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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51160589 No.51160589 [Reply] [Original]

that you have seen in your area or elsewhere?

>> No.51160602

The good juice in the supermarket is always sold out.

>> No.51160617

Have you tried Wegmans? Their $12 juice is incredible.

>> No.51160618

today two men offered me dick sucking service for $10 instead of the usual 1

>> No.51160620

Near Peak female body
Nothing really 2 more weeks

>> No.51160623

proliferation of tent cities

>> No.51160631

where do you live, LA?

>> No.51160635

Chubby chaser detected

>> No.51160641

You mean Wegner's?

>> No.51160658

Demographic changes, security guards at the grocery store, Metro PCS stores.

>> No.51160661


>> No.51160666


>> No.51160686

Fresh footage of frightened police running away from criminals every week.

>> No.51160692

What African country is this?

>> No.51160694
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Neighbor just bought a new boat. Good for him, I guess.
Our son retarded now.

>> No.51160726

low t detected

>> No.51160930

like they’re going to get fat no matter what so might as well enjoy the marshmallow

>> No.51160963

her tits are just really fat, are you gay or something?

>> No.51160971
File: 2.35 MB, 1123x1399, MY BREAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYC anon
I'm priced out of bread.

>> No.51161014

Eggs/Milk are out of stock by Sunday night in the grocery store.
The pool by my house only has one lifeguard, meaning if he doesn't show up the pool is closed and they can't fire him.
Lots of brand new vehicles still under lien for sale on CL.

>> No.51161018

She is really hot and I don't like it.

She is chad only. Acid attacks exist for a reason

>> No.51161047

Like 3 months ago I would notice random items to be out at the supermarket. One time all the eggs where gone. I have not seen anything run out recently.

>> No.51161051

Tents. It starts off with a few beggars and tents and it quickly turns into a homeless junkie neighborhood. Once that happens it’s over. Robberies in broad daylight, human shit and needles everywhere. You can’t walk the streets without being harassed and screamed at by mentally ill homeless. And the cops are useless. They refuse to deal with them or they arrest them and release them 8 hours later.

And it creeps. Started off in downtown LA and it’s making it way into the valley. With the way things are going itl start to expand into even Ventura county soon.

>> No.51161082

hahaha stop going to the grocery store. I go to the food bank and its a drive thru. Don't even get out my car they load up the trunk full of free food and they only ask for ID. Tell them you lost it all on crypto and they'll give you double free food

>> No.51161095

People waking up to the jewish question.

>> No.51161121

- if the girl approaches you and starts flirting with you (borderline red flag)

- if the girl you were dating for only a few days starts sending you voice messages of her crying and saying she misses you so much (borderline red flag)

- if the girls sends you nudes like its nothing (borderline red flag)

>> No.51161141

Not hating at all, but I would genuinely suggest you get your testosterone levels checked. This woman is in peak breeding and child rearing form. When those sorts of attributes don’t do anything for you, it’s likely a hormonal imbalance that you’re dealing with. I’d go get checked. Really.

>> No.51161154

Ahmed detected, can't wait to purge you all

>> No.51161174

these are major red flags.

>> No.51161183

Tenants burning down buildings they’re being evicted from. Happened in Houston yesterday. The guy also murdered the other tenants as they ran out.

>> No.51161188

Brown people walk around in your suburb
Partially because clearly your neighborhood is being targeted by the destruction/gentrification cycle but also because the amount of debt they are incurring must be substantial
>but anon
>shiquanda and genoria probably have office jobs doing nothing and make 100k/yr
Its extremely easy to live outside your means regardless of your income

>> No.51161190

What if all three?

>> No.51161223

this hot girl was a hostess at a restaurant i frequented and she would keep walking over to me all flirty and i eventually asked her out and she said she had a boyfriend. what a dumb bitch

>> No.51161226

>weepy voicemails
>borderline redflag
borderline personality disorder more like it
That being said my wife did just cry because I bought the peanut butter with the oil in it instead of jif
Bitches b crazy

>> No.51161233

Spics love doing acid attacks too.

If hot girls wanted to fuck us, then we wouldn't have disfigured them so

>> No.51161255

>box of 60 eggs cost $7 in 2020. It costs $15-$17 per box now. Eggs are now around parity with protein powder in regards to grams of protein : price
Things are gonna be horrible and I'm glad I bought a bunch of non-perishable foods when the prices become too unsustainable.

>> No.51161363

This post is very European

>> No.51161407

this, I'm not even really into her face but I badly want to pump her full of hot semen

>> No.51161441
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>> No.51161471
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when you tell normies the government told them to have 3 litres of bottled water for emergencies, but they go like "lol no"

>> No.51161474

I had an ex that looked like this. Weighed less though. She was a slut. Didn't wear underwear and laid down for me to fuck her face on demand. Swallowed every single time. Would have made for a horrible wife so I left her.

>> No.51161569

Healthy Choice frozen meals used to cost $2.50 at my local Kroger. Now they're almost $4. We got too cocky bros

>> No.51161755

What bodyfat % do you think the girl in OP is. Just curious.

>> No.51161812

>she did what i wanted sexually so i left her
you're a faggot, my friend. unironically.

>> No.51161813

>hurr durr everyone with a BMI under 30 is a le europoor
k then

>> No.51161977

>thinks staff who work for tips are attracted to him
>they are the dumb ones

>> No.51161997

She got nice tiddies but they're so big on her frame it makes her look like a dwarf

>> No.51162051


Also the price of food is nuts. I've always been below the national average and now I'm at the previous base.

>> No.51162127

Not hating at all, but it's actually the opposite. Go look up it up. Really.

>> No.51162129
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>t coping chubbychasers

>> No.51162135

i was ordering takeout, and she already knew I was a regular, and I never tipped, ever

>> No.51162171

stores are empty, went to dollar tree yesterday. i was literally the only one there

people i know either getting laid off or layoffs have started at their company

downtown area where people go on weekends to party much lower traffic compared to average on fri/sat night

>> No.51162178

No one is coping lol. Chubby chicks are top tier and only insecure betas think otherwise. You're literally just scared of what society thinks of you based on who you're attracted to. You're like a woman who seeks out a partner purely based on how he will elevate her social status.

>> No.51162185


>> No.51162199

Surf and turf at a Japanese steakhouse I go to went from $40 to over $60 in the span of 3 months.

>> No.51162249

to be fair thats still a pretty good deal for surf n turf at a japanese steakhouse

>> No.51162438

Fucking Mutts should be put down, exhibit A

>> No.51162457

Had to go to three different stores to find Hawaiian rolls. Now I'm going to go fuck my chubby wife

>> No.51162501

My whole life has been shit so idk

>> No.51162894

Used cars appreciated in value