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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51204255 No.51204255 [Reply] [Original]

seeing LUNC pump, the coin held by literally the most retards in this space is legitimately causing me physical pain every time i see it keep going up

>> No.51204305
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The "C" in LUNC stand for Chad

>> No.51204374

if it makes you feel any better, just remember its already a billion dollar marketcap and their burn is literally a shitcoin tier tax. it will literally not work and any commotion thats been stirred up will die out soon.

>> No.51204503

Why haven't you bought a bag anon? You know dumb shit like LUNC is bound to succeed based on memes alone, and clearly if you're an oldfag then you definitely need a win. Swallow your pride and buy the dip faggot.

>> No.51204519

well this shouldn't surprise you, were you not around last bull market for all the dog coins and cum rocket retardation?

>> No.51205714

Midwit filter

>> No.51205753
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Cope, seethe, AND dilate.

>> No.51205775

Yea it hurts because youre an underage fuck with no money and are missing out on huge gainz, get fucked faggot

>> No.51205913

Why are you calling us retards? What the fuck is your problem? What difference does it make to you that we chose to gamble and it is paying off? Fucking fag, /biz/ is going down the shitter rapidly

>> No.51205930

Fuck you again OP

>> No.51205942

Hahaha rope is on sale

>> No.51206548

cuz hes angry he didn’t believe.
same shit happens all the time.
crypto market is retarded.
trying to use fundamentals and logic based approach is how you miss out on easy money.
same shit happened with the doge turd coins and other animal tokens.
people would literally make shit up and 100-200x their gains following some dead beat pajeets,rajeeshs or korean/chinese hustler.

>> No.51206761

>he didnt buy
>he gave up
look man i fucked up too after the 2017 crash but getting back in was the best thing i ever did and i came back at the right time
-ex digimarine

>> No.51206943
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>> No.51207499

Crypto works because it enables retards to make money on dumb pnd. They generally get partee from their money soon enough and in 1 year they will make sob stories about how they lost all their money chasing retarded position. At thiw moment you can call them niggers, laugh at them and invite them to kys.
See safemoon, dogcoins, hex, etc...

>> No.51207546

When LUNA crashed I had like a $100 just sitting in my trustwallet in BNB and I bought it randomly as it was bouncing back.

Now it's worth about $2000.

If I bought 5 min earlier it would've been worth $20000

>> No.51207549

We tried to tell you. And now, for an obligatory:

>> No.51207612

>the coin held by literally the most retards

don't act like a genius lol, day 1 after the hyperinflation there were plenty of threads talking about buying the massive dip just for the small off chance it gets burned

>> No.51207665

If it makes you feel any better it’s literally free money and a lot of people like OP are missing out because of silly resentments.
>be me
>don’t care about LUNC
>see it pumping
>buy a bag
>$200 free profit for clicking a few buttons

>be OP
>hates LUNC
>sees LUNC pumping
>doesn’t buy a bag due to spite
>misses out on free money

I really don’t get autism sometimes

>> No.51207757

You call others retards, but it's not our fault if you didn't have the brain capacity to put the pieces together and see that this token was a sure winner short, mid, and long term. What you saw in the last hours was just the beginning, whales taking their shares before the burn tax gets implemented. The real moonshot will begin after that. It's still not too late to grab a bag.

>> No.51207939
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>still bets against sentiment pamps
protip ur middle curve

>> No.51209169

>Can't recognize obvious moonshot
Do the needful and rope sir

>> No.51209357
File: 15 KB, 236x236, autism is my superpowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always remember that Nikola Tesla was the most powerful high IQ autist that ever existed. He literally pushed humanity forward 200 years with his sheer intellect and engineering breakthroughs. The modern world may have never existed without Tesla.

Also remember that Tesla died alone, unloved, with no heirs, penniless, and regularly spoke to pigeons. Autism is a hell of a drug.

>> No.51209425


>> No.51209453

>taking crypto seriously
Ah yes after doge and Shiba and 900000 ICO scams in 2017 and nfts you should definitely only invest in le epic fundamentals like XRP and ICP and HBAR!

>> No.51209457

>tfw retard doesn't understand market cap

>> No.51209755


Nobody would believe one of the best vocaroos/real life meme things from 4chan came from 2022, /biz/, and its about a fucking failed shitcoin

Same with LUNC, nobody would believe it. Yet here you are and the train is not stopping soon

>> No.51210020

A true oldfag would have known.

>> No.51210134

faggot kike thought he was smart, then he got rekt
kys dumb nigger cuck

>> No.51210152

Oh no, I’m going to lose beer money! faggot

>> No.51210240

What will plebbitards and other normie scums do when LUNC gets that gigerpump? Have your hearts explode and go straight in satan's asshole like all pedophilia, shitskin invasions, femoids in positions where they don't belong and other degeneracies enabling kikes and normies deserve?

>> No.51210397
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>jidf tranny cope
How's that Ukraine project going, shlomo? Making money harvesting organs?