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51246004 No.51246004 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the normies so bullish?
It's unreal. Normies are buying houses right now in front of me. Literally bragging about buying houses at work. They also think the company will grow another 40% this year

>> No.51246050 [DELETED] 

Haha, you're losing yar money on the trash and then cry on 4ch on every topic. Be smarter, kids, check Yopi Network

New digital evolution of online earning cash
33%-49%-66% APY / 30-60-90 days lock
Pay contactless globally with a single app

>> No.51246085

thats a man

>> No.51246354


>> No.51246415
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it's almost like there's something in the water

>> No.51246434

>Literally bragging about buying
You have answer right in front of your nose, OP. They buy not because they are bullish. They do it for external validation.

>> No.51246447

Counteract the fluoride with baking soda
I/4 tsp per 24fl oz

>> No.51246459

It just happened so why won't it happen again?
Remember: 50% of people have an IQ below 100, and most can't critically think below 110
aka how I learned to stop caring and understand the jews

>> No.51246464

you're a normie too

>> No.51246483
File: 401 KB, 480x384, 1636532458092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normalnigger detected, only low iq subhuman failed normalniggers are writing "normies" because they are afraid to post the words fag or nigger or else their last remaning friends, especily female friends will leave them. They also mostly use normalnigger websites like twitter, facebook or r*ddit so they are used to use less normalnigger hostile language. This is why you see so many failed normalniggers and normalfags using the word "normie" without the suffix fag or nigger. Ignore this non-human trash if you see them, they are incapable of posting an original thought or any worthwhile post or thread, so you only waste your time reading any of their posts.

>> No.51246491

yeah i dunno, you could be trying to kill me with that advice. i just filter it out

>> No.51246508

All normies I know are talking about how there's going to be a mega crash

>> No.51246869

i want to fuck riamu

>> No.51246890

Giga Chad here, Im bullish. Looks like youre going to lose

>> No.51246932

It’s called a bubble for a reason chud

>> No.51247206

Make sure you're actually filtering out the fluoride, though. Don't just buy a Brita pitcher and call it a day.

>> No.51247396

thanks, yeah i know, brita doesn't do shit

>> No.51247402

Where do you live ? Here in France, everyone knows the situation is ogre, even Macron had several bearish speaches on TV.

>> No.51247468

I don't get euros, they seem determined to just lay down and die

>> No.51247492
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>> No.51247525

chest too big. looks old. i am vomit

>> No.51247545

more riamu pussy for me, homo

>> No.51247557

I love normies because they're how you actually make money in the market.

>> No.51247603
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>>51246004 (OP)
I love normies because they're how you actually make money in the market.

>> No.51247616

Anon...you're the normie.

>> No.51247629


>> No.51247656

you are called a shitskin for a reason, parasite

>> No.51247670

Im Aryan cope more Retard

>> No.51248323

I'm not. I'm single and incel

>> No.51248368

Neither of you can spell, punctuate or use proper grammar.
White niggers.

>> No.51248426

That’s normal now. In fact it’s pretty much ultimate normie.

>> No.51248438

I hate being social and going to events. I can't be a normie

>> No.51248540
File: 68 KB, 720x500, 1659920702012675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The media is lying to them about how bad it will get. Either to keep them from panicking or to protect the potato who thinks he's the president or both.
Normalfags hear the positive jobs outlook and feel encouraged that things are getting better, without understanding that those jobs will go unfilled. There are deep, systemic issues that only a crash can fix.
But suspension of disbelief and an eagerness to believe comforting lies will ever be the mark of the normie.

>> No.51248574

Rather be a white one than a black one!

>> No.51248752

Anime pic means you are a Jewish subversive agents trying to blend in with board culture

>> No.51249022

They're so damn bullish man

>> No.51250574

Yes also at my work “wow my new passiv aerotermia house feels great anon,you should get a new flat for only 300k €, anon”

>> No.51250757

If the normies weren't bullish, then there would be no bubble and you wouldn't be seeing what you're seeing, which isn't what they're seeing.

>> No.51250820


>> No.51251052

It's not even just housing. It's everything.