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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51228855 No.51228855 [Reply] [Original]

The absolute state of the EU

>> No.51228866

and eat ze bugs

>> No.51228867

Checked, Europoors keep seething

>> No.51228873

Take that Putin!

>> No.51228882

Why is it always Germans that get screwed the most in global economic disasters?

>> No.51228889

how does this work, will Stasi officers be placed into homes? If I have my own boiler, who is to stop me?

>> No.51228891

they believe in the state dogma the most

>> No.51228895

because jews

>> No.51228898

guilt because in peace time they destroy their neighbors using the Euro.

>> No.51228902

>EU should just let Russia do whatever it wants, taking whatever countries it wants
Is this what Chuds genuinely believe?

>> No.51228961

You own the boiler, not the gas supply.

>> No.51228971
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>will Stasi officers be placed into homes
Pizzafag here, the government has proposed local police officers to check the temperature in public and private offices (and then maybe homes). It’s fucking over

>> No.51229006

Someone post "take that, putin!" picture

>> No.51229011

>being Italian
>needing to heat at all

>> No.51229019
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fuck eu and fuck germs
get woke go broke lol

>> No.51229021

Hey Hans, I'm gonna need some extra gibs for heating this year, hope you don't mind

>> No.51229027

>what is northern italy

>> No.51229028

I dont support the fucking ukraine neither russia, I dont even give a shit if they kill each others, let them all die there! Just give me back cheap energy and fuel!

>> No.51229031

>Pizzafag here
you are a spaghetti

>> No.51229037

We do though.

Northern Italy is cold during winter

>> No.51229038

>*farts on you*

>> No.51229059

German here.
I have been taking cold showers for years.
Not because I'm cheap but because it's nice when you're not a soft basedboy. Read up Wim Hofs methods.

That being said Germany is obviously done and will most likely drift into an emerging nation state within the next 10 years. They are basically de-industrialising ou place at this point. The only great thing it has going is a good reputation (a german passport is welcomed in most parts of the world) and a surprisingly good tax law allowing tax free gains after 1 year of holding. It's ironic that these two good points will allow me to escape germany next bullrun and leave this god forsaken place behind. Sure there are worse countries in the world but I can not imagine growing old here.

>> No.51229072

LOL. I can't believe the TOP project in this WORLD! So-called Yopi Network.

>Play AND Earn RPG Games
>High staking rewards, up to 66%
>Clear and transparent roadmap
>The takeover of yopi.network is eminent in the new age technology

>> No.51229081

I've said this in a previous thread, but men shouldn't really tske warm showers. Cold showers increase your T-levels and warm water hitting your balls for prolonged periods of time kills off your sperm. Hopefully this makes some of the men in this gigacucked nation man up a little

>> No.51229090
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Btw this has nothing to do with the war. It’s part of Agenda2O3O net zero emission…even when the war is over these energy restrictions will only get worse

>> No.51229091

Jews want to destroy Amalek to get their promised 1666 slaves each.

>> No.51229092


>> No.51229093
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How much does this trigger the Germ?
Entered a long term price fixed contract in 2016

>> No.51229139

Good luck defending this when they randomly break your contract, already happens everywhere

The people having those energy saving are city cucks and everyone knows what city cucks vote, they get what they fucking deserve, how do they plan to inplement such a thing when i produce my own warm water? Idiotic city cucks relying on external warm water

>> No.51229141

>price fixed contract
take a look in your contract. With extraordinary circumstances contracts can legally be called quits. Most people I know had a "price fixed" contract. Thats HAD for a reason. Good luck tho anon

>> No.51229156

Because they got no balls or dignity

>> No.51229299

What I was wondering too, because it is in my contract, but I got confirmation by mail that the price is going to stay that way; I suppose my supplier still has enough stock and long contracts and hasn't been speculating on a dump like a bunch of other suppliers who saw themselves margin called. Though they currently don't accept new customers, which got me worried, just to be reassured and being able to be smug about it

>> No.51229396

the amount of time mutt media talks about europe is literally more than europe thinks about america at this point

>> No.51229549

friss käfer, hans

meanwhile kebabs just heat with body warmth from kids fed by hans

>> No.51229701

Rent free mutts

How many threads you gonna open about germany, just suck some german dick du stück

>> No.51229853
File: 67 KB, 534x600, lmao at ur life kiddo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so bad for the people that got exactly what they voted for. Oh wait, no I don't. Heh.

>> No.51229883


i've only taken cold showers since i was like 17. i even shave with only cold water, it's better for the skin. my room mate thinks that's fucking crazy for whatever reason. it sucks now, and people should use cold water because it's healthier and not forced to out of deprivation. but in 20 years or so germans will have the best skin in europe, especially when their competition are carb-eating and cigarette smoking french to the west, autistic carb worshipping italians to the south, and vodka vatniks to the east.

>> No.51229976
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I thought this is a pasta at first

>> No.51230305

maybe those cold showers will wake them up

>> No.51230312

Because it's fun poking at the poor, moreover a snobbish poor

After you die, then we'll move on to other amusing things to talk abt

>> No.51230328
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t. Angela Merkel

>> No.51230362

There are electric boilers too, you know.

>> No.51230375

I don't get it, why aren't eurofags using this crisis as an opportunity to bring attention to gnawing issues like mass migration, among others? Now it's time.

When Europe was at the peak of its trading relations with Russia was also the time when Europe was going downhill. I don't understand people who insist "we should get things back to normal as soon as possible".

>> No.51230390


They have to wear the nazi hat ironically while getting fucked 10 ways.

>> No.51230423

link for you twitterbrained retards

>Cutting back on warm water. Likewise, in public buildings, instantaneous water heaters or hot water tanks should be switched off if they are mainly used for washing hands. Exceptions are made for medical facilities, schools, and daycare centers. Some cities go even further. There, the showers in swimming pools and sports halls will remain unheated.

>Private pools may no longer be heated with gas and electricity, except for rehab centers, recreational facilities, and hotels. The new regulations will initially apply until the end of February.


>> No.51230663

what are you talking about you mongoloid retard?
Cheap energy is bad? goddamn you're one stupid monkeynigger, why the fuck did you even open your shit-filled mouth anyway, do you have any idea what the fuck is going on in Europe at all?

>> No.51230870

>Cheap Russian energy is bad?
Unironically. It made Europeans lazy, turned them into cuckolds and sissies. Europe made some of the worst decisions in history when it was pampered with cheap but monopolistic energy, yet some people want to get back to "le normal". Now there's an opportunity for a radical, paradigmatic shift, will Europeans take it? I don't know.

>> No.51230905

This is your world on female/leftist governments. Even the basic things start to get terribly mismanaged. Over here they act like basic city security is a tough ask. "We just don't know what to do with these roving bands of marauding homeless people and nig warzones!!"

>> No.51230933
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As an American, I love watching Europeans suffer. Maybe I'll come over and impregnate all of your women while you cope and seethe at your wage slave factory.

Don't even try to fight it losers. Americans will be rawdawging your wives while you work, just to feed your bastard children. You should just get it over with and kill yourselves now. Save the trouble for the Russians.

There is going to be a brutal double penetration of Eurotrash this winter. I'm getting a raging hard-on just thinking about all of your desperate women wanting a hot shower and a full pantry.

>> No.51230951

jews ... jews are mad they got called out

>> No.51230973

there is no fucking logic in what you're saying, cheap resources drives up the economy.
I suggest you to shut the fuck up and stop polluting the thread with your faggotshit.

>> No.51230982

>be German

>> No.51230991

the current generations are too far gone by propaganda. even if they suffer they will cling onto their brainwashing. maybe zoomers will be different after a couple cold winters.

>> No.51231073

You’re fucking retarded. There’s a reason your balls shrivel when they get cold, your semen has to stay warm or they die. You don’t want too much heat either, but using that as your reason to take cold showers is just fucking stupid. This might be one of the stupidest posts I’ve ever read on /biz/ and that is really saying something. Right up there with “body hardening” fags

>> No.51231098

Look, buddy. I can sense from a distance that you're not European. You're a smelly, shit-stained, Judeo-Bolshevik Russian. That's why you got so visibly upset at the simple truth that cheap Russian energy was harmful for Europe. Keep in mind that the Russians are a fake nation. They were invented by the Bolsheviks, for they identify with old Judeo-Bolshevik symbols and their victory. Cheers.

>> No.51231104
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many factors
1. no lobby register in the bundestag (corruption)
2. antitrust office gets told to look away by politicians
3. guilt and very stupid population
4. VERY sensitive supply infastructure because it never gets updated, literally everything is running on 20 year old software.

>> No.51231113

This is the worst bait ever but keked

>> No.51231120

why is german still being taught as a secondary language in most european schools despite it being useless?

>> No.51231153

>still talking
unironically kill yourself you subhuman trash

>> No.51231158

there are brits on here that STILL think BREXIT was a bad idea lmao
could you imagine the utter state the UK would be in if they hadn't left that collapsing experiment lmao

>> No.51231182

Look. Russia's main hero (Stalin) is not even an ethnic Russian. He's a fucking churka.

>> No.51231193
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>> No.51231214

it really hard to say who currently are more fucked - krauts or bongs.
Go read on what bank of England said about economy for upcoming years If you don't believe me.

>> No.51231217

Is that true? Wouldn't English be taught as secondary language in most countries?

>> No.51231233
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I hate the EU but Britain is collapsing too

>> No.51231293 [DELETED] 
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STFU idiot.

>> No.51231316

english gets taught first, but german always gets taught aswell and in my experience gets more class time

>> No.51231345 [DELETED] 
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Make me loser.

>> No.51231394

Good luck, rare and based self-aware German

>> No.51231404 [DELETED] 
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I know where you live.

>> No.51231421

Sorry bigots, we told you to eat the bugs but you didn't listen. Now you have to cut down on your energy use because of global warming.

Anyway, time to head home on my private jet.

>> No.51231459

wrong number, it's actually 2800 slaves. See Talmud tractate Shabbat, folio 32b.

1666 was the year Shabbatai Zvi wad proclaimed to be the Messiah

>> No.51231528

>people on here admit they fall for propaganda shit

>Some cities go even further. There, the showers in swimming pools and sports halls will remain unheated.
can't make that shit up, no wonder everyone on here is poor

>> No.51231550

>but in 20 years or so germans will have the best skin in europe
no they won't they'll all be niggers lmao

>> No.51231668
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So does that "cold showers raise your test levels" shit actually have some merit or is it some quackery to make people do it for the placebo effect? Going to be finally living on my own and all the places I'm looking at charge for heating/water, so I gotta minmax my expenses to save for a down payment.

>> No.51231755

There are health benefits to ice showers and there are health benefits to saunas.

I can't remember if test increase is one of the cold shower benefits, but I do remember that it's actually bad for muscle repair and shouldn't be done within a few hours of finishing a workout.

>> No.51231787

“Act of god” and then boom, say goodbye to that price and hello to the gulag

>> No.51232490

This. The main problem is that the UK hasn't really done anything different in terms of trade deals, policy, or laws since it left. Apart from all the seething, it doesn't really change anything

>> No.51232519

the way most people describe it is placebo, i do have reason to believe wim hoff method is legit though and that does involve cold showers

>> No.51232532

>Russians are a fake nation
Wrong. But you are right that Russians were completely castrated by the commie reign, and basically whatever exists after 1917 is not the Russian nation.

>> No.51232541

Things are better than ever!

>> No.51232610

it's not good for skin i take cold showers too it's gives you amazing feeling and it is good for your hair but for smooth skin warm water is better

>> No.51232643

PUTIN will PAY for this. We're gonna freeze to death this winter, that'll show him!

>> No.51232676

Putin did this.

>> No.51232682

Jokes on them, i have an electric water heater

>> No.51232786

A consequence of giving the state near-ultimate power is the state's ability to roll an entire ball of shit downhill at you. Doesn't matter if you're a Nazi or a Tankie as shown by Germany, at the end of every day you're gambling on your heads of state not going full retard and sacrificing your life over an ego trip. Your fellow man cannot be trusted to lord over you. This alone is good enough reason to always stay in the libertarian ideologies.

>> No.51233094

Oh hell yes lmao
The dollar can’t stop winning

>> No.51233095

Not really, moreso that despite the US/EU support for Ukraine, which has come at the detriment of their citizens, Russia currently finds itself in the following situation -
- The ruble is the world's strongest performing currency of this year
- Their profits from energy exports are absolutely through the roof
- They've nationalized infrastructure built by western corporations
- Strengthened military and economic commitments with China and India
- Continue to make advancements in Ukraine, and no meaningful counteroffensive has produced positive results for Ukraine (yes, that includes the one from the past week, which was the first major attempt since the initial outbreak of the conflict)

This is a war of attrition, one which Russia is clearly going to win the longer it continues as it has more resources and as such leverages control over the entire European continent's energy supply. Winter will be setting in over the course of the next 60 days, which will prove beneficial to Russia for two major reasons -
- Firstly, winter benefits attacking forces in the sense that it allows them to consolidate control over occupied territories, due to less fighting in winter months
- Secondly, Europe will be unable to survive without Russian energy to provide heat and electricity to their infrastructure

This winter will essentially force Europe to reconsider its commitments to Ukraine, and Russia knows this. This isn't about "we should just bow down to Russia", it's more about "we shouldn't try to change the writing on the wall by choosing one corrupt nation over another at the expense of the taxpayer"

>> No.51233138

Yeah, fuck Putin! I'm going to go bathe in a tub of ice water.

>> No.51233154

>4. VERY sensitive supply infastructure because it never gets updated, literally everything is running on 20 year old software.
>NOOOOO, you MUST updoot! Don't y'all know new = good? Updooooooot!

>> No.51233224

in addition to that, with everyday that eu/germany fucks its population in the ass with increased prices, people get more mad and resentful to their gub. at some point some slightly relevant publication will scream: 'just buy russian oil again and get over with this shit. ukraine is not a natocase, so stop acting like that'

>> No.51233261


>> No.51233377

A hot place.

>> No.51233405

>dw news

>> No.51233425

Unironically though.

Exposure therapy is a technique in behavior therapy to treat anxiety disorders. Exposure therapy involves exposing the target patient to the anxiety source or its context without the intention to cause any danger (desensitization). Doing so is thought to help them overcome their anxiety or distress.[1][2] Procedurally, it is similar to the fear extinction paradigm developed for studying laboratory rodents.[3][4] Numerous studies have demonstrated its effectiveness in the treatment of disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder,[5] post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and specific phobias.[6]
Stop making assumptions about things unless you can get a bigger picture.
Dip shit.

>> No.51233445

>They have to wear the nazi hat
Thats actually illegal in Germany my guy.

>> No.51233460

they get punished by the new world order aka kikes

>> No.51233487

>>Cheap Russian energy is bad?
If you're American or Canadian that was a stupid opinion because all of our technology here in North America.
Gas is pretty cheap.