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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.16 MB, 1600x1600, barrels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51165190 No.51165190 [Reply] [Original]

RLC outperformed every top 100 coin in the last month. What did your shitcoin do?

>> No.51165465

my UFO did 700%
>suck my asshole

>> No.51165539


>> No.51165724

No but…. But muh…. NO!…. Muh Link stack outperf….. i mean my ICP.. or my BAT and Fantom… Muh flippening!!!!!! N

>> No.51166879

>maybe if we name our coin UFO normies will pump our bags!!!1!!
Will die in the bear like every other shitcoin
RLC however, top 10 next year

>> No.51166903

I still baghold 15k barrels but don't even pay attention anymore after religiously following the telegram for years. Did these retards ever get their act together? I see public worker pools STILL aren't available. What is it even pumping for? Any big releases? Do they finally have a single user?

>> No.51167089

your mom

>> No.51167101

What if I told you it will pump to 1000$ based on the low supply itself?
As long as (((they))) keep generating hype it will keep rising

>> No.51167127

Yeah a top 3 project with no users and a useless marketing team. Be real dude. I'm skeptical we will see $10 again

>> No.51167174

You're wrong. First off they have at least 2 users with hundreds more coming, okay? Secondly, there will only ever be 87 million RLC and if you don't have at least 50k by now, stay poor faggot.

>> No.51167202

>if you don't have at least 8.7k by now

>> No.51167225
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Lol 0 users 0 use cases still
I've tried to tell /biz/ time and again that iExec, the successful private blockchain consulting company has nothing to do with the ICO fund-raising scheme known as Runs on Lots of Computers (ticker: RLC)

Gilles and his team still have over 100k ETH they can sell any time they do not care about the token. Token will be continued to be PnD'd by various groups and MMs

>> No.51167263
File: 34 KB, 988x300, 2019 worker pools.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did these retards ever get their act together?
They had worker pools in the public test stage in 2019, but it was so completely broken and bugged that Gilles had to stop the testing within minutes.
Three years later with no way to get their original use case working, iExec switched to developing on NFTs, missing the hype by half a year.
Its probably best to cut your loses and sell all your RLC.

>> No.51167332
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RLC mein negers

>> No.51167336
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RLC as an idea was great but it can't scale on ETH due to fees
The only solution was to launch of a side chain which completely removes decentralisation offering then zero advantages over traditional cloud services like AWS and azure.

What iExec does is offer companies and institutions (EDF, University of Taiwan) solutions to build their own private blockchain so they can manage their own data and services at a lower cost than traditional models.

>> No.51167501

They should deploy on Oasis Sapphire paratime.

>> No.51167510

Digital dogshit

>> No.51167529

Yeah because “use case” matters in crypto. Fucking 2 dog coins, cardano, hacked solana, dead shitcoin xrp, 2 manipulated binance coins all in the top 12. The use case meme is a fucking joke, as is the entire space

>> No.51167585
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$250 EOY
>t. God

>> No.51167630
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my like $60 buy of kaddex last year turned into 2k when tokens released

>> No.51168930

>RLC as an idea was great but it can't scale on ETH due to fees
its blockchain agnostic retard

>> No.51169833
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Oh yeah how many other chains is it on? What exactly use does it currently have on those chains?

>> No.51170171

Imagine not knowing what Solidity is and how EVM is interoperable then coming onto a business and finance board that specializes in crypto currency and making this fucking post with this dumbass little dragon gif. Like what are you even doing with that? Honestly... who the fuck would save that gif? Fucking waste of dubs

>> No.51170481

The fudders are actually retards I'm surprised you would even help them make it.
How much do you want to bet these retards hold RLC

>> No.51171512
File: 34 KB, 747x329, IMG_20200930_190124-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I sold RLC at $15 you faggot I'd never buy back even a 10th of my stack. I held since 2017 too and know a lot more than you faggot
Live in your fairy land all the OGs sold you are just liquidity for whales now
>pic rel my buys from 2020
Don't have sells on my phone unfortunately

>> No.51172490
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holoride has it's in-car entertainment handy on road trip cruising the Iberian Peninsula, and stopping in various cities.

>> No.51172676
File: 188 KB, 932x917, 1595617762668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet you are still here

>> No.51172846


>> No.51172901

Yup to warn newfags like yourself not to WASTE a bullrun on this pnd token not needed scam

>> No.51173148
File: 160 KB, 1108x1174, users.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stale FUD, picrel
cNFT not NFT, retard. Confidential NFTs have real use-cases in military and healthcare. Worker Pools ARE coming, just more complicated (and secure) due to upgrades to Intel SGK. RLC token being used was a PRIORITY by the new COO Moonen. Get left behind.

>> No.51173169
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Also forgot to mention the 3 validators, cant claim it is the most decentralized, but definitely trending towars decentralization
> In addition, iExec will also be taking the first steps towards decentralizing its Sidechain by adding 3 founding partners of ONTOCHAIN as validators: the Faculty of Computer & Information Science from the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), the Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece), and the company IntelliSemantic (Italy).

>> No.51173172
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>5 applicants
>8 applicants
>4 applicants
Oh no no no no

>> No.51173180

Read Moonen's report. They have plans to 10x their team. Marketing, PR, developers. This is your last chance. You are here for a reason, anon.

>> No.51173533

>they have plans
oh okay just market bought 1 million then

>> No.51173563

kek how much do you really hold, moshi?

>> No.51174214


>> No.51174267

My eth did over 50% in a month

>> No.51174439

Sylo got listed on Coinbase in the last few weeks, and it keeps chugging along

>> No.51174485

Gilles is going to take a shit on a trannys chest and wipe his butt with your money btw fuck you Blair