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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51219331 No.51219331 [Reply] [Original]

I can't be the only one accumulating right now, right?

>> No.51219382

nah all us frogposting incel NEET free-thinkers are. only normie sex-having wagies NPCs aren't

>> No.51219481

you aren't.

>"It's clear that longer-term holders at the retail level are also accumulating, the number of wallets holding relatively small amounts of bitcoin is indeed growing."
-Jay Fraser

>> No.51219496


>> No.51219499

just slurped some cheapies

>> No.51219530
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I bought today.

>> No.51219610

this seems to be the case. we have no fear, we don't care if it goes down or up we just buy b/c we understand where it ends up. normies are too bust cooonsuming trash and eating goyslop and just living their lives too busy focused on what is infront of them to see the big picture.

>> No.51219632

Literally anyone with a brain is

>> No.51219650

we = good and virtuous
normies = bad and degenerate

>> No.51219757
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I'm already all-in and will continue to buy with wagie money

I don't feel a thing anymore

>> No.51219796

imagine accumulating before september 27th.
I'll buy your cheapies in some weeks, thanks for paying.

>> No.51219798

accumulating in a bear market feels like you're retarded

the bull market gains feel like you're a genius

>> No.51219923

Seriously, I feel mentally ill

>> No.51219937

we = autistic and focused

>> No.51219974

if you're not buying BTC under 20k you're a fucking pussy. Yes it may dump to 16k but if you haven't bought yet you'll start waiting for 10k at that point. If it actually goes all the way down to 10k you'd wait for 5k. Yes, hedge your bets, hold some cash for the dumps, but don't be a bearcuck retard.

>> No.51220024
File: 260 KB, 929x1175, example 4chan meme 2 (pepe the frog).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying a scam and then continuing to buy the same scam after losing all your money.
Buy AVAX instead faggit.

>> No.51220295 [DELETED] 

Definitely, you aren't the only one doing that. I am presently adding more _SYS_ to my existing bag. Sy.scoin has a unique ecosystem design, using Bitcoin's Proof of Work as a consensus method while being fully Ethereum Virtual Machine compliant. In addition, the web3 dApps that will be built on the system will be a game changer!

>> No.51220311
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It depends...

>> No.51220322

I'm not ready for the merge, bros.

>> No.51220324
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on what...

>> No.51220334

i was going to say "you are accumulating" next but shib is down and i dont wanna look bad

>> No.51220338

You look bad already anon dw

>> No.51220353


>> No.51220359
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$BTC will never ever go back to $80k

>> No.51220367


>> No.51220476
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Same. Continuing to lump sum every paycheck and living off of oats, beans and rice while the voices scream for more dumps is a surreal experience. It makes a man question his intelligence, yet the accumulation must continue

get the fuck out of my thread you fucking shitskin

>> No.51220549

Idk why people like you just talk about price. Like there's no other external economic factors to consider. Like people just pick random arbitrary prices out of their ass lol.

There's going to be a lot more downside. The economy is totally fucked up and everyone knows its going to take a shit by the end of the year. It's going to drag crypto down with it. That is when you should look to accumulate.

People have been expecting this for a long time, and it still hasn't happened yet. This makes it pretty obvious we're going lower. Patience is important.

>> No.51220742 [DELETED] 

What are you accumulating ATM? As for me, I am bagging more _SYS_ ATM. Sy.scoin is a solid OG cryptogem and one to watch with its best-in-class fundamentals, longevity, team and community - expecting exciting announcements at Token2049. Rollux is ready to take _SYS_ to the next level, DYOR, DCA and HODL IMHO!

>> No.51220957

New Partnership Alert
hackenclub x sy.scoin
Sy.scoin has chosen Hacken to audit the security of Rollux, Sy.scoin's Layer 2. Hacken is a leading Web3 cybersecurity auditor working with the industry's biggest names.

>> No.51221058

What coins to acquire

>> No.51221121

>EVERYONE KNOWS it's going to get worse!
lmfao if this were true it would be priced in. you think EVERYONE KNOWS that the DXY is going to pump like crazy while everything else shits but they're just holding, like, for funsies, because eating losses is exciting?
fuck you niggers are dumb

>> No.51221174


>> No.51221297
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It can still go down but I don't give a shit. I'm stacking more eth before the merge and Sylo before their incentive nodes go live.

>> No.51222097
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Solana any good? I keep hearing promising stuff but the few coins I have are performing far worse then my others link/matic

>> No.51222121

I’ve been dcaing with like $1k - $2k a month since everything shit the bed. Mostly into new projects.

>> No.51222377

bought 0.5btc today

>> No.51222980

Which new projects anon?

>> No.51223129


>> No.51223761

Tsuka and Spiral/Polaris which will become Spiralv2 soon.

>> No.51224024

no anon, im right here with you accumulating Matic which has been the case for the past couple of months after learning about the 400% growth in polygon powered dapps, its ecosystem is now powering over 37k dapps

>> No.51224066


>> No.51224106
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That's the fucking paradox. Although, you need to be smart while accumulating. My confidence is limited to only interoperability based projects alone.

>> No.51224472

I'm not. Hope that helps.

>> No.51224760

Did it ever hit 80k at any point?

>> No.51224790

Might as well be among the biggest players considering its intense Q3 plans. Integration with AVAX and DOT will turn out real good

>> No.51224845

He might be a Leaf. As one myself I often have to remind myself of the price difference when talking to people online about this stuff. It got up to like $85k or around there in our currency while being around $26.4k at the moment.

>> No.51225943

Sylo has been doing lots of great stuff lately. can't wait to see what their collaboration with the futureverse would be like Anon.

>> No.51225954

fanties maybe. andre will come back... he always does...

>> No.51227839


>> No.51227905
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