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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51206680 No.51206680 [Reply] [Original]

>he bought right before the September crypto crash

>> No.51206690

All in lunc. Get fucked bobo.

>> No.51206703

Brown hands wrote this

>> No.51206714

I just sold. We better dump below 18k or else I will find your minecraft server and you'll see

>> No.51206741

Green hands.

>> No.51206743

Take profits.

>> No.51206750

>there will be a september crash because... september is usually red!!!!
lmao fucking nerd loser come gloat once we actually dump

>> No.51206756

Bobo has no power on lunc.
Lunc has become its own massive beast and is unstoppable. Btc could dump to 10k and lunc would pump

>> No.51206778

Pump hasn't even begun. It's crazy you guys can't see what's about to happen this month.

>> No.51206790

yea I bought
the fuck are (You) going to do about it?

>> No.51206939
File: 144 KB, 1125x1191, 0300EF7B-8DB9-4564-BD5F-DF65478EEB7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i boughted

>> No.51206975
File: 205 KB, 785x731, twiAQzO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better be righto negro; coz I lost a lot of money selling today already.

>> No.51207195

Which crash ought he have bought before?

>> No.51207431
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Longly theorized anti bear QOM pump is about to happen
Hug those aubergines

>> No.51207435

imagine thinking that LUNC still has a chance kek

>> No.51207436
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>> No.51207442

It's your fault for capitulating in front of the bears

>> No.51207448

on this day and age i would be surprised if all the jannies aren't pakis

>> No.51207477

eating ginger helps with tears

>> No.51207483

This dump is gonna be glorious

>> No.51207497

I did, but I've made back everything I lost.

>> No.51207509

what's the deal with bearcucks? the most you can possibly make - if you open a max leverage short and the asset literally goes to zero - is x100. that's fucking pathetic.

>> No.51207537

>Bro bro bitcoins going to go up because of this rainbow chart!!!

Fuck off and keep coping faggot.

>> No.51207586

oof this didn't age well

>> No.51207638

ok nigger. you fags have been calling for $10k since june and I'm just sitting here with cash waiting for you retards to get your shit together instead of just two-more-weeks smugposting. show me a new low or shut the fuck up.

>> No.51207944

bobos, I'm scared, it's my first time shorting some coins because I can see that we will crash again and retest 18k, it's septembear. Am I doing the right thing shorting? Please tell me it is, I don't wanna lose more money

>> No.51207957

I just opened my first short since getting liquidated like a bitch three times with the barts around 30k, so I'm gonna say no, we fucked up

>> No.51207977

I bought before, during and after. In fact I've been buying for years.

>> No.51208000
File: 86 KB, 1080x572, terra babena scamdena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btc can't even pump to 30k anymore. you literally believe lunc is going to $0.01 LOLOLOLOL

>> No.51208425

>he fell for the September seasonality meme
kek you will buy my bags much higher from here

>> No.51208503
File: 42 KB, 736x736, f898704ba372e7027e6c213337b64cb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody is putting LUNC in my trick or treat bag or under my Christmas tree this year kek. everyone is going to spending their money on candy, turkeys, and a bunch of useless chink christmas gifts from amazon for the rest of the year. nobody is buying crypto. better luck next year it's over

>> No.51208555

Banks will have to beg me to sell their expensive ass houses for my discounted crypto. It wont happen.

>> No.51208629

This might be too advanced for your small mumu brain, but you can take profits along the way and open a bigger short.

>> No.51208819

>/biz/ newfags being this bearish
Everyday I become more convinced the bottom was in June. kek.