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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51244923 No.51244923 [Reply] [Original]


>> be me finish college bachelor in IT. Linux expertise and programming, Belgium
>> Take job, 1600 NET + company slave car. don't use it much beyond driving to the cage.
>> 2 years in, no rage. soul is destroyed. hate computing now. hate pajeets with shitty java apps.
>> QUIT, take operatinos engineer job 1900 NET no company car but closer to home.. still need to drive. they promised raises or company car later.
>> One year in my old shitbox i lend from my dad breaks down , evaluation time, get no raise, no car start slacking on purpose
>> GET FIRED and am fed up. the corporate world is a joke. fuck wageslaving.
>> Go on neetbux for a year NICE, invest into bitcoin.
>> work 1 year in an office stacy job filling excel sheets. get bored, fuck this b.s
>> QUIT. I had enough. my portfolio hit $450k at the top
>> Go travel spend half a year in different countries with airbnb, haven't worked the past year,
>> My portfolio dropped a lot but, I had such a good time and I hate the cage.
>> I don't want to go back bros. I don't ever want to go back
>> considering fleeing to South America you can live well there for 5k / year but its a risk when you have cryptos and are white.
>> I can't go back bros. I don't ever want to go back in the cage.
>> I workout, meditate and feed myself well and can do whatever I want. but I fear that it might end in ~ 10 years and I never want to go back in the cage.
>> considering quitting society completely and going monk mode traveler for the next 30 years, i'll be 60 then. wtf.


>> No.51244938

and yes I still live with my dad in his mansion cause fuck paying the rent jew.

>> No.51244958

>bachelor in IT. Linux expertise and programming
>1600 NET
>1900 NET

Holy shit I thought Europe was collapsing but it seems there is nothing to collapse, average retail wagies make more than an IT grad in Belgium, I literally earned more than that delivering pizzas in college 10 years ago

>> No.51244976

Belgium is a toilet.

>> No.51244987
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yes. a few years into the corporate world and I understood very well that the tax rates here meant I would never truly make it. it doesn't matter what job you have. taxes will equalize you. and you end up earning only slightly more than the guy working the conveyer belt in the factory. its fucking stupid. working here is not worth it. after like 10 years or 15 years you get a good wage. wel FUCK THAT. fuck CAREERS fuck it all i'll neet until it collapses.

>> No.51244988

they give them a fair wage, IT does nothing
amerimutts will collapse because the system is retarded, some retard posting 10 lines of code a week earns half a million a year

>> No.51244993

Then dont go back fren. We have been indoctrinated that the only way to live is under their control which is bullshit. Just stake some of what you have left for passive income and by the time the bull run comes put some of that into stable coins and stake again. Crypto is the future whether they like it or not. Just live frugally and dont ever go back. Nfa

>> No.51245000

Feel you, I left Belgium but I was making good money (10k a month gross, 7k net considering I was using foreign companies), it doesn’t matter how much you make, the cagie wrecks your soul
Now I’m in Philippines being eaten alive by insects and it’s still more comfy than being in an office
Went from 2.2M to 600k
Considering I spend less than 2k a month it’s gonna take decades to finish my stack before I run out of money, and if in the next 3/4y the bull comes back, well…
But I’m still trying to start two software companies with some ex wagies like me, we just gotta find the right wave

>> No.51245016

i spend 2k but I’m feeding 6 people (2 kids, wife, grandparents)
My burning rate in EU was too high

>> No.51245028

I made it, NEET and travel now but depressed as fuck. Started studying so I can apply for jobs in the next few months. I'll probably still be depressed, but I need structure in my life. Inb4 NPC

>> No.51245033

600k in Philippines?? You're living like a king I'm guessing. That's one of the country in planning to retire. Friendly people I heard.

>> No.51245044

go to eastern europe then safer than south america and still cheap

>> No.51245135


>> No.51245238

Not that great to be honest, it’s still a very poor country and you need to get used to a lot of shit, but my wife is from here and we bought a house a couple of years ago, so we are staying here for now until the situation in EU will get better
Never stop doing what you like or learning something new, if you stop using your brain it’s gonna rot within 2/3 months

>> No.51245252

Litteral definition of a slave sorry fags.
>self employed

>> No.51245255

any anons from chile here?
I'd like to know what it's like in southern chile?
it's easier for me to learn spanish than to learn a eastern european language

>> No.51245260

i have become the neet after my dreams became shattered in the corrporate world.

>> No.51245267

>butter soft bitch

>> No.51245283
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>be me
>drop out of uni at age 21
>on neetbux/autismbux ever since
>now 31

>> No.51245285
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I don't care what you say. go sit in your office cage 5 days out of 7 during your best years. I'll do the opposite. Muh soft muh bitch. I probably still have more wealth than you. i'll go workout, meditate, learn esoteric things, praise God. meet foreign girls in AirBnbs for the next 10 years. you can go sit in the cage. have fun. good luck. CEO shekelstein thanks you for his new boat.

>> No.51245290
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>> No.51245405

What do you do all day?

>> No.51245458

Unironically start peddling your own wares. And stop living in Airbnb try like hell to get a gf with an apartment and chip in on the rent it’ll be way cheaper plus pussy.

>> No.51245479

Just peddle your own wares. I’m serious brother. Picture if a street corner salesman of the 1800s had access to social media. They would be rolling in money.

>> No.51245480

I was a wagie for years, was miserable every step of the way. Now i get NEETbux and am so much happier. Waging sucks the soul out of you, even when i was free i dreaded sundays as work was always around the corner. NEETS are truly enlightened. Crypto gives NEETS potential riches that wagies cant even dream off. The future is in our hand.

>> No.51245497

Based NEET

>> No.51245558


>> No.51245593
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I enjoy shitposting a lot. Still into vidya but not as much as I used to. I love sleeping in and waking up naturally without an alarm clock disrupting my sleep. I'm currently learning how to play keyboard. I frequently go on bicycle trips across Europe. Visting and spending time with my parents is also important to me, as is the occasional banter with my best online friend on discord.

I've got plenty of things to do really, and too little time. No idea how people manage with a fucking job. Shit's nuts.

>> No.51245695

Bicycle through europe :thinking: yes. maybe

>> No.51245706

do you also have a tent ? how do you keep your laptop safu on the road?

>> No.51245846
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>do you also have a tent ?
I do but I don't take it with me on most trips. A sleeping mat and bag are enough for most regions in my experience.

Why would I bring a laptop?

>> No.51245903

Absolutely beyond based.

All the best to you brother, keep at it. Watch Vagrant Holiday for best extremely cheap travel tips.

>> No.51245969


>war zone?
> safe zone?

>> No.51246000

stay there, we don't want your repulsive insect subhuman wife

>> No.51246043

I managed to find a way to make money online, i dont have to commute or have a schelude, it makes me feel less of a manchildren retard than if I was a legit autismbuxcel and I also make a ton more money.
The only way I would be able to tolerate a regular job is if at least I was a Chad and I had access to Stacies. It would be over if I didnt find out a way to win.

>> No.51246082
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>15 years later
>NEET is 40
>*plays latest globohomo gayming*
>baldness intensifies
>limp dick no longer aroused by porn
>dopamine doesnt work
>cant even shitpost anymore because globohomo cucked internet is censored

NEET life is shit long term. If you dont have a cute wife, kids and money, then its truly ogre for you in the future.

i saw the writing on the wall with vidya and internet, so chose wisely to invest in my future

>b-b-but i excersise and read books instead!

youre still bald, alone, and poor lmao

inb4 seething NEET cope

>> No.51246145

Not very many men go bald or get ED, could you be projecting by chance?

>> No.51246154

I have a full head of hair

All NEETs end up balding dopamine drained betas

>> No.51246233

> Go travel spend half a year in different countries with airbnb, haven't worked the past year,
Lmao did a woman write this post

>> No.51246278

Kek, stop losing your time anon, just check Yopi Network

>Backed by physical gold
>RPG games with many payout solutions depending on the desires of the player
>Yopigold pursue cost stability by buying physical gold

>> No.51246390

>Lmao did a woman write this post
woman don't have the wealth to take a half year off. they sit in the cage filling excel sheets for shekelstein management team. Travel is amazing. I'll be at the beach in the sun this winter while in Belgium its dark and cold. also I avoid wageslave high season and everything is cheaper cause wagies only travel in summer usually

>> No.51246439
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> family poor af
> neetbux to study
> became psychologist but dropped out before full completion because the industry here is fucked beyond belief
> got a job as a junior data scientist because i could code + stats but was not earning enough to live off, so i goy partial work + neetbux
> peak comfy but trash
> rona lol, lost my job before everyone else did (early 2020)
> went crypto full time
At this point i said fuck it, im neeting it till i make it or die trying, i dont care, employment lady can go fuck a cactus
> learn mad skills and start to develop towards the lifestyle i want
> notice a fucking huge opportunity during the bear and decided to ascend my autism to incomprehensibly levels
> made more than in 3 days than what i would in a year on neetbux
> made more in a two weeks than what i could as pro tier wagie.
> start getting /fit/

i can do this every day for the next couple of months, next bull run will retire me bros. Just keep pushing, wage if you have to but you miss out on hours you could have spent getting developing yourself which will take you far futher than what any cuck wagie job would allow you to.

>> No.51246466

Chile is going to the trash, they going the communist Argentinian route

>> No.51246467

Dude just get a pod with wheels and an engine.

>> No.51248564

i bought some rural land in ky within an hr of a major city. 30k for 10 acres by the river, 30k for amish built cabin, 5k for septic/electric setup. Elec costs $30/mo, water is $13/mo. $600/yr property tax, and thats all.

>> No.51248730

>miss out on hours you could have spent getting developing yourself

How? What skills? What knowledge? Neets keep saying develop yourself but I dont know where to start.

>> No.51248835
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I can sympathize with this as I have a similar story. Unfortunately I cannot just quit society as I have family and friends that care about me too much. However, I often fantasize about what it would be like to be homeless and hike across the united states, spending time immersing myself in the unspoiled nature of washington, idaho and montana.

>> No.51248884

The ultimate anti slave move is to have dual citizenship. Preferably in two disparate economies where you can make money in the rich one while living primarily in the "poor" one.

This is why immigrants typically out perform natives... They are able to play in two different economies.

>> No.51249011

Pls respond

>> No.51249049
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must be a soulless NPC then.

>> No.51249437


Dude I just need a set of guidelines to start

>> No.51249580

get fit, fix shit, build shit, read books. Learn to fix shit in your house instead of calling some dude, learn to talk to people, make friends, make connections, all that time people are stuck in their jobs is time they're not doing all this. Even their regular interaction with people outside the job becomes affected

>> No.51249619

Be me
Be good fundamental trader but poor
Dropout uni at 25
Make startup with 2000$
Reenter uni with startup "lab" program
Use uni and vaporware partnership to spin the wheel a couple of years while making many sacrifices, even had to sell my motorcycle
Build marketing portfolio and shill
Make shitcoin side project as separate brand at beginning of bull
Abandon project with 150 ETH and zero repercussion since presale participants made big gains and only dextools tier bagholders where left.
Portfolio hit 600k at top sold too early and rebought I am now at 250k, little profite since I started at 210k 2 years ago
did some cruises, travels and shit, got also a sports car and shit so I don't complain.
Considering going to live on a small yacht researching and working on new ventures, preserving my freedom from what's coming

>> No.51249641

Sold the top bought too early*

>> No.51249660

this this this

>> No.51249934
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You seem upset oh that's right you have to spend tomorrow getting ready for Monday.
Hop to it wagie you have to hustle that bread kiddo.

>> No.51250011
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on a diff device
Im feeling generous because its my birthday.

Figure out a skill or something you want to get better at and develop a 90 day plan. It all starts with research and planning. You're gonna spend 90 days doing something and trying to improve as much as possible you better spend some time figuring out how, i usually devote an entire day just to planning it out with what ill do each day and list deadlines for tasks, the latter is important as it gives you a bit of pressure to get something done.

Earlier this year i wanted to get better at music and 3d design because im proper trash at both, ive never been good at either but i never put the time in to get better. I decided to combine both and make a music video. I'm still trash by my standards but if i compare myself now to back then, i've improved so much and that's all that matters.

If you have a measurement for your performance then it makes tracking your progress much better, in my example i just went by how i felt, its suboptimal but its just a hobby, i dont have to take it extremely seriously.

The main thing is be consistent and be positive, you will fail, probably a lot but it doesnt matter, just learn from it. My fucking god anons, ive failed so fucking much in my life haha but i never stopped even though sometimes it hurts.

Every night before you go to sleep ask yourself, "Have i done enough today to achieve my goals and what can i do tomorrow to be better", you should never answer, "I've done enough" Its a fallacy, you can never do enough, you can always get better regardless of where you start.

Lastly, depending on what you do, you might not get the reward you think you deserve. A lot of my frens omega made it financially and i was lagging behind for a long time despite trying my best, you will have your time, just keep going.

>> No.51250060

accidentally didnt tag you, dw you weren't forgotten ;)

>> No.51250087

fuck im retarded LMAO

>> No.51250123

so the boards are unironically overran by bots now, generating stale green texts and youing each other with omgbased

>> No.51250331

Based any skills I should work on? My passion is writing but I know ill never make money doing that so i am willing to find a new passion that can make me money. Coding? Trading crypto?

>> No.51250492

Happy birthday and thank you based born on this day poster

>> No.51250718
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Thanks fren, made me blush.
Good luck!

>> No.51250733

dude I spent some time writing my posterino. I'm still here I spent all day on the chins today

>> No.51250977

enjoy losing it all because you were too retarded to sell your fake made up internet tokens

>> No.51251425

enjoy losing it all cause you were too retarded to sell your fake make up fiat dollars

>> No.51251494

Stick to programming, work from Home that will never hurt, I Get paid 100K a year,
>I have a plan to start a crypto project of my own, which will be NFT based
>I only code in GoLang, found QANplatform to be the perfect blockchain, allows me to code in any Lang
>Have a Positive Impact on the society

>> No.51251515


>> No.51251665
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Who wrote the law

>> No.51251736

I'm a wagie rn, but I'm gonna make enough off of YFII in the next month or so that I'll be able to make a mini-studio out of my closet and NEET while trading crypto and making rap music like I've dreamed of since I was a kid. I know I'm delusional but I don't care anymore, I'd rather die in a fire than commit to a "real" career

>> No.51251893
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20 no job no college
join army
3 years later
get 100 percent disability (ptsd and bad legs)
about to move to a cheap ass state
I can buy a home and repair a shit box all day

>> No.51251902

Based. I've been doing deep dives into American military history all this week and thrift store shopping. Fuck the cage.

>> No.51252018

I get paid only 50K in a year and I work my ass out as a Dev.
>only 0.74% of Devs can code in solidity
Saw the article about the QVM launch but didn't really pay attention to it then, desu it mind-blowing since we can now code in any Lang

>> No.51252140

i went through a phase a few weeks ago where i was binging documentaries on American and Russian jet fighters. Good shit anon

>> No.51252239

Based, I wish I was you. Being NEET for 4 years was the happiest time of my life.

>> No.51252335
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Last week i turned $600 into $8K by put money on memecoins, this is enough for living for the next 8 months, since i'm from south america.
i'll be training kickboxing, playing guitar and trading. Once a month i'll fuck a prostitute.
Life is good.

>> No.51252356

Ths is easy, make sure the mansion will be passed on to you and not sold for it's money back to the gov.
They will come to your dad and tell him to sign a deal where he gets the mortage back in exchange for the house when he dies.
Make sure your mom doesn't sell it either.

>> No.51252358

Damn bro I am an office excel cuck and make $5k net per month what the fuck bro?

>> No.51252398

Writing still makes money it just takes longer and luck these days.
If you don't care what you write then write smut for cash.
Self publish your novels online on amazon or open a patreon.
As long as you are consistent you will get a readerbase.