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51195665 No.51195665 [Reply] [Original]

My fiancé is pregnant, we were not expecting to have a child until another year.

Any tips on how to prepare financially?

>> No.51195721

don't buy precious stones, audit yourself to see where you can cut back, maybe figure out if you can do some side-gigs like fixing furniture/reselling which you can do on your own time at home.
Buy gold

>> No.51195740

>we were not expecting to have a child until another year.
How did you think it works? Nut in vagina, baby comes out in 2 to 3 years?

>> No.51195782

>he doesn't nut in his wife regularly

>> No.51195788

Why aren’t you married?

>> No.51195817

They had premarital sex, They are going to hell,I will pray for their soul

>> No.51195872

Mail it to Sudan to work in a lithium mine

>> No.51195883

fiancée i hope

>> No.51195890

How do I profit from this
>I can't
So not my problem nigger

>> No.51195920

Very wholesome! It takes a real man to man up and raise another man's baby.

>> No.51195970
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Thanks for your input bro

we're very careful, however I came in her once, literally just once, and boom pregnant. It's both great and awful that she is so fertile.

plan to be by end of year but we were originally gonna try for a kid after we were married


>> No.51196328

You are FUCKED

>> No.51196454

Congratulations anon. Tips would be find the gender so you don’t buy anything you’ll have to throw out. Keep the baby on breast milk as its the healthiest thing for a baby (unless your wife is vaxxed).

>> No.51196477

If she’s vaxxed what does that do? Make a goblin baby?

>> No.51197106

OP it is surprisingly difficult to get pregnant; women only have a few days a month they are fertile. However, these are also the days they are most horny, so there is overlap. If you only came once, and boom she's pregnant ... I would be thinking that she already had sex with someone else and was trying to have sex with you to cover her bases. Perhaps she already knew she was pregnant but wanted you to think it was your baby, or perhaps she didn't know if she was pregnant but wanted your seed in her ASAP to beat out the other man's seed (this doesn't work IRL, but this is a thought that is common).
I would be waiting to get a paternity test on the sly as soon as they kid comes out.

>> No.51197746

>vaxxed wife
>baby basically vaxxed now
>will either be a girl or tranny
>wasted lucky 7 dubs too
It's so fucking over

>> No.51197848

Someone post the “don’t get married and net $75,000 in gibs”

>> No.51198450

Fucking kys you took all the time to write this blog anon you're faggot

>> No.51198527
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A paternity test is the best way to prepare for your future, financially speaking, especially if you only nutted in her once

>> No.51199186


>> No.51199231

There's a 90% chance that baby's father is not you. Came in her once and she got preggo? Not fucking likely.

>> No.51199234

The kid could literally drop dead at any point from nursing

>> No.51200049

Start looking for used stuff that is in good shape.
You will save tons od cash later

>> No.51200069

Why? Ist the prion poisoning a true thing?

>> No.51200156

buy some good altcoins and dont worry too much, babies cost very little in reality. the elites tell you otherwise because they have an agenda

>> No.51200254

Get a paternity test

>> No.51200287

>Any tips on how to prepare financially?
Yes. Don't blow all your money on useless shit.

My coworker just burned into his savings because "the baby needs a more secure car", "we need a gender reveal party for 100 people because...", and "yes, I brought pampers for the next 5 years because it's cheaper this way".

>> No.51200384

Most important thing is having good health insurance with a very low deductible. Question everything the doctors want to do and make sure it will be covered by insurance. Lab work often gets sent out of state so that insurance won't cover it and can be thousands. We hasd a kid last year, cost nearly $20k out of pocket and we had good insurance AND I was constantly battling the fucktard nurses (only ever met one actual doctor) with stupid shit they wanted to do that they knew wouldn't be covered. Overall very frustrating, almost engaging experience that I don't want to ever go through again
so good luck.

>> No.51200508
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>Buy gold

Why gold?
Crypto is more profitable, and the risk is worth it. If I were in his shoes, I would consider spending a few bucks on gems, either Fwt, Ren, or whatever suits what he wants.

>> No.51200539

Diapers, buy the reusable ones they used to use before disposable came out. Get as much aid as you can from the government. IF you or your wife dont make alot of money at your jobs, one of you (who makes less) just be a stay at home parent so you dont have to pay for daycare. Breastfeed, dont buy formula

>> No.51200569

the fact they convinced every retarded woman on earth (all women) that overpriced powdered bullshit was better than what mothers could make specifically designed for their babies (for free) is proof enough.

>> No.51200584

When it comes to baby clothes and furniture, kids grow out of them fast so just try to find cheap/free bulk. Friends/relatives sometimes hoard that old baby stuff for reasons like this

>> No.51200665
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cheated. ghost her now

>> No.51200683

learn how to cook, or pay a lot for doordash.
get some money.
prepare to stay home a lot, for the frist year or so.
Time to get cozy with your parents or her parents. You need them. if your parents are crazy or are white, tuff shit bru.
Look up resources in your local area to see if there are any free shit if you are poverty level.
Look into youtube about normal development stages for a kid, so if your kid is behind in some area, like speech you can act quickly.
Try to be more physical fit, you need more energy for the kid. start running around the neigbourhood, meditating and streching.
Quit drinking and smoking and week, ocassional wine /beet isn't that bad.
Amazon prime wouldn't be the worst idea also costco.
get cheap hobbies.

>> No.51201092


Opportunity cost is the only real cost. Kids have cheap tastes and babies don't know any better. Carter's has 15% of the kids clothing market and is worth 2.6 billion. Nike has 25% of the athletic footwear market and is worth 166 billion. The sheer amount that adults spend on their own vanity is staggering compared to what the market will pay toward their children.


This is very important. Your partner's vanity and need for social media acceptance will destroy your finances far quicker than the needs of your children.

In my experience the solution isn't to "not blow your money". If you hold off on purchasing something she thinks she needs then she will take it upon herself to make the purchase. It will usually be a suboptimal impulse purchase because her hormones are running hot.

It's better to get in front of things and load up before she does. If you hit up garage sales and buy in at 10% of retail then it doesn't matter if you buy 2-3x what you "need", you're still better off financially.

Something I personally did was buy up pallets of Amazon/Target returns. You can get mountains of new/open box consumer bullshit for 10-15% of retail. The pallets sell cheap because a lot of the shit is $10-15 stuff that costs too much to ship; they usually have to seed them with diapers or other big ticket items just to move all the bulky junk. Someone will have to be home with the baby, so there's plenty of time to parse through it and pick out the good stuff. She'll find plenty of stuff she "Didn't know she needed", which saves you from paying retail.

>> No.51201926
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Thanks for the advice famalam

And definitely is my child I’m not worried about her at all. So weird I was shitposting just yesterday and now I’m bringing in a child into the world. Feels good and nerve wracking.

Any advice on things to avoid for spending money? Or tips on what you guys as parents made cuts in to help costs?

>> No.51202009

Thanks gentleman!

On a side note for anons saying I came in her once, so it’s over. Years ago we had sex and I only came in her once that night, week later she was pregnant. This and that time both were times we had sex without protection, so either she’s just really fertile and her body craves my sperm or my sperm is just that strong of seed.

>> No.51202037

Get a DNA test.

>> No.51202078

If you have to ask, it's too late. Just start hoarding what you can to mitigate the damage.

>> No.51202123

this is what you sound like when you have c u c k brain

>> No.51202161





>> No.51202256

>I came in her once, literally just once, and boom pregnant
uh oh OP, big chance that kid isn't yours. Unless the stars aligned during ovulation, one nut isn't going to get her pregnant.

>> No.51202273

For context I live in Florida and had great health insurance through one of the largest banks in the country.


Collections will even let you pay that token amount with your fucking HSA card. Medical expenses are a fucking scam NEVER EVER pay the fucking hospital, FUCK THEM.

It took my wife 5 days to be induced and my kid had a hernia, the total cost was 97k$. Insurance paid like 80k and I was on the hook for 17k. Literally just ignored the bills and collections asked for 1500$. Paid with my HSA and maintained my 760 FICO.

You are a literal goy if you pay medical bills in full.

>> No.51202307

>her lie worked before so she did it again
how gullible are you OP? I have volcano insurance I want to sell you

>> No.51203099

Thank you bro

>> No.51204608


>> No.51204623

>Crypto is more profitable
how the fuck is crypto "profitable"? wtf is that even supposed to mean??

>> No.51204629

Yeah, abort

>> No.51204650
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No thanks I have no doubt

>> No.51204762

dont listen to this retard. the bear market isn't over. gold will at least not eat shit and die unlike most assets

>> No.51204793

Get free stuff from all your friends, family, and coworkers. My kid is here in a month and my fiance and I have pretty much everything (other than diapers). Probably only spent 300 bucks, the rest was free or covered by family.
>breast milk>>>jewish formula
>dont get the vitamin k shot at birth, do oral liquid
>dont circumcise if it's a boy
Also check out this thread on wsg for inspiration

>> No.51204814


>> No.51205247
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>tfw no friends

plenty of coworkers and family though

I'm circumcised, not a jew, but would be weird to have a son with a different penis
why oral liquid for k shot? and agreed with breast milk

>> No.51206838

Good to know thank you fren

>> No.51207087
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Breast milk is important.
Get preservative-free vitamin K shot if at all.
They try to give the Hep B vaccine within a few hours, I'd recommend against that unless a household member has Hep B.
Delayed cord clamping avoids significant blood deficiencies, which can affect long-term development.
Skin to skin contact is important.
The mother's life while pregnant is important, things like diet and stress.
Circumcision is evil, even now they only offer local anesthetic.

The first few years of life are some of the most important in terms of actual neurology, so try to make things nice.
Spend some effort researching what is good.

You can buy many expensive items such as furniture, strollers, car seats etc second hand. I would recommend facebook marketplace/craigslist etc in upper middle class areas. Saved a few thousand this way.

Medical debt in the U.S. is very easy to avoid, if necessary.

Get good health insurance if you have time, invest in HSA if you can as well to save some tax money.
Baby food is cheap, but it's literally just steamed blended vegetables, so you can do that yourself.
Formula is expensive and can be necessary, but some of it is just blended oil and sugar with vitamins, which is a horrible thing to feed a child. Care about what your child consumes.

>> No.51207142

Vit k is to allow blood to clot. The infant is held down as a needle os forced into their leg. It's traumatizing for the newborn, same as circumcision. Theres not significant need for vit k if you arent circumcising him, though it is needed in some capacity for the umbilical cord connection point.

>> No.51207160

I'm cut too btw and not cutting my son.

>> No.51207170

This anon might be onto something OP should at least check to be sure.

>> No.51207177

better prepare your mental health
its gonna be hard

>> No.51207187

Stillbirth likely

>> No.51207188

Wow super good advice anon.

My advice would be that you and your wife were literally put on this earth to do this. It is your greatest purpose. Because of that you are already equipped with an incredible tool belt to handle this. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. From the moment that beautiful perfect baby comes into this world you will have a direct line to some sort of ancestral knowledge to keep the safe. Don’t doubt your parental instincts for a microsecond, even in the hospital surrounded by “professionals”. Very excited for you both. If you are concerned about how to be good parents, just watch every single episode of the Australian cartoon “Bluey” about a family of blue healers and take notes.
Welcome to your first legitimate reason for existing

>> No.51207199

Bro how did you rack up such a bill? Did the jew penis sucking cost extra?

>> No.51207232

Why the fuck are you comparing your penis to your son's? Your penis is inferior because you were tortured. Get over it.

>> No.51207266

>even in the hospital surrounded by “professionals”.
In the hospital surrounded by baby manglers is when you should have your guard the highest.
Don't sign anything they put in front of you unless you've read every word.

>> No.51207297

Just remember that doctors and nurses are public servants and are there to serve YOU, a member of the public

>> No.51207314

No they aren't. They work for private for profit corporations which harvest foreskin from infants while they torture them. All credibility lost.

>> No.51207490

Learn to knit, you don't need a huge amount of toys and can re-knit pants and pull-overs. Nobody will care because kids are slightly above doggos for years
When your kid grows up you can still knit for the moment he/she stays in home or for sleep. 3 kids is better because they can help each other and won't need paid company (they need company and will annoy your wife lol)