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51164674 No.51164674 [Reply] [Original]

Is Dave Ramsey a decent financial advisor?

>> No.51164723

Kek no

>> No.51164786

Id say hes mid

>> No.51164848

How does this guy get any views? You already have to pay off your loans what's the point of talking about it. That is quite literally the only thing he talks about, "hurr durr I have a million dollars of debt". HMMM did you try playing it off? "uhhh no I just kept taking out more loans." You do know there is no helping these niggers right?

>> No.51164952

He’s one of, if not the best. Seriously.

>> No.51165056

As a baseline he is great. He advertises low risk investing however so it’s a great starting point. I started at 24 with nothing now I’m 28 with 300k

>> No.51165094

Worked for me until I developed my own midwit risk tolerance. No debt outside of mortgage is pretty great

>> No.51165508
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Yep. Remember that most people are fucking morons and if you put them in charge of the Sahara, they'd run out of sand. The vast majority of people need someone to force them to stop moving, and seriously think about their budget and debt. I know that everyone here is a multimillionaire with a 200k/year WFH job that they show up to 2 hours a month, but consider that all the perks and rewards point credit cards offer are paid for by the failure of millions of other people. He can explain in almost childish simplicity to those millions of poor, stupid, morons how to take the first steps and make a plan to unfuck their lives. His investment advice has to be risk averse because anything more complicated that mutuals that track a major index is going to get these people in trouble.

Consider that one of the "babysteps" is just having 1000 in cash around for an emergency. It is so much easy insurance against something that could ruin a brokefag (car needs new brakes, had to go to an urgent care and pay cash, have a two week gap between rent being due and payday, etc...) and yet we constantly see polls that say most Americans don't have 1k in the bank... His biggest fault is that his entire professional life has been spent during a time of unprecedented growth and prosperity so he's blind to the risks of just investing everything in RE and equities.

>> No.51165509

Dave Ramsey is retarded and has outdated ideas. I took calculated risks with stocks and crypto so my NW is over $1 million. If I had followed his advice, my only assets would be $100k in my 401k and maybe half of my house being paid off.

>> No.51165525

Sell me on a mortgage. I don't get it. I live in the Midwest and my parents always had a house, but due to the cost of homes skyrocketing I had to rent when I moved out. I don't see whats so bad yet, I've been renting for 2 years and I have 0 debt and I invest my spare income. I like that I don't have to mow the lawn, fix anything, and if I want to go out of town for a week I can without issue. There are some things I would like, like a small workshop, but I can't see the appeal of taking out a 30 year loan just for that privilege. I my plan is just to continue to invest and buy a modest home one day, probably with a mortgage but with significantly more money down than the typical 20%. Sure I can't "get my money back" but I get so much convivence out of it.

>> No.51165701

he wants to keep talking because he's going to die of old age very soon

>> No.51165738

It's solid advice for retards who can't handle credit cards and debt responsibly, which is a majority of consoomers

>> No.51165750

He’s a mega corporate shill that believes he can compare how you treat kids to how you should treat employees. Other than that he’s pretty alright, nothing too deep but pretty good for 10-30 minute calls.

>> No.51165760

He offers good (if obvious to most people here) financial advice. Don’t put yourself in credit card debt, don’t spend $700 a month on a car, etc. Many people really need to be told a lot of basic things, same reason self help books are so popular.

>> No.51166002

Pretty much summed up everything I think too. Dave has to keep shit simple because his audience is mostly financial retards.
He is probably well aware of more complex strategies but won't go around recommending those to people on his show. I'd be curious to know if he is the same in private. He seems like a nice and pretty genuine boomer, regardless.

>> No.51166020

Ramsey is based because he knows the stupidity of the random NPC and his 'baby steps' work for them

>> No.51166923

I am one of those guys that got ramsey-pilled and paid off all their student loans. And I also did it in 2020, and this is the first post I've seen about getting a refund, and I just requested a refund for 10k. Today was a good day, bros. On Ramsey? You do have to remember he is a rich kid. He's not totally wrong and I'm glad I paid off my loans, but he's a rich kid, you shouldn't listen to what everyone has to say, and especially not rich kids, they don't know what blue-collar work is actually like, they just think they do. For example, Dave encourages people to work like 100 hours a week for years if needed, multiple jobs, to pay off loans. Sometimes that works, other times, you tear your meniscus, cause it destroys your body. I also still use credit cards, cause I can handle it. I don't think credit cards alone are like having a drinking a problem like he says they are.

>> No.51166957

only for normies who can't get their shit together.

Real Chads know that there is such a thing as good debt, opportunity costs, etc.

>> No.51166969

Again, as >>51165508 mentioned, his stuff is meant for normies, not for people hellbent on making it

>> No.51166994

We watched this guy in high school and it was the most braindead advice I'd ever seen. However, lots of people in my high school's town were fucking stupid and took out exorbitant amounts of loans for things like vacations, so I guess he got his audience nailed