack attempts, I've even had very aggressive harassers and death threats), but it helps a lot if you are anon. Also you've got it backwards, it's when it does exactly what you said it will do and gets popular that people call you a scammer, everyone forgets fast otherwise. Ultimately though it isn't about you, they are just processing the consequences of their own choices, you be respectful, leave it alone and let them do this and move on. I guess I wouldn't call it "freeing" in an emotional sense since the stakes are so high and the anxiety and pressure is intense and constant, but it does make you feel powerful and can make tons of money. Maybe this is not for you if you are feeling very fragile.

>solidity is a terrible language for most things
Why do you think this? I can acknowledge there is a lot bad about it, many hard to avoid pitfalls, and only a very narrow subset of the language should ever be used by anyone. But it's like javascript; it works and everyone uses it. Being especially battle tested is the biggest factor, even new languages designed from the ground up for security (eg vyper) turn out to have undiscovered exploits because they are not used as much.

>> No.51265699
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t-thanx for replying
>Constant scam and hack attempts, I've even had very aggressive harassers and death threats
you are confirming that releasing dapps is definitely a bad idea for someone like me. my mental illness completely overthrew this thread from just anones joking about doxing me. i dont want to imagine anything involving harm. sorry you had to go threw this.
>it's when it does exactly what you said it will do and gets popular that people call you a scammer
sadly making scams is boring, but its interesting to keep in mind. seems like normies dont actually care about scammers or non-scammers as long as their bags stay valuable.
>stakes are so high and the anxiety and pressure is intense and constant, but it does make you feel powerful and can make tons of money.
i hardly care about money and just flip meaningless tokens to make neetbucks go up.
>Maybe this is not for you if you are feeling very fragile.
y-yes, i feel less ashamed about running away. it really really doesnt feel like anything i can manage. i should practice math and attempt to write papers instead if possible to share ideas. directly working on anything is too scary
>Why do you think this
>it's like javascript
my biggest complaint is that it is not actually like javascript at all. the latter is popular because it has some legitimately interesting and creative design elements, which learned from other popular language at its time. solidity is a throwaway language on a new category that went to far into first mover advantage, as some collective sunk-cost fallacy. never in the history a single tech as caused as much loss of funds as solidity
>many hard to avoid pitfalls
it doesnt even need to be that way.

>> No.51265885

>i should practice math and attempt to write papers instead if possible to share ideas.
This seems like a good route. There are a lot of areas to contribute that don't directly involve deploying products, especially if money isn't your goal.

Also maybe even if you did launch a contract your experiences would be different than mine especially if you were putting out something not focused on the money; for me everything I did was for avoid the wage cage.

>it doesnt even need to be that way.
Sounds like you might be in a position to do something about that, once you get a bit more experience

>> No.51266462

>solidity is potentially one of the worse language ever designed in terms of capital losses
that's because the vast majority of smart contracts are built with solidity

>> No.51266964

you're not actually a tranny though right?

Hey I've been thinking it's time I wake up and learn something to get a job in tech, but I don't even know how to use the terminal. How the fug do I get started?

>> No.51267751

im seriously struggling to find arguments to hold your coin after this post, E.

>> No.51267912
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>> No.51267988

>you are much more dense than i thought
I will share something I didn't want to with the hopes of you understanding something.
When I was in a relationship with this girl, things went mostly fine, but as soon as there was any kind of confrontation or fight I was quick to be very clinical about the situation, a receipt for complete desaster, I mean really, It was just the most autistic useless way of dealing with situations like that.
She complained that I wasn't comforting enough and wasn't very helpful. Of course this was before her doing shit that was genuinely unimaginable to my tiny retard brain back then which lead to us breaking up.

But on that part she was right, same with friends and family, luckily I never had a fight with any of them after high school. And that's what made me think I'm no longer autistic.
This thread revealed that I am. Which is kind of disappointing.
Since we're both stuck in this place I hope me sharing this makes you realize that I'm just really fucking autistic and hope that you find it in your heart to forgive me

>> No.51269167
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i’m sorry if you believe having been insulted. i only called one of your behaviors foolish. not to mention i never said i didn’t blame myself for everything as well.
still you have always been calling me stupid when exposed for shilling kadena’s scam tps numbers and i never said anything about it
i can’t launch a dapp anymore since i’ve proven myself mentally ill beyond any socially tolerable levels. i really really hate this. i’m so dumb

>> No.51269261
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We are both dumb, I cannot stress this enough, but one of my biggest flaws is being clinical when arguing with people who are supposed to be my friends. I'd really hate it if you resented me because of this.
>calling me stupid
c'mon I never called you stupid. You btfo'd me here >>51256509 and we settled on that being correct
I'm quick to call out the kadena scam, I support whatever negative thing you say about everything. Remember when you shit all over the kda team, I didn't call you stupid or anything because it's true and I also didn't care if that hurt my bags.

>> No.51269268

looking good but zk rollups will never pass as a tech in crypto community simply because maxis are afraid of it and they have all the money

>> No.51269338

EMACS unites here

>> No.51269769
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seems chain link is already aware of the potentials in oracle, so my project wasn’t needed after all >>51235724
only reason i’m working on my own is because well-known ai researchers have reductionist understandings of intelligence which may be incapable of producing agi, if not fatal ai alignment failures. the map is not the territory.
was fun investigating dapps development, if there were less bigots on kadena i would’ve keep going but i’m out. i don’t care, link is fine as it is.
please leave me alone
bitcoin would unironically benefit from zk more than efferieum
b-but burning hard drives is more harmful than asics

>> No.51269783

>bitcoin would unironically benefit from zk more than efferieum
lightning network services 0.003% of btc volume by transactions per year and has a tlv of 4k btc
zk will never be adopted by maxis

>> No.51271137 [DELETED] 
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my ideas was just about creating some kind of frameworks for oracles and networks of neural networks (whether ais or humans) based on the ability to define relationship between tensors, a bit like tensorflow for smart-contracts but optimized for discrete implicit computations rather than hardware performance. for example, tensors can be used to define the voting power over many dimensions of outcomes (including generalization of quadratic/squared voting at many levels, such as actors basis but also all groupings), define be the relationship between internal liquidity of complex CFMM, define the supply distribution of some algorithmic tokenomics (potentially with rebasing / quadratic / exponential), or etc.
only reason i dont think link will fully benefit from this is because the lack of dilutive inflationary mechanism (or decay) is detrimental to the ability for a system to learn. and token holders will obviously never give up their shares. it something everyone has to accept preemptively.
im too mentally ill to do any productive work other than needless noise on a basket weaving forum, i shouldve known myself better.
>This seems like a good route.
sadly im also too stupid and lazy

>> No.51271191
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my ideas was about creating some kind of frameworks for oracles and networks of neural networks (whether ais or humans) based on the ability to define relationship between tensors, a bit like tensorflow for smart-contracts but optimized for discrete implicit computations rather than hardware performance. for example, tensors can be used to split the voting power over many dimensions of outcomes (including generalization of quadratic/squared voting at many levels, such like as actors basis but also for all groupings recursively), or define be the relationship between internal liquidity of complex CFMMs, or define the supply distribution of some algorithmic tokenomics (with potentially rebasing / quadratic / exponential mechanisms), etc.
only reason i dont think link isnt fully capable of benefiting from this is because the lack of dilutive inflationary mechanism (or decay) is detrimental to the ability for a system to learn. and token holders will obviously never give up their shares. its something everyone has to accept preemptively.
im too mentally ill to do any productive work other than needless noise on a basket weaving forum, i shouldve known myself better.
>This seems like a good route.
sadly im also too stupid and lazy

>> No.51271734

are you ok?

>> No.51271844
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t-tried to fix some of my autistic formatting (and failed)

>> No.51273323

Anon… you’re unhappy and you get unwanted bullying because you derail every thread with your narcissism. Every thread no matter the topic ends up being about you, this is why no one likes you- contrary to what you think about yourself- you probably believe you’re a humble, rarely understood very high iq person. And you might be very smart, but take it from someone who works with narcs- youre attention seeking, self aggrandizing and you dominate every conversation until it’s just a convo with yourself about yourself. Ligitimatly please go see a psychiatrist and get test for Narc personality disorder. There’s not much you can do about it as it’s a physical impairment in the brain that happens very young, but you can be aware of it. You truly get off on these threads talking about yourself and attempting to convince others you’re very smart- all highly narcissistic.

>> No.51274165
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>contrary to what you think about yourself
this is what you think about what i think about myself. nothing actual
im not
>rarely understood very high iq person
>self aggrandizing
i always called myself a simple retraded neet, nothing more
>dominate every conversation until it’s just a convo with yourself about yourself
this is the first thread ive derailed about myself. your sample pool is ridiculously small and unfair. all my posts have always been focused on tech understandings and abstractions, never distorted by any character or personality disorder you believe i may have somehow.
im not saying everything is black and white, and ive definitely screwed up everything from the very beginning but im done with bigots like you who create harm based on false-belief and misunderstandings

>> No.51274506

No need to explain, just go see a psychiatrist immediately. You’re not going to talk your problems away on the internet, you need a professional.

>> No.51275698

> supply decentralization is low and will likely never improve due to self-referential governance
> What is liquid democracy

>> No.51275772
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democracies have relative levels of decentralization thanks to human identity baseline of voting power. purely inward futarchy in isolation only converges toward increasing centralization

>> No.51275915

kda is 1€ lol

>> No.51276480

> What is *liquid* democracy

>> No.51276511

Sounds extremely dangerous. Aren't tensors and neural networks normally used in 'black box' applications where functionality cannot be enumerated in simple terms? This is fine for applications where approximately, usually correct results are acceptable like search results and AI drawings, but this is a space where slightly incorrect/poorly defined results and misunderstandings have catastrophic consequences. I can see why you prefer to think of problems as being caused by a messy programming language rather than a systemic failure to limit complexity.

On the other hand there are plenty of people who would buy into such a system, and I want to watch it play out. So for selfish reasons I'll say, realize that
>im too mentally ill to do any productive work
>im also too stupid and lazy
are just excuses. If you take the first smallest steps, and then simply continue to *act*, you will make things happen, it's just a matter of deciding to, not personal virtue or qualities.

>> No.51277326
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>tensors and neural networks normally used in 'black box' applications
this is very nice feedback. some reasons why i believe it will probably be helpful rather than harmful
+ there is no plan to implement gradient descent or any training algorithms. and if it did, smart-contracts computation are way too slow to yield any significant results relative to what can be achieved on offline datacenters, even with zk because of their huge performance overhead. scope of projects is to let dapp devs create relationships between assets that define more or less complex reputation structures and/or algorithmic markets. in practice, its more like simply defining loss functions and targets rather than a complete machine learning layout. point isnt to make some kind of decentralized neural network like https://bittensor.com/, but some meta network of ai/non-ai.
+ global intelligence is the opposite of narrow mindedness. this is potentially a case where problems and cures are very similar but with few details that change everything. current machine learning tools usually leads to highly specialized models, incapable of introspection or uncovering biases. some of the possible reputation systems on the other end can be used to reward deep creative insights rather than insignificant permutations. adversarial race dynamics between different ai devs may lead to fatal alignment failures without a converging point
there is possibly some downsides
- it could create an uncontrollable market for machine learning. there no way to go back from effective game theory structures. if the initial direction is bad, inertia could lead a collective to some undesirable state
- black box problem may still be prevalent, but then im not sure if more complex reputation systems will necessarily be more powerful. creativity is something fundamental and complexity is orthogonal to it (i think)
- ive no idea what im doing, im literally just some random neet and nobody wants to help forsomereason

>> No.51277419

>On the other hand there are plenty of people who would buy into such a system
as you may see from previous post, im really not confident about the potential consequences of such project. >>im too mentally ill to do any productive work
>>im also too stupid and lazy
>are just excuses
b-but its all true..
first step is so scary, only thing that keep me in doing this is autism for math. im so bad at it, but its somehow enjoyable

>> No.51277423

is there anything kadena can do to improve pact?

>> No.51277559
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>pact core
>pact docs and tutorials
>cleanse bigots
>make namespaces and module implementations universal across shards, or make higher level frameworks allowing cross-chain abstraction
>write custom smt solver, merge it with compiler and optimizer to reduce math and everything (potential inspiration https://github.com/Kindelia/Kind2 )
>make syntax friendly with ai code generators
>give up on the false belief that code verboseness is equivalent to code simplicity
>bully neet funposters who write nonsense about things out of community

>> No.51277819

>bully neet funposters who write nonsense about things out of community
you can cross that out!

>> No.51277987
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>> No.51278621

>scope of projects is to let dapp devs create relationships between assets that define more or less complex reputation structures and/or algorithmic markets. in practice, its more like simply defining loss functions and targets rather than a complete machine learning layout.
Oh ok, so like a higher level onchain framework for smart contract decision making. That's somewhat more grounded then.

>uncovering biases... reward deep creative insights...effective game theory structures
So trying to build better collective intelligence I guess? seems worth doing and at the high end of ambitious transhumanist goals of crypto.

Main issue I see is needing to overcome the (very hard to overcome) barrier of training devs to think effectively in terms of whatever algorithmic paradigm you're wanting to build, and whether that paradigm can be secure in theory. I'm reminded of Balancer and its early hacks, and how the auditors did not even look into the implications of multi asset relationships (the source of the exploits) presumably because it wasn't something they knew how to do confidently.

If something can only be safely coded by the smartest devs, the arrogant less smart ones will still take cracks at it without understanding, and the business people and investors won't be able to tell them apart.

Still, sounds interesting, I want to see it happen.

>b-but its all true..
Plenty of successful people clearly worse than you in all those aspects. What sets them apart is acting on their ideas. It is actually shocking how much more that matters than anything else, and how few people take the step of seriously even trying at all. If you really want it, just do it. If you'd rather keep dreaming about it, do that.

>> No.51278937

anon, I am retarded. Is ICP good?

>> No.51279529


biggest leap forward in blockchain and web3 stack since smart contract introduction.

gets shit on because 'you can't just create new internet duhh'

the internet built on icp is the result and use case of what they did. not the underline tech.

>> No.51279596
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>higher level onchain framework for smart contract decision making
yes, it might have different features than offline tensor libs since it mainly focus on functional mappings which can be computed by implicit updates (such as tx swaps on each cell of a tensor that propagate new values from previous state rather than computing everything every time). output would usually be the new distribution of tokens, to create some kind of algorithmic peer review mechanism
>better collective intelligence I guess? seems worth doing and at the high end of ambitious transhumanist goals of crypto.
yes i think its inevitable. im not "accelerationist", but it seems to me we desperately need some approach to governance ready for everything AIs can do, before we are screwed up by alignment
>sounds interesting, I want to see it happen.
if your interested, i might try to do it on icp
- sync/async higher-order functions makes it easy to define mappings
- non-history preserving consensus is perfect for such project, since fast oracles will generate lots of meaningless transactions / seconds. there is no reason to preserve them swap history in this cases (or waste computation for zk)
- even if icp's supply isnt relatively well decentralized, L1 tokens are much less relevant than people think imo. it's just useful to by gas, but thats it.
- probably using motoko rather than rust since its just a simple proof of concept, and former language seems to have enough features for everything
- dfinity devs love the idea of algorithmic governance (cf NNS)

>> No.51279601
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So many trannies here, go grab Hiroki bags and be smart for once
> busd rewards & bnb rewards for nft holders
> sold out 260 nfts at .3 in just 12h
> own dex
> a mini game and a p2e game on works
> made a contract with an energy drink company to sell with their own brand

>> No.51279842

>Main issue I see is needing to overcome the (very hard to overcome) barrier of training devs
im extremely dumb, so anything i do will be simple. but its possible any effective form of self-referential collective intelligence can grow exponentially in complexity from how it rewards its own contributors, if such reputation systems actually work. eventually its the same issue in eth or any complex software projects where nobody has a holistic vision for anything anymore aside from very specialized chunks of understandings
>If something can only be safely coded by the smartest devs
there is still a way around this issue, if smart devs take the time to reduce complexity as much as possible rather than endlessly adding features, it can increase clarity and make skills more relevant. this is why i think algorithmic reputation systems are interesting, we might be able to design more specific structures of influences rather than the ones naturally formed in traditional reputation
>Plenty of successful people clearly worse than you in all those aspects
honestly im not looking for "success". my desired life is basically infinite creativity in a comfy dreampod. everything is utterly meaningless to me.
>If you really want it, just do it.
its not that simple.. and its scary if it doesnt go well or if communities dont like it. im just some unskilled idiot who wont achieve anything anyway.
also im not saying icp is necessarily a good or bad investment. i actually dont think L1 tokens are that relevant. although if it achieve amazon mcap it would still be worth a lot.
main issue with icp is the lack of accountability for adversarial countries, such that it's far from perfect for global consensus, something where other cryptos are more effective. it's still nice as aws competitor.

>> No.51279888
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Don't be so harsh on them, I do like the weeb ninja theme on that tho

>> No.51280109

what do you think are more relevant? Dapps or things like oracles?

>> No.51280462

>my desired life is basically infinite creativity in a comfy dreampod
Sounds like success to me

>its not that simple.. and its scary if it doesnt go well or if communities dont like it. im just some unskilled idiot who wont achieve anything anyway.
It is that simple, if it's what you want. It seems like you have already started conceptual planning. What would be a tangible short term achievement that would bring your idea closer to fruition? How can you get there? What is the literal first thing you would have to do for that (ie. picking up a pen and paper, typing a query into a search engine, opening an IDE or sending an email that sort of thing)? It's as simple as deciding to continue or deciding not to.

>> No.51280664
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p-probably not some interesting answer but, it depends
all of them are part of the technological stacks that create things. even if seeking pattern to trade on, quick glance at https://8marketcap.com/companies/ reveals this can be counter-intuitive lots of the time. for example, chip manufacturers (TSMC) are below more abstracts things (like google and microsoft). everything is relevant eventually somehow
>It seems like you have already started conceptual planning.
been writing small experiments back and forth on kadena, tezos and dfinity. i think its likely the latter is the more appropriate choice
>What would be a tangible short term achievement that would bring your idea closer to fruition
would be interesting to implement some very minimal library like https://github.com/karpathy/micrograd but equivalent in smart-contracts. this would allow testing different kinds of algorithmic markets and tokenomics, as well as running simulations to predict strategies that might be overly effective
>It's as simple as deciding to continue or deciding not to
b-b-but overthinking everything forever baka

>> No.51280841
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thanks senpai! UWU