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51264359 No.51264359 [Reply] [Original]

Despite having successfully achieved various lifestyle milestones, such as reaching 7 figures, attaining high level education or working out multiple times a week, I feel so far removed from the concept of "sex". It might as well not even exist in my reality. I cannot fathom the notion that it's a normal, regular occurrence for other people. I have completely written off the possibility that it might ever become a normal occurrence for me.

>> No.51264396

literally everyone has sex, it's not that hard
my parents kicked me out at 19 and I lived out of my car and I still managed to find bitches to fuck
how the fuck can you guys still be virgins with all your time, money and resources?

>> No.51264421

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.51264422
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Do not let the roasties steal your mana based wizard chad. Stay on the righteous path.

>> No.51264438

it's just like anything else you've never done. you'd naturally be nervous about skydiving and deep sea diving if you'd never done it before, and you'd have a hard time picturing what it would even be like, even though you know there are people who skydive and deep sea dive or fly airplanes or whatever without a second thought. it's simple: to have sex, you must have sex. there are many ways to get sex. for someone like you, the trick is finding the right framing, where it is mutually understood what both you and the girl want. which means finding a woman that is sexually receptive and understands beforehand that you are a turbovirgin. don't try to keep it a secret, once you find the appropriate venue it is best to be forward and direct about what exactly you want

>> No.51264472

>my parents kicked me out at 19 and I lived out of my car and I still managed to find bitches to fuck

this is the key factor. being in poorfag conditions leads to MORE opportunities to interact with fuckable girls, not less. if you move into a half million dollar house, you will be surrounded by post-wall slampigs. if you live out of a car working a restaurant job, you meet every college girl within a 10 mile radius

>> No.51264479

sex isnt real retard
stop trying to fit in

>> No.51264494

Dunno maybe if you became gay it will be easier for you to get laid

>> No.51264500
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This poster is a vampire. Do NOT listen to him.

>> No.51264501

I used to try with girls before I had money until one girl told me i'd be better in panties cuz my dick is so small. I stopped trying and stopped persueing and focused on my hobbies and passsions and ended up making 7figs in crypto over the years. my life is so setup and has such a number of routines to it day by day on my land that I legit have no time to fit a female in my life now. like legit im alway doing something or wrenching on some of those old ass 1900s cars I got or im fixing things on the house and whatnot. thats not even getting into the time I spend looking for empty land to buy and various other projects. add in gaming and relaxing on here and crypto research and investment stuff and a female would be a time sink away from my scheduled life. Doesnt matter girls dont want my short no penis ass so I can just sit on my land and til my gardens and build my sheds in I guess peace.

>> No.51264543

I'm 28 years old and I have never finished inside of a girl

>> No.51264552


>> No.51264557

Buying my own home in my twenties was probably one of the biggest mistakes of my life. It cut me off from my old circle of friends who shared rent in various locations around the inner city where all the nightlife was. I sure as fuck didn't meet any women my age living in suburbia. It's like I went from my mid-20s to retired in one fell swoop. But I don't think this is a very common problem. Most men don't make that kind of money that early on in their life. Certainly not these days. Maybe the recession is a blessing in disguise for the younger millennials and zoomers out there.

>> No.51264558

this actually makes a lot of sense, when I was poor and didn't have a home I felt more free desu
now that I actually have money and a house I'm more afraid of losing it
lol a girl said that to me once too, I still ended up fucking her

>> No.51264574

Youre probably just ugly

>> No.51264602
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It has to do with personality and proximity, not wealth.

A guy can be good looking and have money, but if he lives in a rural area, or stays at home most of the time and he's shy around women, it'll be extremely hard for him to get laid.

Incels don't even exist, any guy can fuck a hooker for $200. The problem usually stems from a lack of confidence and an avoidant personality, social anxiety and having standards that the majority of women today don't meet.

>> No.51264619

Basically all of those except I lost my virginity at 17.

>> No.51264624

This is literally me in 2021 but I did end up getting a gf.

>> No.51264676
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Thanks for all the cathartic life experiences ITT frens

>> No.51264683

Meanwhile I'm a chubby brown dude and have been getting laid since I was 14.

>> No.51264734

you mean average

>> No.51264737
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When I was 19 I was at peak coombrain mode and somehow got lucky to get my first gf. We constantly had sex like rabbits but I never wanted to settle down because I was afraid my life would be over so I would wear a condom like a fucking retard. One night while aggressively fucking her the condom broke and I shot a massive load inside of her. She freaked out and I suggested she could get Plan B.

I'm 29 years old now and I miss her everyday and wish I started a family with her. She's now 33, obese, childless, and engaged to some marvel fanboy.

Don't miss your opportunity.

>> No.51264781

Not marrying during early 20s is probably the biggest scam of the modern age.

>dude just wait until you're old and desperate and marry for being afraid of dying alone

>> No.51264782

Some of us are decent people who treated women like equals because we were told that's what decent people do. Then by the time we realized feminism lied to us it was too late. I've technically had sex so not a virgin but I'm basically an incel and missed a lot of opportunities by trying to treat women the way feminism wanted me to.

>> No.51264787

Our biggest mistake in youth was taking Boomer advice

>> No.51264793

here's the rub:
she'd be obese, with a disappointing child, and STILL engaged to some marvel fanboy because she would have divorced you years ago anyway.

Locking a woman down with a child does absolutely nothing to "keep" her, it just costs a piece of your soul.

>> No.51264798

I hope that's not the last stitch of pussy you ever had. Raw sex is way better.

>> No.51264825

Of course not but if I could go back and have her be the last pussy I'd have I would. She was the submissive type that would literally get me food every time I visited her and was too meek to argue with me.

>> No.51264853

Dodged a bullet. She'd still get fat.

>> No.51264883

>he fell for the sex meme
it's just a joke, a running gag, nobody actually does it

>> No.51264913

How does one make it

>> No.51264992

As a man you should be able to get a better wife at 35 than you could have at 21.

>> No.51265100

Thank god I was born a poopy diaper gay furry instead of a stra*ght! Fuck women!

>> No.51265120
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>> No.51265135

I don’t even know what an actual woman even looks like!

>> No.51265146

You're memeing, I am 100% honest though

>> No.51265164

It looks like a man, some even have penises.

>> No.51265243

Kek yea I’m memeing I’m in same boat honestly I’ve accepted that maybe it’s not In my cards.
Helped me shift focus on other goals of mine.
I’m all honestly I haven’t fully tried like many have. Many many really do put themselves out there and just get rejected like crazy since it’s a numbers game you will eventually land someone.
I just never had that drive I guess.
Best of luck pal if anything you are still young! Who knows what can happen :)

>> No.51265252
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>Youre probably just ugly

>> No.51265291

Sex is overrated. It's put on a pedestal by the media and made to seem like you're broken if you don't have it by X age. Once you have it, you're probably going to be disappointed at how sloppy, awkward and underwhelming it was. Just get a hooker if you're curious. You'll see how overrated it is.

>> No.51265305

>a girl
you a woman, right?

>> No.51265328

almost like relationships arent transactions where you have x and you get y

>> No.51265731
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> I've technically had sex so not a virgin but I'm basically an incel and missed a lot of opportunities by trying to treat women the way feminism wanted me to.

I feel the same way. I had been conditioned to believe that my sexuality was unwanted and harmful since age 13, you combine that with being a little bit different and some 'worse than no' outcomes as a teenager and I was made to think that I was the unwanted male that every women feared. I had a long term GF at Uni so i learned that i wasn't so i'm sort of normal now.

Still, it makes me mad that I was told to treat them like guys when what i was really meant to do is treat them like women when it benefits them and treat them like guys when it benefits them. It's been 6 years since that relationship and while I have female friends, there just isn't any mutual attraction. On the plus side I have literally everything else sorted out in my life so i get to exist in bittersweet belief that it's not me it's them.

>> No.51265760

>I miss her everyday and wish I started a family with her
>She's now 33, obese, childless, and engaged to some marvel fanboy.

Looks like the same outcome for her

>> No.51265837

Unronically :
-Forget feminism
-Build yourself (do sport be lean)
-think like an extrem right wing but keep an open mind
-a touch of racism
-be cool with yourself (not shy not arrogant)
-have fun in your life

Girls will find you that's all
Just don't be a feminist cuck

>> No.51265899

>my parents kicked me out at 19 and I lived out of my car
>he doesn't know this actually helped him fuck not stifle him.

this is my lived experience. Nothing dries up pussy like shyness. My socially anxious personality is horrible.

>> No.51265920

get your passport

>> No.51265933

>financially free
>talented at art that attracts women
>5"x 3" dick that gets laughed at even if i accidentally get laid

>> No.51265959


6'4 Dutch chad with some Hispanic blood. Stop explaining my entire life.

>> No.51265964

how big is your dick?

>> No.51265968

Is this spot for tonight fucked up?

>> No.51265991

>any guy can fuck a hooker
thats literally rape lol

>> No.51265993

>coomer path my whole 20s
went to college because of the parties
muh drugs drinks and sex DUDE SEX SEXXXXX SEX!!!!!!!!!!! SEX SEX SEX!!!!!!
now I'm 30 bald and stinky holding linkie
do not repeat my mistake anon

>> No.51266062

>Forget feminism
good way to get metoo'ed or fired

>> No.51266069
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>having standards that the majority of women today don't meet
This is it for me. Living in the US is pure suffering when 75%+ of women are overweight/obese. I’m /fit/, great job, rich, and take care of myself but every girl at work and my day-to-day life is a landwhale. They’ve wanted to hang out with me but I have ducking STANDARDS, can’t stand these eyesores anymore. JUST STOP EATING, IT’S LITERALLY THAT EASY FFS. Oh, and they’re all unironic whores too. Every weekend a different guy. Disgusting


>> No.51266153

rofllmap I have none of the problems you fags have. you fucking weirdos.

>> No.51266503

32 khv here but my salary (including bonuses pre-tax) is only 150k

>> No.51266536

go pay a whore and get it over with in 6 minutes idiots

>> No.51266552

Literally going to be a wizard tomorrow.
>6 fig job
>0 debt
>0 friends
>rent room from dad (at 1/3 the cost of the cheapest apartment in my area)

I kind of want to die right now.

>> No.51266681

>having standards that the majority of women today don't meet.
This. I should have persuaded my ex gf to marry me 7 years ago. Now my only options are ugly land whales and single mothers.

>> No.51266699

Why can't you just make it and then live like a poorfag to fool these girls?

>> No.51266751

>engaged to some marvel fanboy because she would have divorced you years ago anyway.
So a third of the people at work are divorced and about 1/4 single fathers who pay out child support but they get to see their kid maybe three times a month. Kek
Yes, but what most men want is companionship. Problem is most women out there are horrible. I wish I were a faggot

>> No.51266788

>6 minutes
Real chads get it done in under 10 seconds

>> No.51266810

>I would wear a condom like a fucking retard
i honestly prefer abstinence over condom sex. raw or nothing

>> No.51266812

this. if youre financially independent you dont need human interactions for anything, you dont have to take public transport and dont get to meet people there. or you dont have to borrow shit from people which eliminates those interactions, you dont have to live with others which eliminates those connections. being poor leads you to meeting more people. I noticed this how my older brothers have way more friends than me because theyre "worse off" financially whereas i have a few old time friends left but never really need em for anything. being poor aint to bad.

>> No.51266823

>being poor aint to bad.
only if you are attractive.

>> No.51266830

>Live in the USA
your only option is shady AMPs.

>> No.51266844
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And rape is healthy for females. It's literally their prerogative for living.

>> No.51267071

if you're a virgin it's completely your fault. there are girls out there that will pity fuck a 3/10 and brag about it as a form of self harm. you can also pay for sex.

>> No.51267175

Is sex with condom really worth it? I tried masturbating with one out of curiosity and it was difficult to stay erect from lack of sensation. The only other option is to just trust the woman (lol), this has demotivated me from trying.

>> No.51267198

makeup should be illegal, would fix hypergamy problem pretty fast

>> No.51267218


Working out is not w milestone. Its just a fucking basic thing like feeding yourself or sleeping. Whats wrong with people.

As for sex, its not a big deal. Sometimes i prefer to jack off and i dont even use porn. Im married and have sex whenever i want to but i don’t particularly want to constantly do it or it gets boring. A couple times a week and jacking off is preferable.

>> No.51267270
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yeah man you go work at mcdonalds night shift and take orders from quintavious l'darious on how to make egg mcmuffins while you have enough money to buy his entire family into slavery

>> No.51267274

everyone gets told that by a girl at some point, pay it no mind

>> No.51267292

Same. I've never had a real conversation with a girl (that wasn't my mom obviously) since high school probably.

>> No.51267320

kill yourself tranime lover

>> No.51267461

/biz/ but anyway

Anyone else feel odd approaching or asking out women? Like I feel like I can do it but it feels wrong.

E.g At a club/bar/etc etc they’re either working, with their friends, doing their own shit and it just feels unnatural. Like approaching a random stranger without reason would feel equally unnatural.

And if I do strike up a conversation and have a good vibe going, it feels like I’d ruin that vibe and the memory of that pleasant interaction by trying to turn it into something else.

Maybe I’d feel different about this if I was interested in getting into a relationship, but I’m completely closed off to that option so approaching women with intent to ask em out feels even more wrong knowing that I don’t wanna go any further than fucking and being friends with them.

Any woman I’ve been with I met online.
Anyone else relate or is this just me?

>> No.51267503

Youre not alone in feeling this way, but yes. It doesnt matter though because god isnt going to magically hand you your manic pixie dream girl, you have to approach women.

>> No.51267607

I dunno man. I’ve gotten to know a lot of women and the ones I’ve come to respect are ones that’d only fuck in a relationship. The rest of them I just find boring and repetitive lol.

Going out of my way to get laid with chicks I feel nothing for emotionally just seems like a waste of time to me

manic pixie dream girl, the thought makes me feel disgust lol

>> No.51267659

>and the ones I’ve come to respect are ones that’d only fuck in a relationship
then dont go approaching girls to get laid. you can tell the difference between the ones that are only interested in hooking up and the ones that arent. dont approach women in bars or clubs, approach women at church or at your work or wherever else you think youd find decent women

>> No.51268933

I'm bald, moon faced uggo and I'm a regular sex haver cos I'm not a socially rancid autist
It's a mindset. Don't be antisocial and lower your standards

>> No.51268952

have you tried not being a loser who spends his time making gay posts like that on a childrens cartoon forum? most women dont like that

>> No.51269079
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I've had raw dog creampie inside the cis vagina sex over 3000 times since 2013
It's a 50/50 combo of girls I've met on online and hookers

I don't enjoy socializing at all
Just make em laugh it feels stupid and pointless but then so is everything else
If their into you pyshically it really should matter what you say
Dive bar setting just fuck them in the in the bathroom who cares no condom cum inside them
Then proceed to get sushi alone kek

>> No.51269126


>> No.51269173
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>> No.51269575

you have to talk to women you know
you dont just work through a checklist and women magically appear on your door step

>> No.51269719

this anon gets it and is not wrong
>onions id

>> No.51269727

If you have that much money, just pay a girl to be your practice gf so she can help you with sex.

>> No.51270314

Sex doesn't exist for most people. Sex results in reproductin every time. If you stick your dick in a woman and a baby doesn't come out 9 months later, then you masturbated, you didn't actually have sex. So the vast majority of men and women will never have sex. They will only masturbate, which is something that doesn't require a partner.

>> No.51270423

There's hookers, if not in your country then others. It's impossible to be an incel in this world (if you have at least SOME money). If you refuse hookers, then you are not an incel.

>> No.51270465
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>> No.51270815

having standards that the majority of women today don't meet.

No tattoos, not fat, not a whore, unvaxxed.

Youre right this is impossible

>> No.51270876

Creampie-ing puss is one of the most manly things you can do.

Plant a tree. Teach a child a life skill. Camp alone in the woods. Hunt and fish. Grow your own food. Read a non fiction book about a great hero. Self improvement is both spiritual, physical and mental.

>> No.51271113

Yeah, but the problem is, as i said earlier, I’m not looking to date. It’s quite a conundrum I find myself in.

>> No.51271127

you’re… a cel

>> No.51271215

yet it's still important enough for you to blogpost about it.

>> No.51271240

Go work at a college bar

>> No.51271638

>Maybe the recession is a blessing in disguise for the younger millennials and zoomers out there.
Nope we stop going out our rooms, now sexless.

>> No.51271702

>i'd be better in panties cuz my dick is so small
What you need to do in this situation is to throw the bitch on a bed, fuck her, then toss her off it and say "shit pussy, could barely feel it." Worrying about stuff like dick size is inherently feminine, so just throw that shit right back at them and they will never mentally recover.