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File: 88 KB, 1584x796, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51254827 No.51254827 [Reply] [Original]

People here are here unironically buying lunc.

>> No.51254946
File: 1.03 MB, 400x672, ECFB59A9-2C6F-481F-9223-971DF7CB6910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown ID
Check ‘em fudder

>> No.51254947
File: 174 KB, 200x200, prayge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank st krets I ironically bought it last month.

>> No.51255162
File: 950 KB, 952x1159, 1659551948781292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People here are unironically holding lunc after buying low, have now 4 times the amount they invested and are waiting for the actual moon unlike you street shitter


>> No.51255172
File: 1.19 MB, 640x877, lunc terrra pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LUNC is literally the only thing I invested in all year that's given me any profit.

>> No.51255182

the spirits are on the side of LUNC, seethe harder fudder.

>> No.51255254

you had 3 months

>> No.51255267

It's so surreal how a thousand dollars only gets you 4 million LUNCs now. And by next week, that 1k will barely get you a 1 million sui stack.

>> No.51255557

Imagine having lousy x4 kek
Thats basically lunc holders on top of reddit faggs.

Get your facts straight.
No wonder you are poor when invest into these kind of crap.

Ye spirit of dead people who commited suicide maybe.

I didnt buy then nor i will now.

Never will happen be real man.

>> No.51255580

you just realized that at a certain point in the next 12 months lunc is going to meme pump to a level where it gets mainstream media attention and all normies will be like oh it was worth $90 but then it was $0 and now its $1, then it's unironlically going to pump to at least $10

don't rule out clown world.

>> No.51255590

>also brown ID
>not even dubs
LUNC is literal SHIT

>> No.51255599

Afraid to go fudding in LUNC general? Boo hoo

>> No.51255607
File: 629 KB, 724x1002, 356E6220-215C-4739-ACFF-EEF9C326649A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>broken english

every time

fuck off rajneesh

>> No.51255623


This. If I have to exist in the same world as stupid people, I'm profiting from it. I almost bought DOGE for a laugh in 2020 but decided to be sensible and go all in on ADA instead lol.

>> No.51255670

Cope more gypsy boi.

>id to go fudding in LUNC general? Boo hoo
I dont visit any general to be honest.

Lunc just made me laugh how in God name people can come and ask me about it like i am supposed to buy it.

>> No.51255697

>I-I dont visit any general to be honest.
You sound butthurt from LUNC. Did you by chance short this coin recently?

>> No.51255709

Holy fuck retard

>> No.51255727
File: 927 KB, 1914x1317, 1651572981308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i look like retard that will buy and have anything with shitshow that is Lunc?

You gonna get rekt so hard.Cant wait.

>> No.51255790

That's you!? Stupid move with that shorting tho but a good laughing tale nonetheless
RIP retard your tale will be laugh upon for eternity.

>> No.51255806

Get checked.
I am worried for your health annon.
Are those baggs too heavy?Poor you.

Kek not gonna be one who gonna help you and take em.

Keep holding.Forever.

>> No.51255835

RIP idiot. Better luck next time with your shorting lolololol
Remember there's still next time for you to make money again by not shorting like a retard LOL

>> No.51255869

You are so sad my man.
Delusion en grande.
Not even making sense.Do you know to read?
My english might be poor a bit but i think even you can undestand you not that dumb.
Or maybe you cant.
Cause you bought lunc after all.

>> No.51255902

Whatever you say retard just don't post your tiny dick like the last time, okay? LOL

>> No.51255917

So so sad.

Have fun losing your lunch money fren.

>> No.51255926 [DELETED] 

Bye tiny dick
Hope you learn your lesson on shorting

>> No.51255933

I'm up thousands. You're beyond moronic if you think lunc won't pump before the burn. Even if you had no longterm faith it would be retarded to sell so soon. Be pragmatic.

>> No.51255936

Bye tiny dick
Hope you learn your lesson on shorting

>> No.51255948


Luckily you all get shaken out rather quickly or kill yourself.

Bro do you see people with who you invested?
Kids who gamble with lunch money and dont know what they are talking.Is that what is state of crypto these days?

Na for short term and rekting kids like this annon it can be usefull but u know...

>> No.51255973

That's how crypto has always been and should continue to be if you want mainstream adoption. Also, Lunch Money is what I'll name my boat.

>> No.51255985

What’s more likely to happen, zombie outbreak or LUNC hits $100.

>LUNC hits $100

>> No.51255986

>Bro do you see people with who you invested?
>That meanie saw my tiny weinie wahwah
>Imma telling others wahwah
Said by the one who posted his penis in blue board LOL

>> No.51256014

Oh no my 100 bucks will be gone I will be ruined