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51194665 No.51194665 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking of paying $1k for 1 year of gym + (group) trainer. Is that too much? What if I tell you that that's the only way I can keep some motivation to move my ass and do exercise? Should I take the offer?

>> No.51194686

>Do you think exercise is a good investment?
>I'm thinking of paying $1k for 1 year of gym + (group) trainer. Is that too much?
depends on how much money you have
>What if I tell you that that's the only way I can keep some motivation to move my ass and do exercise?
sounds pathetic
>Should I take the offer?

>> No.51194694

Depends on your goal but yes fitness is a great investment Take a martial arts

>> No.51194717

>What if I tell you that that's the only way I can keep some motivation to move my ass and do exercise?
I'm paying for gym right now and it doesn't motivate me to get my fat ass to the gym. You need discipline not motivation.

>> No.51194760

just do cardio and get a pull up bar. That's basically all you need

>> No.51194761

I lack discipline also... most of the time I do things because I feel motivated. I know I'm pathetic, thanks for letting me know.
My ass isn't fat, though, I think I'm skinny fat.

>> No.51194813

Don't listen to this twig
Just haul you ass to the gym and do the work. If it sucks, good. You'll grow as a person

>> No.51194831

How are you supposed to start doing pull ups? Im a weakling and i cant possibly lift my own weight.

>> No.51194864

There is also the fact that I don't know shit about fitness, which is why having someone doing the training does the job.
Plus the women at this one specific place are hot.

>> No.51194889

Stand on a chair and do reps without your feet leaving the ground using your upper body as much as possible.
Works for dips too.

>> No.51194903


Lat pulldown machine at the gym.


Static holds

Or resistance bands (risky without a solid pu bar imo)

Or low bar incline be "rows" - worst approach

t 230 lb hambaest

>> No.51194957
File: 21 KB, 425x425, 71AfxEBVYMS._AC_SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How are you supposed to start doing pull ups?
pic related. Or get some acrobat rings on amazon for like $20 and attach to the pull up bar and do the same deal with your feet on the ground

>Don't listen to this twig
i mean you can get pretty healthy and bulky from calisthenics. But I guess if your goal is to get as large as possible and eat 200g of protein every day then going to the gym makes sense

>> No.51194985

is always possible to "cheat" in cases like that to prepare um flaccid muscles to a better workout routine.

generally speaking, the firs 3 months gives you clear results of progress in terms on how much weight / series you can handle. You feel that things start to become easy.
1 year for a full nice result in terms of esthetic and health.

>> No.51195001
File: 42 KB, 947x464, pianoman jedi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All trainers are retards, you can watch YouTube videos for form checks. If you've legitimately never stepped in a gym before just get a trial personal trainer to watch you do the big compound lifts. If you don't have the motivation, go for two weeks no excuses, then it becomes part of your routine.

Do a four day Push/Pull routine and eat protein. Go on runs on rest days.

>> No.51195072

Is exercise a good investment? Hmmm...

For 3-4 hours a week you can

>look and feel better than most people
>maintain a healthier level of hormones
>be more generally capable than most people
>have a higher base metabolic rate, meaning it's easier to stay lean

It's the easiest good investment to make. Man was made to labor somewhat, sedentary lifestyles are just cancer.

>> No.51195080

Very Important Tip:
Care about your body being more health.
Esthetic is secondary.
Forget instant results. All of them are meme.

>> No.51195201

If you can't do any start with negatives, get to the top of a pull-up then slowly lower yourself down

>> No.51195209

This one gym has trainers that do functional training, taking care of overall fitness. Most trainers on youtube do 1 thing at a time, which fucking sucks. I've been to the gym before, it's good. Most personal trainers charge double and don't have their own place to train.
My biggest worry about training myself is injuring myself for not doing things correctly. An injury would mean paying a LOT more than the gym itself... There is also the fact that I could be exercising wrong, and no one would tell me. I simply don't know how to do exercise, I'd have to do research myself to understand things.

>> No.51195256

Honestly, just get a pedometer and walk at least 15k - 20k steps per day, and do some calisthenics like chin ups, push ups, lunges, and crunches. That will cost you nothing and be the most healthy for your body.

>> No.51195282

personal trainers are for NPCs who cannot bother to do their own research and setup their own plan and actually know what they are doing
if you want someone to yell in your ear haha yeah dude pain is gain then go for it

>> No.51195338

>do squats with barbells
>immediately feel like shit
why did i do that, this was a bad idea

>> No.51195391

what's the difference?

>> No.51195393

Thanks for your opinions, m8s. Will sign up for some months and later see how things go.

>walk at least 15k - 20k steps per day
I'd rather use my bike.

>do some calisthenics like chin ups, push ups, lunges, and crunches.
I'm too undisciplined to do that shit by myself. I need some social pressure.

>personal trainers are for NPCs who cannot bother to do their own research and setup their own plan and actually know what they are doing
Perfect for me, then

>if you want someone to yell in your ear haha yeah dude pain is gain then go for it
Was never told that when I visitied tbqh

>> No.51195415

i dont know i looked up barbell excercises besides just curls and i got that

>> No.51195419

BTW, I'm the OP. Had to make the thread from mobile... For reasons.

>> No.51195443

>go for two weeks no excuses, then it becomes part of your routine.
fake news

>> No.51195456

Anon here who did train combat sports and went to gym most of his life:

>more energy
>more intimidating to other men
>healthier than 99% of my age group
>"you are +40!?!?!? dude you look like 29"

One of the best investments you can make, my only regret is not spending money on personal trainer earlier since I was too know-it-all.

>> No.51195811

I'm a former gym rat loner fag. I went to the gym for like 20 non-consecutive years. Other than trying to achieve what was humanly possible for my mortal coil through exercise, I've never really enjoyed going to the gym. >Hate the mirrors
>You accidentally look at someone, kiss goodbye to your peripheric vision, you've always remember how your eyes met for the rest of the session and force yourself to look in another direction. Fucking awkward.
>I don't like girls thinking I'm some kind of perv when I'm just minding my business and they come around close to me or being reflected in the mirror for me to conveniently see them in questionably sexy positions.
>Hate the music. Gyms always have lousy music- (wait a minute, what's this, the catcher in the rye why I'm speaking like this?)
>Gym may be at full capacity at some hours, you must prepare your day and diet to go to a specific hour when there are less fags and faggettes using the machines you need
>You may not like/hate the guy/female at the reception desk
>Some fags may want to engage into a lenghty conversation and you suspect they are actual fags and you feel uncomfortable.

it has never occurred to me I could just invest my money into gym equipment. Sure, it might no be "professional" "high" "quality" equipment, and I might not have enough room to use them properly, but hell, at least is money well spent. And you could train at 4 am on a sunday if you want to. Nobody is going to be the next arnold scharwanigger anyways unless you use steroids.

>> No.51195880

Gym owner jeW hands typed this

>> No.51195914

Why are you paying for a trainer? Are you crippled?

>I need to pay someone to teach me basic motor functions

>> No.51195989

>>You accidentally look at someone, kiss goodbye to your peripheric vision, you've always remember how your eyes met for the rest of the session and force yourself to look in another direction. Fucking awkward.
>>I don't like girls thinking I'm some kind of perv when I'm just minding my business and they come around close to me or being reflected in the mirror for me to conveniently see them in questionably sexy positions
wtf are these gay lines just ignore people

>> No.51196286

>>I need to pay someone to teach me basic motor functions
Actually, yes. There are people who get taught to understand that shit, and then there is ignorant people like me who have no clue how my own body works. I could fix computers all day long, but fixing an injury, preventing or or even detecting one is not something I could ever do.
Btw, welcome to /biz/. This is how businesses work... If I could make my own fast CPU, maybe I would. But, in the meantime, I'll have to pay someone else for that, and they make money from my ignorance.

>> No.51196320

Even just hanging from the bar is a decent exercise

>> No.51196494

That's a decent rate depending on how many training sessions you get, and how clean/nice the gym is. Exercise is very important.
I did just fine learning form via youtube but some people prefer IRL instruction. Trainer or not, you should definitely get a gym membership and make a habit of going.

>> No.51196619

This is some A1-bait.
Are you literally saying you wouldn't detect a sprained ankle, a pulled hamstring or torn bicep in your own body?
Are you somehow paraplegic and still walking?
You can google correct form and routines and even look how good form on that routine looks on youtube.
You also pay someone to tie your shoes cause you never learned to do a knot?

>> No.51196658


Most of this shit is really easy dude. Start with lower weight and work your way up. If any kind of tendon starts to hurt then give it a rest. If your muscles in general are just sore, that is good, it's called DOMS and that's how new tissue is made.

The ideal split is 2 days on 2 days off, dip your toes in and just start small. I started off as a kid with WalMart workout bands and pushups in my shitty room and now I'm jacked and throwing 110 lb dumbbells around, this is a marathon not a sprint.

>> No.51196670

>If you don't have the motivation, go for two weeks no excuses, then it becomes part of your routine.
Not in my experience. I did this many, many times and I always ended up quitting. I quit and started so many times in the last 7 years that I practically made no progress. 2 months was probably my longest consistent streak. That's why I considered getting a personal trainer. I figured if I pay for it and schedule the sessions in advance, I'm not just going to not show up.

However, I've actually been going to the gym everyday (well, 6 days a week, because gym is closed on Sunday) for the last 4 months, without a trainer. I can't imagine not going now. Not because I like it, more so because I'd be pissed with myself for breaking the habit (yet it didn't work this way before). I'm not sure what changed that I'm actually sticking to it now. Maybe because I'm going every day now. That sounds harder, but I think it may be easier, paradoxically. Basically, on any given day I don't have a choice of whether to go or not. If I'm alive then I have to go. Whereas when I was doing a 3 day routine I used to make excuses like I'll just go on Tuesday instead of Monday, because I'll still be able to get my 3 day routine done (but that just lead to more excuses).

>> No.51196706

don't bother with that bullshit, buy a normal bicycle and ride it to work or just around town for fun, if you do it once a day for at least an hour you'll start feeling amazing, it helped with my depression and I put on a little muscle weight

>> No.51196784

>Are you literally saying you wouldn't detect a sprained ankle, a pulled hamstring or torn bicep in your own body?
You can have undetected underlying damage that only becomes noticeable when it's too late. But you are too dumb (probably a zoomer) to understand that.

>You also pay someone to tie your shoes cause you never learned to do a knot?
You don't pay a doctor when your anus hurts from taking too much dick, you fucking faggot?

My fucking arm hurts when I do some odd movements for doing effort that I should not have ever done. Yet I did it anyway. Bet you are a city dweller that doesn't do any effort other than going to the gym and back home.

I do ride my bike. Going to the gym for a while made everything much more enjoyable, and the bike was part of that. In a couple of months I did visit the gym I developed big ass legs simply by riding my bike to the gym, doing 1 hr of exercise and riding back home... The thing is, I not only want big legs, I want a healthy body.

>> No.51197001

If you really wanted to be fit you'd just do it. You wouldn't even need a gym membership or a trainer. Obviously you are lazy soo that's the only way you'll get up and workout.

>> No.51197108

Everytime I try to do this I spend 2 hours exercising for 5 days straight, with 2 days off.
Then a month or two later I’m burnt out and stop until my back bothers me again

>> No.51197366

Well, I asked on /biz/ because there are far cheaper options for gyms, but I can't be bothered to learn how to exercise in a proper way. Otherwise I'd have asked /fit/, /adv/ or something.
I guess I'll just pay the ignorance tax and have a trainer.

>> No.51197439

gym is a joke and gymcels are clowns
you can exercise at home with youtube

>> No.51197486

>Should I take the offer?
Can you maintain a workout program for one year?

>> No.51197600
File: 66 KB, 600x1006, zyzz90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont need a trainer

you need zyzz motivation

you need to go on /fit/

you need to be angry with the world and yourself

then gains will come

>> No.51198213

Didn't Zyzz dieded at 22? Imagine dying at 22 using roids just for vanity. All his motivational phony shit went down the toilet the moment he used steroids. Imagine usain bolt telling you could be as fast as him if you jog 30 minutes
a day and believe in yourself. Why would you take advice from a fucking cheater? It's all make-believe. Also, nobody cares if you're ripped, well except other roid fags maybe

>> No.51198338

my gym is 200/mo but its a based mma gym where we beat the shit out of each other in bjj and kickboxing

>> No.51198405

Join a really high end gym that offers classes/sports. They are usually called athletic clubs. The people you meet there will pay off your membership many times over in your career.

If you cant afford that just build a home gym setup for like $1K.

>> No.51198445



>> No.51200032

You sound cute bro.

>> No.51200095
File: 35 KB, 500x499, media_FPtMQnzWUAEAP1S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He died, roided out, in Thailand, in a sauna...
Still, RIP zyzz.