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51179910 No.51179910 [Reply] [Original]

How do normies look so "clean"? Clean skin, clean teeth, clean clothes, they look fresh all the time

>> No.51179935

probably because they don't watch porn, sit by a screen and drink monster 247

>> No.51179938

daily shower unironically

>> No.51179944

why americans dont shower

>> No.51179946

1. instagram filters
2. makeup
3. making 30 pics and then picking the top one
4. not being a degenerate autistic incel that never sees daylight and stays inside being fat and unclean 24/7 playing videogames jerking off to japanese cartoons
5. sneed

>> No.51179948

These girls will give you weak sons.
Clear beta genetics.
Dont choose wives based on ""looks"".

>> No.51179958

... because they actually pay attention to and work on those things? Lmao

>> No.51179961

they're fking disgusting most of the time
t. guy whose had girl roommates for years

>> No.51179971

1. Good genes
2. Wash face daily
3. Clean diet
4. Retinoid
5. Makeup
6. Filters

>> No.51179974

1. You are an incel

>> No.51179976

>pic of 3 gigastacies behind layers of filters
go outside, 95% normalfags are just as fat, greasy, and plain as your average NEET.
If you want advice, daily showers, cut the sugar and goyslop, exercise for hormonal balance.

>> No.51179989


They are just more detail oriented and pay attention to it. Normies live more "In the moment" and "Outside their head", so they notice things more and are more inclined to take care of them right away.

>> No.51180033

its just called being white and showering and bushing your teeth every day.
that's it.

>> No.51180035

it's called proper hygiene.

>> No.51180038

You just know they each take a hung BBC in their bedrooms every single day.

>> No.51180071

>brown eyes
they already are animals

>> No.51180243

The Skin reflects your digestion
Clean yourself but also eat more meat, less plant oil, fiber and goyfood (yes retrda fiber is bad for you)

>> No.51180282


>> No.51180285

>How do normies look so "clean"?
They have money to spend on things like toothpaste and dentist.
Clothes too, food too.

>> No.51180308

>drink monster 247
I fucking hate caffeine so fucking much.
You guys shower every day? Multiple times?

>> No.51180316

What? Normies are always looking at their phones and chugging energy drinks.

>> No.51180333

Good skin that comes from good genetics. Youthful too.

>> No.51180351
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>go outside, 95% normalfags are just as fat, greasy, and plain as your average NEET.
Truly, those women are top tier broads.
99 percent of the world isn't those girls.

>> No.51180372

Mega ass pain.

>> No.51180388
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>22 replies to this bait thread
You all have to go back to >>>/pol/ >>>/r9k/

>> No.51180404

I haven't showered since friday evening

>> No.51180412
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tips for cleaning nose with black spots?

>> No.51180421

Sperm is very good for the complexion

>> No.51180423

So true anon, in this day and age if you're looking for a girl to raise children with there's only two (2) things that matter:
1. that she can have children
2. that she is loyal
Literally nothing else matters.

>> No.51180453

These types of girls are common in yurop
But yes in shartmartland, a skinny white female is like a unicorn and almost everyone is a gross retard due to consuming goyslop.

>> No.51180470


This is why american girls look like men nowadays fucking ugly creatures you americans are.

>> No.51180480
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There are prions and spike protiens in the shower water. Just wipe down with vinegar.

>> No.51180481

3 > 2 > 1

>> No.51180523

my condolences

>> No.51180593

It is possible now to never see an actually beautiful white woman in your entire life, even with TV, tube, cinema, theatre, concerts. Fellow white media monopolies are invested in presenting mediocre looking wahmen to mass audiences to contain racial and reproductive instinct. Most of the white wahmen presented as attractive in mass media are third rate peasant stock: not that there is anything wrong with that, its just not actual mathematical, sculptural and cultural beauty of any authentic significance.

>> No.51180661

I guess you can get an erection by just seeing a vagina, any vagina

>> No.51180669

Wearing sunscreen is about the most important thing you'll ever do in your life. Other than that, from cheap to expensive
>fucking shower every dat
>do laundry the right way
>workout at least 3 times a week
>learn how to breath (and thus speak) properly
>learn your basic stance and how to show confidence
>stay groomed, get a haircut twice a month
>buy new clothes
>white your teeth twice a year
>fix your nose
>check for anything that may affect your sleep and give you eyebags (deviated septum, allergies, etc)
>if you are a woman you can use makeup, but if you are a guy get some laser surgery or whatever.
>get invisalign
>fix your chin
that's about it.

>> No.51180683

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.51180807

Find a geneticist in China to run CRISPR on your genes so your son doesn't have gargantuan pores or autism. Real talk you can use pore cleansing strips that they sell just about anywhere. They generally damage your skin by removing the top layer of skin sometimes. It is something you need to keep doing. Differin gel is a product used to treat severe acne that many people claim can shink your pores, but it is an urban myth. Basically before you go out on a date, put on a pore strip, pray it doesn't remove the top layer of your skin and make your face red, and then wash your face in cold water to snap your pores shut. It really is quite disgusting that your face is kinda like a big sponge filled with gravy. Or, accept your fate and just live withe large visible pores. Women get away with it because makeup, but if you date one that did not win the genetic lottery their pores will probably look the same as yours if they don't do the strip removal.

>> No.51180859

Yes I shower every day. Have two young children right now so lately it gets tough to do it every day but I do make it a priority to at least rinse off under the shower every day.

>> No.51180871
File: 222 KB, 1029x831, 1620319786666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.51180873

Not cool to dunk on me that hard bro, fucking nigger

>> No.51180918

They have been living on instagram for the last 5 years, basically their entire youth spent learning how important their looks are.

completely different than 18 y/o two decades ago, who probably never even had seen a pretty woman outside of movies.

>> No.51180921

>over 40 posts and still up