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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51206747 No.51206747 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51206758
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>> No.51206770


>> No.51206775
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>> No.51206866
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It’s time to look towards the future you depressing fucks, stop focusing on the bad and take in some of the last good sunshine before this harsh Winter, literally (it will be really fucking cold) and figuratively (financially speaking).
There are many great things ahead for all of us. Don’t capitulate and do some massive DCA end of September and October. The market will recover quickly through November and December.

>> No.51206892


>> No.51206921


>> No.51207047
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B...but bears hibernate in the winter. Make it don't

>> No.51207059

great, I'm sick of this year
>no bitches
>no money
>no mental health
why live?

>> No.51207094
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novembear (shitty one)
And i will make sure it happens by toppling the market with the one coin ryoshi came back to create, QOM

>> No.51207100

to kill all the bears, bask in their red blood dripping from their furry necks
your hand, coated in it

>> No.51207109

ever since a shitty jeet told me that i couldn't make it, i made sure to make it my mission to make at least 7 figs before retiring
and then i will find him and shit all over his house

>> No.51207117

That shit only lives when elon musk looks up and says "hey I saw a bird"

>> No.51207123
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I seriously like this outlook, besides 2023 is a based number

>> No.51207132


>> No.51207140

i never understood why people still obsess so much over musk when he clearly was only interested on crypto when it helped to make him a quick buck

>> No.51207147

Bullpril beats it

>> No.51207154

meh, I've had better days, hopefully next week I can finally rest my bags

>> No.51207157


>> No.51207218
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Maybe if you all stop obsessing about a period of absolute market upside and start seeing things for what they are: a mix of socio-economic and political projections that affect market prices. Maybe THEN you could start to truly benefit from the fact that the market is a gold mine in spite of the exchange rate momentum. A true investor is one who knows how to make money in both a bull market and a bear market, because, as they would say in my town
"a rio revuelto ganancia de pescador" (a mixed river is a fisherman's gain).
Anyway, stop copying so much and start doing your homework, it is obvious that most of the people on this damned board do not know how to invest.

>> No.51207754
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>> No.51207974


>> No.51208034

It all makes sense now

>> No.51208049
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Do you remembear

>> No.51209677
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Stare into my eyes and hear my words bobos

Let's get one thing straight. You WILL short those link bags. You WILL be happy with a 10% dump. That much I can tell you. A guard will come by your pod three times a day to administer the mood detection test. Should it read "insufficiently bearful," there will be an appropriate response. So, let me say it real clear. You're going to live with the dumps. You're going to keep all your profits. Yes, it will mostly dump, and you're going to love it.

>> No.51210006

How do you intend to profit from this?

>> No.51210040
File: 724 KB, 1242x978, 02FBEFDD-C0F9-4C16-BDC6-7D9B5B94D2E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just means we're going to have the most retardedly powerful bullrun of all time when the bear ends. It's like a rubber band. The more and more tension that is built up, the stronger the move once released.
We are oversold and are getting more and more oversold.
Next bullrun will happen AFTER the recession ends or is close to ending. THAT is when the poor can actually become rich. March 2020 to May will look like a bitch compared to what's coming (for alts. Btc will perform like shit, but alts are going to go insane).

>> No.51210086

>literally digital beanie babies

>> No.51210136
File: 267 KB, 1242x1255, 5A031539-C014-449C-BBA3-34F7317C61C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel. Like clockwork. You can't learn from history. You aren't capable of adapting.

>> No.51210552
