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51239490 No.51239490 [Reply] [Original]

Average person my age (23) on LinkedIn has:

>prestigious junior job title at big company
>500+ connections
>6 internships
>4 research papers
>high-ranking member of 3 professional organizations
>dozens of skills and endorsements
>dozens of certificates
>probably also an MSc degree

How the fuck do I even compete with these people? I only have 2 internships, one extracurricular activity, and an absolute shit-tier GPA (2.5). Am I cursed to be a NEET forever?

>> No.51239512

Let me guess you wasted your life away playing video games? Anon life has consequences.

>> No.51239528

None of that shit matters retard. Do some soul searching.

>> No.51239555

why you care so much ?

>> No.51239631

I just want to get a job and make enough of a living to be able to afford a house. I'm tired of even the most menial of life tasks having to be some intense spiritual battle.

Because I want a job to be able to support myself, my family, and my future children with, without having to sell my soul for it.

>> No.51239642

just lie faggot

>> No.51239653

At least you don’t have a worthless fucking mechanical engineering degree

>> No.51239683

I mean, there are plenty of tradesmen and even professionals out there who don't do all of that on LinkedIn and still get comfortable lives. You might not get those $200-250k salaries and all that prestige but you can still make a comfortable living.

>> No.51239709

>sell my soul for it

But they did and that’s why they’re on LinkedIn. It’s literally called linked in. Duh!

>> No.51239779

You should take a walk in the Park. The LinkedIn Park. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd9OhYroLN0

>> No.51239940

getting a decent paying job is not hard, not even shitting you

>> No.51239979

>at age 23

doubt it. You are pretty much useless at 23 and have to have your hand held or just be given bitch work until you actually know what the fuck you're doing by around ~27. Just because your company hands out cool sounding job titles, you pay dues to some bullshit organizations, and wrote some bullshit papers in undergrad doesn't make you successful. You really think employers are trusting some dude a year out of college with anything actually important? Its all a facade to make themselves feel better and you're falling for it.

Stop using social media btw that shit is poison.

>> No.51239990

>I'm tired of even the most menial of life tasks

And what do you think home ownership will be full of? Rainbows and unicorns? Owning a home can be a headache. If you can't even rentcuck without stressing, good luck owning property.

Secondly, you're 23. Shut the fuck up. You are young enough that you can change your career multiple times in the next decade if you don't like what you're doing. Yes, it's going to be hard work and poor-paying at first but that's just how it is. Deal with it one step at a time.

>> No.51240008

Oh and thirdly, the average person your age does not have all that shit on Linkedin, what the fuck are you talking about? Get your head out of the gutter for a second and see that most peoples' heads are still in the gutter. Then, put your head back in the gutter and suffer. Suffer and become stronger.

>> No.51240030

Yeah but they are all miserable and/or vaxxed.
Working like communist dogs.

>> No.51240063

you're doing great bro. stop comparing yourself to other people (except in the adlerian since, to inspire yourself to be better).
your true competition is with who you were yesterday! so kick his ass!

>> No.51240076

I hate Linkedin too, not because the people are more successful than me, but because it reminds me of how awful working in an office is, everything is fake and gay posturing.

>> No.51240083

I had a professor who brought in a printed out sheet of everyone’s LinkedIn and basically shit on them one by one calling out the people as they went along.

“100+ connections, guess you have a lot of friends”
“Would it kill you to have a professional picture”
“Don’t just add skills that sound nice.”

But the professor really loved the one that had a mantra.
Probably the biggest bullshitter of them all and that’s the one they liked the best

>> No.51240107

How can everyone be vice president of the whatever club? It just doesn't add up. Do Normalfags take turns being vice president so they all get a chance to say ot in their page?

>> No.51240128

I've been spending 10-15 minutes every morning adding connections, following companies etc. After a few months my LinkedIn will be top notch.

>> No.51240141


Let me smack some sense into you from the ripe age of 25.


Attractive people curate wardrobes and physical health.
Adventurous people curate a life of experiences.
You've probably been curating a mix of things bro.
A jack of all trades is a master of none.
You probably have a few skills that you've dumped a lot of time into that aren't the normy ones that get a lot of attention.
Just recognize your own worth and accept that life is not about your career.

>> No.51240238

I needed to read these. I put off making a LinkedIn for such a long time because I fucking despise the social media nonsense but in the end I had to do it to get a job. I should've just stuck to the job listings page but I got sucked into the social media aspect of it and started stalking everyone who I felt was better than me which made me feel like shit. I deleted all my social media in 2013 as a teenager because I understood this shit was poisonous. I should know better now.

>> No.51240262
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, kR_b0NoSvKJCOLqfbAGBC_KjkZcueD96sB-lJBnYoTU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek imagine stressing over a fucking corporate social media profile do wagies really? its fake and gay posturing. if you want to succeed & you have skills then build your own shit, if not you're just a wagie larping for a 10% raise every 5 years

>> No.51240273
File: 55 KB, 880x880, 06207C24-E5A3-4AB6-A253-A69C17C196A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice work Bateman, but have you seen this carefully curated list of connections?

>> No.51240287

LinkedIn is like Facebook when it first began. You were cool if you had 150 friends. Now only boomers go on Facebook.

>> No.51240299

just like
inherit a bunch of money

>> No.51241083

Just fake it and jobmac

>> No.51241162

>4 years of college
>6 internships
Demoralization shills are worthless niggers

>> No.51241216

>internships on summer and winter breaks since 2nd year
>internships since highschool

>> No.51241313

>wanting to be proud of being institutionalized
When you play their games, you lose yours. Never stop being an independent thinker or you'll become institutionalized like them and your goals in life will be accumulating "connections, internships, papers, organizations, endorsements, certificates, degrees," and other shit that are just ink on paper that allows you to help make another man richer. Being institutionalized kills your soul and by the time you realize your lack of fulfillment, you'll be too old to find how enjoy life.

>> No.51241348

>Look at that subtle curated list. The tasteful connections. Oh my God. It even has a blockchain

>> No.51241373

real people know it's about the git

>> No.51241375
File: 39 KB, 720x478, 1662082084603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) just wanna to feel like whatever you're sayin' lmao.

>> No.51241377

This, odds are the people you're comparing yourself to are also lying.

Why must you hurt me?

>> No.51241693

So do something about it. Volunteer for an industry body. Itll give you contacts and opportunities.

>> No.51241726

9/10 times those guy's dads got them their jobs and connections. The rest is easy to do when you have a great job with no college loans and can pay out of pocket for more degrees

>> No.51241870

I was gonna say this. It's more of a hobby for these rich kids than actual personal ability. Don't be discouraged.

>> No.51242479

By 23 I was already working for 4 years, the only useless retards were the collegefags I had to interview and reject.

>> No.51242525

I work in Operations in my company at 24 with a few months full-time experience. I handle most front facing interactions with clients, many of them being people who do millions in business with us. Its rare to see and most of the guys on my team are between 10-40 years older than me but it happens.

>> No.51242721

You’re thinking like a woman Op. You’re supposed to want to get out of this Jewish game and live your own life with your own purpose...You want to sit there and tick a bunch of boxes so you’ll be acceptable to people you don’t even like who don’t like you either? These fucking bullshit jobs are a means to attain capital so you can either speculate on assets or start your own business and eventually escape this hell ...

Imagine wanting to be in the Matrix

>> No.51242732

i curated being good at battlefield 1 :(

>> No.51242768

they are all lying retard you can do it too there is literally no downside to it just be confident

>> No.51242818

lmao, I'd consider that a red flag. Like jogger? They didn't hire you at the 3rd or fourth... hahaha? and research papers... wtf? Did this make your company money...no? gtfo.

>> No.51243054

i have 23 y old and propably have more money than all those faggots combined

hahaha wagie wagie go to cagie

>> No.51243405

I worked as manager for a consultant group in the investment banking and private banking space, as part of that I came across A LOT of different people including a shitton of really senior people (mostly VP to MD level).

Heres a small observation:
The best people have a very low profile LinkedIn profile.
The worst people have dozens of jobs listed, each with a big list of "achievements" with how they did this and that and created bazillions of revenue.

I have gone so far as I'd even include their Linkedin profile in the hiring process and if they look like the latter above I'd not hire them. One of the best people (like brilliant, a semi-autistic MD Quant) I worked with had a Linkedin without profile pic and with five connection. No need to prove anything to anyone.

>> No.51243410
File: 467 KB, 492x735, 1653906120897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I've learned after 20+ years on the internet, is that if you're focusing on any domain, there are going to be people at the top, and its okay that you're not. These people probably dedicate their entire lives to being there.

Finance, building cars, bodybuilding, IT careers, smash bros... It's all the same. Yeah there's going to be top 1% people at the top, but it's unrealistic to expect yourself to be at that level unless you dedicate every waking hour to getting to that level.

Not saying you shouldn't strive for excellence, but that bad feeling you have is just your monkey-brain recognizing you're not the top of the hierarchy, and you have to get over it.

>> No.51243424

I'm 28, only have 2 bachelor's with shit grades, and still working on my MSc. No internships or papers or any of that bullshit.
Still I got hired with 200k starting. Companies see through that shit. They aren't looking for whomever collected the most goodboy points on their resume like a fucking boyscout.

>> No.51243435

Yes that's exactly what those extracurriculars are about. My uni has student parties with 500+ people on the list so they can all say on their resume they were part of student politics.

>> No.51244779

>get a job and make enough of a living to be able to afford a house
those people with fancy profiles still only make enough to pay the 30year mortgage slave contract. you aren't anything less than them. even if you never do a job in your life. they are slaves at the bottom just like you