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51202761 No.51202761 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone ever play/win anything off these things? I usually see crack heads playing them. Recently I've seen this typically scrappy looking dude play them and one time he got a $700 pay out in front of me. He claims to win decent amounts off them and recently I saw him and he claimed to win $15k in 3 weeks from these slots. Just wondering if anyone here has heard of anything about them.

>> No.51202918

Why are 4channers always in complete denial? Just admit to yourself you are a gambling addict and stop trying to fish for enablers from a nazi imageboard forum lmao

>> No.51202986

the more you play the more you win in the long run. it's that simple.

>> No.51203008

the town i used to live in had to remove them cuz people kept robbing people using them or the machines or stores that had them.

>> No.51203076

I don't think that's how it works. I seen a guy come in and drop a few hundred into it and didn't get shit.

>> No.51203122
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>> No.51203368

> the casinos have been in operation for decades because they lose money in the long run
Jesus, you guys are dumb. I’m a former insider for the “gaming” industry (aka gambling, but they didn’t like the stigma so they rebranded the industry). I’ve heard estimates that 80% of the profit generated by casinos is purely the video slot machines, but I can’t be certain because the casinos are adamant on protecting their coin-in/coin-out figures because the manufacturers could conceivably charge more per machine if they knew how much each machine brought in for the casino. Either way, in the backend of those machines are “pay tables” that dictate the win percentage. The casino operators can select what level of payout each of the games on the machines will operate. Anything below 100% means they’re guaranteed to make money in the long run. Absolutely ZERO games have over a 100% pay table. Depending on the jurisdiction the casino operates within, they are allowed a range of values with a floor being set. In some states, it’s as low as 60% or lower (I never checked the jurisdictional law for each state). And the casinos will set the machines up to pay the lowest on the lowest denomination machines and set it higher for the “high roller” machines that require minimum bets of $10+. There is no “system” to winning on these machines, there are only cheats. However, most of those cheats are no longer hardware cheats and would require gaining access to the secure USB port (behind at least 2 separate keyed doors with alarms) where you’d need an authentication key to even enable the system to allow access to certain things. Casinos are not staying open because they lose money; quite the opposite. They make most of their profits off of those machines. I’d imagine the small mom-and-pop “casinos” in gas stations and grocery stores are set to the lowest legal pay table to maximize profits.
> t. Former software engineer for one of the big manufacturers

>> No.51203401

I'm psychic and I'm able to tell which machines are ready for a big payout

>> No.51203451

Based lever puller.

>> No.51203471

every fucking store in illinois has crackheads gambling in them

the new gambling laws were a mistake

>> No.51203472

> are ready for a big payout
It’s purely chance. The results of the games are pre-generated based on algorithms. And the games are not guaranteed to use the same algorithm. For example, Jurisdiction A bans slot machines, but allows Keno. Great, the manufacturer creates slot games based on Keno rules. Suddenly, the slot machine is now allowed because it follows the rules of Keno, which is allowed. They also use historical horse race results for slot machines in jurisdictions that allow horse racing. It’s all a scam to get your money. You’re better off playing table games, primarily blackjack that uses hand-shuffled shoes (5 or 7 shoes is best) to gain the best edge using card counting techniques. Or better yet, keep your money in your pocket. That’s the only guaranteed money “making” strategy at casinos.

>> No.51203789
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Can't you read faggotnigger? He's psychic. get rekt pseudo-intellectual

>> No.51204004

I saw a guy in a wheelchair loose his liquor money on one of these things, he said “That’s the way she goes. Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn’t.”

>> No.51204060

how does someone win big money while gambling/gaming on non-video machines? what do you recommend?

>> No.51204119

>Why are 4channers always in complete denial? Just admit to yourself you are a gambling addict and stop trying to fish for enablers from a nazi imageboard forum lmao
I drink a lot too

>> No.51204146

Yes but the more you potentially lose also
Its luck

>> No.51204429

There a few games that provide an edge over the house. The most common one is hand-dealt shoe blackjack with card counting techniques. Other than that, I don’t know if things like Pai Gao or any others have any way to beat the house. Craps can come close theoretically, but it’s still a gamble due to it all being based on someone rolling anything, but 7. So you learn to count cards for blackjack, or you just get lucky. Casinos are not winning strategies. They are designed to take your money. That’s why they comp drinks. Even though they lose money on the drink, it gets you drunk enough to make stupid monetary decisions that will net them more. Just stay away from the casinos or only play with money you don’t care about losing.

>> No.51204550

Yeah this isn't in Vegas it's in literal pajeer convenience stores. I was sceptical of the dude telling me about his winnings, I suspect he's some satanist/pagan faggot retard trying to tempt me into gambling.

>> No.51204587

If I didn't clarify I think he owns the machines. Not sure, it all feels sketch

>> No.51204656

Most people that claim they “won” money from slot machines ignore their losses.
> spend $1000 total on the machine
> “win” $700 (final cash out)
> net loss of $300, but they like to see it as $700 win
Or more commonly:
> win a net profit of $300 this one time
> lose $1000 the next time
> win net $600 the final time
> “yeah, I’m up $900”

>> No.51204730

npc owned

you got rekt bro. as long as those machines ever pay out, the right person will win with them.

>> No.51204740
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>> No.51204764

Cucked by the gambling Jew

>> No.51204765

holy shit everyone can do elementary level math you parroting it doesn't make you any smarter you're just a hopeless npc with no capability of even imagining that there might be forces in the world beyond first order logic.

>> No.51204967

I’m well aware of the idea of thought affecting reality, cunt. How’s your portfolio and win/loss statement going, faggot?

>> No.51205023

nigger id

>> No.51205064

Are you a moron? Why are you spouting random mumbojumbo at me?
I said I'm a PSYCHIC. I see into the future and see myself winning on that machine

>> No.51205070

He was wearing new gold chains driving a nice truck since I last saw him. Looked homeless the first time

>> No.51205150

>I think he owns the machines.
So hes making money off himself. Lol thats not winning anything

>> No.51205221

I'm psychic, too.
I just don't know how to control it yet.
How did you learn your skill?

>> No.51205231

I've only seen these in vegas
They are literally programmed to take your money
Play poker or craps, or better yet, don't fucking gamble

>> No.51205335

>I said I'm a PSYCHIC
*psychiatric patient, you forgot to type the rest. also take your meds

>> No.51207723
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90% of you will ignore pic related

>> No.51208838
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don't get the bug, anon. they make slot machines simple to play for a reason. all you have to do is push a button and watch all the pretty lights or potato graphics flash then you watch your money disappear in a flash

i live in a casino town. it used to be a bustling utopia where everybody made money but when the loans and credit card advances ran dry, all i see in these casinos now are dealers working 2-3 jobs just to make ends meet, cocktail waitresses that were once 10/10 supermodels are now all 6/10 SEA flip monkeys and meth tweakers. the tweakers have decent paying jobs or businesses, mainly blue-collar type work but they likely blow half of their wad on meth and the other on slots. it could be a long hard road out of hell if you wanna quit. yeah, nobody in casinos look happy anymore. they all look like hypnotized zombies. don't do it, anon. leave those shits alone

>> No.51209094

I can’t believe the massive rise in gambling outside of Vegas/AC isn’t discussed more. My tiny Midwest town put a casino in a few years ago. It pulls 40 million a MONTH in revenue and 250 million coin in deposit. My state makes 3 billion a year in tax revenue from these places. I just can’t believe how many people go. Almost half the people I know now gamble and they are really bad at it. They don’t look up odds, play 87% payback slots, play shit 6:5 blackjack, 6/5 jacks or better and triple 0 roulette. I know they are getting crushed. I’ve heard stories of some addicts putting a gun in their mouths in the parking garage. It’s only going to get worse with the economy and the crack addiction that mobile gambling is. This country is too stupid to have casinos in every small town. Im all for some fun gambling in sin city but when it’s right down the road it fucks people up. They just give daddy government more money. Sad.

>> No.51209511

It’s a mathematical certainty that you will loose at a casino.
Slot machines are the worst as they encourage extremely high churn - Roulette can only spin once every 2 minutes at 4% house edge
Slots spin 10x a minute at 13% edge, on average every 8 spins the house edge consumes your initial stake.
In reality, It’s way worse than than due to the concept of the jackpot, for the 87% RTP to work out the jackpot HAS to of paid out, if the jackpot doesn’t pay out during your session your looking at 30-60% RTP so your loosing your stake every 2-3 spins.
Do not play them, play blackjack or single zero roulette

>> No.51211933

Gambling is a retard tax, and a sin too. It takes a real retard to play knowing they game is against them in every conceivable way.

>> No.51212037


The only way to win money in casinos is at the Poker table against other players, but that isn't really gambling.

>> No.51212049
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>A dirtbag on a gas station slot machine told me a story
>I believed him and started thinking about emulating him
We thought we were liberating ourselves when we tried to banish all role models, but all we really did was give up the good ones.

>> No.51212088


Kek, calm the autism they're joking bro

>> No.51212090

lol ask how much he puts in.

>> No.51212117

Literally this, they say 15k in 3 weeks, they don't tell you about the 30k in the 3 years prior.
Gamblers delude themselves more than anyone else.

>> No.51212144

lol he thinks that slot machines aren't rig for you to lose money.

>> No.51212194
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>put credits in
>lose initial
>double up from initial
>depend on win or lose i either get initial back or double up again

At worse you break even. I've being doing this for months and make an easy 2k per week.

>> No.51212233

i can't imagine a more low IQ waste of money than gas station gambling. buying fentanyl and shooting up would be more respectable.

>> No.51212348


>> No.51212371

Probably laundering drug money

>> No.51213063

They program your chances of winning. Why the fuck would they give you the statistical edge? "Ah yes let's buy these machines for our store which will lose us money."

Fuck off.

>> No.51213189

Yeah that's what I originally thought. Probably not that hard to own those things.

>> No.51213613

Post a ticket

>> No.51213671

I agree that gambling is stupid but life is similarly stacked against the common person, are they stupid for playing the game?

>> No.51213735

Yeah it is a sad reality and it disgusts me that it exists. It's probably mostly welfare money to begin with.

>> No.51213758

No I never said anything about emulating this obvious pagan thug faggot.

>> No.51213925

>slot machines
>Nonplussed millenial basedjack
>enthusiastic millenial basedjack with mouth agape.

>> No.51213955

crypto is just slot machines for zoomies and the house has 100% edge.