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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51227464 No.51227464 [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend inherited a block of land from her mum that died recently, on her death bed her mums dying wish was that my GF builds a house on that block and to not sell the block of land.

The problem is this block of land was purchased about 35 years ago in what is now a very high end area and city, which extremely high building costs.

A builder has already offered 1.5M for the block, assuming they want it to build 4 townhouses in to sell for 850k - 1M each, which my gf refused.

The problem is she or I don’t have the money to build a house on the empty block.

I’ve said it seems pretty reasonable it’s just sold off, then she / we can buy a house elsewhere. She could buy a 500k home elsewhere and have it paid off while still having a million invest elsewhere, but she’s a typical woman whose all spiritual n shit and claims that she has to fulfill her Mother’s Dying wish and will never sell the block of land and will wait as long as it takes in order to afford to build a house on the block

>> No.51227486

>My girlfriend inherited a black

I really need to start wearing glasses

>> No.51227499


>> No.51227511

Meanwhile she dumps you for persisting that she sell it, then 5 years later as the reset is in full seing the property quadruples in value and she sells off a chunk and builds on the rest with her new chad boyfriend who used to be ur best friend but dropped u like a bad habit once u got addicted to smack

>> No.51227520

Why do all your thoughts immediately goto cuckolding?

>> No.51227524

This is interesting to me..
Bumping. Good luck fren. Women are tiresome.

>> No.51227533

Why didn't the mum build something on there while prices were cheap and rented it out?
Search for mansions or nice buildings with huge acreage in the countryside. Convince her that such a building would be infinitely better than living in a townhouse and if her mum knew it was the case she'd want the same for her.
Then start homesteading, have a bunch of kids and homeschool them. Get a husky or lab, build chicken coop, plant some fruit trees amd berry shrubs, that kind of stuff. Point is to sell her a better vision than the one she current has.

>> No.51227534

Just park a trailer on it.

>> No.51227537

Maybe you could convince a lender or builder to build some townhouses on it, so you can still get your house and it gets paid for by the other townhouse(s). If there's not much space, maybe a quadplex so you could build and rent out the other units to pay for it. Banks will have a harder time lending for that but might have some luck with credit unions or smaller financial institutions, of course interest rates will be higher tho.

Alternatively, if you're not that invested in the relationship, marry her, then after enough time divorce her so you get half the ownership of everything.
Since she probably can't split up the land and she doesn't have much money to pay off your half, she'd have to sell and you'd get paid.

>> No.51227541

Huh? She’s in the right 100%. Stupid as FUCK to sell the property for peanuts. 1.5m isn’t life changing in any way and it’ll be worth 2x3x4x5x that soon enough

>> No.51227584

this except you call it a "tiny home" if it's a good suburb

>> No.51227620

I’m not well versed in this but I have an idea, why don’t you tell her to lease the land, to builders and so you will have a house built on it and you didn’t sell it. And you make money off it

>> No.51227716

If the land doesn't have natural wealth on it then it's worthless and only good for urban living, whereby you're subject to the same food and water supplies as everyone else.

>> No.51227799
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He is a mutt, it is in his genes.

>> No.51227820

lol just get a townhouse out of those 4 and 700k you fucking retard. you people never cease to amaze me with complicating such retardedly simple stuff.

>> No.51227825

Well it makes more sense that she sells the empty block, gets 1,500,000 for it.

Buys a house for 500,000 in cash, no mortgage

Puts 250,000 in ETH, 250,000 in BTC, still have 500,000 left but you now have a house paid off, a nice amount of eth and btc and another 500,000 left fun

>> No.51227838


>> No.51227858


>> No.51227919

I am not sure why you're asking /biz/ for advice regarding real estate. You should probably ask someone more knowledgeable

>> No.51227962

don't sell that land anon. And be smart and marry her, you'll both be set. In four years like anons say, it will be worth maybe $5m. A bank would gladly help you finance a home on it.

>> No.51228007


> believes into something
> not out for money
> listens to her parents

Not how a typical woman is anon.

Hold on to that woman.

May wanna check your testosterone levels though

>> No.51228040


>> No.51228056

I would just command that you build on it to fulfill her wishes, but make it clear it doesn’t make sense financially to build a house to live there, instead to build some cheap rental properties because you said it was an expensive area so you could probably get a good amount, and keep the land and rent it out.

Also if you’re or her are vaccinated you’ll
Likely die soon anyway. And if you don’t know the Lord Jesus Christ you’re both going to hell so none of this matters.

>> No.51228151

>spiritual n shit and claims that she has to fulfill her Mother’s Dying wish and will never sell the block of land and will wait as long as it takes in order to afford to build a house on the block
Cool. Just make sure you don't marry her. It will be you who pays for that shit

>> No.51228227

Could you lease the land? Kick the problem down the road while you try to build up money.

>> No.51228256

Pretend it’s the middle of a forest and start from scratch with a shack

>> No.51228263

Might wanna check that cool new websites for people like you

>> No.51228272
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>my jewish dogma is so cool if you don’t do what a jewish puppet in robes says you’ll burn in hell
christkikery turned the Aryan world into hell and you’re living in it already

>> No.51228286

Probably this

>> No.51228302

>/biz/ is one person and that person is me
>t. clinical narcissism

>> No.51228413

Why don't you give up the block to the builder in exchange of half of the properties built on it? They save up the upfront cost of buying the block and you get two properties with a combined value higher than the block itself. One fully paid property where you can live in for free instead of paying rent/mortgage and another fully paid property you can rent for an steady second income.
Plus you get to fulfill her death wish of not selling the block and building you house there.

>> No.51228428

can't you get a loan. build 4 townhouses pocket 3M and profit?

>> No.51228506

Good land is generational wealth and will only become harder to find, don't give it up. Also handy as a landlord to be right next to your rental properties to check on your tenants. Do what >>51228428 and work on getting loans to develop the land. It may be wise to consult a third party when looking for loan appeoval to make sure you don't fuck it up.

>> No.51228587

This would be easy as fuck to finance when you own the land outright. You could build the townhouses with the banks money. Keep 1, and sell 3

>> No.51228604

>on her death bed her mums dying wish (...) to not sell the block of land.
>I’ve said it seems pretty reasonable it’s just sold off
I hope she dumps you right fucking away

>> No.51228612

Make a deal with a builder, he gets the plot and builds four houses, one house is for you, and pays you 1M instead of 1.5M, you have a house and a million but keep fourth part of the plot

>> No.51228674

>biz is more than one person
>t. schizophrenia

>> No.51228697

It's not your money first of all your just a boyfriend. If your not married to her or even have kids.....she is free to do what she wants. Even if she does nothing the land will always be worth something.

>> No.51228703

Get yourself into her will ("just in case"), employ the services of local melanin enhanced gentlemen to dispose of her, inherit the inherited land & sell it.

>> No.51228736

Shut up, dumb roastiod

>> No.51228762

There are no townhomes you retarded nigger. Read the post

>> No.51229298

just sell it. you guys aren't experts of building

the opinions of dead boomers shouldn't sway you either

>> No.51229363

Cut a deal with a contruction company to let them build on the land for free, but in return give you some of the apartments / houses.
My family did that a few years ago and it was the best decision they ever did.
You and your gf get somewhere to live and you also get space to rent/sell if you want.
You'll end up making very close to the same amount but you'll also have your own place.

>> No.51231804

It’s not your place. You’re not her husband, her mother specifically said to keep the land and build a house. If she’s fired up and willing to develop professionally and push for opportunities.

You are extremely out of line to tell her what she should do, regardless if you think it’s a good idea or not. If she follows your instructions, she WILL resent you for making the decision going forward to go against her own mother’s wishes.

Stay out of it anon, do not be autistic here. It’s not your money, not your land, and build the relationship to the point of marriage and then focus on the house.

>> No.51231844


>> No.51231848


Go on a "cruise"

>> No.51232156

obviously when they get built you absolute mongoloid

>> No.51232244

This is actually a sensible idea.

>> No.51232394

Just tell your girlfriend to build that house already... what is she waiting for? And no, don't put any effort into it. The plot of land is not yours

>> No.51233920
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>> No.51234239

She can dump you in a week unless you put a ring on her finger. Not your wife, not your land

>> No.51234471

just hold the block you retards dont sell it pretend it doesnt exist holy shit

>> No.51235511

Take your meds /pol/tard and go back to shilling for your saviour putin.

>> No.51235525
File: 63 KB, 531x425, prefab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy a prefab tiny house, put it on that block and call it a day. problem solved

>> No.51235601

your gf has bad genetics and literally retarded. If you have a child with her your child will be a retarded cuck or dumb slut who becomes a cat lady. A jewess would've sold instantly

>> No.51235620

Do NOT sell the land you fucking moron
Do you see any more just popping into existence like magic?

>> No.51235719

>on her death bed her mums dying wish was that my GF builds a house on that block and to not sell the block of land.
Jesus fucking christ what a stupid cunt, just pretend you didnt hear it and push the pillow over her head.

>*muffled sounds*
>*Muffled sounds continue* *b-build .... the ... house*

Dumb bitch is delusional. Its a fucking piece of land. Sell it and do something productive with the money rather than build some dogshit house at the peak of the housing market. You'll probably end up under water unless you guys sell the thing at the end.

>> No.51236130

You can post

>> No.51236149

>just live in a sauna, bro

>> No.51236229

were you there when her mom died? If so I would recommend gaslighting her into thinking her mom said something else, tell here she actually meant to "build her life using that land" or something similar to get her to sell, if you're trying to use rational thinking to persuade a woman you're going to fail

>> No.51236300

what is this faggot with no money and british teeth going to do with an empty lot that he can't afford build on and has to pay property taxes on? It doesn't matter how valuable the land is if he can't extract any value out of it by building, it's just going to be a tax bill every year

>> No.51236370

Tell your girlfriend to act rationally, sell it, buy a mansion in the midwest for 500k, and keep the million like you said. Explain that her grandmother’s wish will mean nothing if you have no kids to leave it to anyway, and the best way to have kids would be to have a stable home which is big enough for them to grow up in. Explain to her that having a paid off home is life-changing, and that you would both possibly be able to retire even 20 years earlier with that advantage, and that with that head start, you could potentially leave all of your kids paid off houses, so that they will never have to be poor. That is, as long as she does the most financially reasonably thing right now.

Hell, you’re fucked. I just told my girlfriend from the beginning that I would be in charge of all the financial decisions, to which she agreed. If you have to persuade your girlfriend to not doom you both to poverty when the escape is right in front of you, then she might not be a good mate, brother.

>> No.51236404

>offered 1.5M for the block
>buy 500k house
>still have 1M left
you're a special kind of stupid, aren't you? Have fun paying 50% of the value for inheritance/death tax. she'll be lucky to walk away with 500k total. you're not smart enough to advise her, and she is woman, so get a fucking lawyer before you totally fuck this up anon.

>> No.51236406

if it is so high end and sought after just sell a portion of the land to fund building your house on the rest of the plot. if they can build 4 town houses you can easily sell 1/4 or 1/3 and keep the rest.
the amount of unethical greed some of you anons have...

>> No.51236422

you sound retarded, do NOT advise her
>selling land
>acting rational
pick one

>> No.51236433

Tell the builder it's for sale for $3 million.

>> No.51236456

Donate it to Land for Lads

>> No.51236462

In 4 years it’s a mystery what it’ll be worth, or even if 5 million will be a lot of money. What’s not a mystery is that you can exchange this land right now for a very large house and piece of property in a nice location, with a lot leftover. Take the asset now, and even if prices drop, it will not matter because you will have a paid off house and no need to ever pay rent or a mortgage.

And there are really people here telling you that that is not life-changing, or to gamble it on future prices or shitcoins.

>> No.51236465

Meanwhile the fertility rate continues to accelerate even further below extinction level, while OP keeps land with negative cash flow instead of moving and having kids.

>> No.51236529

>selling land
>to buy even more land in a reasonably priced area that you have have some utility for instead of just sitting there as a speculative asset
You’re not retarded, but stop trying to fool people into making bad choices. That karma will come back to you.

>> No.51236530

You don't actually need to honor a dying person's wish. They're dead if you didn't notice. You aren't hurting anyone.

>> No.51236686

Sounds kinda cool (but hot and sweaty), actually.

>> No.51239195

Save up and build a house on it, your kids will inherit it and it'll be worth even more then.

>> No.51240976

you need to visit a clairvoyant or spiritual guide then and pay him off before hand so when he contacts the dead the mother warns about the land being haunted or some shit and not to go there because if you do its a curse. then she will have to change her mind and sell

>> No.51240997

Construction loan, ever hear of it?

>> No.51241623

It's not a fucking mystery. Don't fucking sell this land. Also buying a house before marriage....LOL. You're a greedy cunt to try to pressure your GIRLFRIEND into selling so you guys can build some new construction garbage somewhere where land is double the cost so you can live in your poorly-built pretty princess castle. One builder made 1 offer and you didn't even counter? LOL.

Do you want to have wealth or do you usually make bad calls like this?

>> No.51241659

You’re a retard. Why the fuck would you sell land in a high end area of the city. You can get probably $20 million in 10 year

>> No.51242420

Do not sell OP.
Put a tiny home or trailer on it.
Live rent free.
Start a family with your GF.

You have the golden opportunity. RE anon here, the real estate golden bull run is here

>> No.51242840

>Why didn't the mum build something on there while prices were cheap and rented it out?

She probably inherited it off her mother and also couldn't afford to build on it

>> No.51243045

la palma chan...

>> No.51243172

Take a construction loan out against value of land and build house, then revalue when house it built, extract equity and reinvest