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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 288 KB, 1600x822, trade-timelapse-usa-china_comparison-c46d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51243723 No.51243723 [Reply] [Original]

Why did capitalism fail?

>> No.51243732
File: 30 KB, 504x376, 3lrOdDo5jjn_gKVVP2ndEwcSnzWSfK7U5k_lLQCCsMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corrupt hypercapitalist country dominates world trade
>this is somehow "capitalism failing"

>> No.51243743 [DELETED] 

how many niggers are in america?
how many niggers are in china?

>> No.51243750
File: 191 KB, 1080x1103, 1661169032138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China isn't capitalist

>> No.51243757


>> No.51243764
File: 1.45 MB, 288x198, rc_an (21).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China isn't capitalist

>> No.51243776

Capitalism didnt "fail". It is working as intended. Specifically:

Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All finance assets like money,crypto,debt,bonds etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Ever escalating recessions, poverty,wealth inequality, monopolies, disease, pollution, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and INTENDED functions of it, NOT glitches, and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite.

Your parasitic stock markets will be destroyed alongside your rotten empires you putrid fucking parasites. China, america all same thing

>> No.51243781

China never exploited anyone

>> No.51243792
File: 2.21 MB, 500x281, rc_an (253).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China never exploited anyone
You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?

>> No.51243795 [DELETED] 
File: 2.31 MB, 2946x4096, __ganyu_genshin_impact_drawn_by_onedoo__9e8d1869131e935fa4b53ec43acfa950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China isn't capitalist
You watch too much CNN and BBC.

>> No.51243829

It’s (authoritatian) state Capitalism, incel retard

>> No.51243843

I cannot believe the media spin on this. China "forgave" debt in exchange for water rights and mineral rights. Literally the heart of the nation has been seized and can now be extracted at gunpoint, legally, all in exchange for some banker funnymoney digital 0s and 1s.

>> No.51243853
File: 86 KB, 750x937, 8j2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communism won

>> No.51243878

Capitalism isnt "intended" though. It has no plan. It is simply the natural state of existence.

>> No.51243914

Make my coffee machine, wagie.

>> No.51244004

Sure it is buddy

>> No.51244189

Name one system that doesnt have all those things.

>> No.51244221

It's state capitalism. Basically fascism.

>> No.51244222

It's state capitalism, which is the first step towards the early stage of socialism. The next step after socialism is communism. Post-Mao China found out the hard way they couldn't skip steps.

>> No.51244266

China forgave those debts in return for slave labour and complete access to natural resources in those countries, in some cases they bought off the infrastructure built for africans at low costs, most of this infrastructural development is about proper mining and transport of these natural resources.

>> No.51244270 [DELETED] 

Because fascism is objectively superior
China is fascist
This also but fascism is why China isn’t a nigger ridden hellhole
It is not communism or capitalism it is fascism and corporatism
The only reason they say they’re communism is to maintain a legitimacy to the ruling fascist party via continuity to the founder of the modern state. As it stands China is a textbook follower of Mussolini’s Doctrine of Fascism and is a fascist Han ethnostate with both private property and nationalization for the benefit of their race.

>> No.51244293

China is more capitalist than commurica

>> No.51244393

not biz

>> No.51244433

>Ohno my economic system became completely corrupted by jews
How could this happen?

>> No.51245712

>central bank exists
>historically unprecedented level of taxation exist
>countless regulations and restrictions on private property owners


>> No.51245768

>ireland still in deep blue
exactly what kind of trades are we talking about here?

>> No.51245812

Fagman companies setting up offices in Ireland
Ever wonder why Ireland somehow has absurdly high gdp figures? That's why.

>> No.51245828

>USA exports dominate

>Chinese exports dominate

>> No.51245829

sarcasm didnt transcend my post. recently they agreed to have a tax floor, so it may be the end of that chapter for the irish

>> No.51245837

US also has army bases in Ireland near Shannon airport, probably do lots of shady shit there

>> No.51246307

Kek, look at this retard. Either a braindead commie or a braindead cuckservative.
Please, shut the fuck up and never talk again until you've picked up a history book.

>> No.51246407

its funny how to you guys capitalists selling out their industry to an authoritarian state and ruining America's global hegemony isn't actually "capitalism". If true capitalism is only anarcho-capitalism then I would argue true capitalism has never been tried either.

>> No.51246425


>> No.51246536

China is 40's America without the American constitution

>> No.51246563

China is 40’s Italy/Germany

>> No.51246579

It isn't capitalism because 1) grow up, no one is ever going to give you free shit, socialism is retarded and failed everywhere it was tried because of bitchy faggot retards like you who come to the /biz/ board because you're an 18 year old fuckstick trying to make it big trading dogcoins like your hero Hasanabi you fucking dweeb.

>> No.51246582

Holy fuck what a spin. That guy is flat out lying and he knows it.

>> No.51246590

Socialism isn’t welfare and when the government does stuff either retard

>> No.51246662

did i say anything about socialism? Are you even 18?

>> No.51247052

This is what, the 5th time niggers have let themselves get enslaved by a foreign power? Do they never learn?

>> No.51247099

on day one homie

>> No.51247248

We went from capitalism to talmudism is why

>> No.51247322

Capitalism is inherently Talmudic

>> No.51247355

Kill yourself commie

>> No.51247591

There’s more than capitalism and communism

>> No.51247989

Capitalism hasn't failed. It hasn't been tried since the introduction of fiat currency and government controlling all capital.
Your pic is making the wrong point. The US doesn't have many trading partners because it meets its needs almost entirely within North America.
China is entirely dependent on the rest of the world providing it resources and buying its plastic shit. This is a glaring weakness and why they will never be a superpower.

>> No.51248545

could only afford a picture?

>> No.51249369


So the US is not the wage slaves of the world toiling away in sweatshops to make things other people? China exports everything meaning they make shit and give it to other people in exchange for fake fiat money that we just print from nothing. USA imports real goods and exports digital fiat. 1s and 0s.

>> No.51249376

>real capitalism has never been tried

>> No.51249422

Capitalism has not been tried in your lifetime, Doreen. Just a continued descent into Socialism and all the misery it it produces.
But you will continue to believe that more Socialism will fix what Socialism fucked up and that you will ever be a woman and you will be wrong on both counts.

>> No.51249582

This has to be the hardest commie cope i've ever seen, i'm sure the Chinese government will just hand the means of production to the proletariat next and not just make itself and it's members filthy rich

>> No.51249683

They know they can’t sustain a functioning society without outside help. They’re a slave race for a reason.

>> No.51250620

You got complacent, Amerifrens.

>> No.51250728

If it was such a superior system, then why does it outright kill any socialist movement? Capitalism is great in concentrating capital in the least amount of hands, that's basically it. Superior to feudalism, but too many contradictions with human flourishment and it has overstayed its welcome. Just prepare for fascism in some decaying capitalist countries like history has shown already. Hope you have enough bullets and cans to last its repercussions.

>> No.51250785

>corrupt hypercapitalist country dominates world trade
USA? Dummie are you talking about operation condor or the pluton missiles in the 60s?
Capitalism is free, americans are the worst selling weapons to sustain their 31 trillion debt

>> No.51250889


>> No.51251614

It had its run. It was useful for a while. But it's time to move on. Nothing wrong with it. People who want to stick to it are just in denial
Just let it go...

>> No.51251640

Stage 1. buy trashtoken. Stage 2. lose everything. Stage 3. Cry a river on 4chan. do not be such an asshole. Use Yopi Network!

>Backed up by gold the yopi.network sustains very strong currency
Micropayment services
No team tokens
90 days lock = 66% APY

>> No.51252090

China is a state-capitalism. It's only successful because of it. There are 0 successful commie economies.

>> No.51252253

We'll always have Chad.

>> No.51252403

Fuck you got mine isn't as strong as Chinese autism I guess.

>> No.51252414

White women aren't that special.

>> No.51252422

Unironically read more books, nice projection, fag.