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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51235731 No.51235731 [Reply] [Original]

RIP European economy

>> No.51236427

Most important thread on this godforsaken board and it goes unnoticed.

>> No.51236487

God I hate these fucking orcs. (((oil leak))) my fucking ass

>> No.51236562


>> No.51236647 [DELETED] 

Kek get fucked. You voted for this.
>captcha: g0ynt

>> No.51236653

Good , eu needs to get purged

>> No.51236693

I don't understand what the fuck they're talking about. What does this mean?

>> No.51236717

read the last line you fucking moron

>> No.51236746

Yeah its another ((cohencidence)) like the rust in the French nuclear facilities
Its all a charade, all manufactured. All planned.

>> No.51236772

Why should I care about the nordic pipeline? I'm Canadian lol

>> No.51236782

I can't imagine a shittier job than shilling for Russia. Once your shit country sinks into oblivion I hope the memory of these days haunts you to your last dying breath in some hovel in the middle of nowhere. You Russians are so incomprehensibly vile shit it boggles the mind.

I don't care about the economy, gas, food, anything. I'm willing to see everything rendered into horse shit if it means seeing you, your shit army and Putin simply die and be erased from this Earth. You are literal stone age savages and this is nothing short of a holy war to save Civilization itself. Absolutely nothing matters except cracking you open. I despise you so, so much.

>> No.51236788
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Fossil fuel bros, should we buy an Aventador SVJ or a 599 GTO, this winter?

>> No.51236810

This would have rekt Germany at the start of the year. But now its just an inconveniece. Putin just let Germany slowly shift gears for 6 months. Pretty retarded if he wants to exert pressure

>> No.51236818

shift gears into shutting down all their nuclear plants?

>> No.51236832

eat shit eurosoi faggot

>> No.51236886

damn you're retarded, just stick to smoking weed and leave the adults talk

>> No.51236897

how much they pay you? or how much do they promise and not pay?

>> No.51236965 [DELETED] 
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>I can't imagine a shittier job than shilling for Russia.
Shilling for Globohomo and the Jews is arguably more despicable.

I don't fear Russia. They've proved that they're a paper tiger, I'm not even sure their nukes are operational. What I fear the most is the despotic tendencies of the current leaders of the West. A Carbon Pass this winter in France ? WTF is that shit ? Just because they were dumb enough to rely on Russian gas and had no plan B ? Then why are they cutting it, sending weapons and money to Ukraine was enough. They obviously don't care about their own people.

And assholes like you are supporting those scums, despite the fact that they're destroying our own countries from within. It will be remembered when the time comes.

>> No.51237002

Putin has gone too soft it feels like

>> No.51237087

This crisis is a golden opportunity for Europeans to push for change.

"Let's get back to.. LE NORMAL!" But things were never normal for Europeans. Even when EU traded with Russia on the best terms possible, EU was still going downhill, made a lot of stupid, self-destructing decisions. Europeans became weak and sissified. That's what dependence on Russian energy exports does to you. The best time for Europe to get its shit together is now.

>> No.51237176


>> No.51237405

The truth is that we're not free anymore. You talk about the dependence on Russian energy export, but what about the fact that we are now systematically aligned with the US and THEIR interests ? Who is sending us ships full of GNL at a premium to replace the Russian gas ? Who needs Europe as serfs ? Who is preventing at all cost the normalization of the commercial relationship between European countries and Russia because it would be detrimental to them ? The truth is, with allies like the US, you don't need ennemies.

>B-but muh Putler !
That's right, then we should cut ties with Arabic countries like Saudi Arabia and the Quatar because they're waging wars of aggression too.

>> No.51237738

non whites (americans) really in full desperation mode.

>> No.51237741

The truth is, the Europeans themselves are full of shit. Even though the US is by no means a good guy. Europeans come up with ridiculous, nonsensical and idiotic social experiments all the time, which costs money and brings no benefits. Yeah, the US domination is shit, but there are plenty of ways in which Europe makes stupid decisions all on its own. Nothing stopped Europe from working out alternative gas routes from North Africa, Middle East or Central Asia, for there was plenty of time. It was obsessed with idiotic social experiments instead.

>> No.51237750

You forgot the simple fact that europoors are natural slaves, they aren't being abused they are BEGGING to put a collar around their neck
You can go door to door and gun down every person inside, not 1 of them will resist, they are lower than cattle

>> No.51237755

america is literally tranny capital of the western world. there won't be an america left to pay for the world's defense in three generations, and everyone knows this, they just dont want to act sooner than necessary because that would be wasting trillions.

>> No.51237765

>brown tries to talk over white people

>> No.51237780

They still have no alternative and plead putler to turn on ns1 to 100%, nothing fucking changed

>> No.51237816

the IMF will take over before that happens

>> No.51237818

>Can't stop thinking about race for a single second
You do realize that Europe is +90% white right?
We don't think about race all day because we simply don't interact with them

You have to be from Europe to even start to understand just how pathetic it is here, slaves revolt, russian peasants revolt, we cheer on our masters while they tie the noose around our necks, a first in history

>> No.51238207

You're right, we have the leaders we deserve, I was only pointing out the fact that we were slaves to the US, but it's only because of our own weakness. It's sad, really.

>You do realize that Europe is +90% white right? We don't think about race all day because we simply don't interact with them
That's not true in western Europe anymore. Mohamed is now the most common name for the newborns in Paris (you can find it on Google), and our politicians are cheering. We are pathetic.

>> No.51238248
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Bastw putin telling fags to take their price caps and shove it up their prolapsed shitholes, in other disastrous news for the EU pic related

>> No.51238275


>> No.51238352

I fucking hate Americunts but i hate EU leaders even more for destroying our nations in behalf of Washington orders
Who the fuck cares about a corrupt shithole like ukraine?
Fuck Jewkraine
Fuck Jewlensky
Fuck Niggers and Trannies organization (NATO)
Fuck France and Germoney
Fuck kikes
And fuck jannies

>> No.51238407

That's what happens when you burn the wick at both ends with your infrastructure.
Equipment failures from running at 120% duty for months will fuck you over at the worst time.

>> No.51238424

Your nations were already being destroyed when Europe and Russia were at the peak of their trading relations. Reliance on cheap Russian energy exports turned you into sissies.

>> No.51238425

you retards are forgetting the point of this board, how the fuck do we make a shitload of money off this?

>> No.51238442

How did he get the money to spit out what cheat code is this

>> No.51238443

>Your nations were already being destroyed when Europe and Russia were at the peak of their trading relations. Reliance on cheap Russian energy exports turned you into sissies.
What the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.51238491

You wish you could get to the "good old days" of cheap Russian gas, right? Except that those days were never good. The downfall of Europe corresponded with the era of extreme cooperation with Russia.

>> No.51238523
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Go on....

>> No.51238534

>ignores the siemens engineers
You have literal apes living in your country virgin soiboy

>> No.51238535

this is smart they're playing go fund me longs. turn £400 into £10,000

>> No.51238546

Ok, your grandchildren will be negroes

>> No.51238548

>The downfall of Europe corresponded with the era of extreme cooperation with Russia.

Zoomers on here forget that it was the Soviet Union that bailed Europe out during the OPEC crisis.

>> No.51238556
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How do I profit from this?

>> No.51238567
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Seethe bitch, seethe. Maybe now you'll respect what a man does and show love when it's due.

Feminism caused this. Now the people suffer. Back to Italy, now dear...

>> No.51238615

Buy oil when the US gulf is hit by a hurricane in September and the refineries go offline. When President Biden comes down to tour the damage, sell your oil positions by market close and use proceed to buy stocks in the companies that own the refineries.

Imagine what happens Russia and USA don't export oil for a couple weeks.

Thank me later.

>> No.51238691

>You wish you could get to the "good old days" of cheap Russian gas, right? Except that those days were never good. The downfall of Europe corresponded with the era of extreme cooperation with Russia.
So trade is ..le bad?
If the west hadn't been pushing eastwards Russia wouldn't have done anything.
They even let most of the Ukraine go, but Minsk 2 wasn't ever implemented
Also your retarded argument can be also applied to USA and China, or China and literally anyone else
This is how free trade works retard.

>> No.51238708

>laughs in British
I hope you all freeze and starve at the same time you fucking cucks.

>> No.51238723

Cope, your nation has a smaller economy than fucking Italy.

>> No.51238725

>I hope you all freeze and starve at the same time you fucking cucks.
Have you checked your electricity bill recently?

>> No.51238738

Cope more should’ve prepared, Mouthbreather.

>> No.51238775

True. Let Russia be Russia. Let's return to the good old days, get things back to normal, let's continue consuming cheap Russian gas while celebrating socialism, replacing our population and turning into homosexuals. Let's return to status quo. Is this what you're trying to say? Moron. You lack reflection. Today is the right moment to push for reform. If Europe doesn't get its shit together now, in tough times, then it will never happen at all.

>> No.51238776

It is the European leaders that indeed made the deal themselves with Russia to keep relations at least OK so you can trade and deliver the contracts. Now they made the deal quickly deteriorated relations and fucked over the people. Even though it’s their job to take care of the people first. I mean I guess loony lefties and cuckhold centrists took it and I guess they will beg the government and central banks again when shit hits the fan. So in the end who cares? Central banks will win. They have all the fake fiat.

>> No.51238802

>let's continue consuming cheap Russian gas while celebrating socialism, replacing our population and turning into homosexuals
How the fuck are these things related?

>> No.51238817

Eurofags suddenly started doing all of those things as soon as the relations with post-Communist Russia became good.

>> No.51238831

yea totally has nothing to do with the globohomo culture originating from washington
its the ruskis

>> No.51238862
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>the CSDR of the FTD is like the ESMA on ECR
I didn't understand anything she wrote

>> No.51238864

Haha seethe. Europoors can get fucked. I literally dont give a shit about the leccy bill because its peanuts. Off to go take a hot bath.

>> No.51238873

The eurohomo culture originating from the rotten eurocuck brain. With the exception of Poland because the Poles are based. Only the eurocuck was naive enough to believe that reliance on Russian energy automatically means communism with fairies and elves, people of every race holding hands. At least now you have time to reflect.

>> No.51238936

We got infected by the Talmud virus from you guys to begin with, now that it has festered here and incubated long enough it is now killing its original host. Rip Europe.

>> No.51238948

Basically there's almost a trillion in counterfeit securities in the European market.

>> No.51238964

Get fucked yuroos

>> No.51239021
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>> No.51239184
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They do it for free.

>> No.51239201

Jesus Christ, im not happening fag or anything, but this is getting spicy for the tea-niggers lol. To all the Americans laughing, we're next.

>> No.51239217

Shouldn’t you be out collecting firewood Hans?