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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51220423 No.51220423 [Reply] [Original]

Simultaneously not needed and irrelevant yet holding the entire space hostage? Isn't that odd?

>> No.51220528

Power is too centralized
Not meddling with it
Defi is still and will always be dead
>t. token definitely not needed

>> No.51220654


Question - I don't understand why Chainlink won't support a forked ETH PoW fork. Will it simply not work with ETH PoW fork? Isn't it possible to fork Chainlink for it to work on an ETH PoW fork? and does LINK work on ETH Classic now?

>> No.51220733

It’s just not needed. Don’t ask too many questions man. Don’t buy chainlink. It can take down the entire defi but it’s not needed.

>> No.51220753

where is the top left thing from?
what did they do to marker?

>> No.51220777

token pays for essential services, shame about it not being needed though

>> No.51220842

i need it

>> No.51220873
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delete this.

token not needed. chainlink not needed. elaborate scam with the best team.

>> No.51220892

same as all the little altmais crying about bitcoin
it can't both be holding crypto back and be obsolete

ultimately late adopters don't like that the world won't be buying their favorite altcoin but a newer, better one that launched later, and get desperate and think if bitcoin disappeared that money would flow into their special alt out of 20,000 alternatives.
for link it's similar but usage wise not price wise, given link has already fallen victim to the altcoin cycle in 2020.

>> No.51220953
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Chainlink will not subsidize price feeds for PoW ETH but there's nothing preventing you from creating your own feeds using Chainlink and funding those feeds yourself.

>> No.51220977

They can just fork Chainlink too

>> No.51221000


>> No.51221011

how is it decentralized to have one company subsidizing all of the oracles on their platform?

>> No.51221054

back at ya

>> No.51221074

they are bootstrapping the entire network. It is the way LINK got this big anon

>> No.51221126

sounds like the same problem all the prior new--concept failed alts had. paying to subsidize the birth of something novel, but being left behind when that idea materializes elsewhere as a feature not a product.
much like how zcash got destroyed when zkproofs got added to ethereum as an opcode, suddenly blockchain not needed for zcash.

>> No.51221134 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51221328
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>> No.51221388

>how is it decentralized that satoshi wrote the bitcoin protocol and mined millions of coins
remember that time something got huge and ubiquitously used without tons of money and attention pouring into it during the early stages? me neither

>> No.51221389

nice compliation
poor makerdao
i rememeber a couple of years ago people talking how they were the most focused and ruthless team in the space
>i am very smart
they are subsidising chainlink dons. but anyone is free to set up a don. however, at this point in the protocol's development, most dons are run by chainlink due to high gas costs and the technical expertise needed
when i say chainlink run i mean the selection of nodes, monitoring, payments etc. they don't provide the actual data, that comes from independent ndoes
the main thing to realise is that chainlink is a _protocol for composing decentralized oracle networks_ (don)

>> No.51221525

I’m assuming back door agreement between Eth and Chainlink. The link team agreed not to subsidize/sponsor price feeds and other services on a proof of work fork in exchange for link nodes being the de facto validators for eth post merge.

>> No.51221574

>poor makerdao
did you read the forum post from the other co-founder about depegging DAI from the USD? dude's lost it, needs to take a long vacation and come back with a clearer head

>> No.51221595

yeah makerdao is in chaos, a real identity crisis...
just shows what a mess daos are in general. a focused, centralised team with strong leadership is what you want

>> No.51221708

> blue id confirms absolutely based cll employee

>> No.51221743

trannys and jews know a world governed by truth means the destruction of their clown kingdom.

>> No.51222903

because he launched the whitepaper months before anyone mined anything, and announced/published the code and clients over a week before anything after the genesis block was mined.

there is simply no comparison between bitcoin's unreproducible launch and a run of the mill erc-20 who premined their entire supply of their security token and decides when and how to dump it all.

and yes, its happened plenty of times not just in blockchains.

so they're running a company that exists to pay independent contractors to feign decentralization.

>> No.51222941
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jesus christ

>> No.51223111

I'm out of the loop with most crypto shit now. What's going on with makerdao? Is it like the one dao that made the fork between ETH and ETC?

>> No.51223123

Why worry with this goofy shit every day? Just throw it on LUNC and be done with these other coins. They're going to sputter out and the gains you'll make will absolutely dwarf whatever profit you're looking at currently and that is regardless of what it does. It could go up, but you'll never see the money you would with LUNC.

>> No.51223752

you will eat the bugs
1/1 trusted chainlink fact checkers approve of this message

>> No.51225388

that's actually a pretty interesting way of putting it
no, it's a stablecoin. they're going crazy as some factions want to introduce banks, usdc and real world assets into their system while others want to remain "pure"

>> No.51226653

Eth won't be able to scale, ever. Won't see public adoption because of fees. At max it will be a golden goose for the banksters and a limelight for bitcoin for a decade more to follow because of "smart contracts".

>> No.51226674

don't post here for at least three months, just read
or go back

>> No.51226771

not reading your blogposts pajeet

>> No.51226786
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vitalik is sad

>> No.51226800

He also held the investors hostage, really is no winning for anyone

>> No.51226811

gives whole board a 100x in a bear market
>really is no winning for anyone

>> No.51226899

So did other coins, link pump isn’t even that special. Even Luna probably a better play right now