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51154970 No.51154970 [Reply] [Original]

>GF wants to quit her retail job and become a stay at home mom

Can families even live the middle class lifestyle anymore on one income?

>> No.51154983

yeah assuming you make an 80th percentile income

>> No.51154985

no, by design

>> No.51154998
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You'll either do it, or she's gonna find somebody that will, that's all I'm gonna say.

>> No.51155012

make her find an easy job where she works part time instead. you don't need a lazy leech

>> No.51155016
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Yeah if you're not poor

>> No.51155019

white girls are extremely pretty

>> No.51155021


>> No.51155029

also being a "stay at home mom" is temporary, until the kids are old enough to go to school. otherwise you're just paying out the ass for some fat lazy bitch to vacuum the house once a week and cook dinner.

>> No.51155047

Or he can find someone willing to work part-time while a mom. Part time moms are infinitely better than spoiled stay at home moms. SAH mom is fine if you are fucking rich as fuck, but advantage or part time work is you know she’s not just lazy, and you get to let her spend more time with kids and get time away from kids.

>> No.51155054

Do it anon, you will surprise yourself in your ability to increase your income to make it work. Having a stay at home wife and children will free you to concentrate fully on improving life for all of you. And later having a wife and a stable home situation will open up the door to management roles.
But remember to marry her. If she still wants to be stay at home you got yourself a winner.

>> No.51155055

I'm doing it on 50k a year, we're fine. I did already own a house though (not outright. Have a mortgage.)

>> No.51155060

No, but in some ways it's worth it. My wife did the same, as did every female in her family, and there's a noticable difference between our kids and other people's kids. They're less neurotic, less manipulative, more open to adventures and experience. But she did go back to work after the kids were in 1st grade. It's a trade off though so just keep that in mind. There's a real price to pay here, and that goes both ways.

>> No.51155066

>some fat lazy bitch to vacuum the house once a week and cook dinner.
having a lazy fatty to coom inside and have 10+ kids with is kinda based though, anonymouse

>> No.51155192

only based post here

>> No.51155414

>a stay at home mom
more like a stay at home bbc slut top kek while cuck hubby slaves away like a good wagie

>> No.51155845

If you have children and a high income then yes, but realize you can be rugged by her leaving at any point.
If you're not going to have children it would be cheaper to get a maid.

>> No.51155880

Kids are expensive is an evil spyop from people who hate you and want you dead

>> No.51155896

That's a man

>> No.51155930

i hate men so much it's unreal

>> No.51155937

Go get shot by a nigger you subhuman american.

>> No.51155951

My wife was making $80k a year when we decided to have kids. She quit and now stays home and we are poor as fuck and lately have been having to charge shit to the credit card in order to make ends meet. It's hard as fuck but our kids are really well taken care of and I think they have amazing personalities because they were home with mom all day everyday instead of pushed off to strangers. Women who want to be stay home moms are typically better wives as well.

>> No.51155985

do what you can to make it happen. Just make sure she understands that if you work and she doesn’t then she needs to stfu about basically everything from here on out. The second she gives you lip about anything from a position of being jobless you do what you gotta do.

It’s always the same recipe if it doesn’t work out. She’ll drop dry your sorry ass and use your children as a weapon against you. Have fun.

>> No.51156314

Women working is pointless
Retail working is pointless
Buy a 4 bed 3 bath in a flyover state for 250k

>> No.51156324
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Dump that cumdumster, and hire a prostitute when u need to nut off, or have a night out with the boys and u might fuck a random slut. There’s many pluses to being single also u will be financially better.

>> No.51156333

>Can families even live the middle class lifestyle anymore on one income?
it depends on how much you will consoom.

>> No.51156337

>also u will be financially better.

It's literally the opposite

>> No.51156339
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Does your gf enjoy rough, passionate sex wrestling sessions?

>> No.51156374

How when she’s not working you black afrikan American brown hand curry nigger

>> No.51156503

My GF quit her job to start a business, and she's pretty successful (relatively) for a food business just starting out locally but her end goal is to scale and become a major brand. Whenever we talk kids I just realize how shitty their life is going to be with an entrepreneur mom and it's got me worried. I have a pretty good career path so I'm not worried about my own stability, but having a mother who's on her sigma grindset shit must have some sort of negative consequences I'm sure

>> No.51156581


Day care, a decent one, is well over $1400 a month

>> No.51156611

Imagine cumming inside this body

>> No.51156666

If you dont marry her. Single moms get all kind of benefits. Also sign your flat under your parents and rent it out to her.
You are welcome.

>> No.51156699

Does yours? Also sauce?

>> No.51156700

She would be homeschooling ideally

>> No.51156722

>Your wife
This is where you fucked up
If you are planning to raise a family on one income, then never marry

>> No.51156756

>sending your kids to government indoctrination.

>> No.51156873
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Checked. Yes she does. It's the best way for both of us to get off. Pic is from an instagrammer from Latin American country, you can try an image search. You may not like it, this is the ideal body type for throwing each other around in bed. It's a win-win proposition.

>> No.51156910

You lucky bastard. Is she /fit/ as well? Does she overpower you?

>> No.51156977

>and there's a noticable difference between our kids and other people's kids
There probably isn't, you are just willing to overlook the tardness of your own children.
Wouldn't be surprised if your bitch of a wife just gave her little piece of shit her phone all day so not to distract her from watching Netflix.

>> No.51157034

thats an adult

>> No.51157050
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My wife is stay at home and we homeschool our children. Converted the sun room into a schoolroom. The other side of the room is the kids reading nook and little library.

>> No.51157056

>Can families even live the middle class lifestyle anymore on one income?
Only if husband is alfa business leader.

>> No.51157070

both of you can become stay at home parents, just get on welfare and keep popping out kids for maximum gains. if the vast majority of niggers can do it, so can a few select whites

>> No.51157151

Have your girlfriend get a job with a company that is big enough that they're forced to give women maternity leave, and probably get health insurance too. Then she can make bank when she's knocked up. Idk quit after that.

>> No.51157182


She does.....she works at Walmart

>> No.51157310


>> No.51157499
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Definitely not. She is smaller than me but has gotten into weightlifting to keep up ever since we started. I still have to hold back but holy hell her legs are powerful. We tumble around until someone gains the upper hand, then that person tops and dominates. We are both switchy

>> No.51157552

I believe in you, anon. You can achieve this too.

>> No.51157639

You sound jelly

>> No.51157642

How did you meet her? Who suggested the wrestling in bed, you or her?

>> No.51157681


Could you hire a nanny? Not ideal but might be better than doing nothing.

>> No.51157699


>> No.51157832
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We are married, for 5 years now. We just started tickling each other in bed one night, a couple years ago, and it got competitive. It got both of us aroused so we fucked. Over the next few days we started talking about "rules" and safety words, researched and talked about BDSM (we don't consider that to be our thing -- too weird), and gradually started to introduce it into our life. It even got us more involved in fitness: Nobody wants a weak partner in life. If done right it's a lot of fun, arousing, and empowering for both persons.

>> No.51157891

a few question
>do you guys have kids?
>if so are do the kids go to school?
>does she cook and clean?
>What does she do in her free time (is she going to get board)
If she is working a retail job and kids who need daycare. Fuck the wagie job let her stay home. Might save money on food and gas.
Just keep in mine she needs something to do.... like raise kids. Hell if it is only for a few hours she could work at the church also.

>> No.51157941

>do you guys have kids?
No, but it's been brought up by her

>if so are do the kids go to school?
>does she cook and clean?
From what I've seen, yeah

>What does she do in her free time (is she going to get board)
We both work right now but we go out on hikes, going to different places, or just staying in bed all day

>> No.51157970

Wow man, you're very lucky to have such a girl. Not only is she fun but also wants to improve and you to improve alongside her.

>> No.51158003

We needs to be a few months prego first.

>> No.51158053
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Yes luck is part of it but I also worked hard to be where I am. Life is good.

Wife is working for Big 4, meanwhile I work in tech sales. Money is pouring in. We're thinking about having kids after we buy a 2nd house for cheapies next year.

Trigger warning. We are a WMAF couple, which is actually the future. White women, from my past experience in the dating pool are fuckups.

>> No.51158074

Wammart probably has some shit where maternity leave is only available to full-time employees and your gf is probably considered part-time.

Alternatively another idea is for your wife to get a wfh job, even if it's completely basic like data entry. Then she can make some money for the family but still support the kids and house.

>> No.51158135


>> No.51158148


She's actually some inventory manager or something so she's there full time but obviously , from what I've heard about Walmart, I definitely have the better benefits. I'm also Union

>> No.51158162

Put as many babies into her as possible as quickly as possible. Have her pump out six kids or more and wreck her body so no Chad would want to steal her away or even fuck her on the side. Don't worry about the money. People who worry about the money end up childless.

>> No.51158182

>We are a WMAF couple
Nothing wrong with that, I guess. Which asian country is she from?

>> No.51158189

what’s it like to have a gf this attractive? Is it heaven?

>> No.51158194

The most important one. 中国

>> No.51158232
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>> No.51158241

Yes, just don't be a loser.

You mean 20th percentile?

my income is in the 50 percentile and i can easily afford a bunch of kids.

Sounds like most people are losers, i can easily afford for my wife.

>> No.51158257

Did you meet her in china? What does her family think?

>> No.51158377
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Yes, we actually met a Women in Business conference in Fujian. I specifically had been looking for a life partner that wasn't going to squander my (our) family wealth. I like to believe that I chose wisely.

>> No.51158394

Oh and her family is great, very supportive and kind people.

>> No.51158435

its better to be a stay at home dad. women unionically have no clue how to raise children. get your wife to work, and she'll also get tons of mat leave, free money

>> No.51158468

Well I wish you good luck with your relationship anon.

>> No.51158478

Dude just do it, if you're not extremely poor it's easy to afford.

>> No.51158638
File: 183 KB, 850x637, sample_1b20d083ae1ae5f730e7363aabcdaae93f1bf725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I track my wife's period cycle and she's almost in estrus. That's when female testosterone levels peak. When that happens it's time to get ready 2 rumble.

>> No.51158740

Probably not. My wife is a stay at home mom, and only I have income, but I make 180,000 a year. I have no idea how people who make less survive.

>> No.51158760
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>women in business
you know she did EVERYTHING to climb up the business ladder right anon? sabotaging her colleagues, daily anaI sex with boss, sucking every single male on the work (except maybe the tech-nerd) to get a hedge against other females
women should not vote or work
she can clean cook and take care of kids so tell her to quit and become a kindergarten teacher if she really into work

>> No.51158799

You're shit with money.

I make 60k a year, have a wife who doesn't work, and even I feel i earn way to much money which is why im ok with more socialist programs for people.

I'd feel like absolute scum if I even earned more than 100k.

>> No.51158827

My company gave me 4 months off paid when we had our last kid. Shit was insanely based. Im thinking of having a kid every year just so I can only work 66% of the time and get paid for 100%.

>> No.51158880

She did her MBA remotely
She works remotely
She was a virgin when I married her

Cool webm but sorry, chud, this isn't some white girl roastie I married.

>> No.51158896

LOL im not shitty with money. I have 50k in my fucking checking account alone. And why would I ever feel bad about making good money? 60k is a pittance to me.

>> No.51158973

lol your family wealth is going to her asian family's side. "your" kids will look and identify more with her side. have fun cucked faggot! thanks for transferring wealth out of your race into another.

>> No.51158983

are you going to lie and tell me she did her job interview remotely aswell?

>> No.51159016

Getting married was a mistake period. I hate my wife she is a god awful bitch. She does a good job with the kids and cooking. Everything else she sucks at and I do truly hate her.

>> No.51159104

Here comes the seething. Instead of seething more, I hope you find your own slice of life. By the way, my kids will be Chinese, for which I am glad. I'm going to retire in China, live in a 300+ sq meter villa with servants, while my child goes to a private school with the best possible life prospects. My work will amount to collecting distributions on my stocks and crypto. My wife's job will be collecting rent from tenants, and taking care of the family.

>> No.51159295

Why would his wealth magically transfer to her family ? Lmao.

I have an Asian gf, her parents are both retired teachers with good pensions and their son is a doctor. Why would my generational wealth end up in their hands?

>> No.51159460

Because when you have so much knowing others don't have nearly as much you'll feel bad.

No one wants to be an evil person, unless they're a genuine psychopath.

180k to me is more money than God... i don't even think you should be able to earn that.

>> No.51160382

>we homeschool our children

>> No.51160460
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Have you seen the state of public schools? They are actually prisons for kids.

>> No.51160517


Lmao enjoy your retards

>> No.51160532

Yellow fever cope
White women love rent free in your head
Your children will be the pinnacle of insecurity

>> No.51160544

U ok?

>> No.51160585

>vacuum the house once a week and cook dinner.
Better than what 99% of women do nowadays

>> No.51160600

Yeah. My son is 100% European stock and I am maintaining a functional relationship with someone of my race.
Are you ok?

>> No.51160723

Good for you!! Yeah, we're great, thanks for asking.

>> No.51160736

Then you have to get them in the right schools. And people wonder why whites aren't having children.

>> No.51160751

Depends entirely on where you live and what your expenses are. I think most people could do it if both parents were extremely financially disciplined and willing to live on the cheap, but we both know the woman will NEVER stick to that making it a disaster that'll end in divorce and child support.

>> No.51160760
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Yes. I make 35k (70k to 90k including benefits) in a suburbia of a city of 1mil+ I have a wife, a kid, soon another.
We live comfortably. We do a lot of thrifting, estate sales, and clearance/coupons. Affording annual vacations and every other year we go to Europe.

I wanted my children not to be raised by ZOG and it is worth it. I could stretch my money to sustain 4 kids and live humbily.

>> No.51160775

My wife is home with kids, will be at least until they start school. We dont live in a very fancy way, still quite young and dont feel need to spend money for luxury. I work about 40-60h/w, mid-wage, very cheap housing. 2 small kids. Can save alot for potentially spicy investments. My only ambition cashwise is to get someplace to stay, without being i debt, and to help out some family members to get into comfy house. Its gonna get alot worse so better get things in order before figurative winter arrives.

If you have children, entire point of it is to have good ones. Spending as much time with them as possible, praying with them and taking them to church, PLUS (important!) being very careful with who else they can spend time with, works wonders.

>> No.51160788

White girls are pretty.

Brown girls are hot

>> No.51160791
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Is that her? I know some other ways she could make money.

>> No.51160805

>own a house
>have a mortgage

>> No.51160844


I forgot... obviously, no TV or things like that. Be very selective about school/daycare. Pray and read Bible every day. Make sure your wife is on same track. Avoid flouride, 5G, MSM, the usual suspects. Give her compliments, sex her up and work out hard. Im not kidding, this exactly is the only way. Dont allow people into your family sphere who are unaware of faults in normie culture. No vax.

>> No.51160942

No one fully owns a house anymore.

Even qualifying for a mortgage puts you in the 1%

>> No.51160981

>no vax

So anyone with a job can't come in? Anyone who is successful in any way is vaxxed. You need to for school/work

>> No.51161052

>Anyone who is successful in any way is vaxxed. You need to for school/work
People acknowledge and understand this yet refuse to acknowledge biblical prophecy.
>but what they actually mean is cucking to the very institutions that hate your family and want you all dead

lmao@ normies

>> No.51161061


I mean, dont wax urself and own family. As for others, i dont have luxury to be that selective. In my hoods no one cares if youre waxed or not right now.

>> No.51161115
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If being alone and autistic is your reality and eventual destination, why does it take so long for people to realize this? The pressure to conform is intense.

>> No.51161150

By success i mean have a job.

Well i am vaxxed... all investment bankers need to be vaxxed

>> No.51161167

Be your own boss and you don't need a vax ffs. Same for working remotely.

That guy got it locked down desu. I let my kids watch a few hours of television every week but wish I never exposed them to it. Brainwashing for sure.

>> No.51161189

>be your own boss

You need to have a job first to raise enough money to start a business

>working remotely

You can't get a job like that without knowing very powerful people.

>> No.51161343

why not private school then?

>> No.51161404

Agreed. Private school is the best choice.

>> No.51161406


There is literally hundreds, if not thousands, of startups hiring in the crypto right now. Also for junior roles. You just need a decent brain and motivation.

I took the plunge in 2019 and don't regret a second of it. Now I'm a co-founder of a 8 digit market cap software company. With zero past experience in IT or software development. I've put in $0 of my own money, only my time and dedication.

So yes you can be your own boss.
Don't believe me?
Have fun staying poor

Damn masochistic normies

>> No.51161490

I found your gf: https://youtu.be/tPUlyDiGweo

>> No.51161518

My dad owns a building in NYC..

>have fun staying poor

Have fun being white trash, what school did you go to? Was it an ivy league?

>> No.51161581

If you’re bragging about 50k just sitting in a checking account you’re not as good with money as you think you are.

>> No.51161603

>Private school is the best choice.

So your kid gets bullied by that rich asshole who's parents own the city?

>> No.51161799

>My dad owns a building in NYC..
>Have fun being white trash, what school did you go to? Was it an ivy league?

>> No.51162102

That man has a pretty face but his hips are dead

>> No.51162283

>You can't get a job like that without knowing very powerful people.
most tech/dev jobs are remote

>> No.51162322

Of how many kids? Test her, if she's not up for at least 4, watch out because she does not actually want to be a SAHM, she's just lazy

>> No.51162471


Personally, my most is 3 kids

>> No.51162548

I call that dodging the bullet.

>> No.51162588

They hated him because he told the truth. My boss' wife is a stay at home mom. And she mostly does nothing, just lazes around (don't ask me why I frequent his home).

>> No.51162609

See? A weak person like this will be more worn out from one kid than a good woman would be from 4.

>> No.51162708

Only in red state. And you have to be ready to save money for a few years to make a good down payment.

>> No.51163293

>private school

So you expect me to be on a single income, provide for a wife and three kids, pay for all living expenses AND fund private school tuition?

Because I love my children and want to spend time with them. My kids already knew how to read by age 2, and that's any book you put in front of them. They are more social and personable than any kid twice their age, have plenty of activities they do with other homeschooling families and members of church, etc. etc. There is nothing wrong with sending your kids to public school, but if you have the opportunity and ability why would you not educate your own children? Especially when they are in early stages of education. I'm not saying the kids can't go to good highschool when the time comes, but what the hell is my 3 year old going to do in kindergarten when he's already reading and writing at a 2nd grade level.

>> No.51163322

>he thinks private schools are any better
lol lmao even

>> No.51163349

Holy shit this OP. If she's a virgin you've found what I want.

>> No.51163367
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You're making it

>> No.51163418

anon , my sweet sweet summerchild. your gf fully understands you can't provide for the both of you. Within a few months your finances will be stretched to the limit, at that very point she will have to ' talk to you about something'. that's when she will give you some explanations why she is a lazy cunt and the following minute she will explain she'll open an OF account. ' b-b-b-ut only sexy lingerie pictures honey'. She won't get enough subs and before you know it she's fucking niggers on camera while you film and jerk off to it. You then realise you are the lowest of all the degenerate scumbags out there and there is no way back for you. good luck anon, get used to blowing bubbles with niggercum. start practising with bubblegum. you don't want to dissapoint her fans!

>> No.51163612

Cringe, seriously. Imagine posting this unironicaly.

>> No.51163799
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same here.
> 28, ex-gf 25
> I am a software engineer, working in Norway. i have a good income to live/travel etc but taxes are killing me.
> i am almost top %10 in my field but i can't climb more because i am just sick of it.
> friends have working gf's. they are building life together. home, car, van, travel, nice restaurants etc. mostly comfy jobs, scrum master, pm etc.
> and my ex girlfriend wants to be stay at home wife.
why ?
> because she had bad experiences in workplaces before and don't like to work at all.
i explained her basic economic facts about house, car, travel etc. and it doesn't worked.
desu, they want to live 'rent free'. if you can afford it, you need to sacrifice a lot as a middle-class man.
and if they are really believing in becoming a stay-at-home wife you can't do anything at all, they don't care.
it's so hard to find a partner nowadays.
and, I worked hard to climb the god-damn Maslow pyramid, I don't want to live at the second stage for the rest of my life.
also, my parents were edge of the middle-poor class, so I am scared of being at the edge rest of my life, I don't want to take that risk because someone wants to live rent-free.

>> No.51163805

>t. raped by pakis in the boys bathroom in 4 grade