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File: 107 KB, 432x640, luncorinthian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51209803 No.51209803 [Reply] [Original]

You're starting to feel it now, aren't you? that deep, bitter sense of regret. You realize you're missing out. All your certainty that LUNC was going to shit was for naught, people have already tripled and quintupled their money. It's not even correcting anymore, it's just either pumping slowly or pumping rapidly. And there's the overall sentiment that this is only the beginning. The burn hasn't even been implemented yet, still 11 days away. And there's CZ and his 3 trillion LUNC bags, now what on earth would the richest crypto billionaire be doing with all that LUNC?

In retrospect, it was only a dip.

Just imagine yourself in 2030. Right after eating your daily ration of bugs and goyslop, you exit your pod into the delapidated streets, and get on the bus. You return to your wage cage to slave for your overlords for another 12 hours until you're 70 years old. The realization that it's only going to get worse hits you like a brick. You break down into tears and finally shout out loud. "Godammit! Why didn't I just buy LUNC?"

>> No.51209835

I only regret not buying more a few days ago my bag is only 5M im not gonna make it :(

>> No.51209842

LUNCMaxis unite!

>> No.51209873

WAGMI bro we have at least amilli

>> No.51209884
File: 117 KB, 640x978, 1661319757673865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will, bro, you will.


>> No.51209885

Nope. Marketcap is almost at 2B. Ath (when it had an actual use) was around 40b. I see no reason for this to 20x. Maybe if it were a dog memecoin, but not this. I'm good.

>> No.51209900

A comfy 3 million right here anon....

>> No.51209909
File: 5 KB, 200x200, laughing kermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it's only going to 20x

>> No.51209931

Why would it beat it's previous ath when it has no use case anymore? Nonsense. I'd feel more comfortable with doge if I had to choose between the two

>> No.51209949
File: 409 KB, 733x510, mantis drax laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok then buddy have fun hodling DOGE while people are literally becoming millionaires and even billionaires with LUNC

>> No.51209957

>people are literally becoming millionaires and even billionaires with LUNC
Do you even understand how marketcap works, retard?

>> No.51209978

Anon, I have 1.5 mil, will I make it? I am poorfag.

>> No.51209989
File: 33 KB, 754x196, shib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't
to hit
ATH lmfao

it could hit $0.01 and people will become millionaires, if it hit ath at all multiple people would become billionaires. You really have no idea do you.

>> No.51209990

Do you even understand what a 1.2% burn tax on a few billion usd volume entails? They’re going to repeg the ustc back to 1$ too, bringing back the original utility. And you’re here holding DOGE. JFL.

>> No.51210018

which timespan are we talking about?

>> No.51210054
File: 413 KB, 1119x1200, 6771E3DD-7C28-44EE-A0C2-5FEB74FC83EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it could hit $0.01 and people will become millionaires, if it hit ath at all multiple people would become billionaires. You really have no idea do you.
What a retarded dumbass. The ONLY way this is true is IF there was a massive massive massive BURN which is not going to happen.

>> No.51210064
File: 502 KB, 440x350, wwe laughing girl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally quotes the guy who has 3 trillion LUNC he bought himself

holy shit everybody get a load of this guy

>> No.51210075

>Do you even understand what a 1.2% burn tax on a few billion usd volume entails?
Yes. A nothing burger. You'd need to burn like 99% of this shit for you to get rich.

>> No.51210088


People like this die poor. Wanting to be rational in a speculative market pretending to be know it all’s

>> No.51210089

Ya that was before it rugged, dumbass. He's baghilding a worthless piece of shit at a loss now. Not that he cares since he's rich as shit, but this is worthless now

>> No.51210101
File: 173 KB, 467x333, laughing biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he bought 3 trillion LUNC
>before it rugged
>he doesn't even know why the price of Luna deflated in the first place

>> No.51210104

You don't get it. I understand clown markets hence why I look into the BSC casino. Lunc isn't a memecoin. It's a project that failed which also has a market cap too big for it to make people rich. You LITERALLY need to have nearly all the supply burned at this point to genuinely become rich

>> No.51210116

Yes, I do. Because the supply increased in a fucked way

>> No.51210117


Our stinky linkies will be eternal, we are all gonna make it.

>> No.51210135
File: 227 KB, 1080x1691, lunc retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK 10/10 whoever made this shit

>> No.51210143

why fudders dont take into account the burn tax?
even with current mcap if we kill th supply to 50b (random number) price will go up

>> No.51210146

stop falseflagging

>> No.51210159


>> No.51210161

Burn tokenomics isn't exclusive to Lunc, Lol. Plenty of shitcoins are forked from safemoon v1 for instance. That's not something special. It helps, sure, but that's not enough.

>> No.51210162

It’s 1.2% per transaction, retard. It’s going to be the juiciest of juicy burgers.

>> No.51210173

so if it helps why are fudders telling us to sell...NOW?

>> No.51210179

Nigger. Safemoon v1 forks aka a lot of bsc memecoins have a 5% tax. Half of which goes to burns (2.5%). They have a better burn tokenomics. Guess what? That doesn't guarantee huge burns. That shit takes a long while/many transactions. And the higher the market cap, the less effective the burns are too.

>> No.51210200



>> No.51210202
File: 1.68 MB, 498x280, hold-stonk-hold.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51210203

I don't care if you want to hold this. I'm simply saying it won't make you rich without something magically burning 99% of the supply. The market cap is too big to become rich with. Could 5x with enough degeneracy potentially. MAYBE. Could 20x if it reached its ATH which will not happen. Point is realistically that's not going to happen.

>> No.51210219

Technically it's 10% for savemoon b1 forks, but it's 5% to buy and 5% to sell.
Higher market cap makes it harder to burn because the higher the market cap, the less of the coin that can be bought. Burns are based off of the coins themselves, not the dollar amount used to buy/sell them.

>> No.51210222
File: 17 KB, 824x137, cz burn illiterate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without something magically burning 99% of the supply

>> No.51210230


for you: >>51210179

>> No.51210234

you mean 5x from here? im ok with this I bought weeks ago before the pump.

>> No.51210259

I'm speculating. I think it's realistic. 10B market cap doesn't sound farfetched considering it peaked at 40b. People are overhyping the shit out of it though exaggerating the "potential gains".

>> No.51210260
File: 69 KB, 1014x676, FFB93596-58B2-4D2E-B306-8C948A9FF83D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51210281

i did it for the stinky linkies