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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 240 KB, 890x854, bobonews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51239054 No.51239054 [Reply] [Original]

You DO realize that the market crashing is a good thing, right? Let's be honest, almost all of you are youngfags with tiny portfolios. The inevitable superbubble crash (very likely coming this year or next year) will give you an opportunity to pick up cheap buys while everyone is panic selling and screaming about The Great Depression 2.0.

Imagine loading up on companies like Apple, Google, and Microsoft stocks in the wake of the dotcom crash. You're going to get that same opportunity but this time it will be the entire fucking market, not just tech stocks.

>> No.51239703
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Well aware mr.bear

>> No.51239749
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What if we just crab for 10 years instead of dumping?

>> No.51239815

Communists have been taking advantage of and magnifying every stumble Capitalism has had for at least the past 20 years. If something on the level of the Global Financial Crisis or Great Depression happen again in the next 10-15 years, whatever emerges out of that will make you wish you didn't survive. You will start with the "You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy" meme as being reality and then you can go ahead and sprinkle in unpredictable and creative ways it will be worse than you ever imagined.

>> No.51239832

Yeah we know man, it's mostly just shitposting

>> No.51239877

most biztards are already all in, many are at a loss thats why they fear the bobo. Im not retarded so i love bobo, more cheap bags for me

>> No.51239994

That's Mr. Fear

>> No.51239998
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but I want to be rich now

>> No.51240009
File: 43 KB, 1145x331, bybitvinu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if i can benefit from the supercrash by investing on coins that mantain the pump even tho BTC is crabing hard?
I mean just look at coins like LTC or VINU, those two should be going down but there is a fucking big uptrend that soars over the last ATH during the bybit listing

>> No.51240015

we all know, and the wait is insufferable

>> No.51240020

Nothing to do about it, we are all getting liquidated anon

>> No.51240022

>he still believes that there is money after this
poor, poor faggot

>> No.51240025
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>> No.51240034
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We are all furbies in god's microwave

>> No.51240042

Eat shit faggot I’ve got a half million dollar portfolio and none of the LARPing fags on this board with 2 cents to rub together will capitalize on valuations at the bottom
, because if they had that kind of discipline they wouldn’t be worthless poorfags in the first place

Bears are pathetic humans that deserve to be strung up and lynched like the niggers they really are

>> No.51240051

>benefit from the supercrash
That was a once in a lifetime opportunity and it was 6 years ago, in the early days of bitcoin lmao

>> No.51240085

i want to put my dick on those asses, is that wrong? how do i profit from that, financially speaking?

>> No.51240095
File: 8 KB, 259x194, 163444652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism is not BUSSIN and BASED, communism, on the other hand, is ULTRABASED because we don't own anything and don't have to work so it's obviously better

>> No.51240115

This is factually a lie, everyone knows that. I, personally, have made far more money in the last three years that i would've ever made in my whole career
So, stop it with the whole "once in a lifetime opportunity" because it's just not true

>> No.51240211

stop saying you don't like to work

>> No.51240220

the best investment is in yourself, so if you get pleasure then you are doing something right.

>> No.51240290

Wage and cost inflation means in real terms that equates to a significant crash and a redistribution of income share to labour over capital.

>> No.51240319

Daily, short term grid trading is the only way. I don't give a fuck what it does.

>> No.51240339

I wish it would just fucking hurry up and do it.

>> No.51240366

Just buy GameStop

>> No.51240641

Quit saying helpful and sensible things. Anons are supposed to hate and fear bobos.

>> No.51240911

How about benefiting from the dip that the market is showing thus far? Ain't no harm in investing in tokens that maintain the pump even if BTC is fucking giving me that capitulation phase vibes.
I mean, just look at tokens like Ride, Evmos, and Metis, which should be going down to fucking zero like fudders claim they should but are instead keeping up the bullish stance, thus making them mi alphas.

>> No.51240921

Mind to expatiate what that is?

>> No.51240947

>Imagine loading up on boomer stocks
FAANG has had their run. Doubtful they'll survive a crash. Those companies will be dinosaurs going extinct after a depression if they even survive.

>> No.51240951

I hate boomers so damn much

>> No.51241054

>dont have to work
ok that is good,but no food anon