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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 221 KB, 547x764, fyuk7t9ly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51260789 No.51260789 [Reply] [Original]

is this a fucking joke? honestly, what the actual fuck is this?

>> No.51260804


>> No.51260807

did he really tweet that?

>> No.51260836


>> No.51260850

holy shit it's real

>> No.51260909

HOLY FUCK ITS REAL. HAHAHAHAH HOLY SHIT DOES HE NOT SEE HOW FUCKING DUMB THIS IS. at 51 thahahahahahah oh my god. so a team isn't managing his twitter?hahaahahha

>> No.51260925
File: 457 KB, 220x220, 1630350050397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're reaching clown world levels that should not be possible

>> No.51260937

He's 121, 51 seems young to him

>> No.51260962

did he not see they're trolling him

>> No.51260963

Joke like what? Trump's admin?

>> No.51260964

>can't figure out how to pay off $10k of debt when interest has been paused for 2+ years
>thinks they can figure out how to save up for a down payment

Lel. The kind of losers who are still in student loan debt at 51 are in that predicament because they suck at life. Who am I kidding myself thinking they're fiscally competent enough to save for a large down payment, the retards are probably going to get in over their heads with a 2% down loan.

>> No.51260967

HAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT just how fucking fucked are Amerifats?
>oh yess massa thank you massa

>> No.51260978

>Student loan at 51
>Saving up at 51
I refuse to accept that people are this fucking stupid.
If they are they deserve to be poor as they're only useful as debt cattle for jews

>> No.51260983

it's all a joke
and they're laughing at us

>> No.51260995

just rent at that point 2bh you will never pay off the mortgage

>> No.51260996

imagine thinking this is a good look, liberals truly are fucking stupid

>> No.51261006

yeah these people exist and they casually sent a text message to Brandon

>> No.51261015

It's OK when the money all goes to bankers who fuck over the average American though. You guys are fucking cucks who just love to hate biden over anything. Also take this pol shit to your 80iq containment board.

>> No.51261043

The jews are laughing in our faces.

>> No.51261051


post student loan balance cuck

>> No.51261079


>> No.51261110

Why? Biden forgave it.

>> No.51261115
File: 74 KB, 678x585, 0DB8DD12-506A-4E0B-AC7A-7D8A70DD5618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a subtle jab at the goyim.

>> No.51261116

It's okay when Goldman Sachs gets forgiveness

>> No.51261124

How does one sent a message to POTUS? dm him on twitter? kek

>> No.51261127
File: 942 KB, 1064x999, 1641082936256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your real life starts at 70 goys.

>> No.51261132

>Saving for a home at 51
They their tombs right?

>> No.51261164


More like DM one of his social media staffers who actually runs the account, but yeah I guess.

>> No.51261180

I don't get it. What's the problem?

>> No.51261217

There's no problem if you accept that Americans are slaves that will work well into their 70s to pay off their mortgages LMAO

>> No.51261219

The 51st state is real.

>> No.51261264


You don't think it's unusual to still have student loan debt at 51? Or to be saving for your first house as 51, which means with a 30 year note you'd be expecting to actually pay it off by 81, or about 15-20 years after most people retire and stop working full time?

These people are obviously terrible with money, and now Bidet has rewarded their stupidity using my tax dollars.

>> No.51261332

It doesn't matter if they're "terrible with money", asshole, they still deserve to own a home, that's an essential component of the American dream,

>> No.51261348

You don't have to "accept it" morally to understand that it is the reality.

>> No.51261369
File: 87 KB, 1218x815, director of digital platforms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesn't dress himself

>> No.51261390


People deserve what they can afford and are willing to work for. Don't give me that American dream shit, the federal government wasn't paying off consumer debt and buying people homes in the '50s. European immigrants came here and worked their asses off to achieve the American dream and build a better life not just for themselves, but for their kids. They didn't feel like they "deserved" or were entitled to it and weren't handed anything. How much do you think the idiots in OP's picture are going to leave to their kids? Probably just a pile of debt, how can you make it to the age of 51 and still have your finances in such poor shape that the government writing you a $10k check is life changing.

>> No.51261400

Right on point. I know many retired boomers who still don't have savings / in 300k+ debts.
They're really irresponsible with money.

>> No.51261422

They don't deserve anything they had their entire life to work for a home and they squandered it

>> No.51261425

It's a manufacturing of a reality that doesn't actually exist. The middle class is getting crushed while Biden's interns and Twitter bot armies manufacture consent and opinion.

>> No.51261457

>they still deserve to own a home
Typical millennial entitlement complex.

>> No.51261462

and your zoomer kid is a trannt

>> No.51261476
File: 37 KB, 334x506, 1650628305700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based as fuck. I will be buying a new car thanks to Daddy Bidens Forgiveness.

>> No.51261512

how did they pay literally $0 of their $10-20k balance after THREE DECADES of post-college payments

>> No.51261516

Sounds pretty cucked but that's what I expect from Americans. I wonder what form of servitude you will accept next ;)

>> No.51261531

guys we just have to text him our grievances

>> No.51261689

Dude living in the US is easy mode, 80% of the world lives on less than 10 dollars a day, that's less than the minimum hourly wage in several states.

>> No.51261714

what is this creature?

>> No.51261775


o yea, 10k knocked off of the fucking 80k in student loan debt I have. Yup, life is looking up now Biden, you fucking faggot.

>> No.51261798

Yep Jewish humiliation ritual. They dab on us constantly. Their chutzpah will lead to another shoah and they won’t be laughing anymore

>> No.51261835
File: 3 KB, 125x115, 1631055909289s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51261890

Burgers spent a decade giving literally trillions to billionaires, the fed literally asking blackrock CEO to decide where the money goes and people all slept.
Now he's giving peanuts compared to that to people that will spend all their money anyway since they're obviously not that good with finance and everyone lose their shit.

Your tax dollars are in offshore bank accounts and in Bezos' pocket already lmao. He just made Rings of powah thanks to your contribution.

>> No.51261910

>muh orange man
hahaha rent free, faggot.

>> No.51262138
File: 264 KB, 828x907, 1659442441581681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is real
Jesus fucking Christ, they are shiting on goyim and the goyim is doing nothing . In the end mustache man was right same with Tedy

>> No.51262183

Cringiest thing someone can say. F*ck off back to redd1t

>> No.51262222
File: 419 KB, 720x971, 1648476240047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
