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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 269 KB, 377x622, california taxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51152283 No.51152283 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51153013

And burgerlards unironically say europe has high taxes lmao, its the fucking same scam everywhere

>> No.51153026

Meh, same in Australia. There is unironically nothing wrong with this.

>> No.51153046

>1.5m a year.
Normal salaries don't get fucked in the US, they do in Europe. Also eat the rich, they should be taxed even more.

>> No.51153063

Why aren't more people up in arms about half or more of their money being stolen from them by the state?

>> No.51153079

Show a break down of a "normal" salary then, europe has different tax brackets too you know

>> No.51153100

Minimum wage gets taxed 34% in Norway, if you happen to make a little bit more your tax goes up to 50%. In Belgium tax brackets start from 45% or something. And then you also pay higher taxes on services and products. You really don't realize how fucked up Europe is. Especially since the war.

>> No.51153119

no one is making $1.5M a year, so who cares?

>> No.51153130

Doubt it, even in germany brackets for low income start at 0% then 20%, then to up to 55%

>> No.51153135

Caliwali here. I grossed $80k in 2020 and qualified for a tiny state tax credit. I grossed $150k last year and paid closer to $8k in state income taxes. Sucks but the pay and job opportunities offset the state income tax better than the alternative.

>> No.51153141




Tax = $955141.45AUD


Its a little lower in Australia

>> No.51153146

mutts are taxed at a 50% rate and still no one has the balls to use his weapons

what a bunch of faggots

>> No.51153193

That was actually for austria, germany top bracket is only 45% lmao, still starts at 0% for loe income, next bracket is 14% thrn up to 42%

>> No.51153290

This. If you’re making 1mill+/yr in America you’re self employed or own a business in some way. Plenty of accounting tricks to pay less taxes, OP is a fag.

>> No.51153303

kys stupid brainlet nigger I make 80k/yr and I only get to keep 68% after fucking taxes. If you make 45k/yr here you keep 73%.

>> No.51153653

>50% tax
wonder how this will go down in history books

>> No.51153826

>noooo im only getting 750k dollerinos a year nooo

>> No.51153849

Eat the rich. Fuck you retard. We're all trying to get rich here you dumb shit. Fuck yourself

>> No.51153856


The guy making $100k a year still probably has a tax rate of 40% in Cali. Not as bad as Europe, sure, but not much better either.

But yeah, hard for me to feel too sorry for anyone who is bringing in "only" $750k after taxes.

>> No.51153873

yeah and yet all of you in those brackets are pure consumers. unlike the person earning 1.5m you don't create any jobs nor do you maintain jobs that others create by being managers. you barely have enough of that to invest, whereas the person with 700k after-tax can choose to live on 80k and use the rest to keep some small business alive and running, creating wealth.
california is doomed to become third-world.

>> No.51153876

nearly 50% of the country pays literally $0 in federal income taxes due to standard deduction and tax credits. i make $100k a year and pay roughly 12-15% federal income (depends on 401k contributions), 7.7% payroll tax, and 3.1% state tax. paying tax sucks but it's not excruciatingly painful for most the country. $1.5M a year is >99th percentile income. i'm not going to cry for some kike, sorry.

>> No.51153880

>falling for the ronald reaganstein "job creator" meme in the year 1987+35

>> No.51153897

750 000/12 = 62 500 a month

>> No.51153899

>hard for me to feel
and that's exactly why democracy is a failure. retards think their feelings should guide economy policy, then they even have the audacity to wrap it up as "moral" or "ethical" even though the vast majority are completely godless.
economics is a science, and most people just flat out don't know thing one about it. taxes are legalized theft, they are a negative externality, and need to be as minimal as possible for wealth creation.

>> No.51153909

didn't say anything about arthur laffer. stay poor, faggot

>> No.51153915

>that 85 IQ retard who thinks his undying worship of his jewish overlords is a marker of intelligence

>> No.51153928
File: 130 KB, 888x1274, f86ce82ce122094323e94baafcf104ec5d08b1c34c604ee400d7a57846ca033a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay poor faggot
i suppose it's you who will "stay poor" as you cry about your income taxes. they're never going away. you're never going to escape taxation. cope and seethe, nigger retard.

>> No.51154354
File: 174 KB, 641x1024, 1655634778252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eat the rich
I think you're on the wrong board, retard.

>> No.51154484

Eat the rentier
Exalt the wealth creator

>> No.51154523

California gives you 250$ to buy food every month if you make like 600$ or less a month.
Also they wont arrest you for shoplifting if you do not steal over $1,000 worth of merch.
This is why California has become a crime filled Homeless Shelter.

>> No.51154526

Taxes are theft. Thieves should be shot. Those who vote for theives to represent them should hang.

>> No.51154545

Income tax was only added as an amendment to the constitution because income taxes when first introduced would only tax
>the top 1% of the 1%
Our forefathers died to stop exactly what became of America. Nasty ass kikes ruin everything.

>> No.51154550

are you going to do anything about it? oh okay, that's what i thought: cope and seethe.

>> No.51154572

>ITT retarded Europeans yet again commenting on things they know nothing about

>> No.51154650

Go back

>> No.51154714

most of that shit is the same in every state

>> No.51156058

Cali tax is bad but the biggest culprit here are the Feds that are taking HALF A MILLION

>> No.51156134
File: 38 KB, 616x506, tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>basing concept of tax structure on .01% of earners

>> No.51156289
File: 14 KB, 273x366, 00ab5e1675baa70ac29fda355d909d70bb23e64d18ce7f3ec9118c0b95e330df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its california state tax so it also goes to absolutely nothing but bullet train scams and illegal immigrant gibs

>> No.51158502

This isn't even including sales tax, capital gains tax, property tax, meal tax, gas tax, or any of the other ways the govt steals money

>> No.51158547

Either you don't know how percentages work or you're from a 3rd world shit hole.

>> No.51158588


post tax return

>> No.51158637

>There is unironically nothing wrong with this.
so i guess youre happy with your government then? you like how theyre spending your money?

>> No.51158689

>nearly 50% of the country pays literally $0 in federal income taxes due to being poor
> i make $75k a year
youll never be rich with this income. this is a board about getting rich. why are you defending taxes?

>> No.51160580
File: 114 KB, 1073x681, Screenshot_2022-08-29-20-05-24-83_984e1414ae90666a90f12ff17ec14a7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the numbers for Belgium (for 2020, but it didn't scale). Minimum wage is 19k which puts you in the 40% category
In addition you and your children will lose benefits like cheaper school, sports, events, etc.. nothing big but it'll affect your cost of living
Add on to this that everything (only housing is a "sometimes") is more expensive than the US
Europe is a nightmare for anyone trying to escape poverty and /make it/. You americans don't know how lucky you are

>> No.51160627


>> No.51162520

I cashed out $6.5 mil of crypto in 21 and some how owed something like an effective rate of 52% on 7.4 in income. because I realized a bunch of gains at the peak but didn't sell. So basically walked away with about 2 and half mil. Sucks ass but apparently my accountant told stories of people who didn't sell, but still owed taxes and essentially went into debt, so I guess it could be worse.

>> No.51162545


>> No.51164534
File: 26 KB, 503x301, Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 6.01.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok now u

>> No.51164683

>so i guess youre happy with your government then? you like how theyre spending your money?
I dont know, dont really pay much attention to politics. It hasnt gotten bad enough to the point where I feel the need to move countries anyway.

>> No.51164956

and given to spics and niggers.

>> No.51165082

It's definitely happened to people where they sell in 2021 but were basically out of X to buy Y or something and then just held on below their average.
A lot of people take on loans to pay taxes anyway because fuck it why not. As long as your money invested is generating a return above your interest rate it's mathematically better anyway.

>> No.51165122
File: 110 KB, 600x400, CB29DF1F-488F-4AB1-83FF-33A311936D69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich people don’t pay income tax because they don’t earn income from jobs because they don’t have jobs. They have assets which provide cashflow which are owned by businesses for which tax is deductible, so they pay minimal amounts of tax even relative to their cashflow. Even if you tax rich people 100% of their income they will still make more money in one quarter than poor people make in a year. If you want them to “contribute” proportionally to poor people the only way to do this is to literally steal their assets by physical violence. That is the end game of socialism.

If someone says “tax the rich” they have no education and do not understand any part of economics or society and are in a mutually destructive cult whose end game is the forcable destruction of all of society and human life. This is why communism always ends in firing squads and mass starvation.

Poor people are taxed proportionally highly than rich people relative to their controbution to society, which is negative. This is because they consume but do not produce. They do not provide housing or public services or goods, they consume these things. It’s the moral obligation of poor people to make themselves wealthy; it is inherently immoral to penalize those who provide the structure of society itself in order to benefit people whose aim is to selfishly take from
society without contribution to it.

>> No.51165135

So glad the government spends half the money of rich people to chop of little kid dicks and subsidize buttsex overseas.