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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51159288 No.51159288 [Reply] [Original]

>wagies figured out we can't fire them for only doing what they're paid to do!
>lets invent a term for it and make it seem bad
Middle management are the biggest cucks

>> No.51159432

this just mean expectations have to go up, and all the token browns hired for quotas find they can't actually do the job that's now expected of them.

>> No.51159564

>only doing the bare minimum is quitting now
I guess I never started working lmao

>> No.51159684
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>agree to contract
>fulfil contract
>contract writer asks you "is that all you're going to do?"
We need to start teaching business concepts in elementary school.

>> No.51160792

>token browns hired for quotas
browns are hired en masse because theyre cheaper and accept a lower standard of living

>> No.51160823

I've been trying to get fired for 4 years now and my wage just keeps increasing. I just want to NEET again.

>> No.51160850

Doing the bare minimum is called quiet quitting now? Fucking zoomers lmao

>> No.51160902

>Fucking zoomers lmao

zoomers arent falling for this shit, its the gen xers and boomers on linkedin pushing this garbage

>> No.51160952

no this is definitely zoomers sperging our because they have to come back to the office again

>> No.51161016

>get hired as a contractor for industry HVAC thing
>get paid *decent*, but still well under average for my degree
>supervisor keeps asking more and more of me for no extra pay
>got mad at me for not canceling an event and working Saturday after working till 5am out of town on Friday
>got retard mad over this and decided id just quit right there because it's not worth it, but wanted to vent
>told him to go get stuck in a cave
>said not working the weekend when asked isn't kosher
>said neither is my dick, didn't seem to stop him (as I'm packing my shit)
>he grumbled and walked off
>never got fired because turns out everyone hates him
>I'm somehow more liked for trying to get fired
oh well, job sucks ass and I used company gas to go to my job interview for a 100x better position, suck my cock

>> No.51161039

I think hes saying it's the boomers that are making the accusations, not the target

>> No.51161070

Every time I do the bare minimum at work I feel like I’m getting cucked by my co-workers and get compelled to lay the smack down with my superior performance and knowledge

Not sure if that makes me an eternal wagie or just competitive

>> No.51161152

for low tier jobs I think "quiet quitting" is the default state for most normies, even if it is their first day at their first job. It was for me at least. Paradoxically though, many times it actually requires more overall pain to do the bare minimum than to apply yourself at your job and become a master of everything you have to do. That's what I found. This might not translate to more abstract office jobs but it's how low tier jobs are. I was way happier working hard than trying to calculate how to do the bare minimum and dealing with the fallout.

>> No.51161254
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"Quiet quitting" is a lame attempt at trying to shame White Men into doing more than their fair share of the workload to pick up the slack of the worthless "diversity" hires.
Women and "minorities" suck at working and are fumbling retards when they actually try to accomplish anything.
As they continue to get shoe-horned into every business trying to increase it's ESG score, what ends up happening is classic pareto principle; Competent workers (straight White Men) get punished by being saddled with 80% of the work-load, while those who suck ass (women, faggots, and "minorities") get rewarded with only having to do 20% of the work, for the same amount of money.
Men are getting fed up with it, and are refusing to carry the extra weight.

>> No.51161635

Yeah doing nothing is tiring and usually the hardest part of the work day is getting started. That said I want it to stop kek

>> No.51162759
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We are getting dangerously close to a point where there aren't enough competent people who care enough to keep society running.

This can be seen in the huge increase in "supply chain" disruptions due to "covid". I'm a leaf and it is getting very concerning here.

>> No.51162929

>wagies figured out we can't fire them for only doing what they're paid to do!
Actually in America you can fire a wagie for basically any or no reason you want (barring a few exceptions like racism, gl proving that though)

Unless you have a union backing you then at will employment is a bitch

>> No.51163506

Worst part is that faggots in this board somehow defend employers for this shit. Like nigga you are paid to do a task (or number of tasks) nothing else if the company treats you nicely it's on you if you wanna do more or help around. Fuck off

>> No.51164549
File: 102 KB, 680x680, D5713FA5-82A8-4D99-981E-985322CD1848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am the only developer in my department meabing i cant take days off or even have a sick day, constantly working til late and covrering for my manager, asked for a pay rise due to the extra work load and was told “wed all like a pay rise”

Now, i split my time 75% on personal projects and development and 25% on my actual work. Literally spent the last 3 weeks working on machine learning so i can apply for a better job, all on company time

Feels good