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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.44 MB, 720x915, 1661959494046922.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51195006 No.51195006 [Reply] [Original]

How much money does one need to unironically have webm related?

>> No.51195025

Apparently like a million dollars over the course of 18 years

>> No.51195031 [DELETED] 

Poor woman needs a BBC stat

>> No.51195047

I dont get it, have what?

>> No.51195052

That's a man

>> No.51195083

looks like an 10 year old boy from the waist up. how could you be into that OP?

>> No.51195085

Just be Chad.

>> No.51195092

Poor kid watching cocomelon, gonna grow up unable to socialize or think

>> No.51195097

I dont see how a buck breaking cock applies here

>> No.51195121
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>> No.51195124

we have 0

>> No.51195163

75-100k is the bare minimum in my experience

>> No.51195174

depends on how ugly you are
past a certain point no amount money can help you

>> No.51195193

You don't need money to get kids. you need to use your dick. Everything else false in to line just fine after that. It's the losers who think: "I need this useless education and that much money and that fucking house and that and that and that before I can get kids"... Bullshit, you need to simply use your dick. Everything else is a cope. Let nature just take it's course

t. Chad

>> No.51195207
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Please elaborate. how to use it?

>> No.51195264

Putting children in front of screens must become a crime.

>> No.51195277

to get a bad mother for your kid that will grow up in front of youtube?

a call center job is enough for that

>> No.51195294

you can get a haircut for under 20 bucks.

>> No.51195313

Just find a woman who's attracted to you and nut inside her. There, done

>> No.51195348

imagine falling for a "born again virgin"
>no sex until marriage because I am a virgin now lmao

>> No.51195347

You mean an iPhone? You can just look it up

>> No.51195360

thats a woman

>> No.51195399

god i hate men so much

>> No.51195484

This. That kid is watching CoComelon, which will lead to lack of attention and attention span issues. That specific show changes scenes evert 1-3 seconds, far too fast for anyone besides maybe an adult. Shows like this are very harmful and screens/blue light in general should not be used for young children, literally anything, even just talking or singing, is better for brain development at such a young age.

>> No.51195493


It’s easier to make a million than it is to find a good wife

>> No.51195507

>made me born again virgin
how is this even possible?

>> No.51195554

A child or a wife are simply extra mouths to feed.
You can have a wife and children on the cheap.
The expensive shit is totally unnecessary - just don't send them to college to become liberal and queer.

>> No.51195586

> Noisy and smelly sleep and money depriving machine engineered to take your wife's attention (and sex) away from you
Why the fuck would you want such a thing.
Are you like genuinely retarded

>> No.51195667
File: 2.97 MB, 720x900, makingit65.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having children is the only investment that actually matters in life.

>> No.51195697

having daughters would be so much more fulfilling if i didnt have to worry about kikes turning them into vapid nigger lovers

>> No.51195713

imagine breeding white girls for onlyfans and bbc, if I had a daughter I'd throw her off a cliff like the spartans did. this isn't the age to have a daughter.

>> No.51195737
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>> No.51195820

This dude gets it. Just breed
These are the demoralized cucks that will never get children because no woman will ever want them

t. Chad

>> No.51195859
File: 38 KB, 657x527, c41629e0-2223-11ed-8164-a5db16d5e01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off kike

>> No.51195902

>Short hair social justice slut
>Child indoctrinated by goytoob

>> No.51195910

t. daughter cope

>> No.51195926

i had more girls than you did, which is not hard cause you never seen a vagina irl, but also i'm gay so you're right

>> No.51195944

Why are you gay

>> No.51195974


>> No.51195992

i like guys, i don't like girls that much
i never planned to be a woman
I enjoy shitposting too much to pass that opportunity, i think you do too

>> No.51195999

Untrue, Steve Hawkins had a girlfriend and a wife.

>> No.51196010

Keep coping incel
I'm sorry, I guess..?

t. Chad

>> No.51196037

its alright Chad, I'll let it pass this time

>> No.51196045

>i never planned to be a woman
yes, yes, i get it. you were born a woman in a man’s body. always the same old story

>> No.51196067

anon, i can probably bench you, unless you're an american

>> No.51196101

same here, unless you’re a 325 lb plus hamplanet

>> No.51196111
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im more interested to know how much someone would ironically need to have that

>> No.51196113

raising biological white children is literally the only reason humans exist.
if you're not capable or willing to do that one thing, you're more animal than human.

>> No.51196131
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60kg twink

>> No.51196166

lol. london?

>> No.51196196


>> No.51196228

have sex

>> No.51196235
File: 4 KB, 225x225, Download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chair. It's called a Tripp Trapp. https://www.stokke.com/AUT/de-at/hochstuehle/tripp-trapp/1001.html

>> No.51196308

no, novosibirsk

>> No.51196375

Checked but he was world renowned in his field so hes an outlier

>> No.51196418

Thanks but I think I'll just buy a pet

>> No.51196431

I'm glad she's found the Lord.

>> No.51196463

a lot of poor people do. I think you're just ugly.

>> No.51196485

I'm quite poor and I have it all anon, but I live in a socialist country in Europe and my parents have me enough money to buy half my house in cash.

>> No.51196651

Can you fucking put a trigger warning when you post those alienating webm? I'm not here to watch some stupid rich cisgender woman too dumb to understand her own oppression

>> No.51196734

there's a lot of layers to imagining your non-existent daughter get fucked, I'm not interested in any of them. back to the furry boards with you yeh faggot.