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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51166331 No.51166331 [Reply] [Original]

>Treasury Growth:

Currently BitDAO has the largest treasury in the crypto worth around $1.28 billion
The treasury is constantly being replenished from multiple sources including, but not limited to:

1- pledged contributions from Bybit (around 75 million each month)
2- token swaps and venture deals
3- yield strategies

>ETH dominance:

BitDAO is one of the largest ETH whales right now ranking 35th on Etherscan. Their treasury currently holds more than 200,000 ETH and they’re planning on keeping up this pace as they keep buying around 380 ETH daily on average.

>Treasury diversity:

Aside from being the largest and most valuable in the crypto market, BitDAO’s treasury is also the most diverse in its holdings. The BitDAO treasury currently consists of:

- 1,015,539,391 BIT (38.51%)
- 257,893 ETH (26.84%)
- 238,643,890 USDC (16.11%)
- 151,818,989 USDT (10.15%)
- 3,362,316 FTT (6.19%)
- 7,622 Univ3 LP WETH (0.79%)
- 10,000 PEEPS (0.43%)
- 2,132,235 xSUSHI (0.21%)

It is very rare to see treasuries that are this diverse in this market. 37% native tokens is a very low number especially when you consider than other huge treasuries like Uniswap’s consists of 99% native tokens.

>BIT Purchase Program:

BitDAO’s treasury growth will be related to BIT price via the dynamic BIT Purchase Program, see: proposal BIP-9.

>L1 Proposal:

The BitDAO community is in the process of voting on creating their own L1


BitDAO is governed by BIT token holders. It is permissionless to submit soft proposals on the BitDAO forum, and official proposals on the BitDAO Governance Module (Snapshot). It is permissionless to hold BIT, delegate BIT, and vote to approve or reject proposals.

>> No.51166338 [DELETED] 

Chump thread

>> No.51166358

>The BitDAO community is in the process of voting on creating their own L1
okay but fucking when? im tired of not making it already

>> No.51166371

If they're buying ETH they're gonna get omega rekt. It can only go to 0 after the merge. centralized, wef infested garbage that's not crypto.

>> No.51166382

i need her to sit on my face right now
>you unironically wont make it
its a whole ass L1. this shit takes fucking time

>> No.51166409
File: 171 KB, 1846x264, Etherscan Screen Shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre buying shit tons of ETH actually lel

>> No.51166441

you do know that the merge is the best thing to happen to ETH right?
power consumption will drop by more than 99% so a lot of major mainstream companies will start building on i, paving the way more mainstream adoption
based as fuck

>> No.51166536

>the best thing

how? it becomes even more centralized, basically under control by a few pools, it won't be censorship resistant, and none of those mainstream companies will ever build on it because it's broken af. It's insecure, the smart contract language sucks ass, and in 7 years there's nothing built on it that has any real world benefit.

Post-merge Ethereum could as well be a database cluster. Worthless garbage, that's what is is.

>> No.51166622

no thats not how it works
it arguably becomes less centralized since you dont need to buy expensive mining equipment and STILL have to compete with major mining farms (which you cant possibly manage to do)

technically this way, anyone with a decent amount of ETH can become a validator plus this will decrease ETH issuance by a wide margin making ETH inflation no longer an issue

>> No.51166650

yeah but it will only reduce energy consumption and not gas fees.
activity on DAOs and DeFi in general will always be expensive

>> No.51166684

yeah but you also need to understand that the merge is the first step ofreducing gas fees. after the merge is implemented, sharding will come and L2s will become OP

>activity on DAOs and DeFi in general will always be expensive
L2s are already taking care if this. imagine how better it will be with sharding
in fact Zksync is already developing a DAO specific scaling solution for BitDAO

>> No.51166716

Yeah, like a rich getting richer game. Ethereum's staking mechanics are retarded. Lockup is dumb, slashing is absolutely bonkers, and the minimum to run a node makes no sense either. The fact that devs aren't stupid it must be malicious.

Nah if you want adoption, you're gonna have to look at Cardano. Only chain that makes sense, has the proper vision, no VCs and wef cronies involved, staking fully liquid and no minimum or lockup, defo no slashing, as it should be. Tons more secure and over 70% staked. Ethereum may be happy to get like 20% staked and that would be way too low.
Cardano scales tons better too, Ethereum got absolutely nothing on them in that regard. It's a broken system already on its decline.

>> No.51166734

Sharding on account model is a pipe dream. Even if it were possible, it means such a massive trade-off in decentralization, why would they even still care running a blockchain, they're not crypto anymore. Dead end project.

>> No.51166809
File: 52 KB, 650x650, ngtmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually uses cardano
how are those dapps coming along? kek

>> No.51166824

i have my BIT staked. what happens when the L1 drops??
i really hope it doesnt drop before i unstake cause i want to sell around 5% of my holdings just to make some profit

>> No.51166848

nothing happens. they simply get released and then theyre yours to do whatever the fuck you want with them
>i really hope it doesnt drop before i unstake cause i want to sell around 5% of my holdings just to make some profit
the proposal is still a soft proposal but still, developing and L1 takes a fair amount of time so youre good

>> No.51166931

in need her to sit on my face right now

>> No.51166947
File: 36 KB, 411x742, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his BIT is staked
most based chad on biz

>> No.51166955

The fucking duality of /biz

>> No.51166996
File: 509 KB, 1816x1242, bitdao treausy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deal with it

>> No.51167015

I feel so depressed when I look at photos like these
My greatest goal in life is to reach 200 ETH
When I look at these numbers I feel like a small miserable insect

>> No.51167032

they buy like 380 ETH on a daily basis lmaooo. that more than your entire goal in just one day

>> No.51167039

why are you antagonizing me?

>> No.51167083
File: 397 KB, 640x845, A06B468A-8780-4338-B8B0-6AF9A378C2DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51167093

some actually posted the photo of a WOMAN

>> No.51167103

Thats a man.

>> No.51167106

This is a man.

>> No.51167110

she has a tiny nigger growing out of her head. that's unfortunate.

>> No.51167132

I almost invested, thank you for saving me, anon

>> No.51167134

>shoulder span is tiny
>hands and knuckles are soft
>hairline is low
>no adam's apple
>knees and proportionally tiny
this is a woman.
but honestly i wouldnt give a fuck if she even had the fattest 10 inch dick. she is fucking beautiful

>> No.51167176

She cute

>> No.51167195

np, always trying to help out frens

>> No.51167205

Not really though

>> No.51167256

she's 9/10 if the scale is actual human beings, not photoshopped celebrity cockholsters. but the head growth is a problem, ngl.

>> No.51167314

The amount of people hung up on this 6/10 has convinced me that this board is full of niggers.

>> No.51167432
File: 19 KB, 498x427, 1653713555304.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no sexy latina to cook me chimichangas, why even live.

>> No.51168269

a better question than when is why? theyre just going to funnel all your money into it out the backdoor to some jews and ull be left holding the bag. screenshot this

>> No.51168281

Finally someone that is talking some sense.

>> No.51168342

If I had one wish in the entire world, it would be that nonwhites cease to exist. Out of any wish imaginable. Gigantic cities of marble, colonization of other planets, a world free of disease, free of famine, I would choose to get rid of all non whites. Civilization peaked in the 800s when the people of North Western Europe did not know non-whites existed.

>> No.51169086

can someone spoon feed me on this

>> No.51169620

basically a community lead DAO with a shit ton of funds to build new projects
the pose proposals every now and then and the community votes
theyre launching a new L1 so i threw in $500 fuck it

>> No.51169726

its completely decentralized. who will "funnel" money? everything is run through the community first powered by smart contracts

>> No.51171440

All still there the last time I checked and used them

>> No.51171548
File: 145 KB, 1125x1180, 982AC482-D198-446C-92D5-2C9F819C41C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will never sell my BIT
>i will never sell my BIT
i will never sell my BIT
>i will never sell my BIT

>> No.51171639

What's the point of building an L1? Aren't there enough chains already?

Or to put it another way, what is BitDAO doing that other L1's aren't?