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51247536 No.51247536 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me, what is stopping another organization say Kenshi or Flare Finance from taking the Oracle market from Chainlinks? It doesn't seem rooted in reality that every organization is going to use one when there are others.

>> No.51247593

>why would anyone use google if they can just use bing

>> No.51247623

>why would anyone use google or yahoo when netscape exists

>> No.51247626

I use QWant or Startpage, but your point?

>> No.51247640

>Uses kenshi or flare

Gets hacked lmao.
Also I think the usability of chainlink is light years ahead.
Also all the major data providers from weather, news, etc are providing data to chainlink. They already chose and the balls been rolling.

>> No.51247643

Again, Tutamail, because fuck globalhomo.

>> No.51247661

Do go on. You are a member of Chainlink labs, kenshi, and flare Finance so I want you expert opinion place the source code, because you are an employee of each after all.

>> No.51247698

Flare token not needed

>> No.51247728

Typical response. Can't defend your reasoning?

>> No.51247770

>dude only like 80% of all searches go through google why dont they just use duckduckgo lmao

>> No.51247781

False. Duckduckgo does use Google's web crawlers, but not everyone uses Google's products.

>> No.51247788

>Tell me, what is stopping another organization say Kenshi or Flare Finance from taking the Oracle market
ability and network effect

>> No.51247809

Also of importance, before Google took over there was another search engine company that majority of netizens utilized.
>Chainlink has potential to be this company.
>Starts with a Y ends with a !

>> No.51247814

>Dude who cares about the majority of market share thats a borderline Monopoly on the whole system lmao

>> No.51247846

Another fallacy. If I was a large crypto company with $500mil+ I would purchase Kenshi and make it my mission to take over the market. Also nothing is stopping a large crypto organization from developing their own.

>> No.51247853

>Dude who needs Oracles if they can just use fax machines lmao

>> No.51247855

>Baggies care.

>> No.51247896

>Dude who cares if I got no more arguments down 95% against ETH lmao

>> No.51247897

As an investor if you don't have the ability to doubt all angles of your investment you are destined for failure.

>> No.51248069
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Is that literally the best of Chainlink's baggies? None of you are capable of providing any valid reasoning as to why there is no chance for other Oracle success.
Based INTJ's? Bullshit.

>> No.51248393

there is no valid reasoning and you know it, everything relies on hope

>> No.51248445

Yes, but none of the other baggies will admit that.
I like anons like you, you understand that it is a great investment, but like all things it is not bullet proof.
>Fuck the arrogant Chainlink baggies and the newfags that are delusional who believe less than 10k will make it.

>> No.51248455

You are correct It’s not there will be multiple giants but you logic is like a person man avoided investing in Shell before the automotive boom because of fear from competitors like Esso and Husky.

>> No.51248457

Lmao you funny

>> No.51248473

>you logic is like a person man
Dananananana person man.

>> No.51248476

Chainlink literally has backing from some of the leading scientist in the world with ari jeuls, Ed Felton(served as the head of some shit for the us gov), backed by eric shcmidt, swift, etc. Also read their publications. Kenshi and flare have none of those. Chainlink been a reputable oracle provider for a while and they have the momentum in terms of monopolization.

I’m not saying kenshi and flare can’t get a few users but if all the big names like swift, t mobile, weather channel, that one news company I forgot are providing data to chainlink, kenshi and flare will get left behind and just be little players

>> No.51248477

>you understand that it is a great investment,
you assume a lot of things, you didn't even realize my first post was agreeing with you
>netscape = chainshit
I'm thinking you're not that bright

>> No.51248497

>Theranos has literally one of the most acclaimed BoD, featuring Kissinger, Shultz etc
>XRP is literally employing high ranking ex-US government officials such as Rosie Rios
associating with high profile personnel is literally scamming 101

>> No.51248531

People are using chainlink though… so you’re comparisons a fallacy.

But to further that point yea, actually show me the integration count that flare and kenshi have

>> No.51248549
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Lmao Kenshi is a retail trap. Their documentation is copy paste from a random vrf article and their contract is upgradeable to change the tax at any given moment. Their founder and CEO forgot to change phone numbers and you can see he changed his handle from something completely unrelated before launching this project, so obviously he’s not a real person.

>> No.51248560

nobody is using chainshit outside of the few whitelisted nodes which to this day are subsidized by the company themselves
>but wut about muh protocol
you mean the centralized price aggregator utilized by a bunch of imploding worthless ponzi schemes "aiming" to replace the banks?
decentralization my ass

>> No.51248563

It is indeed a great investment. It will either flat line or reach ~$70-120 a piece. Looking at Globalist ties they are certainly backing Chainlink. However, none of us are seeming what goes on behinds the door. Who's to say Chainlink labs is not able to meet a specification or they get crossed as another Oracle team offers them a better deal. There are a number of factors, but in comparison of other cryptos, it certainly has odds in it's favor.

>> No.51248572

>it's another shitlink shill thread
all fields

>> No.51248588

>there are people on this board who bought a chainlink competitor that has a 50% sales tax and is headed by a pajeet named fucking pouya

>> No.51248605

Lmao everyone is using chainlink not a single competitor has any kind of adoption except for maker who still run their own oracles despite it blowing up in their faces every time we have a sizable dump

>> No.51248634

I don't own Chainlink, so no not a shill. I'm looking for reasons as to why they would be able to dominate the Oracle market.

>> No.51248668

>dude everyone from W@cka Flocka, CUM rocket, SUPER UVXD sperm, to reputable protocols such as Cardano the bringer of DLT to Africa and Bancor, aka the future of finance are using chainlink!!
keep drinking the kool-aid, baggie
>hurr it's a great investment!
>durr I don't own any but I made a false flagging thread about it!

>> No.51248713

Someones mad.
You can look at crypto projects and wish you knew about them years ago. As of now, it would be incredibly stupid to buy in at $7. Either the old holders make it or flat line. Simple.

>> No.51248739

The 1990s. Version of your statement is “why should I invest in Microsoft when Apple exists”?

If you are smart you’d understand that Chainlink is a major player in the sector it is in and will be successful regardless of competitors. You are a Jewish agent tasked with fudding us out of good investments though so you’ll just try and pilpul around everything and maintain your position that Chainlink is bad

>> No.51248761

You want to know why the other oracle competitors don’t stand a chance? Because they think oracles are a technical problem. Oracles require game theory to solve, just like blockchain consensus. Chainlink has the game theory absolutely right, so the best a competitor could do would be to copy Chainlink’s protocols exactly. This would bring no advantage to the competitor and they would be years behind Chainlink in network effects. It’s the same as Bitcoin, that has the protocol for a store of value absolutely right, so no competitor can gain an edge. You can’t do better than Chainlink, the best you could do would be a copy that is years behind in network effects.

>> No.51248785

>You are a Jewish agent tasked with fudding us
This is why people think you are stupid like XRP holders. You don't want to have discussion, especially anything that questions your reality.
>Yep, I'm Jewish. I have the tiny gay hat, never cut the sides of my beard, have a mutilated penis. Definitely not a red-headed pecker of the same vein of Rick Astley.

>> No.51248799

You want OT discussion, reply to my post just above yours.

>> No.51248870

Okay, one question if competitors require the same protocol, then yes Chainlink has won. But how would you know for certain that it has game theory absolutely correct?

>> No.51249110

Still there anon?

>> No.51249138
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>> No.51249195

You will never make it with your 1k bag.

>> No.51249403

kek seethe more

>> No.51249418

No need to tell me what you'll be doing.
We all know subpar baggie.

>> No.51249425
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Your tears are delicious.

>> No.51249453

And yet people who created bing became millionaires so your point is worthless

>> No.51249455

Why would I be crying I have other investments that will yield more. Enjoy a simple x10.

>> No.51249465

Thank you so much for caring about my financial well being.

>> No.51249497

Back. Same way I know the Bitcoin protocol is perfect. If you understand the problem domain, you can see when a solution matches perfectly. It’s like a wheel, you won’t find a better shape than a circle. You could prove that formally for a wheel, for Bitcoin and for Chainlink if you have a formal problem description, but I’m not up to that task.

>> No.51249516

Amazing how autists have been spoonfeeding daily and only receive Bulgarian fud in return and now morons like op asking the dumbest questions. I still can't tell if the fudders are malicious or simply low IQ.

>> No.51249661
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im working on oracles and chainlink is far from optimal.

>> No.51249736

Name something suboptimal about the Chainlink game theory.

>> No.51249780

it remains a theory

>> No.51249784

Except for a wheel the circle isn't always ideal, flat surfaces yes. In theory you could have an area set up for sphere to be more efficient. But that is another story. I understand the point you are making. So under the assumption the Chainlink/ Bitcoin is the perfect circle for our flat environment I disagree with the Bitcoin notion but am uncertain with the Chainlink notion.
Bitcoin is known for not being green / gas fees. Here's what is going to happen, they scared many consumers with the thought of majority of it being owned by Chinese, so globalhomo will promote a green crypto that they own.
>Bitcoin no set owner though. Wright, Finney, etc.

>> No.51249953

Bitcoin’s relationship to energy is a feature, not a bug. It allows electricity to be put to meaningful use, helping secure the global value ledger, anywhere it can be extracted. Fees are not a problem as such - yes they will eventually be astronomical, but it will be the global settlement layer where a single transaction settles thousands or millions of transactions in the layers above, so amortized over millions of transactions fees will continue to be cheap. But you won’t pay for a pizza on the BTC layer directly, it will be too expensive.
You got my point with the wheel example, so I won’t defend that further, just mention I agree a perfect solution is only perfect in some particular context.
For Chainlink, the match is perfect between the different incentives to cheat forming the problem domain and the game theoretical solution of making it profitable for cheaters (as well as honest players) to rat each other out. Superlinear staking is a game changer that can potentially be tweaked to be even more optimized, but that will be Chainlink tweaking rather than a competitor taking over the market with something Chainlink could easily do (same story as Bitcoin).

>> No.51250078

>Chainlink = Google

>> No.51250150

You given me a bit to think about, if only this site would allow continuation of threads / accounts. I suppose I could give you a throw away E-mail account, I enjoy discourse with you. You're a genuine person that wants to get the full picture instead of arguing.

>> No.51250176

(You) did it anon! (You) replied to many posts at once!!!

>> No.51250192

It appears to me that Chainlink is going to need a very competent competitor in order to usurp there position. I do believe it is possible, but like another anon stated it is now similar to investing in Shell in the early days. Too late to invest in comparison to other projects I am confident in. But success to you as a holder of Chainlink anon.

>> No.51250218

>>51249953 #
It appears to me that Chainlink is going to need a very competent competitor in order to usurp their position. I do believe it is possible, but like another anon stated it is now similar to investing in Shell in the early days. Too late to invest, in comparison to other projects I am confident in. But success to you as a holder of Chainlink anon.

>> No.51250325

doble plus quality good thread gents you have convinced me to continue holding LINK (ticker Chainlink) for several more years at least. Thank you for youre service

>> No.51250768

these posts by OP right there sealed the deal for me

>> No.51252131
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n-no its too simple to even be hinted without revealing the whole thing, but im not larping, they are missing lots of possible use-cases in oracles

>> No.51252621

But that’s not what I claimed, I said their game theory was perfectly matched to the problems they do try to attack.

>> No.51253619


don't think people realise how hard it is to create a reliable oracle. took chainlink years to get a somewhat reliable product and they are still slow as fuck.

creating some simple API's and calling it an oracle isn't the same thing.

>> No.51254940

wait yea, isnt proof of work supposed to take a shit load of energy. Like its literally proof of energy expended as value. Not sure why globohomo thinks otherwise.

>> No.51255756
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s-sorry for ambiguous reply. even in link's problem domain, it's possible to do much better

>> No.51256115

I’m not encouraging you to give up your business edge in return for nothing on an anonymous forum. If you really have something I’m rooting for you.
Are you the stuttering anon from Kadena threads who didn’t get support trying to dev on their chain btw? At any rate, I am sure you can tweak things further, as with the addition of superlinear staking, but I’m talking about the general mechanism of tasking a permissionless network of staking nodes to collaborate on writing a key value to blockchain in a way where an honest majority can expose a cheater and the punishment outweighs the financial incentive to cheat. Superlinear staking improves that, potentially taking it down from an honest majority to a single honest participant by increasing her (eh? Zoomers? Reddit moment?) incentive to rat out cheaters exponentially, so that is certainly a big tweak, but it’s still only an improvement on the use of the basic, perfect core concept - like using two circular wheels to make a bicycle instead of a unicycle. If you have an even better idea than superlinear staking to improve honesty producing incentives then that’s amazing (perhaps you are the inventor of the tricycle!) but I’m fairly sure you don’t have a better general idea than a DON.

>> No.51256135

Sure the creators are rich but how about the faggot investors? Down a lot from the dotcom top I'm sure

>> No.51256138

(The “Reddit moment” remark was in reference to >>51255672 , I’m just assuming at this hour of the night in the middle of the bear we’re all in all the threads)

>> No.51256141

Down since the dotcom boom on Microsoft? Look again.

>> No.51256272
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Chainlink is well established in almost every blockchain. Even Ethereum, QANplatform and many others use Chainlink.

>> No.51256414

>not encouraging you to give up your business edge in return for nothing on an anonymous forum
dont know what to do anymore. kadenya is full of bigots and i dont want to help them, whereas other smart-contract languages have normie syntax and design. then even if i try to make link adopt the ideas in some ways, they would probably not listen to some random neet, or not fully benefit from it since its detrimental to their tokenomics
>Are you the stuttering anon from Kadena threads
>better idea than superlinear staking
something better than superlinear staking has existed for hundred years. people simply havent made the connection between the different forms of algorithmic and non-algorithmic consensus
>you don’t have a better general idea than a DON
idea is not significantly better than DON in and of itself, but it unlocks game theory structures that can be. maybe im wrong, im not trying to sell anything. im not even interested in writing dapps

>> No.51256457

>im not trying to sell anything. im not even interested in writing dapps
If these are true then why don't you just say what the idea is?

>> No.51256490

>something better has existed for hundreds of years
Ok. Prove it. Show us. Please in consideration of MY financial investment show me someone who has figured out the problem Chainlink labs has solved.

>> No.51256612
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>why don't you just say what the idea is
b-because im a scammer and you should buy my bags of irrelevant numbers
it's always possible to do better. then personally everything i do will always be in the public domain, so chainlink will definitely benefit from it if ideas do work and im not delusional. link is not going away, im also stacking it