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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51213091 No.51213091 [Reply] [Original]

You could have $50,000 transferred to your bank account right now, Or you could obtain a personal driver that will serve you for the rest of your life.

Which option do you choose and why? Answer carefully.

>> No.51213117

Do I need to feed and house the driver?

>> No.51213135

Obviously the driver, I could make him be an uber driver and pay me his wages

>> No.51213147

He's employed by a firm and there exists a driver for you 24/7

>> No.51213188

Does the driver come with a car? If not obviously the money lmao, sure the driver might have a higher long term value but in the short run he is literally useless and will watch me ride off on my bike

>> No.51213217

Do I have to pay for the fuel for the car myself?

>> No.51213220

Very jewish of you, I like it

>> No.51213248

50g please, invest amd when I'm 80 and actually need a driver I will have more than enough divies to pay one.

>> No.51213275

Is the gas free too?

>> No.51213278

Oh that's way shittier, but still decent, is it guaranteed the firm will be around? Car ownership/gas/insurance will probably more than 50k after a decade, so I'd probably still take the driver if it will always be around.
Although will the firm bring the driver to remote areas of the world with me? If I move to a farm 3 hours from any city, I don't want to wait 3 hours for a driver. But if it's always within 5-10 minutes that'd be fine.
Otherwise just give me the 50k.

>> No.51213349

in theory (i.e., assuming it's for LIFE and I can do whatever I want with the driver), the driver would be the best option because of >>51213135
in practice, I'd take the 50k

>> No.51213391
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Will I have to pay the maintenance costs for the car? Damage, fuel, etc?

>> No.51213444
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50k to throw it into $DEO and get like $50 a month (more if dot stops being shit and becomes based again). Why would I want a driver for if I stay home 99% of the time? I order everything from the comfort of my gaming Razer chair (tm).

>> No.51213472

wow $50 a month that's almost a third worlder's salary! well done anon

>> No.51213476

I'd have sex with exactly 5 of the highest ranking Onlyfans girls.

>> No.51213504
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>/biz/ discussing the intrinsic values of being a slave owner

>> No.51213523

Next year is Polkadot year anon. Screenshot this post

>> No.51213529

Personal driver, definitely. Far more useful.

>> No.51213539

2020- i mean 2021- i mean 2022- i mean 2023 is our year you guys!

>> No.51213545

The driver is professionally dressed, drives your car responsibly, but has to drive your car.

You can make him work phone app jobs while you shitpost on 4chan in the backseat.

>> No.51213600
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Drivers are not needed in America.

>> No.51213615

In that case the services will be available for around 80 years or more for me. If the driver is good then I'll definitely pick the latter option, thank you.

>> No.51213633

I would take the $50k, buy the biggest golden dildo I could find and shove it up my sissy asshole. What are the financial implications of this move?

>> No.51213711

I like driving my car, I'll have 50k please.

>> No.51213725
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Wait until you find out everyone's ancestors have been slaves at some point

>> No.51213767

Driver of course. I'd have him drive other people around 24/7 for mad gainz while I work from home.

>> No.51213787

If the driver is a cute girl and I can "drive" her, then the choice is obvious. If not then I'll take the money unless I can make him a taxi driver or something and reap in profits.