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51180176 No.51180176 [Reply] [Original]

complex gibberish... is this thing going to $100 or not?

>> No.51180198

Not gonna read this shit and no.

>> No.51180464


>> No.51180478

$ 100 is fud

>> No.51180639
File: 50 KB, 540x444, 7D38B128-A0CA-4A1B-9346-E9B7D91F01F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll barely have a million $ if it hits $100.
I need minimum $1000/link staked at 10%/ year before I can relax.

>> No.51180707
File: 265 KB, 1170x1474, F7052D72-0CC7-4231-8933-9F4A9DB73F48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto sucks.

Only insecure nazis buy it to get rich, but actually they are just scamming each other. Google "ponzi scheme".

>> No.51180760

Ask yourself why the derivative or insurance markets have any reason to use blockchain technology or chainlink

>> No.51180782

How about you google “redditor comes to biz and sucks my dick and licks my balls like the gay little queer he is”?

>> No.51180849
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Chances of that…ZERO

>> No.51180889

An african farmer reading about parametric crop insurance just flew over my house

>> No.51180893

Why the fuck would you even hold a utility token from the last cycle at this point? Jesus fucking Christ some people are retarded.

>> No.51180908

is that why you pay 1-3% fee on every tx using VISA?

>> No.51181231

kek, imagine a nigger using chainlink.

>> No.51181344

$1000 is fud really. Its market cap will be measured in the tens of trillions one day.

>> No.51181349

>10%/ year
junk bond tier
I cant get my head around how so few anons understand that higher apy correlates directly with a shittier underlying asset

>> No.51181391

Wait, do you actually believe this or are you joking? In what world would this have a mcap in the tens of trillions?

>> No.51181444

FUD because it's an unattainable pipe dream that fools you into bagholding while literal feces goes 1000x on rumors of staking

>> No.51181467

Checked and wept

>> No.51181475

Checked. There's a reason why the crypto community ignores chainlik and its developments. Because it is quite clearly irrelevant.

>> No.51181559

>in what world
Swift and the DTCC both have reps speaking at Smartcon. If they start using Chainlink (and investors think they probably will) then trillions of dollars will flow throw Chainlink regularly. The demand for the token will be dictated by this, and because the supply is capped at 1 Billion, the token price will rise to meet this demand. If you don't see an investment opportunity here, then don't invest. Me, I'm going with the project Eric Schmidt has selected. Call it a hunch.

>> No.51181717

youve been saying this for almost 6 years.

>> No.51181899

It’s obvious to anyone who pays attention even a little that this is a powder keg that can blow any day.
Still, the real money is going to take a few years to come.
I have a feeling that the first big swift level adoption will pump the price to 3 digits and most anons will sell because holding Link has been so frustrating.
If you can hold through the next big pump or pull off a perfect swing(God forbid), you’ll end up with a real fortune that your grandchildren can benefit from.

>> No.51182252

Your logic is so incredibly flawed I wouldn't even know where to begin.
But think about what you said and ask yourself if SWIFT itself was an actual crypto protocol, would it be worth tens of trillions in our economy?
Look at the total market cap of the stock market and think about the real value that represents.
There is no possible world where Chainlink becomes worth tens of trillions unless hyperinflation happens and today's billions are that future's trillions. Then ok grats you can still buy a big mac with 1 LINK.
Also the best part is that even if it were possible to obtain such value, everything is setup to extract value away from the token, between smartcontract and the infinite dumping potential already on display, it just would never happen unless /bizlets/ literally finally lost it after getting so rekt for so long now and took things over by force. And even then of course it still wouldn't go up, since no one else would buy it after that.

>> No.51182912

>Swift and the DTCC both have reps speaking at Smartcon
They have a passing interest, if they seriously thought chainlink had the potential you just mentioned they would be hoarding as many link tokens as they could possibly purchase, which as of now, they aren't.
>If they start using Chainlink (and investors think they probably will) then trillions of dollars will flow throw Chainlink regularly. The demand for the token will be dictated by this,
Do you even know what chainlink does? It secures DEFI through price feeds... not exactly groundbreaking and not worth milllions or trillions lmao.
> and because the supply is capped at 1 Billion, the token price will rise to meet this demand
As a final question, would you invest in chainlink if it had an uncapped supply? I'm curious to know your answer.

>> No.51184432

You need a million dollars a year before you can relax. Are you retarded.

>> No.51184538

>bad CO2
I don't get it. Does he think CO2 is bad? Why? Plants eat it.

>> No.51184589

>they would be hoarding as many link tokens as they could possibly purchase
You don't get how these partnerships work do you?

>> No.51184889

>doesnt understand what super linear staking means
total collateral >>> market cap
dont get me wrong its a great investment still
but for link to back 1 trillion dollars worth of collateral it probably only needs a market cap of 100 billion... maybe less
regardless this brings link from $7 to $180 assuming supply of ~600 million in a year or so.

>> No.51184944


>> No.51184979

>what is the 350m link incentive fund

>> No.51187767

>only invests in projects which have realised their value already
defo ngmi kek
>Do you even know what chainlink does
Yes, i do even know. You clearly even don't
>would you invest if supply was uncapped
no. go and read up about crypto and finite supply. it's best if you start with Bitcoin before moving on to more complex subjects. Good luck!

>> No.51187804

chainlink is a suite of services, and most of these services will require the Link token to function. Look at the daily volumes flowing through dtcc, for example. imagine being paid for a part of that.

>> No.51187863
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>> No.51187881

>no possible world
I don't think you have grasped how tokenomics like this can function for a utility token which is indispensable. It's not about the price being pumped by speculation (though there will no doubt be that on the way up, too) but driven up by use. My logic only seems 'incredibly flawed' to you bc you are looking at the subject from the wrong angle. It's understandable, given that we have yet to see it working. I'm chosen to invest in the potential.
The fud just gets easier to refute..

>> No.51187882
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>> No.51187893

Thank you. That's what i'm talking about.

>> No.51187898

Meh, don’t quit your day job. But who knows, there probably isn’t a better crypto project in existence.

>> No.51187967

He is confused and thinks it needs to be 1:1 re value secured. But this is the whole reason LINK will be utilized instead of forcing legacy/central banks into using a liquidity token like XRP or something stupid.

>> No.51187975

50 cents is fomo

>> No.51188564

Semi decent fud. Price feeds is one of the many things that Chainlink does for the entire network, you’re welcome. They do a lot more but at this point Im just waiting until it happens and all you fudders seethe and fuck off. Sorry newfags but if you really wanna know the capabilities of Chainlink go through the archives.

>> No.51188581

None of the shit in archived came true, just bullshit breadcrumbs to create bagholders

>> No.51188676

Things change if CCIP succeeds. Any chain or distributed ledger that wants to be useful needs to be chainlinked as in Chainlink validators. But of course you’re talking about the numbers on the screen. Who knows, what if suddenly Chainlink swallowed the entire crypto mcap.

>> No.51188841
File: 85 KB, 904x864, tp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the time it realises it's value I can finally cash out straight into my retirement home, awesome

>> No.51188962

What mainchain has proven itself to be scalable for mainstream workloads? We also are waiting on US regulation clarity. Chianlink is not the one holding back the space lol

>> No.51190117

Let this guy have his moment in the sun. For his sake I hope he gets to 100k followers before the world inevitably changes to the point where it’s clear to everyone that he’s just a grifter with no vision.

>> No.51190143

Hi everyone,

New guy here with my life savings. I hope to lose everything. Which Crypto is the best one to do so?

I have heard good things about Chainlink (ticker: LINK) but is LINK really the best way of losing my money?

PS: I am a really stupid guy and often people take advantage of me

>> No.51190363

What are green house gases. Restarts.

>> No.51190376

>t.paypal user