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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5116849 No.5116849 [Reply] [Original]

This fucking namdy pamdy kindergarten country just cucked us Amerifags boiz.

Under new section 1031 stipulations cryptocurrency can now be taxed when exchanging between coins.

The new tax bill changes the classification to "real-property" only. Meaning only real estate can now be exchanged tax free where a profit occurred.

If you're still too stupid too understand how this affects you, it means if you're an Amerifag and trade ETH for BTC on a bump to buy in on the coming dip, you get taxed on that exchange if you technically made profit from it.

Hodl or pay Ceasar his dues.

Also it's still unclear if the first in first out tax loop hole remains. Essentially you could offset taxes on profits when selling assets by designating which asset your selling to minimize tax liability. So you buy BTC at $1.00 then another at $5,000. At 17K you decide to sell one BTC. You could designate the BTC you bought at 5K to be taxed rather than the $1.00 one thus only owning taxes on 12K rather than 16,999.00. The Senate version of the bill requires you to sell the one you bought at $1.00 first, therefore being taxed for 17K in the process.

The new bill is expected to pass next week. So unless someone challenges this soeciffically for cryptos in court then Americans get shafted hard in the crypto market.

It's all here if someone wants read further


>> No.5116891

Fucking Trump voting faggots

>> No.5116906

haha sure triggered u libs

>> No.5116962

Libs are normies. Normies havent been around cryptos for a long time. Are you autistic? This would hurt us more down the line since you can't fucking cash out unless you wamt Uncle Sam to give you a good dicking.

>> No.5116975

... Fucking dumbass they're coming for your portfolio too.

Unless you're not American, then congrats Anon.

>> No.5117075

Pay your taxes citizens - we are watching.

>> No.5117100

I mostly come to /Biz/ just to be reminded how fucking retarded Americans are. Thanks for this thread.

>> No.5117168

OP here, you're welcome, at least someone day is made better by our colossal shit brained government.

You take what you can get I suppose.

>> No.5117217
File: 27 KB, 960x776, mrpoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw you realized exchanges are now US government honeypots

>> No.5117257

>implying Trump even knows what bitcoin is
Dems are repubs are the same garbage, the capitol hill needs to be firebombed.

>> No.5117322

How would this be any different from pre-existing capital gains tax?

>> No.5117360

It's not.

More reason to own Monero to avoid taxes.

>> No.5117414

LIFO is the superior tax avoidance strategy and if they mandate FIFO....

Look up 'LIFO layers'

>> No.5117492
File: 276 KB, 796x934, 1511756038023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Own Monero and go directly to Jail without any trial fucking Terrorist.

>> No.5117640


You fags really don't get, the sum of your realized profit is equivalent to your cash out profit *anyway*, observe: (imagine the tax rate is 10% for ease):

>Put 5k in to buy 1 BTC @ 5k
>Trade BTC for BCASH @ 0.1
> Trade BCASH for BTC @ 0.5
>Now have 5 BTC
>Cash out 100K when BTC @ 20k
>Pay 9.5k in taxes


>Put 5k in to buy BTC @5k
>Sell BTC @ 100k
>Pay 9.5k in taxes

It doesn't matter whether your total profit came from HODL'ing one coin, or trading, your net profit will always be the sum of every trade you made when you cashed out.

>> No.5118166


Real shit

>> No.5118198

What if you gain on some trades and lose on others? Surely they can't just tax the gains. You could end up owing more in taxes than you made. Or imagine you trade the portfolio to 1 million dollars and the market crashes. You still owe taxes on 7 figures?

>> No.5118211

Uhhh... No

Capital gains tax works in two different ways. Hodl less than a year and it is subject to normal income tax. Meaning you cash out at 6 months for 2k, that 2k is taxed same as if you made 2k from your wageslaving.

Cash out after 1 year, max 20%. So hodl amirite?

K good,

New tax law means technically. You buy 1 ETH for $500, moons to $1000.00. Exchange for BTC 3 days after purchase,(which we will say hypothetically hasn't moved) under new 1031 you get taxed as if that $500.00 bump in ETH is added to your income from wageslaving even though you didn't cash out

>> No.5118234

You can deduct losses from investments.

>> No.5118247

>only real estate can now be exchanged tax free

There's the new loop hole.
1. Buy property
2. Leave private keys on property
3. Note this fact on the sale documents
4. Property sells for value of private keys instead of land
5. Profit!

>> No.5118265

Yeah but only $3000.

>> No.5118421

An autistic and wealthy /biz/nessmam should just challenge the crypto part in court.

>> No.5118633

Poor Amerifats
Decentralized exchanges will boom if this gets passed

>> No.5118706











>Also it's still unclear if the first in first out tax loop hole remains. Essentially you could offset taxes on profits when selling assets by designating which asset your selling to minimize tax liability. So you buy BTC at $1.00 then another at $5,000. At 17K you decide to sell one BTC. You could designate the BTC you bought at 5K to be taxed rather than the $1.00 one thus only owning taxes on 12K rather than 16,999.00.
That's false, you have to do First in First out

>> No.5118930

So what difference does any of this make? If I bought a bitcoin for $1 and cashed it out for $100000, I owe taxes on $99000. If I trade $1 to $100000 with a bunch of trades everyday, I'll still pay about the same in taxes. What's the problem here if they pull it off the front or the back?

>> No.5119015

There is no problem these people are retarded

>> No.5119066

All parties necessary to litigate this stuff are literally too ignorant of each other's professions and/or fields to be able to litigate this. And the judges who sit in the federal courts will just glaze over when trying to explain anything, and if it is decided by jury in some way they're definitely too retarded to make any desicions about this, you don't want a jury to decide anything.

And this is a provision that's not going to go away. Both parties will leave it in because Republicans need to pay their Masters and Democrats will call it a tax on the wealthy.

Saving money is pointless at these interest rates. You're going to need a mill plus just live at a basic level in retirement if you're under 40, if inflation doesn't bleed your ass dry. Now they take cryptos from us... Literally only long term investing at 1% gains or real estate are our options now.

I'm finding it really hard to remain patriotic these days. Just made enough this morning to make a mortgage payment. And now they'll take that away...

Man, just fuck this country. Sorry for the rant but this shit has me down anon.