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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 559x423, 653ztm9yjtg31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51203615 No.51203615 [Reply] [Original]

WHY IS IT SO HARD TO COME UP WITH A GOOD NAME FOR MY WEBSHOP. I built and coded everything which logically is 100x times harder than fucking name but somehow after 2 weeks I have a finished webshop design with no webshop NAME

>> No.51203630

Name and logo > everything else

>> No.51203654

Are you saying this to make me quit bro i didn't even start

>> No.51203660

well, what do you sell, retard?

>> No.51203664

this is 100% true, i bought that GNS shitcoin because of the catchy name and logo in one instance at 80 cents

>> No.51203685

I fucking hate naming things. Its like sitting down to play a new RPG, and I spend 2 hours in character creation, finally start, and then 15 minutes later feel like I fucked it up and have to reroll. Same with names. I'll create something, but then I'll start hating the name I used and eventually need to redo the entire fucking thing just to change the name or theme.

>> No.51203688

Bikes and equipment. Please come up with something... anyone

>> No.51203692

Mx's frog's dialtion supplies.

>> No.51203713

Johnny's house of tricycles

>> No.51203729

Mark's remarkable bikes and equipment

>> No.51203734

Fuck off

>> No.51203736

Call it Nigs

>> No.51203737

Noname cycling equipment corp.

"Everything for the autistic cyclist"

>> No.51203762

Are you shipping bikes? I'm giving you these shit names, because we need more information.

>> No.51203764


>> No.51203772

I see a big logo that reads
>rude faggot invites you to experience...

>> No.51203775

not bad

>> No.51203791


>> No.51203793

Gas The Bikes

>> No.51203804

i kek'd

>> No.51203811

i just googled it
it's already the name of a motorcyle store in germany if that matters

another idea

see, it's cycle twice. like.. bi cycle. like pizza pizza

>> No.51203823

OP I want to connect printify, woocommerse and wordpress to make a shop that automatically runs itself. If you find me a good tutorial I'll help you with your name.

>> No.51203832

Tom Arnold’s Nightmare Carnival

>> No.51203837


sounds so stupid but rememberable

>> No.51203848

this has potential

>> No.51203853

Wheelie Good Bikes
The Bike Chain
Keep on Rollin
Speedo File

Send me a couple of simoleons if you choose one of these and make it.

>> No.51203858
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>> No.51203867

did you give up OP? people are bouncing ideas now, get your noggin joggin

>> No.51203875

i like this one

feels on wheels

>> No.51203877

"a cycle a day keeps the kikes away"

>> No.51203892

I came up with Bike King, Biketopia, Bike Planet but they're all already taken. Guess I'm not very original.

>> No.51203894


We pride ourselves in selling bikes to people of all genders and ethnicities. Become a bike unicorn and dive into the magic and colorful world of bikes!

Are you gender fluid? We’ve got your back! Use the coupon ITSMAAMNOTSIR for a 50% discount on any purchase above 100 USD.

>> No.51203902

esg approved for institutional investment

>> No.51203903

>what's in a name
You could literally call it anything and it doesn't fucking matter. Some of the biggest companies in the world have nonsense names. It's all about the rep. Apple? Google? Stupid names by massively successful businesses.

I'm not even joking just call it like Bike Shop.

>> No.51203928



with a cyclone in wheelform
or a bike with cyclonewheels

>> No.51203929

i like DownhillFromHere

>> No.51203933

Has to be easy to google, but youre right

>> No.51203943

bicyclone.com for sale, 2500

>> No.51203948

>thinks doing some repetitive mechanical typing is harder than being actually creative

>> No.51203952

>did you give up OP?
Not yet

>> No.51203957


>> No.51203958

Macho Man Wheels and Supplies

>> No.51203979

Greenwheels cycling center

>> No.51203982

vitaliks kickstand

>> No.51203998

Just do something ‘boring’ but professional that makes you sound much more legit then you actually are, something like Cyclist’s Warehouse/Garage/Toolkit

>> No.51204002

cuntbag? cuntbox? maybe something more pomo like KUNT or event cNt?

>> No.51204015

Find me a youtube tutorial
What music influences do you have? Style of bikes? Give us something. Think of your branding you'll want, logo, what do you like about current brands? What name works with ideas you have for visuals? Does your brand have a 'theme'? e.g. 'fresh', 'grungy', 'prestige' etc? Use those to narrow down what you want. Two words? One? What works best for SEO?

>> No.51204027

oh i didnt realized it was bikes. how about cunt cycles? cunt cycle technologies? CCT?

>> No.51204036

Peddle or peddler or peddlr or something

>> No.51204045


>> No.51204048

The Wheeler Dealer
The Handle Bar
Spoken Heart
Holy Spokes
Pedal Palace
Wheel good deals

>> No.51204059

Thats pretty good.

>> No.51204069


>> No.51204070


>> No.51204079

Be Cycling
(You)rname's Garage
Bike Haven
or whatever, use the most ridiculuous name for your shop that's easy to say and remember.

>> No.51204086


fill the lobby with pictures heteronormative white nuclear families enjoying cycling

>> No.51204097

if you can figure out a way to combine sexual degeneracy and bicyling, for a commercial setting, you've got some great names anon

>> No.51204100


>> No.51204109

Bikefinity, Olympus Bikes, bikes4you also taken. ugh.

>> No.51204112


>> No.51204121

becycling.com up for grabs, 6800

>> No.51204123

starbucks i mean bikes

>> No.51204135

bikes 4 tards

>> No.51204138

starbikes.com for sale by random domain squatter
no price listed

>> No.51204152

The Third Trike

>> No.51204159

so many great names in this thread op

>> No.51204175


>> No.51204176


>> No.51204177


>> No.51204194

And then launch a viral pizzagate marketing campaign, spreading rumors that your shop is actually an underground pedo marketplace. It won't spook people who buy bikes because they're all gay, they're not bothered

>> No.51204219

OP, come on, there are dozens of real suggestions now, tell us what you like, what you don't like, give us something

>> No.51204247

Gear and loathing
Heavy peddle

>> No.51204248

maybe that used to be true but it's getting normal to ride a bike these days. it really is a more practical form of transport in a lot of applications. why put the wear and tear on your car for a trip that could be easily made on a bike.

>> No.51204262

i like this one the best so far

>> No.51204276
File: 457 KB, 1859x1636, 1659553537006314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call it Drahtesel. its german for wire donkey and means bicycle. or maybe "weels"? that appeals to potsmokers and ecofriendly people so just the people that buy bicycles. last one would be "rad" it means bicycle or wheel in german but also cool in hippyspeak english.

>> No.51204293

Yea i see and i might consider but i don't want to just restrict myself to one niche forever, maybe having sport or something else in my name is a better idea

>> No.51204315

ok, so what other products might you sell in the future?

>> No.51204317
File: 39 KB, 750x739, 1637562654374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Buy my Bikes Please"
Shorten it to BBP on the logo, keep the logo simple like a wheel on a blue background

>> No.51204318

Is this bait? the shitcoin has a few things going for it but the name isn't one

>> No.51204321
File: 31 KB, 400x423, 82f7eb30-2933-11ed-b053-a785e0003c38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those names are garbage.
what about Gyration Station? Notforeunners? Epicycles? Sit'n'Spin? Bar Handles? Round The Sprockets? idk im bored now

>> No.51204387


>> No.51204418

of course you want to restrict yourself to one niche. you can't become an expert on everything. are you even an expert on bicycles? do you even have any money? a business plan? a stable high paying job that will allow you to take out a loan from a bank? can you afford the bikes to sell in the first place?

>> No.51204451

also what do bikes have in common with sports? its a form of transportation now, thats the meta. thinking of bikes as some idle form of recreation like baseball is some 1980s mentality. people need bicycles to get to work now. people don't want to buy a bike in the same store where they might buy a hockey stick or a basketball it doesn't make sense anymore. they want to buy a bike from a guy that knows bikes because he specializes in bikes and takes bikes seriously.

>> No.51204625

winrar, unironically. Also, best thread on biz right now.

>> No.51204646

ok i'm probably wrong on this one somewhat. i guess for a lot of people bikes are not about getting from point a to point b. i think thats a growing segment of the bike population. but there are still people that want bikes as a hobby, especially when it comes to mountain biking or road bikes for racing.

but traditionally bikes as a hobby not as transporation has been the focus in north america which is why most of the bikes sold here are hobby bikes not bikes with a focus on practical commuting. bicycles designed to hit the trails, or bikes designed to go fast as possible. even the cheap bikes are imitating high end hobby bikes.

but in other countries there's more bikes being sold as commuters. comfortable upright handlebars, an emphasis on reliability and low maintenance. kinda hard to get a bike with that focus in north america we only know hobby bikes. maybe that would be my niche focus if i was opening a bike store.

>> No.51204663

American cycle path.

>> No.51204688

Im going to cry. This shouldn't be hard

>> No.51204703
File: 62 KB, 700x649, dolan pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, peddlefile confirmed

>> No.51204708

a2b bikes is what i'd call it
"point a to b transportation, basic reliable bikes for commuting life in the city"
maybe import some dutch style bicycles.

if you look at the commuter or hybrid bikes in a north american bike store they look more like hobby bikes then the commuter bikes in countries where people have used bikes for commuting for decades. north american bikes they all have low handlebars for speed rather then comfort, as if you were trying to win a race. or big shocks like you're trying to hit the mountain trails.

>> No.51204710

Peddlefile, done. Also, cry less.

>> No.51204721

it's not hard, there are several totally worth names in this thread. it's everything else thats hard, marketing, actually getting some bikes in stock, the funding, thats the hard part.

>> No.51204737

if you are just going to be a pussy, and not give us any feedback whatsoever, im out. it's only 'hard' because you are making it difficult. tons of good names, and all you can say is 'i'm going to cry'

>> No.51204758


Cater to the LGBT. There’s a reason why all the corporations do this every year. It’s super lucrative.

>> No.51204779

Can gays ride bikes though? Might want to check before leaning too hard on this angle.

>> No.51204789

but i've also heard those reliable dutch style bikes are expensive. the kind of person in north america who takes a bike to work is typically too poor for a car and thats why hes doing it, so he'll probably grab an old mountain bike off craigslist or something cheap at walmart instead even though that would be far from ideal.

and the kind of person who can afford a nice bike, is doing so for his hobby because he wants to hit the trails or go as fast as possible in a spandex suit to reduce airflow.

the kind of person who can afford a nice bike, but wants it specifically for daily commuting. is a growing but probably still small segment in north america.

maybe not though, id have to do a lot of market research

>> No.51204804

Why not? Don't feel bad anon, names are tricky things. And no shame in you being an excellent systems thinker, hence the coding was easy, but less practiced at creative tasks.
Try not thinking about it. Just sit relaxed and kind of be mentally "next to" the question without reaching out. See what comes.

>> No.51204813

just build a dildo into the seat to keep them stabilized

call it crycycles then

>> No.51204834

Nice, sounds like one of those cycle gyms that bitches love.

>> No.51204849
File: 1.60 MB, 1035x647, What real women look like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why? Because if you do search for it before buying the domain name some kike like GoDaddy will buy it and force you to pay big bucks to get it back. inb4
NO. NO. NO. This is a very common tactic used by these subhumans, they can very cheaply buy up a name for nearly nothing and resell for huge profits, if you don't believe me do a quick search of
>they stole my website name after I searched for it

And you'll get thousands of forum posts of people complaining about hosting companies doing what I'm warning you about.

Hope you find a good name when you do remember what I told you OP.

>> No.51204870

kek /thread

>> No.51204890

Cycle Crew
Spoke Spinners

Come on op I could do this all day

>> No.51204909
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>> No.51204940
File: 14 KB, 190x200, 8045B93E-A8B4-42D1-9115-3C71FCF13072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP rn

>> No.51204974
File: 93 KB, 720x959, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bikes and equipment.
Hmmm ok how about
>Bikes Trikes And Gear
>First Class Bikes
>Excellent Bikes and More
>Bikes and More

>> No.51204992
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>> No.51205038
File: 206 KB, 1080x1335, 1660881717629615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Bike Store and More" come on my names can't be that bad?

>> No.51205043

Seriously? If you are having a hard time just from picking up a name how do you operate your business? Getting people to actually come to your business and become loyal customers is harder than choosing a name. Just take a more neutral name if you plan to expand to more than bikes. Let me write my blog, when I started my webstore I just picked a generic name that when abbreviated it became BS because I thought it was a BS that people would believe my webstore and bought something. Turned out my first customer let me keep the change when I over calculated the shipping cost, he said he kept being scammed and never thought I would actually send the package to him so the change was his thank you to me. This customer just bought once from me and I have been running this business for 10 years.

>> No.51205046

>maybe import some dutch style bicycles.
>if you look at the commuter or hybrid bikes in a north american bike store they look more like hobby bikes then the commuter bikes in countries where people have used bikes for commuting for decades. north american bikes they all have low handlebars for speed rather then comfort, as if you were trying to win a race. or big shocks like you're trying to hit the mountain trails.
Im only gonna be selling electric bikes and some equipment for now

>> No.51205090

Your names are very bad. Nice pic though, I can literally smell the image.

>> No.51205106

>Getting people to actually come to your business and become loyal customers is harder than choosing a name
Im working with my brother. He's very good at socializing with people IRL etc but has no idea on how to code, build websites etc that's where I come in play

>> No.51205113

ok, great. why worry about expanding though. why would someone looking to buy an electric bike go to a store that also sells basketballs or tennis shoes or whatever. you're not walmart, you'll never be walmart, don't even try to be walmart. even "bicycles" is too broad. electric bikes is a good niche, just stick to that.


>> No.51205119

holy shit it took this long for you to tell us you are selling 'electric' bikes. fuck you op.

>> No.51205146

Sounds like your brother might also have some useful input on the naming front, rather than outsourcing it to a literal cesspool.

>> No.51205149

op where is the money coming from
the funding
electric bikes are not cheap

>> No.51205170

Imagine the smell.

>> No.51205172

i think we got two brothers, one who is "good with people" but no interest in any other part of the business. and one bother who can make a website. and together the two of them combined know nothing about bicycles or business, and they have no money or funding.

>> No.51205176
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Is this a haiku?

>> No.51205198

We have 80k+ even if we were broke we could of just use customers money from webshop orders thats what my brother did years ago with an another gig

>> No.51205202
File: 6 KB, 237x212, 1624226250121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wheel-E, like a wheelie, but also "E' for equipment.

>> No.51205240

ok cool, just checking this wasn't some bright eyed early twenties guy with a website and a dream and nothing else. because i was that guy once and my life went nowhere.

but i don't know about taking customers money and then ordering with that. bicycles are not cheap to ship, you probably want to ship them in bulk, a large order. and by ship to save money. and that takes a long time.

>> No.51205250

Why don't you ask your brother for suggestions if you don't have the balls to choose? Holy shit OP is once again a faggot.

>> No.51205281

I need a name bro

>> No.51205285

or e for electric
another great suggestion that will be ignored by faggot op

>> No.51205290

if you think you can just build a website, slap a name on it, and thats it you're done. no, thats the easiest part. leave the rest to your brother? probably not gonna happen, and if it does great but all you did was a website and you want equal share for that? he could have got some jeet on fiverr to make a website, he could have gone to squarespace for a website. op you're going to have to have a business plan. marketing, shipping, knowing about all the bicycles and whatnot. do you even know the difference between a bosche and a bafang?

>> No.51205303

we've give you a lot of names, thats the easiest part. why don't you discuss some other aspects of the business while you're here. we don't live to serve you buddy, contribute to the discussion

>> No.51205316


>> No.51205355

I still think peddlefile was the winner, you may get attacked if you have a physical location though.

>> No.51205383

oh i didnt realize you were selling ebikes. how about TESLA BIKES? jump on that brand recognition


>> No.51205423

cyber cycle

yeah at first it was bikes, then it was "but i dont want to restrict myself to just bikes maybe sports" and then it was "just ebikes for now" i don't think he really has a firm idea what he wants. was probably just excited to make a website and now he thinks the hard part is a name then its done and he hands it off to his brother who probably wont do anything with it.

>> No.51205499

having a website and a name isn't even 10% of the job, it's like 1% of the job.

>> No.51205521

Yes i found a supplier, products, established an exclusive discount for anything I wanna resell so profit margin will be even higher.. I need a name.

>> No.51205523

>only 10 replies from op, none more then a single sentence, barely responding to anyone
you suck op, you are bad with people. get your brother into the thread then. i feel like i'm talking to a wall or to a woman

>> No.51205532

electric feels

>> No.51205562

Also requesting OP's brother.

>> No.51205561

bat bikes battery bicycles

>> No.51205589

downhill both ways

>> No.51205597

It's 3:30 am here I don't think he is awake

>> No.51205632

It's 3.30 am here too, wake him the fuck up.

>> No.51205634

how about this....
'please buy an ebike from me even though i'm a daft cunt who can't think of a name for my business, so im going to cry and ask you to name my business for me'


>> No.51205658

>MGMT sues you

>> No.51207652

bike the cycle

>> No.51207664


>> No.51207689

buttfuckin’ mcshitfuck’s
formerly cyclehouse

>> No.51207850

Bored Ape Bike Club

>> No.51208084

Bikes And Bike Accessories, BABA for short.

>> No.51208117

I just thought of a name so good I wont even share it.

>> No.51208219


>> No.51208252

>i dont want to restrict mysef further
>maybe if i restrict myself to a single sport that would be better

>> No.51208270

“A friend in need is a friend indeed - Bicycle & general hobby shop for people who like cycling” the logo should be 6 bicycles of different colors, each riding in a different environment (one in the desert, other in a forest etc) and you must add details like one of the bikes having a flat or a black man sitting on one of those electric anti-theft seats

Check em

>> No.51208293

The coding would be trivial, babies-first-website tier. Hes just being a gay bitch and the most fitting name so far has been crycycles.

>> No.51208729

Nigga Wont steal my bike

>> No.51208810

Mike’s Rides and Bikes (formerly Sneed’s)

>> No.51208829


>> No.51208841

normies will love it

>> No.51208850

I'll help what are you selling and to whom
t. bored advertising creative wfh

>> No.51208870

Keep rollin

>> No.51208878

Okay didn't see that.
Name: Revolutions
Logo Cog around the name

>> No.51208883

bikeborne, thank me later

>> No.51208890


>> No.51208899

peddlephile is fucking amazing desu put a logo in of two non descript figures on bikes one big one small.

>> No.51208910

another fucking nugget right here

>> No.51208919

give it a socialist vibe you know? black and red as colors

>> No.51208999

What does it sell?
Fuck it, just call it Lombi
That's a wholesome name
What does it mean? No idea
Make the logo like an L° and make the little o be a smiling face or some shit or maybe make it an "i" instead

>> No.51209015


>> No.51209050

This is why you need a business partner. Someone who just 'gets' the business and social side of things. Coder nerds, take note.

>> No.51209056


>> No.51209060

Jane's Bane and Cane
Formerly Mike's

>> No.51209084

you sound like you appreciate all those infantilized cartoonish multi racial bigger head type characters in mobile games.

>> No.51209087


>> No.51209091


>> No.51209278
File: 293 KB, 1080x611, Blocktea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blockchain Bike

I know it has nothing to do with Blockchain, but neither did that ice tea brand. Perhaps you can accept crypto payments on your site, to have a good excuse as to why you called it that.

>> No.51209297

Hope's Cope n' Rope

>> No.51209314

kike and dyke's bikes

>> No.51210316

>doesn't know about branding
>doesn't know good marketing trumps good product quality
ngmi, anon.

>> No.51210355

Lance Armroid

>> No.51210420

The real battle is committing to the name once you've found one. Even the best name will get old to you in a month or two.

>> No.51210515


>> No.51210537

This one is also good, although it might go over people's heads. gsaman

>> No.51210660

City Cycles
Bike Club
Zap Bikes

>> No.51210689

has anyone seen OP goddamn zoomers he probably forgot he made this thread

>> No.51210739

Bikes 'N' Bolts
or else try
Bikes N Kikes

>> No.51210817


simple as

>> No.51210835

Sneed's Wheels and Deals

>> No.51211368

Buy Buy Biker
Market Cycles
We Wuz Bikings

>> No.51211377


>> No.51212902

Sir Bikesalot - The logo would be a guy wearing sporty attire but instead of a normal bike helmet he'd be wearing a knights helmet with his visor open.
This doubles as wordplay because bikes a lot implies that he goes biking quite often, giving the impression that you know your stuff while also giving you a memorable feel due to the knight helmet in your logo which stands out from generic bike shops.
If you really want you could even add a sheathed sword on his back but that might be overkill if you ask me.

>> No.51212916
