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51159415 No.51159415 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51159477

it's over. i sold everything

>> No.51159502

>throws the guy who literally stays in his house under the bus
These Turks, man

>> No.51159513

kek he is so mad. avax baggies are done

>> No.51159521

Threw Roche completely under the bus kek
Not vouching for ICP, but AVAX is completely done for.

>> No.51159576

So Kyle was just part of their initial lawyer group back in 2019?

>> No.51159589

Ok, so now he’s saying cryptoleaks didn’t lie, but Kyle roche did. This fucking bug is changing goal posts again.

>> No.51159599

stupid cockroach

>> No.51159606

>Neither I, nor anyone else at Ava Labs ever directed Roche in his selection of cases.
>we attempted to persuade him to drop the Solana case
disgusting cockroach

>> No.51159611

If these faggots were smart they'd keep silent instead of creating more evidence for a case against them

>> No.51159627

Tick tock emin

>> No.51159631

this drama is like the paralympics
nobody cares who wins because you've all lost in life anyway
icp, avax, solana, algo, tezos, cardano: all irrelevant or obsolete, while bitcoin and ethereum are miles over the horizon

>> No.51159652


>> No.51159660

CryptoLeaks did lie, 90% of the article is a lie, The response is solely because of the vids of Roach being drunk and spitting some loosely correlated things on leading questions

>> No.51159697

Name 1 (one) lie in the article

>> No.51159752

BTC is good simply because it has hash power but ETH is not useful and will be replaced

>> No.51159768

They are non whites anon

>> No.51159774

bitcoin can't be replaced without a time machine
ethereum can't be replaced without a product 10x better, none of the above are even twice as good

>> No.51159808

That's his username?

>> No.51159830

Yeah, problem? He literally is an elite hacker.

>> No.51159836

based and truth pilled
half the vids are from some office where he obviously wasn't drunk. hopefully he turns on turkroach after this article

>> No.51159931

> AVAX Labs always fully transparent
> Secret Chainlink exclusivity deal
Shady Turk does shady shit

>> No.51159950

KYS Goon with your bonus block shitchain

>> No.51159957

ICP literally cannot stop winning

>> No.51159970
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The chink knows it's ICP-sponsored retardism, it's over for Icypeepees

>> No.51159976

ICP is a stand alone solution that supports relatively cheap data storage + deployment of apps and websites on it which is an interesting first. It also has the NNS and I can store my tokens behind a yubikey login which is super convenient. All those other big L1s including ETH need a bunch of trusted & non blockchain services to be able to do anything except send tokens which is lame as fuck.

>> No.51160052

Shove your WEF shitcoin and your autism back up your ass cunt

>> No.51160073


Ok, so now he’s saying cryptoleaks didn’t lie, but Kyle roche did. This fucking bug is changing goal posts again.

Ok, so now he’s saying cryptoleaks didn’t lie, but Kyle roche did. This fucking bug is changing goal posts again.

Ok, so now he’s saying cryptoleaks didn’t lie, but Kyle roche did. This fucking bug is changing goal posts again.

Ok, so now he’s saying cryptoleaks didn’t lie, but Kyle roche did. This fucking bug is changing goal posts again.
Ok, so now he’s saying cryptoleaks didn’t lie, but Kyle roche did. This fucking bug is changing goal posts again.
Ok, so now he’s saying cryptoleaks didn’t lie, but Kyle roche did. This fucking bug is changing goal posts again.

Ok, so now he’s saying cryptoleaks didn’t lie, but Kyle roche did. This fucking bug is changing goal posts again.
Ok, so now he’s saying cryptoleaks didn’t lie, but Kyle roche did. This fucking bug is changing goal posts again.

Ok, so now he’s saying cryptoleaks didn’t lie, but Kyle roche did. This fucking bug is changing goal posts again.

Ok, so now he’s saying cryptoleaks didn’t lie, but Kyle roche did. This fucking bug is changing goal posts again.

>> No.51160079


>> No.51160083

Your mongoloid Icypee scam shitcoin is dead you fucking nigger, just sell and move on.

>> No.51160086

That Kyle lives with kevin. like wtf were they thinking when they made this up

>> No.51160094


>> No.51160125
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i literally panic sold at 18.57 yesterday

>> No.51160134
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This >>51160086 and that Roche was funded by the XRP guy, pic related

>> No.51160151

sorry i dont read statements from terrorists

>> No.51160198

I read the cryptoleaks article (which I bet must of you biztards didnt even read)

Whats the big deal? Sure they use litigation to attack their competitors, so what? Every company in the fucking world does the same thing.

>Emin is a two faced fag who is jelly of other projects

We all knew the turk roach was an asshole, all these egotistical crypto figures are like that.

>> No.51160220
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Buy back before it's too late.

>> No.51160221

thanks for your sacrifice
hey rats avax is still superior than your chain sorry not sorry
yes but he received tokens and equity instead from the start as payment, they didnt know how much avax would be worth

>> No.51160307
File: 71 KB, 540x720, Buy AVAX NOW!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever posted against AVAX since yesterday, be afraid, be very afraid because I am coming for you.

>> No.51160374


NO worries, he'll have plenty of time to respond... IN A COURT OF LAW.

fuck avax roaches

>> No.51160451
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>the videos in question:
>the CZ tweet (picrel, now deleted)

>> No.51162014
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Cna I get a QRD on what happened here? I have no idea what's going on

>> No.51162393

avax is a chain for sand niggers

>> No.51162417

You're a fucking nigger

>> No.51162463

Some of these globohomo shitcoins the shills and (((VCs))) are pushing were destined to fail from the very start. Coin may seem legit at first, backed by globohomo and all that only to be rugged like LUNA in some type of rug ritual at some predetermined point in the future.

>> No.51162677
File: 24 KB, 705x240, dom_fucked_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dom(icy pee man) is currently being sued by Kyle Roche in a class action for P&D schemes
>Dom hires Norwegian man to entrap Roche presumably for blackmail or intimidation
>Norwegian sets up secret camera, pretends to be interested in a deal, gets Roche piss drunk, asks him leading questions
>Dom sees the secret tape, notices some of the discussion is about Ava labs and Emin who he has personal beef with
>decides to post chopped up clips to his conspiracy blog cryptoleaks sandwiched between wild conspiratorial allegations
>tweets the story on his own account two hours after publishing the blog
>the allegations don't go mainstream until CZ tweets about it the next day, basically saying "Big if true"
>a few hours later CZ later retracts the tweet, then tweets that people should instead be looking into (((who))) is paying for the FUD(*wink wink* he knows it's Dom)

>> No.51162877

Wtf Dom has begun the intimidation and blackmail? We can't let this guy lead Dfinity

>> No.51162941

there is a product 20x better at the moment, with possibility of more x's

>> No.51163347

he's honestly the perfect CEO for a project named Icy Pee. hopefully he will be allowed to continue running it while he is behind bars.

>> No.51163662
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>> No.51164124

icp is obviously not 10x as good as ethereum technologically, it's also a wasteland of no activity or interest.
when the only people developing for your platform are also developing the platform itself you have a serious problem.

>> No.51164572
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guru guru you fucking mongoloid

>> No.51164660

Emin was unironically giving good advice here since BTC crashed 90% a month or two after he tweeted that.
He also called out the DAO hack about 2 months before it happened and SOL's consensus desyncs about 6 months before their first crash.

>> No.51164731

>icp is obviously not 10x as good as ethereum
Nobody claimed that, some retard just made that requirement up. ICP stores data and serves web on its own which is a huge step forward. Other L1s are ETH with lipstick on it

>> No.51164751

>He has no say in our business decisions, legal decisions, how the company is run, or anything to do with the Avalanche protocol. He has handled only a few cases of minor importance for us in his area of competence.
Ah, so thats why you gave him 2% of your total supply of tokens, you fucking turkroach sand nigger?

>> No.51164815

when can i short avax again? is the short squeeze over?

>> No.51164826
File: 86 KB, 571x787, ager-hanssen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meet Ager-Hanssen, the sleazy fuck that Dom hires to fud competitors and entrap legal opponents.
Agner was fudding since back in the late 90's, so he's old school with his sleaze.

>> No.51164831

Just sold Thankyou, this is the LAST time I’ll be called a coin holding nigger.

>> No.51164836

because it's a wasteland of inactivity, and unless you bring an order of magnitude more value you're going nowhere, just like icp.

>> No.51164854

Never trust a muslim or turk, kek.

>> No.51164892

We'll see anon

>> No.51164942
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>> No.51164987

You fucked around with the wrong crazy motherfuckers

>> No.51165055

Holy fuck thats the most based fucking thing I’ve ever read.
Dom is going to fucking destroy avax, and he’s going to do so by using the US regulatory body to do it. Lmao.

>> No.51165142

we've seen enough. alts only get one bull market to make their mark, and that's over.
nobody is going to care about icp in 2024, just like they didn't care about eos in 2021.

>> No.51165285

yea just like chainlink launching in 2017 and missing the 2018 bull market then hitting the 2020 one

>> No.51165346

chainlink did well exclusively because of ethereum and it's network of contracts. it only did well over the bear market because that's when defi started taking hold, eventually popping in 2020 with link never seeing those highs again.

icp isn't able to attach itself to ethereum. it's trying to compete against it, and in bear markets fees drop so low scalability and fees aren't even value-adds anymore.

>> No.51165358
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>b-b-based scammer ahah Dom so crazy

you should have read the whole article ICPtards. His lies caused not only his company, but the parent company to go bankrupt because everyone refused to do business with him. Lies are not free. Pic related.
The Norwegian boomer is a lying retard fuck up, so no wonder he is relegated to doing petty scams for a fellow lying retard Dominigger Williams.

>> No.51165382
File: 308 KB, 1259x2048, Emin-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying he is a muslim.
>Implying he is not more American than he is Turkish.

>> No.51165448

We'll see anon

>> No.51165484

>RoachemCoachem and Goon Shiesty just linked up! need it or keep it???

>> No.51165564

>meeting under false pretences
>to deceive and entrap
kek, isn't that this jew's entire modus operandi to get the inside picture of cryptocompanies by posing as an investor, then screwing them in court?
>verification not required

>> No.51165966

i just know i wouldn't want to be holding that kind of vaporware alt through bear market. if a miracle happens you'll always get the chance to buy back in.

>> No.51166037

Not really a lie, but the article definitely got this wrong by saying that it was wrong for Emin to sue the turkish youtuber for calling him a terrorist, that's obvious libel and could lead to physical harm to a victim

>> No.51166078

We'll see anon

>> No.51166117

I feel like this is brought up every time these screenshots are shared, the posters are either retarded or deliberately obtuse.

>> No.51166177

I was originally excited that this article was going to BTFO AVAX

But now I'm even more excited that this article is going to BTFO ICP.

Fuck both AVAX and ICP, but fuck ICP more.

>> No.51166196

Somehow crypto drama manages to be lamer than YouTube drama. You all need to be taken out back.

>> No.51167122 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51167310

avax baggie cope. They've either admitted to or strategically avoided mentioning nearly every allegation. It's over.
>b-but its entrapment
Don't care. Ager is based for tricking the roach lawyer.
>b-but its biased
Don't care. You avax baggies are just as biased.
>b-but you can't prove it!!!
Don't have to. The roaches already failed at damage control.

>> No.51168291

An investment like Avalanche have become very profitable and very good options in securing a better financial life sperm that's where I belong and survive from i remember HodLin 3BTC. my success never stop from there i channel my position into buying Avalanche

>> No.51168428

OP here, this was my first successful thread

>> No.51168710

this is the same guy that was butt-hurt when Matic announced zkevm talking about the talents at avax labs lmao. karma is polygon flipping avax, tron, and shiba while avalanche is going to shit