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51239701 No.51239701 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51239729

M8, were you around for 2008? If so, try to remember how long that whole thing went on for. Ya...

>> No.51239760
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>> No.51240431

oh no, don't fret anon, it is going to crash

>> No.51240434

it's just a question of when rather than if

>> No.51240449

it is nowhere near a bottom

>> No.51240460
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t. pic

>> No.51240464

it's gonna be a nothingburger like usual

>> No.51240467
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>> No.51240483
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whatever normie (that means "neurotypical") the avengers will save us any moment now. Us true fans don't even sweat it

>> No.51240488
File: 167 KB, 897x701, meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, the outlook is not s-
>the stock market is crashing
well at least crypto i-

>> No.51240495

some coins are still mooning tho

>> No.51240501
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not my vinu, couldn't be precious vinu

>> No.51240503


>> No.51240513

this is depressing to look at

>> No.51240516


>> No.51240528

It's really not possible for 2008 to repeat itself. There just isn't the ocean of toxic mortgages that existed in the 2000's and plus the Fed will just spin up the printers when shit starts going south.

>> No.51240532

I hope so, I want to suffer a little more

>> No.51240566

dogs are still animals, eventually they will have to eat you

>> No.51240573


>> No.51240582
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>he's really into metaverse shit

>> No.51240618

This month. Prepare now.

>> No.51240628

Slow decline is guaranteed with the potential of panic and eventual crash
Plan accordingly

>> No.51240643

Probably. The markets have recently shown me what Ive been experiencing for over the last eleven years in this brutally painful cycle of endless loss. The people who control things are going to slowly and by degrees take everything from me...like I'm being short sold by forces unseen for all eternity. The only upsides in life will just be a trick to keep me holding on. Just enough upside in life to keep me on the hamster wheel struggling like a fool. The best I can hope for is the absence of loss. I cant do another eleven years. Much less another 40. As of the end of september, I'm off the hamster wheel for good. Not going to allow it anymore. Ive lost enough in life. It's now down to one and only one thing that matters to me. He too will hate me too soon enough, so I'm cashing out before I'm completely bankrupted of everything.
Please avoid all vaxxes.

>> No.51240979

>There isn't the ocean of toxic mortgages
Holy shit nigger you're retarded. 2008 never ended, they never fixed anything and they continued to do what they were doing. Holy fuck

>> No.51241003
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>> No.51241094

anon :(

>> No.51241784
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oh, just found out it is actually 6,000,000 times worse because now they are doing a program for niggers and wetbacks where they can get a mortgage for zero down and no closing

>> No.51241854

That was unironically happening pre-2008 and is generally agreed that it caused the crash
Look up subprime mortgages. "borrowers with low credit ratings" is essentially code for niggers and spics
My guess is they know everything is going to crash, and need a scapegoat to blame it on. This worked in the past and people have already forgotten about it, so I think they're banking on that happening again.
They're also doing everything they can do to defer blame to republicans after the midterms via depleting our petroleum reserves and scheduling the student loan forgiveness for right after the vote.

>> No.51241895

>That was unironically happening pre-2008
did they have zero down and no closing costs then, too?

>> No.51241918
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>> No.51242150

Not exactly. A big killer was something called "NINJA loans" though, which stands for "no income, no job, no assets.
In some ways it was worse than what they're doing now, but both are horribly retarded in their own ways

>> No.51242158
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It'll be even better. The return to normal volatility in which every two months there will be a bounce that will make you hopeful that it's going back up for real. Then they'll rugpull you even harder. The stairway to AAAAAAAAAA

>> No.51242173

I hate pajeets so much.

>> No.51242200
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We already crashed 30% on the NASDAQ, we're still 25% down you goofy nigger. This is the crash. Faggots will be left behind waiting for the "big one"

>> No.51242313

>horribly retarded
it's not retarded when it's calculated

>> No.51242328

That's true, it's just retarded if you see it coming and don't act accordingly
They've unironically already priced it in, and are currently in the process of disengaging from the market slowly enough to not be noticed by normal faggots

>> No.51242374

>act accordingly
what have you done so far or are planning on doing?

>> No.51242402

Holding cash in preparation for the dump when they will inevitably bail out the same retarded banks that caused the 2008 crisis, all the while changing absolutely nothing and dooming us to the same thing in 10-15 years
They unironically think they can keep doing this over and over and the general population won't notice, and the sad thing is that they're right

>> No.51242558

>Holding cash in preparation for the dump
what are you going to exchange the fiat for?

>> No.51242615

It depends. Too difficult to predict how crypto will respond to a 2008 style recession. Might buy a house if they go low enough. Best play is to react to the unknown, not proactively gamble.

>> No.51242629

>Best play is to react to the unknown, not proactively gamble.
you don't even want to take like 10% and speculate on something and get in early for a moonshot? c'mon

>> No.51242647

I try to limit my risk wherever possible, and so far it has payed off. I don't blame people for doing that for the same reason I don't blame people for buying lottery tickets though. The only way to get out of this horrible monetary prison is to either get incredibly lucky or to gradually make good financial decisions.

>> No.51242668

>J Powell says, once again, we are selling.
retards on the internet
>"i-its not going lower right??"

>> No.51242727
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i like your style

>> No.51242851

nah it's the weekend you are ok

>> No.51242912
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>> No.51242942
File: 672 KB, 878x1240, stock_market_fukd_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stock market is GETTING FUCKED

>> No.51242959

It already crashed. We're gonna go down maybe 5-10% more and then it will be ATH by the end of next year. I mean only american stocks btw, europe and asia is fucked lol

>> No.51242975

Unironically zoom out you subhuman subcontinental scammer

>> No.51243096

You sound like someone from May 2007. A lot of people didn't believe the forward indicators, and held on even after banks started falling. It was different then, and it's different now. The reasons for market corrections are usually not the same.

>> No.51244078

>I mean only american stocks btw, europe and asia is fucked lol
aren't both stock markets interconnected?

>> No.51244353

Depends what you mean by crash
If you're talking like
>This car done hit a rock, it's all messed up
Then the answer is no, but if you mean
>Oh shit, this is a fucking pile of cars on fire and they are going to drop some more burning cars on top from a fleet of C130's
Then yes, it's going to crash

>> No.51244377

In bongland they are dumping mortgage affordability checks
So same shit here
Not to be outdone I don't doubt that the EU is going to do equally "what could possibly go wrong" nonsense

>> No.51244391

It is, actually. The core issues of 2008 were never actually fixed. We're living in a house where the foundation is rotten and about to give out.

>> No.51244395

Yeah? Markets go up over time. The crash is all but over.

>> No.51244549

Right now, the Nasdaq is up 82% compared to just 5 years ago. Have the profits and assets of these companies gone up 82%? Fuck no. As a measure, the US economy has only grown by a little less than 20% in this period.
Sooner or later, reality will catch up to the US stock market.

>> No.51245063

>market corrections are usually not the same
so what are the reasons now?

>> No.51245230

>In bongland they are dumping mortgage affordability checks
what does this mean?

>> No.51245297
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Even chris ciovacco is bearish. Gg

>> No.51245418

>The core issues of 2008 were never actually fixed
they simply stop selling shit mortage
Problem fixed

>> No.51245468
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>some coins are still mooning tho
Yeah, Hive has been so good to me in the last few weeks, same with sylo, an asset with a confidential messaging app
for the first time in a few months, i was able to withdraw some profits.

>> No.51245584

>Right now, the Nasdaq is up 82% compared to just 5 years ago. Have the profits and assets of these companies gone up 82%? Fuck no. As a measure, the US economy has only grown by a little less than 20% in this period.
gdp doesn't matter because most of the companies in the nasdaq are things of the tech sector that sells things oversea

>> No.51245972
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oh sweet summer child

>> No.51246003

It never ended. We've been in a 14 year recession.

>> No.51246075

yeah, you are in for a surprise, dip buyer. we might bear-rally back to ATH but then its still down hill for 1-2 years. (check 1929-32, 1999-2001)

>> No.51246243

not anymore, everything is monitored by machines, the lack of validators and real time price detection during the great depression made it worse.

>> No.51246254

wrong kind of timescale also its not vapid shit like muh crypto. companies infrastructure grows over time so old metrics can go out the window.

>> No.51246263

It’s crashing right now.

You best start believing in ghost stories OP…YOURE IN ONE

>> No.51246371

We're being forced to close an enormous debt cycle because supply has been destroyed by the coof and huge energy prices. Closing this cycle means no more cheap debt, which was the driver of economic activity for decades.

>> No.51246426

2008 was a rugpull. This one looks like a bubble burst like 2000.

>> No.51246485

if the rate at which the economy grows isn't positive, it crashes
china looks like it might be deindustrializing for virus
germany and uk are deindustrializing for financial reasons
most americans don't want to work on site
most american employers don't want to hire remote
but there's war, so the economy won't crash until it ends

>> No.51246495
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>return to normal volatility
Wait, does that mean we already had the crab trap?

>> No.51246524

A 30% "crash" just marks the start of a bear market, idiot.