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File: 21 KB, 1200x630, 614bc8f4ff06e8806e2adc05_og_ava.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51216710 No.51216710 [Reply] [Original]

The talks are typically about AVAX vs ICP, but what makes AVAX better than MATIC?

>> No.51216756

all of these are shitcoins
stop gambling, anon
get some BTC and ETH

>> No.51216758

AVAX and MATIC are both brown skin garbage coins that do nothing and aren't needed.
ICP is r1b and based. Go shit in the street ranjesh,

>> No.51216821

but what about subnets

>> No.51217063

This thread was made by MATIC subhuman, Like 95% of the AVAX related threads recently (MATIC+ICP fags)

But to answer your question, It takes being illiterate newfag with sub 115 spatial IQ not to realise who are the shit and bad actors in this space

>> No.51217502


The chain doesn't go backwards at least once a day kek

>> No.51217538

ICP succeeding is not enough, every chain and their bagholders must live below the poverty line.


>> No.51217572

all three are shit and will be made irrelevant with better tech next cycle. just stfu with these noob tokens that had their pump already

>> No.51217603

but matic is r1a
and the mighty ethereum is r1a

>> No.51217943
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you must be so sad that Polygon passed Avalanche by market cap.
go cry to you mom retard.
pic related

>> No.51218272
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There is a lot of trash in this space that purports to be superior that objectively, measurably fucking isn't:

MATIC, ICP, Solana, Binance Smart Chain: All use variants of shitty old classical consensus protocols. You can't validate it yourself, which means it isn't run by a community of users. It's a community of users completely dependent on a functioning datacentre. In which case, what's the fucking difference to using an SQL server? There barely is any, except hilariously, despite the GIFT of centralisation, BSC has been known to have capacity problems, Solana has been known to shut down regularly and MATIC has constant chain reorganisations which totally undermines the security of doing DeFi operations due to the lack of finality.

Avalanche: Innovates by producing a whole family of consensus protocols. It is new, innovative technology and whereas every fucking idiot in this space will swear blind that their shitty crypto that was marketed to them by /biz/ or Twitter or Reddit is the latest in tech, they can't identify what it is about their pet system that is superior because they do not understand the important of consensus. Avalanche is so innovative in this regard that anybody can validate it using off the shelf hardware, yeah you need $40,000 worth of stake to do it (although there's a soon to be launched staking protocol that will bring this down to $20,000 and Avalanche itself can update to bring this down much further) and despite this, you can still obtain instant finality, anybody can launch a subnet (literally their own blockchain, with custom rules) without any auctioning (Polkadot) or permission.

I would never fucking trust any of my money to MATIC, ICP, Solana, Binance Smart Chain or any of this other shit.

>> No.51218333

This was posted by either an indian or a child. For some reason MATIC posters always come off as brown or an underaged brat.

>> No.51218352

AVAX and MATIC are both dogshit.

>> No.51218422
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Pic is related.

>> No.51219431
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>> No.51221614

>This thread was made by MATIC subhuman

>>51216710 >>51216758 >>51217063
PSA for all newfags, Polygon (Ticker: MATIC) is a jeet scam-coin straight from the shit-stained streets of New Delhi. If you bought this coin, sell now or enjoy getting gang-raped by Rankesh and Vikram while your life savings are drained through the Aravali range of Eastern Rajasthan.

You should never, and I repeat, NEVER trust ANYTHING these disgusting poo-skins create. They're dirty, smell terrible, have no hygiene, are black, have feminine voices and always act like faggots. Like, you can tell they're dirty fucks with probably some extremely disgusting fetishes and depraved minds, that has to be true considering their disgusting appearance and behaviour. They live in terrible conditions, shit in beaches and streets, eat unsanitary food that looks like sewer water from the same streets they shit on. Let's also not forget how many Indians live by stealing money from the elderly of rich, white countries, and flex their shit stained rupees attached to their brown, horrid skin. I hate them.

Fuck off, curry boy

>> No.51221955 [DELETED] 

I think I know why _SYS_ is preferred to these. iSy.scoin s a solid OG cryptogem with amazing fundamentals, longevity, team and community. Currently expecting exciting announcements at Token2049. Rollux is ready to take _SYS_ to the next level, DYOR, DCA and HODL

>> No.51223489

One rank in Market cap? Uh, who cares? That fluctuates so much from month to month. Market cap is only useful in general e.g. is the coin top 10 or top 100

>> No.51223609
File: 2.06 MB, 720x720, ICP2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not scalable. All ERC-20 tokens will go to 0.

>> No.51225225

And yet why it still pumping hard when AVAX dump harder?

>> No.51225590

I'm not surprised this gets no responses, fucking curry threads. Most deserve not to make it.

>> No.51225931

During the bull market didn't Matic have a shit ton of issues when congested? Like constantly?

>> No.51227366
File: 19 KB, 887x241, Screenshot 2022-09-02 004414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought 7 AVAX rn due to that post kek

>> No.51227849
File: 101 KB, 1066x1392, 83A4C3BD-808A-4039-B4E5-ECBA8B6F5158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be AVAX
>claim to be scaling solution
>somehow manage to spike gas fees all the way to $14 cause of a fucking crab game

even when Polygon was faced with a similar DDOS attack, they still managed to keep gas fees way below $1
seethe, cope and dilate

>> No.51227856
File: 396 KB, 1052x2010, 5BC2A204-51F8-44C6-8A92-AEDBE6F3C05B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related alone should be more than enough proof as to why MATIC is better
this is you average AVAX holder getting absolutely cucked by a chad MATIC holder

>> No.51227874
File: 235 KB, 1124x1137, avax camp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello AVAX cucks
How is the Turkish Lira doing? is the $200/month that Emin is paying still enough to cover living expenses?

my personal advise for you is to sell your AVAX and buy some MATIC instead. Polygon has the superior technology, the funding and building teams that AVAX lacks so badly

Also move out of Turkey while you still can or else you'll end up having to serve overpriced Shawarma and Sujuk sandwiches to tourists who you hate

>> No.51227880


>> No.51227912
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umm AVAX bros? im not feeling too good...

>> No.51227955
File: 162 KB, 1044x1256, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread was made by MATIC subhuman, Like 95% of the AVAX related threads recently (MATIC+ICP fags)

i fucking live to watch the seethe
MATIC prevailed, Emin is going to prison. sell now anon

>> No.51227994

anyone above average intelligence can see that the one responding to OP is also a matic holder you probably coordinated it in some secret indian discord where you sit all day thinking of ways to shit up /biz/ with your curry stinking shilling

>> No.51228024

Having a tough time breaking $1 resistance? you dirty pajeets

>> No.51228096

MATIC will succeed as long as Ethereum is shit, which is for the foreseeable future. Avalanche need to get their permissionless subnets off the ground.

Avalanche is an alternative to ETH 2.0 with a completely different take on how to scale blockchains, it is more like Cosmos really. MATIC is an Ethereum scaling solution.

>> No.51228342
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AVAX doesn't have a team nor the ingenuity to pull any relevant infrastructure off. They've been alive for too long as a marketing scheme, zero.

>> No.51228474

ICP is heavily centralized and closed source, with numerous single points of failure and very very poor censorship resistance, it is not a Blockchain, so for that reason I'm out.

I might buy if it hits $1 because I could probably off load at decent profit in a future bull run, this market is based mainly on hype after all.

But in terms of being innovative, they admit themselves that the the IC sacrifices decentralization for scaling.

>> No.51228844

This is basically it. Idiot curry munchers invested in their own coin fudding real innovation because "muh my chain fast and has low fees" without understanding what and why. These gamblers are at risk of killing all of crypto because people invest in uselss technological crap and then cry when they lose money

>> No.51229678
File: 449 KB, 960x960, Nodeoperator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would never fucking trust any of my money to MATIC, ICP, Solana, Binance Smart Chain or any of this other shit.
and Ethereum is turning into that same shit too. Its becoming centralized and its Proof of Stake mechanism is poorly designed.
cant unstake and withdraw, wait in a queue and get slashed for a 4% APY. whos dumb enough to lock up their stacks in there?

meanwhile Avalanche staking is currently the best staking there is on the market. its proven to work and has a consistent 9-12% APY and even if you cant afford to run a Node you can still help the network by delegating your stack to good NEET fren nodes that you can carefully select.
the 2% from your delegation reward incentivizes the independent NEET Node Operator to keep his uptime high as he gains additional rewards from this and possibly a delegator who will continue delegating to his Node.
a comfy positive feedback loop of profit for everyone involved.
and the best is there is no slashing, if the Node operator fucks up then nobody gets rewarded but your initial stake will always fully unlock back into your P-Chain address. thats right your delegated/staked AVAX is never really leaving your wallet.
your keys your coins.
Avalanche solves many problems in a elegant way like they solved PoS/Staking/Delegating and their Vision is clear and they have shown many times they are able to deliver what they promised. Nobody else but maybe Chainlink is delivering like Avalanche does. personally I'm invested in both and my Avalanche Nodes help me accumulate more of them.

and the future looks bright for us Avalanche Node operators, when the Subnet Bullrun begins then good Nodes will be in high demand, I will validate many different Subnets and this will result in even more additional rewards for me.

>> No.51230044

Yeah. The problem is Ethereum's insistence on slashing, they don't seem to see how that will massively centralize the network. 32 ETH to validate is what, like $60k, nobody is going to want to risk losing that amount, so they will not run their own validator, they use a third parties like LIDO, Binance or Coinbase. Known companies that likely operate in US jurisdiction making the network more vulnerable to censorship through legislation.

The current cope is that maybe you don't actually need that many validators as long as you can control them through slashing, with Vitalik saying they'd slash any validators imposing censorship, that could literally mean blowing up your entire chain. Having very few validators is always bad. You want a large validator set spread out geographically so they can't fall into one jurisdiction and get fucked with via legislation.

Subnets increase the Validator count on Avalanche, each validator can only validate a few Subnets, as the demand for Subnets grows more validators will be added. Subnet validators must also validate the main chain. Meaning the main chains are always becoming more decentralized, more secure and more censorship resistant over time.

Watching Ethereum's path is like watching a train crash in slow motion.

>> No.51230251
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fuck off with your self reply "joke"

>> No.51230316
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It sure is amusing to watch two pajeet coins going against each other thinking they have a chance of becoming relevant.

>> No.51230697


>> No.51230811

Dumb ass, AVAX has one of the best tps, that's why Gamestar Plus is building on the chain.

>> No.51231031

Little wonder Steve Harvey is in on the whole thing.

>> No.51231470

kek, MATIC jeets really are the most shameless shills on /biz/

>> No.51233434

and they constantly invade other threads because there just isnt enough organic conversation around matic to have their own thread so they just go into other threads and spam the same shit over and over

>> No.51235109
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And the real question is, how do they hold a candle to SHINJA?

>> No.51235116

the audacity you guys have is admirable.

>> No.51235119

Simple. I never heard of shinja but I heard of avax and matic.

>> No.51235126

Exactly why you are losing lol remember when avax was $70?

>> No.51235141
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Shinja isn't a smart contract platform nor an open source library to build dapps with retard

>> No.51235146
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