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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51252926 No.51252926 [Reply] [Original]

>Arbitrum Nitro

>> No.51252933
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It's fast and cheap. Also made a killing off le nitrodoge.

>> No.51252938

4 cents for a swap and it's instant. best chain I've used

>> No.51252943

are phats fucking dead or what

>> No.51252958

arbitrum is dead along with chainlink

>> No.51252961

>luv low tx fees
>luv fast transactions
>ate L1s
simple as

>> No.51252966

slurp my asshole dicklet

>> No.51252977

phats never die

>> No.51253188
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Crypto wasn't meant to make people rich, only the devs/owner. Do you understand yet? Companies form with an idea to hopefully take that piece of the market space. They buy marketing, ads, shill to investors to beef the prices up. This makes it seem like people are buying in, but they are not. Its just institutional money propping it up.

Once you're hooked, on a bogus lie, you hold. Once the project has enough holders, all the institutional investors dump on you once profit is made, which ever those metrics are. This is the same process for stocks only extremely faster. If the project doesn't go the way they hoped or catch on with the public or even fails to secure a large investment firm, they purposefully hack their own project, rug pull and start over.

>> No.51253203

Based phat enjoyers

>> No.51253215
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This is why its important to stay up to day with all the projects you invest in so you can see the signs that the devs are thining of pulling the plug, though they'll blame it on some unknown hacker group (which means no one is at fault other than a ghost) ploy to not seem the victim. You think these projects are getting hacked? Not a fucking chance, my guy. Its all internal.

>> No.51253227

>to not seem the victim
to not seem the like the hacker.