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51210247 No.51210247 [Reply] [Original]

>bought 11216478 LUNC in middle may
>$3300 went down to $1000
>holding because fuck it
>today is the first positive day since my "investment"
>fuck you wall street

>> No.51210302

remember to shit on all fudders

if it does dip again, slurp that shit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvMUDSW72u8 WAGMI

>> No.51210314

>fakest tits ever.webm

>> No.51210323

you bought before the price fully crashed in may, that's on you

>> No.51210386

Or maybe he bought it a little bit after the crash when the price stabilized around 0003 for quite some time, just like me when I bought my first 2 millions. Then Do Kwon decided for the fork with a rigged vote and the price dropped and stabilized around 0001. That's where I bought 5 more millions.

>> No.51210402

That's not a healthy body

>> No.51210473

didnt she kill herself recently

>> No.51210478

really? story on this

>> No.51210496

idk i saw other anons talking about it in another webm bait op thread a few weeks ago but didn't really pay much attention to it

>> No.51210497


>> No.51210506

Don't listen to them OP, you did well to hold. Here's to another 5x from here brother

>> No.51210519

like it would stop me.boner

>> No.51210528

>Or maybe he bought it a little bit after the crash when the price stabilized around 0003 for quite some time
Exactly this happened.

I'm holding coins since 2015, I'm an oldie.

>> No.51210536 [DELETED] 
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Reminder: asians are fucking ugly

They not only use 1000kg of make up they literally use digital real time filters that could turn a guys face into a females face

once the make up comes off or you see an asian in real life up close you will notice the truth

anyone claiming otherwise is clearly a fucking 4chan virgin who has never seen a female in real life up close

>> No.51210597

I just doubled my initial investment, feels good bro, WAGMI.

>> No.51210741

Sauce please

>> No.51210794

Holy shit it's going up wagmi lunatics

>> No.51210807

Long Mint

>> No.51210819

most western guys unironically pick ugly asians

>> No.51210841

that bitch looks like a tranny

>> No.51210865

kek and no

>> No.51210928

>once the make up comes off or you see an asian in real life up close you will notice the truth

>anyone claiming otherwise is clearly a fucking 4chan virgin who has never seen a female in real life up close

I live in a UK city with a high Chinese student population and the Chinese girls absolutely mog the local slags in every way possible.

>> No.51210933

>ass missing
>bug face that doesnt even look human
why are people attracted to this?

>> No.51210982

anon you aren't supposed to betray insecurity on a Glaswegian bottle blowing chatroom

>> No.51211107

I threw 100 bucks into WLUNA in May basically for a laugh, woke up the next day and it was 400 bucks. Wish I had gone all in

>> No.51211112

Well uk is known for having lots of inbred ugly people in it so of course that is the case. It's weird, 80-90% of people in uk look like fucking horses with bad teeth and genetics and the rest are almost model tier. Asians still kindy fugly tho

>> No.51211145

Well yeah attractive Japanese and Korean women aren't moving abroad, they're top tier citizens and can live quality lives at home where wealthy men will buy them anything. Jungle Asians live in poor countries so they can't survive on simps alone, especially if they're ugly

>> No.51212515

I would rape her and there is nothing she could do about it. When you realize that that is the intention of her slutting it up, you will be set free from the woman question

>> No.51212663

But they be bouncing

>> No.51213582
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>> No.51216012 [DELETED] 
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God, women get me fucking hard

>> No.51216167

Exactly. Fake ones don't bounce. They feel gross like balloons underneath stretched skin.

>> No.51216230

imagine getting to smell her ass

>> No.51216270
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>Reminder: asians are fucking ugly

>They not only use 1000kg of make up they literally use digital real time filters that could turn a guys face into a females face

>once the make up comes off or you see an asian in real life up close you will notice the truth

>anyone claiming otherwise is clearly a fucking 4chan virgin who has never seen a female in real life up close

>> No.51217912

Kek things like this is why im here, god bless you freaks

>> No.51217982 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 591x1280, 1653486158833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians are some of the biggest frauds on Social Media.

>> No.51218025

You can tell that these incels have no argument when they have to resort to cartoons.

>> No.51218036

Wtf is this real?

>> No.51218064

is this some genetic experiment

>> No.51218109

Haha, you're wasting your money on the shit and then cry on 4ch on every topic. Be smarter, kids, check Yopi Network

> New digital evolution of online earning cash
> 33%-49%-66% APY / 30-60-90 days lock
> Pay contactless globally with a single app

>> No.51218110

I had a buy order at 0.0007.
Didn't get filled.
Now.i have to wait for it to go back down so I can partake in swingies.

>> No.51218201 [DELETED] 
File: 2.38 MB, 640x640, 109706938_725117448284622_6002491282398273476_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch her face glitch out and change shape/size when she backs out of the filter's range. You see her natural face/head when she is further back. One of many examples.

Yes, I'm not some incel Asian hating faggot, I just work in Social Media and know they have the most trickery out there.
>Some of the most fraudulent advanced filters in the world (face, boobs, ass)
>Multiple cosmetic surgeries that make whores in the west seem like untouched, pristine, saints
>Insanely dangerous cosmetic surgeries
>Most of their clothes are padded
Can go on for days.

>> No.51218338


>> No.51218362

What program do they use for this?

>> No.51218440

They also use more weave and fake hair than most black women. Their makeup is on par with movie special effects

>> No.51218587

Realest erection ever, call me Peneas Gage because I've got an iron rod in my body.

>> No.51218697
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I bought at a considerable price. I'm up now. I don't intend hodling back cause it will definitely retrace back. I'm selling to use the gain to extend my position on FWT. I expect their L1 chain to roll out in Q4.

Once it retests, I will buy back with the rest to keep my position fixed. Those faggot hodling can Hodl it down again before up. The smart will always make the most from the fluctuations.

>> No.51218779

I need a name

>> No.51218780

Please continue to tell your story. Theres way too much yellow fever shit on this site.

>> No.51218830

Without a doubt, it will in the coming weeks, but with the way the market is going, expect a setback in price. Sell if in profit and buy back more when it deplete.

>> No.51218862
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Give me the fucking name now

>> No.51218876

white guys cannot tell when an Asian girl is ugly and vice versa
I think something similar happens with white girls and black men, but it’s usually more out of pragmatism than lust

>> No.51218891 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51218985

Candy Robbs

>> No.51218994 [DELETED] 
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white women are worse

>> No.51218995

lol i found her name in like 2 seconds and now I'm fapping to her nudes. seethe zoomers

>> No.51219021 [DELETED] 
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Mostly phone apps. Their filters are so advanced, they're starting to catch on over in the States by certain influencers. If you could rip one of them off, you could easily be a millionaire selling filters like that in the West. They're really good.

I can get a list if you want them.

kek. Asians put joggers to shame when it comes to extensions/fake hair. A trio of a random Korean, Singaporean, and a Taiwanese influencers would run circles around a Marvel movie budgeted make-up crew.

I've seen more hacked up Asians when I traveled to Singapore than Seoul, Tokyo, Phuket, etc combined. They have women looking like ghouls out there, removing ribs, bleaching skin, hacking up faces, you name it.

I've talked to random women who didn't know they were drooling all over themselves when they talked because of multiple surgeries. Chins diced to bits, lips full of toxic fillers, cheekbones reshaped, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I've seen and could post 100s of beautiful, natural Asians, but its few and far between all these chop shop monstrosities, and filter, makeup, surgery frauds out there.

Its super common for lawsuits and divorces to go down once a husband has ugly children or over time her age shows through the procedures.

Its 2022. All women are getting insane at frauding, but you can't touch Asians. They're just ahead of the curve while the West catches up.

>> No.51219075

>kek. Asians put joggers to shame when it comes to extensions/fake hair.

this is literally just nonsense because black women naturally are bald or have nappy hair. I'm sure asian women can do that as a fashion accessory or statement but they have naturally normal hair.

>> No.51219099

Smart move and strategy.

>> No.51219134

Jesus hell

>> No.51219155

We are fucking in this together. I want to have all the ass.

>> No.51219208 [DELETED] 
File: 2.63 MB, 720x1280, 298460761_1116060842322972_4356985170714475760_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This webm is what black women push for now. Natural hair.
Again, it's 2022. Black women proudly displaying their "natural" hair has never been more popular. Its my job to follow trends, while you're someone who stays in an internet echo chamber that's years behind current trends.

Do a lot of black women wear weaves/extensions? Of course. I'm just saying Asians in Asian countries with HIGH social pressure on appearance like South Korea beat them.

High quality weave came from Asian countries because they were using them first. I literally eat, sleep, shit, breathe social media everyday. I look at 1000s of influencer content everyday as part of my job.

>> No.51219236 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51219248 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51219272

> I literally eat, sleep, shit, breathe social media everyday. I look at 1000s of influencer content everyday as part of my job.
It must pay well otherwise I think I'd kms

>> No.51219314

i think you're missing the point. Maybe some asian women wear weaves or extensions for fun, same with white women. But it's not actually required to have naturally looking silky smooth hair for them. And maybe you need to go outside more cause almost all the black women where i live(south florida) are wearing weaves.

>> No.51219344 [DELETED] 

>Black women proudly displaying their "natural" hair has never been more popular
Cool, but I read that there was black-on-black hatred toward black women who sported afros because it was supporting white fetishization of black women (70s blaxploitation or something). Thought that was the most bizarre shit. Also, Hi Darcii.

>> No.51219402

Now find OP, I wanna fap too.

>> No.51219405

I know right?
Just doing what's best for me and it will definitely pay in the long run.

>> No.51220036

anon, i think you might be gay