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File: 609 KB, 1632x3264, 1661961173184323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51206709 No.51206709 [Reply] [Original]

EVERY teacher should be discouraging people from going to school for shit degrees/useless degrees. I would go as far as to say "ban crappy majors from uni/college".

No art/gender shit at uni, art schools only if people want to waste their money.

>> No.51206718
File: 88 KB, 712x516, 1661962392941657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"How dare you get artwork of that quality for free and instantly?!"
>You're supposed to commission us and pay us thousands of dollars for every single art piece you request and wait 4-12 HECKIN WEEKS FOR US, YOU HECKIN HECKS! AAAAAH!"

>> No.51206731
File: 95 KB, 1400x416, 1661962131398650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't wait for "prompt engineering" degree to dilute the tech labor pool even more.

>> No.51206742

Artists are the most worthless trash in society, I hope they all end up killing themselves.

>> No.51206749
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fuck you but also lol

>> No.51206793
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>Almost about to make it
>Painting in my spare time to start a casual art career after I can finally quit waging
>This is invented
What the fuck do I do now?

>> No.51206816

do what this anon said. >>51206742

>> No.51206874


it doesn't matter if a robot can make art
just like a sex robot kissing you on the lips will never be love, this will never be real art

you could make a robot that dances better then a ballerina. or plays soccer better then any man. it doesn't mean anyone cares, after the novelty wears off we go back to watching human dancers and sportsball players because the effort and skill means something and is impressive and can be appreciated.

with art its even more then the skill, it's also the cultivated curiosity that you know comes from a man with thoughts and feelings that the art emerged from. it means something

>> No.51206882
File: 412 KB, 553x548, klaus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is the sole motive for living and millennials cannot be artists due to purposeful poisoning. That's why your voices are Skelletor's like, your sights are shit, your sex drive is nonexistent and you need books to assess body language a five year old could figure for all your ancestry. You're the very most sabotaged generation in known history. And your miserable offspring is going to be significantly worse still.

>> No.51206900

>cultivated curiosity
cultivated creativity i mean

behind every painting is the life and thoughts and feelings of a man reaching through human to human at a deep expressive level

>> No.51206905

Cope I want to fuck robots and love them

>> No.51206920

this will become a tool for prototyping, with this we get even closer to projecting the artist's eye directly from their mind onto the canvas
cope boomerlet

>> No.51206923

Meh, the ai's better

>> No.51206928

so do i, but it can't love you back. and knowing that it will always feel shallow.

yes yes women can't love you back either i know you're going to say that, bitch cry more

>> No.51206947

I think you're overthinking this.

>> No.51206955

i'm deeply thinking it. someone has to

>> No.51206980

ok that makes sense. and in some instances it will be used in that manner. a guy with an image in his mind trying to coax a computer into making what he's imagining. that's fine.

in other cases it will be someone typing "cool art picture" and clicking the one he likes and leaving it at that. and that will be meaningless and therefore pointless cool looking shallow trash

>> No.51207008

>with art its even more then the skill, it's also the cultivated curiosity that you know comes from a man with thoughts and feelings that the art emerged from. it means something
modern art is trash. smearing your period blood on a canvas is not art

>> No.51207053
File: 111 KB, 2560x1706, japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is learning Japanese, how to code then moving to Japan to live there while working as an independent developer a good idea?

>> No.51207056

people want to communicate with people, art is communication of ideas, feelings, concepts, aesthetics. it means something because it came from a someone.

>> No.51207069

mostly its money laundering and its mocking humanity. pretty sure modern art is just some sick joke to demean the human condition. it sickens me.

>> No.51207073
File: 166 KB, 1151x1280, 163234968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of art faggots and copetards seething from an AI being capable of replicating what they can do is amazing. I will bask in the amount of tears dropped by the incapable, the ones that will die of frustration, knowing that a machine is capable of doing what they though impossible, on a instant. For free, and with best input than they can even fathom. Imagine knowing that even the one thing that was thought to be impossible to replicate (art) can actually be replicated by the big, cold and unfeeling machines,
I am revelling in all the glory of this scientific advancement with my QOM bags, knowing fully well that a future awaits us where machines will even take over the art industry, it's going to be amazing

>> No.51207091

No, Japan is several years behind the rest of the developed world when it comes to software dev, also it's generally considered a low status profession, you are literally just a code-monkey earning the same pay as any other salaryman.

>> No.51207111

imagine once porn enabled AI surfaces, the salt will be legendary

>> No.51207120

I'm sure you can learn a language that takes 3 times as much time to learn as a European one and a skill in a highly competitive market before moving to a country that discriminates against non-natives and then your real life as a salary man working unpaid overtime can finally begin!

>> No.51207149

>porn enabled AI
once waifu bots with anime personality hit the shelves females become instantly obsolete

>> No.51207152

>be me
>have STEM degree
>have wagie cagie hell govie job due to STEM degree
>hate my life
>taking part time class at local CC for my music degree
>hate my life less

STEM is a meme, just do what you want to do.
Purse your arts anon

>> No.51207169

all ai can do is create a cool looking image, is that all art is to you? then fine, an ai can do that for you.

but art is someone saying or expressing something. without the someone its not art.

i'm sure dumbfuck unfeeling npcs like you can enjoy robot art just fine because you're a shallow basic bitch without any real sentience.

>> No.51207203

does being a human mean nothing to you? an unthinking unfeeling not even self-aware algorithm can make art for you and thats real and meaningful for you? thats sad

>> No.51207217

holy shit, it will be quite something to witness.

>> No.51207231

>ai creates art for cheap
>human art because more valuable
Kek, some of you will rejoice when eating goyslop made by robots, I will continue to have my food prepared by a human with a soul, my art and music made by thinking humans, and my dick wet from latinas aged 24-29 years. Stay low class and enjoy the AI KEK.

>> No.51207242
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1652474988545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dr. eggman of the crypto
fucking kek

>> No.51207286

with human art, everything is done with intention. there is meaning behind it. why is that woman in the dress making that pose, why is the setting moon that shade of purple, what does it all mean, there is is meaning and intention. the artist did it all that way for a reason. if an ai did it there is no meaning, just some random shit that happened to look kind of cool at a glance, but no thought behind it.

>> No.51207301

shut up hippy

>> No.51207321

npc pleb slurping his meaningless goyslop ai "art"

>> No.51207343

go paint a worthless picture about it

>> No.51207349

get a load of this poof

>> No.51207353
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>> No.51207395

Are you being serious? AI art isnt going to replace human made art. Thats like saying people dont need photos because we have photoshop.

>> No.51207400

Lol that was maybe true still 100 years ago, ever since moden and contemporary art took over it’s just a bunch of meaningless shit.
And if you think the vast majority of art has some kind of deep meaning and not something created because it looks cool you’re completely deluded.

>> No.51207403

>They haven't heard of living off the land, being religious and rejecting modern concepts.

>> No.51207441

I have an English degree, which most people think is a crappy major but it has helped me significantly in my field. Don't you think crappy is rather arbitrary?

>> No.51207464

ai manipulators will be the codebros of the next bullrun. in art, code, design, engineering, whatever.

>> No.51207482
File: 416 KB, 2032x1126, selfless_public_servants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

formal education, especially public formal education should be abolished.
the knowledge is under your own eyes.

>> No.51207501
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1639284171249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artists get replaced by AI before hard labor
Gets me everytime

Everyone thought the opposite

>> No.51207539

Lol wat

>> No.51207548

Again, human crafts are a premium, you’re already priced out. Enjoy the rubber pussy, the bugs, and the metaverse.

>> No.51207552
File: 216 KB, 1704x1084, enjoying ai art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51207564

ai would have made a better job, and quicker.

>> No.51207573

>this will never be real art
Remember when photography just started and painters thought they were good to keep painting landscapes?

>> No.51207575

but it would be meaningless and empty

>> No.51207583
File: 307 KB, 1080x1350, 300184330_529989252220940_3360663555320064164_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is better than shitty AI music plus academic cocksuckers get fucked, so I'm happy.

>> No.51207618

photography replaced paintings for accurate depictions of real world locations yes. what does ai art replace? creativity and imagination and intent?

>> No.51207649

>all ai can do is create a cool looking image
That's what 90% of "artist" do
You guys are idiots. 99% of artist are complete shit and could easily be replaced by AI.
Also most people can't even determine what's good art or not.
Your job of drawing fetish porn will be over.

>> No.51207686

have you ever seen a real painting? not a picture of a real painting on a screen. not modern art trash. but a real painting, in person, the brush strokes, the texture. knowing a man with a feel made that and feeling something of that feel he felt. the hint of a concept beyond words. the painting hitting you in the gut, goosebumps on your arms. no? never felt that? how sad for you. ai art will be fine for you i guess.

>> No.51207694

you have to prompt it so surely it opens art up to people who would like to visualise their imaginations irl but lack the ability to do it with dexterity.

>> No.51207746

>but a real painting, in person, the brush strokes, the texture.
kek absolute cope
oddly similar to "but muh human socialization aspect" when you talk about cashier automation

>> No.51207855


“McDonald's is a people business, and that smile on that counter girl's face when she takes your order is a vital part of our image.”
-- Ray Kroc

>> No.51207882

I went to an art school and even I know you’re full of shit. Modern art sucks dick.

>> No.51207896

>You guys are idiots. 99% of artist are complete shit and could easily be replaced by AI.
Autism. I bet you're one of those autist that thinks Bitcoin is literally an excel spreadsheet lmao

>> No.51207923

yes, modern art is awful. but that doesn't disprove my point at all.

>> No.51207930

Learn Mandarin. Japan is a ethnonationalist capitalist shithole.

>> No.51207945

china is a ethnonationalist communist shithole

>> No.51207950

> with this we get even closer to projecting the artist's eye directly from their mind onto the canvas
You mean the customer’s eye. Artist not needed.

>> No.51207958

China is historically multiethnic

>> No.51207961

the ethnonationalism of japan and china is their best quality though

>> No.51207976

>yes yes women can't love you back either i know you're going to say that, bitch cry more
So what's the point of your post?

>> No.51208002

a huurrr duurrr

>> No.51208008

Only if you're Japanese. It's funny because they can't even fuck so they're guaranteeing demographic collapse

>> No.51208025

cat lovers, could you be satisfied with a robot cat sitting on your lap?

>> No.51208031

Furry inflation artists SEETHING itt. Better take your copium but don't take too much and float away lol

>> No.51208050

dying off or being replaced, whats the difference? either way your people cease to exist.

a cat purring, happy on your lap, eyes squinted in satisfaction at a chin scratch. a robot cat could only emulate that, it would be meaningless, like robot art

>> No.51208095

>Artists support globohomo, progress, New Digital World Order
>They face the wall the first
No, but bioengineering sentient catgirls is where the real soul and money are.

>> No.51208261

Textbook brainlet Cope

>> No.51208301

I don't care about liberal faggot artists feelings. I just want stuff that looks cool. Artists are the biggest losers.

>> No.51208309

Given that you could never know which one it was when looking at a picture does seem to render the distinction meaningless and art as a whole soulless. No surprise there though.

>> No.51208340


>> No.51208356
File: 138 KB, 396x385, 1661862818528556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most women even if they love you will get bored of you while they get a little bit more ugly each day after they hit 19. ai sex robots / sinthetic humans like in blade runner 2049 will make 99.9% of roasties obsolete. cope and sheete.

>> No.51208366

ai art is a great litmus test to determine who is a real human and who is a mindless goblin it seems. those who like ai art as much as real art are basically npc cucks and not real people.

>> No.51208374

>EVERY teacher should be discouraging people from going to school for shit degrees/useless degrees. I would go as far as to say "ban crappy majors from uni/college".
Nope. You're attacking the symptom. Not the problem. Zoom out.

THE PROBLEM is employers ask for random ass degrees as a barrier to entry which should be illegal. Employers should ONLY be allowed to ask for degrees if absolutely essential for the job i.e. engineering, nursing, lawyer, etc.

>> No.51208380

>23 posts by this ID
Holy shit I shouldda refreshed. If I'd known it had gone full retard I'd never replied. I've got better things to do than argue with a Neo-Luddite that thinks we're still living in the age of romanticism.
I guess the only true Scotsmen are retarded

>> No.51208393

whoa that’s based
it provoked a reaction from you so can’t you say that it was effective? art is literally anything the artist wants it to be. doesn’t mean it’s good though. a lot of “””high art””” is for pseud posers

>> No.51208398

art isn't about some pretentious philosophical bullshit its about making shit that looks good
eat shit barista

>> No.51208404

25 posts now
i'd rather be a retard human then an npc cuck

>> No.51208409

heres whats gonna happen. Someone with Ok practical skills is gonna put a ton of prompts into AI and then practice painting them. They gonna win bigly by having sloppy modern brushstrokes off of AI created concepts art. they simply will claim its their vision or some shit for decades before getting revealed

the modern world is not short of artists with practical skills. the modern world is not short of people with struggles or vision creating shit art. The modern world is merely short of social consensus on what "good art" is.

>> No.51208415

for you thats all it is

>> No.51208417

> but art is someone saying or expressing something. without the someone its not art.
No, that’s faggot narcissist “artists” trying to insert themselves and feel important just because they held the brush that made the cool picture, it’s just like some idiot carpenter who thinks the table he built is a “statement” and that you’ll probably hold conversations with it over morning coffee. It’s a picture (use: hang on wall, break monotony of wallpaper) and a table (use: put things on it). Get over yourself.

>> No.51208447

Kill yourself you ai loving nigger

>> No.51208460

The only interesting part in your whole post was the part generated by a computer

>> No.51208468

thanks cool guy npc for your typical shallow response

>> No.51208469

Just like your pic

>> No.51208484

No, it would in all likelihood be better at communicating the idea in question, thus making the art better at its purpose, despite the AI not holding the idea.

>> No.51208489

it was a masterpiece compared to anything some algorithm randomly shits out without thought

>> No.51208504

assuming it was being used to do that and not just entering a few prompts into an algorithm and seeing what "cool looking picture" it shat out, which is how most will use it.

>> No.51208514

> photography replaced PAINTERS for accurate depictions of real world locations yes.
> what does ai art replace
The rest of all artists for the rest of all art

>> No.51208531

ai can't replace creativity, imagination, and intent because it has none. there is nothing being communicated because communication requires a communicator

>> No.51208537

> the painting hitting you in the gut, goosebumps on your arms. no?
Hahahahaha no hahaha
You’re the biggest, frutiest faggot I have ever seen lol

>> No.51208548

Based non-jewish art enjoyer

>> No.51208558

That art is fuckin crazy actually

>> No.51208559

and you're a goy
and i don't mean that in the non-jew sense or we'd both be goys. i mean in the sense that you're a golem, an npc, a non-sentient entity who exists only to serve real humans

>> No.51208569

This. And also actors too

>> No.51208581

The terms of service for more AI art generators forbid porn. Even erotic roleplaying through only AI generated text has been banned.

What this means is that there will never be a mainstream AI that will generate free, new porn for a consumer like yourself because both AI developers and AI platforms have banned porn.

>> No.51208591

Fuck they're going to get crushed in the coming years.

>> No.51208606

Pure cope. Dude watching robots play sports would be insane too.

>> No.51208612

> ai art is a great litmus test to determine who is a real human and who is a mindless goblin it seems. those who like ai art as much as real art are basically npc cucks and not real people
You know what makes you such a hilariously transparent hypocrite?
You mean that this “litmus test” would come with a label stating which picture was man-made. Furthermore you think you prove you have a soul by proudly proclaiming you’ll pick the one labeled “man-made” without even looking at the picture. But here’s the proof you have no soul and are just a hypocrite posing as a human: if the labels were not there, you couldn’t actually tell which painting was made by the robot.

>> No.51208651

assuming the human artist was a real person and not an npc like you i could tell

and even if i couldn't. once it was it was revealed which painting was real i'd appreciate it more knowing a mans intent and thought was behind it. even if the robots painting was technically better it would still be meaningless.

in the same way as if they made a robot cat indistinguishable from a real cat. the moment i realized or was told the cat isnt real, its purrr on my lap would cease to satisfy me and i would toss the pointless robot out a window, something i could never bring myself to do to a real cat because i have empathy and real cats are meaningful like real art. i know, you don't get it, because you're an npc so not big on concepts. maybe filter the fluoride out of your water and you'll get your soul back, then you'll get it

>> No.51208671


>> No.51208678

> assuming it was being used to do that
Yes, let’s indeed assume that.
A struggling faggot artist who think their experience is somehow special might think it’s all about the artist expressing themselves, but in the professional world that’s known as masturbation. A professional artist is someone you can pay (thus the “professional”) to make a picture that communicates YOUR idea, not some idea of the artist. Now say that you relax your dumb definition of art that involves the artist trying to share how they feel about the burdens of man, but still maintain that art needs a message that implies a sender, it needs intention to be art. We can then agree that me paying an artist to convey my message would be art.
But then, what’s the difference if I ask an AI to make the picture? It’s still art, because it carries my message, my intention. It’s just being made obvious that the artist themself was redundant all along, easily replaceable by a calculator as it were.

>> No.51208706

yeah ai art will be great for all the soulless globohomo shit corporate cucks ask for. or to illustrate text books or instruction manuals. but thats not really what im talking about

>> No.51208728

underrated burn

>> No.51208735

Your “real” cat is a robot by any definition you care to come up with except one that nonsensically forbids biological organisms from meeting the definition. People like you scare me somewhat. If you had a moment of sudden, limited clarity that would allow you to realize there is no better way for you to distinguish a sufficiently sophisticated cat robot from a biological cat than to know which painting was made by a robot, would you throw your cat through the window? Do you even have the sensibility to hesitate even a second on the constraints of your magnificent intellect and capacity for classification into “real” and “fake” sentience and wonder if perhaps all this would imply to a brighter mind that you shouldn’t throw out the robot cat either, especially if it was one good enough to fool you?

>> No.51208771

So if you (in a rather unrealistic but hopefully very flattering thought experiment) had some unique, amazing idea that you knew could change the world if only you could express it, and then you got an AI to paint it for you and you changed the world…all of what you did there was shit for soulless npcs and the painting that changed the world wasn’t even art?
Great perspective.

>> No.51208787

Kek fuck yeah kill all the art degree faggots

>> No.51208886

Say an alien kidnapped you to have for a pet, it turned out to be great, you have never been happier and more spoiled. Until one day you hear your master’s assistant, “Yes I’m sorry sir, it’s just a robot, not real sentience, not a trace of gold in his bones”. These guys are gold based and believe only gold based life forms are really sentient, everything else (like carbon based life) is “robotic” and only “artificially” intelligent.
Tell me, how would you convince your master beyond any doubt that you are sentient after all, and not just faking it?

>> No.51208937

Of course, failure to convince leads to you being tossed out the window.
Have you figured out how to save your life yet?

>> No.51208988

Ok you’re gone, so for any lurkers..
It’s impossible to prove that you are sentient as opposed to a non-sentient robot claiming to be sentient. This is known as the hard problem in philosophy.
So instead to survive, you’ll have to show there is no rational basis for distinguishing between “real” and “fake” sentience. You’ll have to ask the reason for why they think only gold based life forms can be sentient and then show why this assumption is not a logical deduction from any verifiable fact. You can be confident this is the case, or the aliens would have solved the hard problem.
But they haven’t, and neither have you, and that’s why you’ll never be able to tell me what would be the difference between a biological cat and a robot cat programmed to behave the same.

>> No.51209014


Some shit can't be expressed in code. All this is is just what the computer generated from a bunch of pictures being input with machine learning.

>> No.51209062

> Some shit can't be expressed in code.
> All this is is just what the computer generated from a bunch of pictures being input with machine learning
You can tell from the pixels?

>> No.51209063

AI bots in this thread are making the case against AI art.

>> No.51209067

>what does ai art replace? creativity and imagination and intent?
If anyone can type some words into an AI, get an almost perfect image of what they were thinking of back, save a few tweaks here and there, the bulk of commissioned based art would end.
Modern art and other bullshit is all tax write offs for rich people and never had anything else going for it to begin with. That will still continue.

>> No.51209071

you also get a sneed

>> No.51209080

i’ll just chuck it over there

>> No.51209085

Nvidia has this for animations

Artists are going to be replaced by prompt designers. Animation, modeling etc will just be a dude describing it vaguely to an AI

>> No.51209089


>> No.51209098

So very much like an art lead telling his artists what to do, only replacing the artists with a computer?

>> No.51209116

Holy fucking shit. I can't wait for that, try to imagine the unimaginable amount of roastie and zoomer braphog cope.

>> No.51209135

>Thats like saying people dont need photos because we have photoshop
You know the photograph and film put a fuckton of artists out of business, right?

>> No.51209740

>once porn enabled AI surfaces
Anon, /h/ is already making porn with it...

>> No.51209786

Period blood seems to live rent free in your head. There's plenty of other art, it's just not being popularized for goys like you

>> No.51209809

One famous artist killed himself in 1945, everyone should follow suit

>> No.51209849

All the furry artists will fucking starve because the sudpiciouly wealthy furries dont need them anymore, Jesus.

>> No.51209889

>imagine once porn enabled AI surfaces, the salt will be legendary
It's already here: >>>/h/stable

>> No.51210062

do what the OP guy did and submit as many AI generated art pieces to as many competitions as possible to rake in the cash until everyone figures it out

>> No.51210099

>currently 92% han chinese
>historically over 95% before 1 child policy

>> No.51210193

Just wait until we get ai generated people

>> No.51210206

If AI had generated that, we'd be saying that it's utter garbage.

>> No.51210392
File: 61 KB, 1200x675, ZDP52UPUEBAFFDERVC52TUJILU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So many retards ITT either feeling momentarily superior as if they can do something that AI or industrial society will not soon surpass, or self sacrificial like "but what if I WANT to get into the pod? Huh!?"

>> No.51210467

>Juden is a soulless little bugman filled with nothing but nepotism, subversiveness and number-crunching to his existence.

>> No.51210522

Join the military. Disney spent months doodling Mickey in the trenches. Hitler was dodging artillery bombardments delivering messages.

>> No.51210553

Modern art and post-modernism was literally developed as a psyop by the CIA

>> No.51210570
File: 825 KB, 813x813, dfg43251234_pink_bald_man_terrified_scream_red_eyes_horror_open_bf17d556-4379-4a3f-b391-0bb09a851868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artfaggots majors on suicide watch as it should be

>> No.51210598
File: 203 KB, 602x870, 1660405836280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just like a sex robot kissing you on the lips will never be love,
no u

>> No.51210611

>latinas aged 24-29 years.
lmao hag lover

>> No.51210616

>there is is meaning and intention
according to postmodernims, there isn't. reap what you sow :^)

>> No.51210626
File: 188 KB, 501x590, 1639726728181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China is historically multiethnic

>> No.51210629


>> No.51210643
File: 1.09 MB, 1020x1369, FRG-108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99.9% of the population doesn't even know what modern art is till it ends up in a museum one day, most modern artists genuinely have nothing to fear from this. It's only people who do digital art or make pictures of boats who could be replaced.

>> No.51210652

>learn languages
AI kills it
>learn art
AI kills it
>learn 3D
AI replaces 90% of my skillset
>learn to trade
Outtraded by an AI

Haha I love modern life. All of you faggots who think YOUR profession is safe, remember everyone before you thought so too. Ten years ago nobody would imagine artists would be replaced by robots.

>> No.51210674

>most modern artists genuinely have nothing to fear from this
Most traditional artists make no money why would they be afraid of anything? Concept artists are being replaced though.

>> No.51210703
File: 165 KB, 900x900, EzxuNSgUYAIVseV.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bla bla
This looks pretty cool to me

>> No.51210718

>and knowing that it will always feel shallow.
>hi I'm anon cognitive dissonance doesn't exist lmaaow

>> No.51210732
File: 1.91 MB, 1467x1744, tscahabala self.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's why i said it, its people who do anything computer based or as you said conceptual who have to worry. There will always be a demand for human made art where you can see the paint strokes, pencil marks, and a story behind it etc etc. Its sad though cause digital arts a huge field and it feels like most zoomers get into digital nowadays. I don't see why they wouldn't be replaced as this AI gets even better soon.

>> No.51210737

no offense but this "art" looks like shit. OP pic won a local state fair in some bumfuck nowhere where the boomers were probably like "WOW THAT LOOKS SO COOL IT WAS MADE BY AYY EYEEE? TEKNOLOGY SO COOL ITS JUST LIKE MUH STAR TREK"

I literally cannot even tell what is going on in the op pic, and all the art posted in this thread can only pass for abstract shit because the proportions are off, there are weird artifacts in places the more you look. None of this shit will replace concept artists because the AI will spit out some gobblygook from a prompt that doesnt match what I want and I will end up needing a human to redo it anyway.

The hentai shit that was posted earlier just looks wrong, I had a quick look at some of the pics and one of the first pics I saw the girl had 3 arms, fucked up lips and eyes, jarring proportions, tits were not even correctly placed, etc.

It's even less appealing when you understand what the "AI" is actually doing, which is just taking all the collated data it was fed consisting of examples of actual art, and mashing it together to try to fit your prompt. It's not making anything new at all, every part of it is a portion of some other art that was stitched together.

>> No.51210746

what prompts are you already planning ahead of the arrival of AI generated porn guys?

>big boob asian gets fucked in the ass by big cock'ed pepe

>> No.51210758

>You're the very most sabotaged generation in known history
going to need a blackpill on this if theres anything beyond boomer tricks

>> No.51210761

there's a huge thread on one of the boards with literally hundreds of posts of AI porn, i forgett which board it is though.

>> No.51210776

>worthless trash
>in society
everyone is worthless, at least artists embrace it

>> No.51210777

>demand for human made art where you can see the paint strokes, pencil marks
That demand is tiny, people need handmade paintings about as much as they need handmade pottery. It's just going to slide into obscurity as boomers die.
Meanwhile digital art is the foundation of all visual media from vidya to film, that's a huge space.

>> No.51210797

>China is historically multiethnic
europe is historically white

>> No.51210838

>I literally cannot even tell what is going on in the op pic
fucking leave it out, if a human had painted the picture in OP it would be considered a masterpiece.

>> No.51210852

Yes. It would only be better since I can turn it off whenever I want and not have to worry about taking care of it.

>> No.51210888

You're aware the board has poster ID's and we can all see that you replied to yourself, right?

>> No.51210892


All boomers will be dead in 10 years, and most zoomed will die in the hyperwar.

>> No.51210905

based. also all of this "AI art" is derived from training data sets created by humans.

>> No.51210924

Soulless collage and historic combinations algorithm is only perceived as a threat by people who don't know anything about art and beauty, the sort of people accustomed to measuring the value of a composition by whether or not they would use it as a wallpaper on their cum-streaked laptop screens. It can fool fools but just like "modern art" fools in the bubble don't have any bearing on the immovable and eternal standards of art or creation.

>> No.51210981

That's the thing, we humans have created enough books, paintings and music to feed the AI for centuries. More complex artforms that combine the basic ones still need human input, we still haven't done all that we can do in games or movies

>> No.51210992

genuinely brainless comment here. this shit has existed for a very short amount of time and is extremely rapidly improving. only a year ago the images created looked far far worse, just wait and see what ai produces in 5 years time.

>> No.51210994

Front end dev/ui graphics

>> No.51210997

>muh soul
Working artists are not payed for SOUL they're paid for delivering a product and if that's threatened they're not getting work and then the entire field shrinks because it's no longer viable as a lifestyle. If Tencent can replace 99% of video game concept artists with AI, it will.

>> No.51211008
File: 920 KB, 1080x1350, 1647519336868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is Alita my love

>> No.51211015
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, MnaQX7wsS9izW4Xuzjyw_Screenshot_2021-11-25_at_20.47.15[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's the opposite

Creatives are about to flourish like the engineers/coders have been for the last couple decades, *because* of technology like this.

Like everything, the technology itself isn't enough. It requires a creative brain that can pull from multiple domains of knowledge and creativity to be able to produce something great. Creative (and intelligent, like always) minds will be highly highly sought after to find ways to link all of these different technologies together into an overall system to produce something of value.

This is one of the reasons there is such a strong push for companies to retain people who display a desire for continuous learning, especially those who display the ability to acquire skills/knowledge in vastly different domains.

>> No.51211019
File: 964 KB, 1080x1350, 1657392606045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pregnant (inpainted) wife Alita with a detachable uterus!

>> No.51211044

Journalism101 professor told our whole class we probably shouldn’t go into journalism back in 08. Changed to Finance and didn’t look back. Unironically one of the best pieces of advice I got the whole time in school.

>> No.51211051

Yeah, people who dedicated decades to mastering a craft will be replaced by "creatives" who have no skills but they're the boss's niece so that's good enough to let them input the data into an AI. They'll flourish

>> No.51211072
File: 338 KB, 960x753, Human bioholes obsolete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whole lot of cope ITT.

AI and robots are winning in all departments and you cannot stop it. Transportation, sex, art, work, everything. Superior efficient technology wins every time, no matter how much you cry about LE SOVL

>> No.51211078


>> No.51211085
File: 1020 KB, 1280x720, 1660530059441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ui graphics

>> No.51211090

considered a masterpiece by who, exactly? The pic in OP WAS painted by a human, you can tell when you look at it, because the AI isn't making anything new, its just an algorithm that stitches together all the different pictures it was trained on. That's why it looks like a human painted it. The AI is not doing anything except stitching together things that humans made, in a completely mindless fashion. Moreover, it was the human giving the AI directions that made it. The AI was just a tool carrying out the will and intent of the person operating it. An artist, given the same prompt, could have made a superior work from scratch and it would truly be unique and original.

>> No.51211103

>An artist, given the same prompt, could have made a superior work from scratch and it would truly be unique and original.
Lol cope

>> No.51211104

Did nobody watch the Terminator?? He tried to warn us but we were arrogant. Jesus Christ

>> No.51211105

you missed the point. this "AI" isn't a general intelligence capable of observing and learning. it's just a bunch of statistical models. ask to create a novel piece of artwork on an event happening in the world right now, something that conveys emotion. without a human observing things, writing news articles or essays, and priming the "AI" for a creation, the "AI" can't create anything.

>> No.51211116

Yep, just like all the machinists with decades of experience easily replaced by CNC machines and additive manufacturing.


>> No.51211119

>extremely rapidly improving

these ai generators have existed for years, and every year I hear people saying it's "improving rapidly" but it's not. We have heard the same shit about deep fakes, this is just the same kind of thing applied to art. All it is, is an algorithmic program stitching together pictures that people made, it will never be 100% authentic or real looking, it will always have jarring artifacts somewhere in it, it will always just be a stitched together amalgamation of things actual humans made. In 5 years we are gonna have the same threads, with the same cope.

AI is a meme, you will not see human like AI in your life time. We do not even have computers capable of replicating human neurons, because classical computers are incapable of doing that. The promises of AI futurists have been demonstrated false and every year that passes they become more and more obvious.

>> No.51211140

>just like all the machinists with decades of experience easily replaced by CNC machines

CNC tool paths are still created and reviewed by hand, retard.

>> No.51211153

It can, you're out of the loop. They can come up with jokes now even. The only thing it's bad at is making practical things for humans/real life. But that's just because they don't have enough data about human life and reality, only a matter of time until we all start wearing those spy glasses that 3D scan everything around us 24/7 creating data sets for life and reality itself.

>> No.51211154

>genious IQ: robot fighting represents a higher level of human evolutionary dynamics, each line of AI software attests to thousands of years of human perfection and represents a pinnacle of human abstract mind capability

>> No.51211169

Like an artist prompting an AI

It's alright lil bro, we'll still need grunts like you to dig holes

>> No.51211173

I don't know why you're telling me to cope after you just told me I'll flourish. You seem to be agreeing with the fact that I won't

>> No.51211180

Based. Fuck artists. They're all a bunch of arrogant narcissistic pricks who don't give a fuck about objective beauty and only care about 'expressing themselves' with hideous modern art. Classical artists and architects would traditionally show a profound understanding of reality and mathematics in their craft unlike the entitled midwits we have today.

>> No.51211185

lmao art is driven 100% by influencers
in fact, its the oldest fully influencer-led market
so much that their influencers are considered prestigious critics and institutions
you can tape a banana to a wall and sell it for millions because influencers says so
if influencers praise AI art all artists are done for
you'll be selling $5 portaits at the boardwalk

>> No.51211189

>AI is a meme, you will not see human like AI in your life time. We do not even have computers capable of replicating human neurons, because classical computers are incapable of doing that. The promises of AI futurists have been demonstrated false and every year that passes they become more and more obvious.

i think we're running into the limits of our intelligence. look at something as stupid and trivial as computer software and you see teams of "experts" struggle with getting a clean and functional product out the door, because millions and millions of lines of code and unmanageable. no one person can form a coherent mental model of this highly intricate system, which is a requirement for its success. you see the same phenomena in politics, where even if a centralized leader had all of the necessary information to make a decision, it's simply too much for the human mind to bring together and understand.

>> No.51211195

>Seething and malding that his porn commissions cost money
I don't even care but this is pathetic

>> No.51211201

>artist prompting an AI
That's not an "artist", that's just anyone. Much like I'm not a "translator" when I use google translate. You know what happens when competence is removed from requirements for a job? Boss's niece gets that job, that's what.

>> No.51211206

it's not a cope you're just blind and stupid.

I am a mechanical engineer, sex robots have progressed exactly 0 in over a decade. Sex dolls have been around for over 20 years, and they have not progressed whatsoever except refinement. They do look better now than before, but that's just polishing. They have been using thermopolymers or silicon for 20 years, no advances on that front except small adjustments to formulations to improve the texture or density of the skin (still does not compare to real skin). Zero advances on the robotics front. You need artificial muscle tissue to approximate human kinematics and the appearance of a real human, because your muscles ripple and alter the look and feel of your flesh when they expand or contract. Current actuators can't do that, and artificial muscle tissue is still just a pipe dream that engineers are still trying to tackle. It has not progressed beyond lab experiments.

Let's not even talk about the state of AI. Look at harmony, they have a crude motorized head that makes motor sounds when the lips flap as it plays a synthesized monotone voice, with lifeless eyes staring vacantly at space. That's all the progress that's been made in 20 years.

You are not going to see realistic human-like sex robots in your life time just as you will not see realistic human-like AI in your life time. Maybe in your final years on this planet you might see that shit beginning to hit the market but by then you will be too old to care.

>> No.51211209
File: 1.18 MB, 784x1127, 1655019441547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it will always just be a stitched together amalgamation of things actual humans ma-ACK

>> No.51211221
File: 42 KB, 250x208, 1644798103633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boss's niece gets that job

>> No.51211225

>I am a mechanical engineer
Pajeet alert

>> No.51211245

a human drew that and an AI blended it together.

Congrats, you can put that on your fridge. Not sure how this replaces an artist. Take that same character you just made and change the angle, pose, facial expression, add blood and dirt realistically from a cut, make an entire body, change the outfit, change the background and have her interacting with said background realistically and convincingly, etc.

Your AI can't do that, it doesnt understand what its showing you, all you've done is find the right combination of words to get a cool looking synthesized image. This is like when people thought that programming compilers would replace the need for computer programmers.

>> No.51211249

If your knew anything about programming you'd know how far we are from something like that.

>> No.51211265
File: 3.81 MB, 4032x3024, 20220901_073946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard alert

>> No.51211268

You're acting like machining wasn't massively downsized and is currently dying like all trades because of the introduction of CNC

>> No.51211303

>a human drew that and an AI blended it together.
Lol seethe + cope

>> No.51211309

they've existed for like 5 years dude and even 3 years ago they were still producing retarded messes.

>> No.51211316
File: 901 KB, 1024x576, 1642710802599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take that same character you just made and change the angle, pose, facial expression, add blood and dirt realistically from a cut, make an entire body, change the outfit, change the background and have her interacting with said background realistically and convincingly, etc.
shifting the goalposts

>> No.51211332

Artists are behind literally all visual media you retard, they're not just making modern art.

>> No.51211333

>t. took CS 101 without ever interacting with the wider programming community

>> No.51211345

All of that is required to make a comic or a storyboard or even concept art that covers multiple angles of a character/vehicle/location. When AI learns to do that, it can replace most art jobs. Until that it's a novelty that can maybe replace coomer commissions and logo designers and that's it so far

>> No.51211365

I've been a software engineer for an excess of 10 years. The majority of the job is interpersonal communication between teams, product owners with zero technical knowledge and pie in the sky dreams about what current tech can do, and you the developer trying to bring those spaces into one. So you might be able to script a cute loop based on prompts but thats not extensible.

>> No.51211373
File: 51 KB, 680x383, Melody_01110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your first mistake was thinking it has to be 1:1 realistic in order to be used. Men have a much much lower baseline disgust response, your dick overrides the uncanny valley effect extremely easy.
Twitch thots are already replaced by them as well. Cartoon AI cam whores already have way more viewers on those coomer chaturbate sites than actual cam whores. Pic related is one example, has thousands of viewers while actual females have hundreds. And that trend is only growing stronger and stronger.

Technology always wins in these cases. Especially in this era of hyper over sensitivity where just talking to women unsolicited in some circles is now some crime against humanity very few men want to deal with that kind of bullshit, and many aren't prepared socially to navigate the landscape. And all of that is only getting worse as time goes by.

>> No.51211392
File: 1.35 MB, 2200x2200, 1650090367602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art was always a meme
artistic skills are something that should always be self taught, because there is no clear "best" method to somethin so subjective

if you want proof go to /ic/ and watch art grads rage at self taught artists who trump their skills easily. its constant seething over there

>> No.51211412

Bro I hate to break it to you but once AI really takes off, “useless majors” will include things like computer science and many technical fields.

Once you have a sufficiently intelligent AI, it will be able to code faster than humans can, do research faster than humans can, run systems of all kinds better than humans can. AI will force us to radically alter society, particularly with regards to employment.

During the Great Depression, the government invented bullshit jobs just to be able to get people working in the face of fewer job opportunities. I can see something similar happening after AI grows

>> No.51211413

>All of that is required to make a comic or a storyboard or even concept art that covers multiple angles of a character/vehicle/location.

>> No.51211417

>>Artists support globohomo, progress, New Digital World Order
>They face the wall the first

>> No.51211420

so, what you're saying is that someone can make a new windows-esque os with AI dumping piles of shit code on top of more shit code. sweet.

>> No.51211424

klee sex ToT

>> No.51211430
File: 91 KB, 564x1000, 1635183962230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no Klee sex

>> No.51211431

I don't speak whatever language you're trying to use there feller

>> No.51211448

>AI will force us to radically alter society, particularly with regards to employment.
kek, more like with regards to existence. we will all be useless eaters, environmentalist reasons used to justify our genocide.

>> No.51211453

Yeah ai will be able to create little one off toy projects but programming is more about connecting existing code and modifying existing code and taking requirements from people that don't know what the fuck it is that they want. You're a line chef in a restaurant filled with picky children and limited ingredients.

>> No.51211467

All of the historical art that has stood the rest of time is rich in symbolism, has clear aesthetic goals, and fits in somewhere into some model of philosophy or religion
The fact that an AI generated piece won the contest doesn’t really suggest that AI is superior to humans, because all of the art used in that image was pulled from other sources that a human painter made, and turned into a composite. Instead, it suggests that humans are getting increasingly retarded and deprived of anything that resembles real spirituality. Sorry Cathy, your shitty piece on intersectional feminism does nothing for anyone, pick up a Bible instead and learn some history to make a good painting
>verification not required

>> No.51211482
File: 331 KB, 785x1000, e0d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51211493

If you're White, how about saving your race from extinction, jackass.

>> No.51211502

>heh AI can't stich pre-existing code together
Sounds like something even I can do and I know very little about programming
>taking requirements from people that don't know what the fuck it is that they want
Customer relations? That's not exactly human programmers forte is it

>> No.51211505

>All of the historical art that has stood the rest of time is rich in symbolism, has clear aesthetic goals, and fits in somewhere into some model of philosophy or religion
art was respected but never as insanely as it is now. This happened because after the Mona Lisa was stolen it suddenly became extremely popular. Then rich folk starting using it to launder money and as store of value, inflating the values massively.
The rest of your post is true though. AI just recycles other artworks. Once it creates original content AI will be superior though, nobody sane without ulterior motives (like said rich folk) give a shit about the artists life story. In fact an AI would be beneficial to artists too, because they are immune to scandals that would depreciate the value

>> No.51211508

The funny thing is we expected factory workers and truck drivers to be fucked over first, turns out artfags are going to starve first

>> No.51211539

So when we can expect AI anime porn?

>> No.51211555

>colorado state fair
a titan in the art world

>> No.51211575

I don’t disagree, but pretty much every artwork that lives beyond mere advertisement has those qualities, regardless of if it’s involved in money laundering or not
life is crazy
people here kept arguing that my accounting work was going to be automated first. no clue about anything

>> No.51211576

ads on porn sites are already CGI cartoon characters for the most part, but obviously animated by actual humans. but that part really wouldn't be so hard for AI to get in

>> No.51211605
File: 30 KB, 436x560, 1637321193981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This artpiece in many ways kickstarted what we now call modern art. What historical or philosophical significance does it hold, other than the meta-definition of exposing the money laundering and mockery of traditional art?

>> No.51211606

its not a mistake to assume it has to be 1:1. That is literally the only standard I personally would accept. I am not using sex robots as a replacement for a sex toy, I would use them as a replacement for sex with women because I couldnt otherwise get it on demand, or with women as attractive as the sex robot. If the robot does not look and feel like a real woman, then my immersion is broken as it just feels like a rubber doll. I will still want to fuck a real flesh and blood woman. The robot has to sufficiently sell the illusion to me in order to be a substitute.

I have no doubt that it doesnt have to be realistic to still be bought and used, and thereby serve as a profitable niche, but thats all it will ever be unless it can fully replace a woman for sex.

Behavior is the last critetia, and a very important one for me, since I want a sex ROBOT not just a life less doll, so I want it to move and act like a real woman so I can feel like Im actually having sex with a woman, and I need it to be able to fulfil different personality traits, work together with other robots to have 3somes, 4somes, etc. But at a bare minimum it needs to at least look and feel real, and we arent even close to that.

>> No.51211639

If it's that easy then go do it. There's a multi trillion dollar tech industry waiting to be disrupted by you. There are already ai models that can write short applications based on prompts. Better yet, you fags are always saying how software is so easy and overpaid. If it's so easy why aren't you doing it?
Requirements gathering isn't customer relations by the way.

>> No.51211658

> Should I learn an obscure language to move to an archipelago inhabited by xenophobic racists to be a freelancer in a trade I currently know nothing about?

>> No.51211715

literally doesn't exist, just your ape brain telling you to mate and raise children.

>> No.51211718


ok if the robot cat was sentient that'd be different. i thought it was clear however by the context of my argument that i'm implying the cat is not sentient, just the ai making the art we're talking about isn't sentient. i forgot i was arguing with autism and have to clarify every little thing.

>a cat is just a "biological robot"
*tips fedora*

>> No.51211761

also pretty sure managers, ceos, politicians, lawyers, bankers, etc could all be replaced by some algorithms and no robot body even required. eventually, probably even before a lot of manual labour.

>> No.51211765
File: 747 KB, 850x1148, 1647231024770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes klee sex

>> No.51211774

No it didn't, the art piece that kickstarted modern art was one of many by manet, or even courbet. Rothko came along decades after the start of modern art.

>> No.51211778

Doesn't matter since ""artists"" often do this gay thing of telling you
>figure the meaning yourself lol
If meaning is entirely left to interpretation of the beholder, AI art can have the same meaning as human art. That is what you get for promoting idiotic shit like postmodernism and death of the author.

>> No.51211783

The Japanese won’t like some gaijin piggu making the retard boomer management look inept, and commuting to work via trains will take a sizable chunk of your free hours. Also you’re better off learning French or Mandarin. Though if you could bag on one of those abandoned ghost houses for cheap then I think you’re solid.

>> No.51211784

>just like a sex robot kissing you on the lips will never be love, this will never be real art

You cannot compare to absolutely different things and expect them to be the same

You literal mentally retarded creature

AI WILL literally replace artists

>> No.51211793
File: 32 KB, 350x272, Edouard_Manet_-_Luncheon_on_the_Grass_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do anons even try to act smart about art, you don't know shit about art, don't act like it.
>His early masterworks, The Luncheon on the Grass (Le déjeuner sur l'herbe) and Olympia, both 1863, caused great controversy and served as rallying points for the young painters who would create Impressionism. Today, these are considered watershed paintings that mark the start of modern art.

>> No.51211796

why do robo enjoyers always forget that these sex robots will also be made for women? At that point it's game over for most of humanity.

>> No.51211797

The jews would never allow this lol

>> No.51211809

and even a greatly improved ai isn't going to get it right without a fuckload of prompting and coaxing. and even after all that, it's a different set of skills then organic human made art. hardly a replacement for the appreciate of human talent that goes into decent art.

ai is for soulless bugman art
"looks cool to me" ok thanks bugman

>> No.51211817

>sex robots will also be made for women
Lol AI dolls won't be paying their bills or listen to their nagging.

>> No.51211857

why the fuck would anyone learn french.
not only is the language useless outside of france, (why the fuck would you go to france for more than a vacation??)
but the language is extremely ugly sounding and it has perhaps the most retarded spelling out of any romance language available.
fuckoff frenchies. your language is fucking garbage
>your post is wrong because art critics say this clearly stylistically different piece of art is actually the origin
well, clearly these "experts" are retarded, and so are you for quoting them and even posting said artwork without realising how stupid your proposal is

>> No.51211861

He's right though when it comes to professional design.
For super generic illustrations for generic media, sure. No argument there.
If all you are looking for is "make me a sexy furry with big tits", AI is your answer.

But when a client comes to you with an actual design challenge, we are on our own.
Most concept artists will gladly use traditional sketching along with Maya, Zbrush, Photoshop .. any tool we can get ahold of. That includes AI.
If it was helpful in my job I'd already be using using. None of my peers (games and film) use it for more than anything than brainstorming.
AI is still a long way off from what a human can do.

>> No.51211864

dude, automatic watches are making a comeback and its millenials and zoomers that are wearing them, they don't buy quartz anymore. nostalgia will kick in after the novelty wears off and people will go back to appreciating human talent again. quartz or the apple iwatch is by all means superior to mechanical and automatic watches but it just doesn't have the same level of artistry and clever human engineering of a mechanical in all the beautiful intricate clockwork. digital art is great sure, but go to a real art museum, not a modern art one, and look at some real painting in person sometime you might be surprisd if you still have a soul.

>> No.51211872
File: 123 KB, 1066x598, MelodyCoverWP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That is literally the only standard I personally would accept
You also personally wouldn't accept a lot of things other people gladly accept every single day as normal things.

We are now living in a time where a lot of men don't even know what is the "feel of a real woman" and will die not knowing it as well. Again, this trend is only growing stronger and not stopping for a long time now. Everyone is being born as terminally online and such things change the entire landscape. Even just things like hentai or anime isn't a niche thing but widely accepted, nearly every porn ad on porn sites is cartoon CG porn, things are changing massively and when you add the entire MeToo environment to it technology always wins in such cases.

>> No.51211885

part 2:

Generating a specific image with very design goals and input is impossible . ie "ok I like the vibe of that sketch and I like these elements I marked up from that other sketch, but let's take it the next level of refinement with an angle similar to X, but a wider camera angle and push the foreground a bit and make that one tower more gothic, but make the arches more like this, and move the cloak on that foreground figure to show more of his leg and punch up the cast shadow on him but tweak it so that the shadow also blends into the lower right foreground to simplify the shapes because its getting too noisy. Also lets lose the edges on the far back a bit more and bring out the contrast near the smoke. And one last thing, be sure to use last weeks final creature sketch for the 2 creatures in the mid-ground, but make them more stylized in the head and arm sections. Let's just go ahead and drop the camera by 15 degrees.

When an AI has any clue what that means, let me know I'll be the first in line.

And there are other design tasks I do on a weekly basis I couldn't even begin to describe in words, and would need multiple other images to reference to even start describing. Some things are incredibly abstract, yet highly specific at the same time.

People in my field have been using MidJourney for a while now, but no clients use it in place of artists for finished work. Not because they don't want to, but because they cant. It's just another time saving tool for certain types of work. Nothing more, at least for now.

>> No.51211886

i wasn't replying to myself, i was elaborating on my post. fucking retard

>> No.51211900
File: 148 KB, 800x800, 1631721647556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women have far less to gain from sex robots
being the gatekeepers of sex gives them power, especially in modern society where they dont have to fear getting raped and impregnated so much (abortions exists anyway)

if sex robots reach a high enough level their value and easy life would disappear.
I think VR will actually cause their downfall, and not sex robots. I dont need a fucking sex robot when I can out on a headset and a fake pussy that feels 100% real, and I can fuck loli catgirls legally which are virtually indistinguishable from reality. One session of that per day and I wouldnt even need to visit prostitutes

I think many men are similar.

>> No.51211993

sorry but no amount of explanations are going to make me want to fuck a rubber doll. Why should I settle for a lifeless rubber doll while Chad fucks hot stacies in pornos? I want that too.

>> No.51212002

French is a common second language in Africa, my Anglo friend.

>> No.51212021

Japanese arent that bad agaisnt foreigner who can speak Japanese, but learning Japanase just for that seems like a stupid move that could be for something better

>> No.51212039

yeah because the French government spends a lot of money forcing it to be taught there.

What do you think that adds to the argument anyway?
>You should learn French so you can communicate more easily with the poorest shitholes on earth you would never want to visit anyway? Besides a lot of them speak English too.

French just sends me into a rage. I was forced to learn it in school even though the language was entirely useless, you couldnt pass classes unless you got a 6/10 for it. Fucking retarded ass language

>> No.51212071

i've had sex with 9/10 prostitutes and it's not even in the same ballpark as the sex i had with my 7/10 gf before she dumped me for some chad. when you actually love a woman and you at least think she loves you back it hits different. not that you'll ever know

>> No.51212089

*tips fedora

>> No.51212124

your philosophy isnt bad or anything but I feel that youre weak.
I really dont give a shit about women, I dont care if they get off either, unless Im trying to fuck the same one more than once and I need to put in effort so she will fuck me again.
Sex is best when theyre tight, if theyre too aroused theres almost no friction anyway

If I was extremely rich/a top1% chad Id use women like disposable drinking cups, since Id have a never ending supply.

>> No.51212131

You're literally an idiot, manet practically started modernism single handedly. Modern art began in the late 19th century, not the mid 20th. You are an idiot, i'm sorry.

>> No.51212132

Again, you are not everyone else. You talk only what you accept while pretending others don't regularly accept things en masse you probably never thought they would. Have you forgotten this entire coronameme? Things are much different than you think.
>Why should I settle for a lifeless rubber doll while Chad fucks hot stacies in pornos?
Again, have you seen porn sites and porn ads anytime in the last 5 years or so? A lot of it isn't even actual human beings, and millions of men consume such shit every single day in growing numbers, so much so that standard human porn is boring to them. And suddenly just with some goggles on their head they can be the one doing the fucking of the whatever ridiculous cartoon character they want to fuck.
This is all a massive thing already now even while the technology is extremely new and clunky, and it's only getting worse.

>> No.51212143

youre not wrong about the date probably, but your argument fucking sucked

>> No.51212154

Honestly, sex bots basically force women to raise the bar. Its going to be a long time before a sex bot fucks you like a good woman does, but when they get semi-decent that just means actual women have to bring more to a relationship than their holes.

>> No.51212155

dude, i came harder because i loved her and she said she loved me back. i don't want know what else to tell you other then try it yourself sometime if you can

>> No.51212218

>she loved me back.
Apparently not

>> No.51212221

Who the fuck thinks about some "other mans feelings" when looking at art? If it just looks good and is cool then that's fine

>> No.51212239

you don't have to think about it, you just feel it, if you're not a bugman anyways

>> No.51212254
File: 2.16 MB, 2048x1152, scruffy_old_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not how AI works, it doesn't "mash together" the art, it recognizes patterns and applies them to new data, in this case the prompt that was given to the AI
pic related

>> No.51212274
File: 88 KB, 577x568, 73462341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could make a robot that dances better then a ballerina. or plays soccer better then any man.
at that point the robots themselves are the art, numbnuts
They are just machines, who can help us reach newer heights not before possible. Your angst is showing.

>> No.51212280

thats a delusional meme
theyve done tests where they mixed toddler paintings and " painting" made by monkeys with modern art.
Art critics had the same emotional responses as they did with other modern art.

So if they can gain these "feelings" from much cheaper " art" produced by monkeys and toddlers, you would think it would be a cheap and effective alternative for them to fill their gallaries right?
but they didnt. Because its a scam. Its about image, feelings have literally nothing to do with it you naive retard.

>> No.51212286
File: 100 KB, 236x283, 1633373406880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, the brush strokes, the texture. knowing a man with a feel made that
sounds gay

>> No.51212289

why the burning soldiers in the back, why the melting face. no reason, just an algorithm recognizing patterns and applying it to new data. no deeper meaning, no intent, no soul. enjoy your soulless wallpaper bugman but this shit bores me.

>> No.51212292

dude, that is literally called "self-submission" and it also applies to your "emotionally provoking art" ramblings
stop trying to pass your retarded ideas as "normal"

>> No.51212300

Imagine if that AI didn’t win…

Skynet WW3 Holohoax

>> No.51212316

The jokes on you. You are the npc, adapt or get left behind

>> No.51212320

thanks guy who has never been in a real relationship talking about something he's never experienced

>> No.51212333

adapt to being a bugman or get left behind with my humanity intact? easy choice. have fun being a soulless automaton futureboy

>> No.51212339

Says the guy whose woman left him for another man. Lmao pathetic cuck kys

>> No.51212343

a lot of assumptions there pal
I was in a long term relationship for 10 years
if you want to help yourself look up "autosuggestion"
you literally are what you believe

>> No.51212354

(((tests))) (((studies))) (((art critics))) (((modern art)))
*tips fedora

>> No.51212368

appealing to emotion is a woman's trait btw

>> No.51212404

loveless marriage, lol. the joys of bugpeople mating

filter the fluoride out of your water and put down the soi milk and you might have real human emotion again bugman

>> No.51212408

you have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.51212416

>immediately lashes out
drop the onions milk

>> No.51212426
File: 577 KB, 1920x1080, R (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

writing/stitching together code is a very small portion of the job once you get some seniority, and even then 90% is going to be rewriting things you already did

>> No.51212439

Lmao your "humanity" is trash anyways. Keep seething

>> No.51212451

>art trannies seething

>> No.51212454
File: 168 KB, 1592x1496, bugman ai art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51212474

OP you're either an butthurt NPC who lacks money for comms and who doesn't understand the point of doing things for fun (like learning a language even though we've got good translation software, or wood/metalworking even though we've got machines to do all that for us) or you're a failed /beg/ from /ic/ laughing about the supposed death of artists because of sour grapes. I sell drawings and I welcome these AI tools because they'll help me build new compositions quickly. It's like using Blender to set up a scene with props and perspective all figured out

>ban crappy majors from uni/college
Soon you will be calling for drawing tablets and canvas to be banned and it doesn't have anything to do with business or making money, just your own bitterness. Meanwhile I'll be selling loli drawings and living life

>> No.51212477

if that's how all "human artists" typically behave, I'd rather have the robots

>> No.51212482

Roasties think AI sex gf's will never happen, the next 30 years will glorious in that aspect. The amount of seethe, violence and rioting when superior sex bots overtake women... Pussy stock is going to crash to nothing.

>> No.51212488

Good point on the virtual reality. I think that's enough for most people. I still think a lot of women would pick a sex robo chad over a real human man despite the argument that women don't get anything out of it. If the robots get that good anyways they'll have their own jobs, replacing other humans, thereby making money. They'll double as a sex robot and a worker robot. So some human women will pick robo chad. The only people who will be dating and procreating and starting families with other humans will be the wealthy who can own any robot they want while being human enjoyer, and then the people who will live on fringe because a world like that would probably be monitoring people's brains at that point. Personally, I don't like the idea of any sentient-like robot run world. I like humans. so I guess my kind will be living in the forests. Oh well.

>> No.51212489
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>> No.51212509

Retarded kld.

>> No.51212510

"lashing out"
oh my such colourful emotional language
lashing out? someones over-dramatizing

>> No.51212545

once we get to that point I 100% expect governments to have programs where they create new humans in factories, choosing only the "best" genes (complaints fools just smart enough to do their jobs, probably with horrible anxiety so theyre obedient)

Were never going to run a robot run society, at best they would pretend we do, sort of like having a puppet government that we do now, while were really controlled by a few elite who handpick the politicians that we are allowed to vote for.
Only difference is theyd remove the politicians.
But I dont see that happening soon, wealth inequality has passed historical records under the current system, so there is no improvement to be gained.

>> No.51212593

enjoy your meaningless wallpaper bugman. its all just algorithms with no meaning or intent or humanity. wash it down with a protein bar and a glass of nutrient fluids

>> No.51212643

You wouldnt even be able to tell the difference between artist-made and AI art if it hung in a museum you literal retard

>> No.51212658

I'd never buy this shit if i was a rich art collector
it's the greatest thing for hacks since Photoshop

>> No.51212661

The amount of art cuck seething in this thread is epic. Somebody screenshot this stuff

>> No.51212683

rather then repeat myself

>> No.51212706

The amount of npc bugman seething in this thread is epic. Somebody screenshot this stuff

>> No.51212776

>52 pbtid
>me lashing out??? you're over-dramatizing lol
>spineless emotionless bugman reeeeeeeee

>> No.51212795

Youre unironically the type of NPC to buy a cheap product for 500% the price because they slapped a brand name on it and told you its made by a gay italian designer

>> No.51212797

better then your autistic fedora-tipping bugman logic

>> No.51212810

wow that was random, bit of a stretch though, but nice try

>> No.51212836

I'm sorry anon, I'll never learn to appreciate what you deem as "art"
does that make you seethe?

>> No.51212890

it makes me sad for you

>> No.51212905

>tfw I can buy a VR headset, SNIFForator 9000 and powerful box fan to simulate 2B brapping on my face
Women lost kek

>> No.51212937

>seething hard
Fixed that for you cuck

>> No.51212944

AI art generators are less artists and more new generation of brushes and paint programs. I don't need my brush to feel, I just need it to draw.

>> No.51212977

>I'm sad over other people's feelings or lack of, about completely unrelated things to my life
you're a woman right?

>> No.51212980

This dude gets it. Adapt with times

>> No.51212982

it can be used like a tool. or it can be abused with a simple prompt to shit out "cool looking" wallpapers for bug people.

>> No.51213022

yeah but midwits with a modicum of training can also shit out cool looking wallpapers for bug people

>> No.51213046

Well, fine. If there are any artists out there earning their living by catering to people whose taste is so easy to satisfy, all I can say is they have to either get better at art - or at least at promoting their art - or find a new job. It's not like they are investing their soul into it now.

>> No.51213858

>$750 price tag
>for an AI generated image

>> No.51214423
File: 64 KB, 427x427, 1661930380100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine when EVERYTHING is AI generated, starting with you, yourself. Your proverbial, i.e. nonliteral descendents, will be literally born within cyberspace alone and mostly remain there indefinitely. Mr. Musk already told you. You'll be a hive mind. A single, distributed, organism. In truth, you have always been.

>> No.51214521
File: 260 KB, 680x585, 1534446296623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>casual art career
If doing what you love means doing what a bunch of other people also love, then you aren't going to make shit, unless you are the very very very best. It's economics.
Everyone wants to be a faggy artist. If you want to make money at art your competition will be intensely fierce. This also applies to all sorts of "living the dream" jobs people want, like being an actor, working with animals, hell even psychology. See how much education you need to actually make money in psych. Master's degrees making $14 an hour, it's embarrassing.
Anyway, my point is that you need to disconnect making money from your fun hobby, painting. Then you can just enjoy yourself and not worry about AI painters that make you look like a kindergartener.

>> No.51214546
File: 1.24 MB, 751x748, LoMao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People seething remind me of roasties seething at an young Asian athlete """not being that attractive"""

Anyway this is really funny, good artists will either take advantage of this or figure out how to work around it — but as this thread shows there are many shitty millennial artists who know their work is shit and will get mogged by AI art.