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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 204 KB, 1125x1330, short avax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51145639 No.51145639 [Reply] [Original]

you cant fuck with cz and sam and expect to survive another day

>> No.51145662

emin in jail next rip
was a good run

>> No.51145669

no link
this is fake

>> No.51145676

unironically this is exactly what avax needed. now it's in the spotlight, people won't be able to not notice how superior it is to all the other garbage chains out there

>> No.51145682
File: 97 KB, 539x849, 98DC465E-4468-4771-AF6F-B99F7DDE74FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i shorted already

>> No.51145700

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.51145736
File: 8 KB, 300x232, doyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically this is exactly what avax needed. now it's in the spotlight, people won't be able to not notice how superior it is to all the other garbage chains out there

>> No.51145777
File: 269 KB, 1283x1351, avax bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emin literally paying for bots thinking people wont notice. You have billions of dollars to spend on marketing. Why be this dumb?

>> No.51145791


>> No.51145815
File: 122 KB, 1442x650, Screen Shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its happening

>> No.51145842
File: 306 KB, 640x640, 1619389662231.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no link
>this is fake

knock knock avax baggie

>> No.51145858

This is the type of social, completely irrelevant yet effective fud i've been waiting for. As far as i'm aware, There's nothing illegal about what the lawyer said (Or even correlation between the vid and the "accusations" against Avalanche in the article), Just pure business, That's assuming this is even true considering Emin just claimed that article is schizo ranting.

>> No.51145874
File: 15 KB, 400x400, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jail that retard Satsdart too for rugging every project on AVAX

>> No.51145890

Damn, bears are really fucking powerful ngl

>> No.51145897

in all my years on /biz ive never seen much cope in one sentence

>> No.51145918
File: 10 KB, 509x107, Screenshot from 2022-08-29 00-43-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easiest short of my life, this is going below $10

>> No.51145921

this person is turkish
verification not required

>> No.51145929

Didn't CZ repost some bullshit FUD about UNI too a couple months ago? I remember the price tanked but then popped right up, a fucking bug tweet isn't a death sentence lmao

>> No.51145942

Yeah, he said "Uniswap was exploited" even though fucking nothing happened

>> No.51145960
File: 12 KB, 220x294, avax screwed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cz will sue
it is undoubtably, really, unironically over for avax

>> No.51145983

LOL u actually think this is just another fud tweet?

there are whole ass recordings. the retards have crossed the line this time, and apparently for the last time

>> No.51146010

I would bet my networth nobody remembers or gives a shit about this in a month or less

>> No.51146017

Not the point where he's actually suing
This is completely different
This isn't FUD... This is real

>> No.51146020

It wasnt a stupid fud retards
It was a big guy loosing his position to a hack and it was unclear why at first
Also the token is not needed for now

>> No.51146040

SEC involved
your opinion is not needed
do the needful and sell while you still can

>> No.51146076

thank god i sold this scam at $100, easy 30x

>> No.51146106

never forget LUNA. sent to zero in 5 days
my guess is well soon have AVAX and AVAC

>> No.51146134

Dude what lol

>> No.51146149

what happened?

>> No.51146153

Yeah the cope in here is wild okay that's it I'm shorting

>> No.51146154
File: 172 KB, 1124x2029, uhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it really is happening

>> No.51146173

>attacks creg who wants to destroy crypto
>attacks binance who creg says is a money laundering org

wtf is this faggot playing at, i hate lawyers so much it's unreal the entire law profession seems to thrive on entropy at this point, the more society goes to shit the more they thrive.

>> No.51146175

it will be below $10 in less than 12 hours, below $5 in less than a week

>> No.51146183

most sane user on this board

>> No.51146186

my brother in christ I beg you please bet your net worth

>> No.51146196

no fucking way youre this deluded

>> No.51146201

Avalanche of slime
This avalanche is going down alright

>> No.51146221

Double mint FUD was a way bigger drop, now that's just an oldfag meme these days

>> No.51146223


>> No.51146242 [DELETED] 

Is this the face of a man you could trust with your hard earned money?

>> No.51146251

Fake news.
This is fake don't click that link.
Avax is the only good project left.

>> No.51146253

holy shit


>> No.51146267

why is emin a mod on r/bsv? random

>> No.51146272


>> No.51146278
File: 27 KB, 400x400, zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the face of a man you could trust with your hard earned money?

>> No.51146288

My favourite part is that he put out his paw to stop the door bouncing back kek, not his first b&e I would say

>> No.51146296

he's rugging as we speak right now

>> No.51146306

>guy named Roche working with a guy whose meme name is the roach to scam people

The clown world memes always win

>> No.51146341

How do I short? Genuine question. From US btw so don't think I can do it from Binance

>> No.51146366

I saw this picture so many times it's been burned in like a meme into my brain.

>> No.51146373

Fuck I have like no liquidity to short only 18 dollars in my cross margin. How can I get like insane leverage

>> No.51146374


>> No.51146378

Avax came back from double spend. They can come back from this. This is a chance for those of us who left to get back in

>> No.51146403

shorted at 18.79 already in profit, is this about to be the easiest money of my life?

>> No.51146412
File: 88 KB, 928x1000, ROPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello AVAX feggits
since AVAX will be rugging soon and all of you will subsequently lose your life savings, ill offer you a way to make back all your losses!

new coin launching called Rope (ticker: ROPE)
>no double mint
>will get you rid of all your misery and financial issues (literally)

>> No.51146434

refer to >>51145682

>> No.51146498

I actually had a lot of money invested in AVAX
I just sold and Im feeling devastated right now
I kept holding for a year and Im down by a lot

>> No.51146503
File: 5 KB, 231x250, bitcoin chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX is a premined coin.
all premined coins are scams.

why would anyone need to read a research report to prove it

>> No.51146513
File: 814 KB, 274x274, 1615890035081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey nigger YOU have AVAX KEK

>> No.51146514

get out of here boomer

>> No.51146515

switch to only bitcoin for now on. its the one safe coin. Bitcoin is the only crypto that is not a scam

>> No.51146546
File: 14 KB, 768x90, Screenshot from 2022-08-29 01-26-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to close my short to open a bigger one
thanks for the free money avax baggies

>> No.51146554

Looks like a Dom Williams ICP hitjob on Avax here. He better have covered all his angles because if you swing at the king and miss....you're in for a world of hurt.

>> No.51146556
File: 63 KB, 1024x1024, 16578664934031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im winning

>> No.51146584
File: 235 KB, 1124x1137, avax camp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think now would be the perfect time to use this meme

>> No.51146589
File: 90 KB, 1280x853, photo_2022-08-28_19-01-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51146637

>AVAX being investigated by SEC and will soon be sued by the richest man in the world
>AFAGS holder posts meme to feel goo about himself
nice cope nigger

>> No.51146666
File: 27 KB, 360x346, hehehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so sad but i cant help but laugh (i dont hold avax kek)

>> No.51146673

AVAX is running a massive campaign of frivolous lawsuits against its competitors and paying law firms With shitty AVAX tokens. If you think this is bullish or ok- then let me ask you- why would a confident/ competent blockchain do this? The anons calling emin a roach from the start were correct- AVAX is a fake fucking project propped up by illegal activity. Crazy

>> No.51146685

his face looks AI generated

>> No.51146712

i think you >> the wrong person
OP is telling you to short anon

>> No.51146749

I sure hope everyone’s avalanche isn’t locked up in staking

>> No.51146751

Fr, is there anything about AVAX that isn't fake asfuck and a marketing scheme? Ffs

>> No.51146759

nothing is safe from dumping but at least, btc dumps the least

>> No.51146777

This too, the memetics are too good for this not to be real

>> No.51146816
File: 57 KB, 1066x1392, hey niggers, i have MATIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey niggers, i have MATIC

>> No.51146818

would they have been able to allocate large amounts of tokens to this shit lawyer and horowitz if it wasn't premined? NO

There is only one reason to premine. To dump on people before you even have a working project so there is no risk on your side

>> No.51146836

kek, based
and checked

>> No.51146886
File: 162 KB, 1044x1256, IMG_7792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX baggies rn

>> No.51146965
File: 111 KB, 614x669, rvax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this faggot

>> No.51147023

>dunking on avax holders at their worst time of despair

>> No.51147076
File: 218 KB, 451x265, Screenshot from 2022-08-28 20-58-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51147146

remember when he tweeted BTC was a scam in early 2015?
remember when he tweeted LUNA was a good project and the ust depeg could only be temporary?
it's all starting to make a lot more sense now

>> No.51147207


>> No.51147284

based, thanks for the idea friend, just changed my 5x to 10x

>> No.51147336

cz and dom
the singularity

>> No.51147369

What market you guys use to short crypto?

>> No.51147373


>> No.51147391

mexc futures (barely any kyc)

>> No.51147542

>whole ass recordings
>only post little out of context snippets followed by paragraphs of text

>> No.51147564


>> No.51147649


>> No.51147777

Lol, not putting my money on a l2 chain more rickety than the rails in a donkey level

>> No.51147789

*donkey kong
and witness these quads

>> No.51147974

avax to 0

>> No.51147980


>> No.51148066

this is why i can't believe anything anymore

>> No.51148091

t. the roach in the video

>> No.51148111


>> No.51148133



>> No.51148144

Digits confirm AVAX to 0

>> No.51148168

At which price should I buy back in?

$12? $10?

>> No.51148173

There's decent support at $12 if it drops that far

>> No.51148252

Self check

>> No.51148269


Should I send all my 75k to Binance and buy Avax as soon as it hits around $12?

>> No.51148505

Can someone explain the fud so I don't have a watch a gay video? So some Jewish lawyer has convinced the SEC to investigate avax for being a scam? (As if being a scam has ever mattered to crypto)

>> No.51148816
File: 57 KB, 327x137, oxxh36d4z4u51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board shilled this coin so hard last year, thank god I only put a few hundred bucks in

>> No.51148885

I put 100k in it at $80 and sold at $22.

>> No.51148944
File: 33 KB, 600x800, 826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit dude

>> No.51149022

As someone whos lost ~50k, that hurts to hear

>> No.51149025

Explosive revelations.

>> No.51149032

long term avax hodler and am fucking laughing rn. this whole fud and panic is hilarious

>> No.51149064

I used to havee 450k in Novembeer, now I only have 75k
It went up to 100k last when ETH hit 2k but I was a retard and didn't sell

>> No.51149065

I wanna know how much Dom paid CZ to retweet that article kek

>> No.51149223

i dont think cz needs any money, but he was fucking with avax on day 1, blocking deposits and withdrawals on a regular basis. all that to make his shitchain bsc look better

>> No.51149275


>> No.51149345

hahahahaha avax go brrrr

>> No.51149378

So is this gonna dump or what? I want to buy at $10 already. The price didn't even nuke that hard relative to ETH even with CZ shilling it and ICP baggies spamming twitter.

>> No.51149425
File: 17 KB, 725x270, cucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol even
the cope is strong

>> No.51149444

How's it only down 2 dollars?

>> No.51149454

cope and dilate
bsc is best

>> No.51149482

Too many retards buying the dip I guess, kek.

>> No.51149555

>All these late shorter at 18 instead of 20

>> No.51149576
File: 311 KB, 827x596, 1660059659421110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ofc this nigger chink would tweet ICP schizo nonsense if it helps further suppress avax like they have been since mainnet
If you took 2 milliseconds to read the fud article you can see how ludicrous it is simply from the first few paragraphs. Emin Gun Sirer is his legal name lmfao they try to act like brainlets and say the lawyer is calling him "Goon" as in criminal, this is the dumbest fucking shit and for some reason it's actually working lmfao

>> No.51149580

why there are no shoooorter memes?

>he only shoorts

>> No.51149584

fr fr

>> No.51149590

cope and dilate avax cuck

>> No.51149733

>t. didn't watch the videos

>> No.51150080
File: 468 KB, 1440x1440, 1659501198286116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kykel roach fella isn't even part of the ava labs team, he has no seed, and none of what he said holds validity
enjoy the bloodbath for the next few days or so, it really won't last long as with every single attempt to destroy the chosen protocol

>> No.51150578

https://www.abajournal.com/news/article/ex-boies-schiller-lawyer-was-ousted-from-firm-in-deplorable-scheme-to-keep-cryptocurrency-fees-suit-says He holds $250 mil of an undisclosed token roundabout spring 2021 ath. Do you know how few projects he could have achieved that in??? Its unironically over for you

>> No.51150675

Cope , avax baggies coping so hard right now

>> No.51150696

>Trusting the turk roach

>> No.51150735

Quads hath spoken. Short AVAX to the core of the earth

>> No.51150748

Very thankful for these recent happenings. Avax baggies are almost as bad as icp, link, and hbar baggies i swear. Fills me with great joy seeing them cope and sneethe.

>> No.51150825

Worse, AVAX hired Jewish lawyers by paying them in their token (which price is determined by retail investors) to gain funding for litigation against its competitors. They then used the class action suits to gain access to their competitor’s inside data to gain unfair market advantages. This is unethical at best and illegal at worst.

>> No.51150954
File: 69 KB, 1024x634, 1659776686253337m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((Roche Freedman)))

>> No.51151196

Can someone actually explain to me what's going on with AVAX?

>> No.51151288

Lol wut its the most constantly funded coin there is. Look at this fud!

>> No.51152021

he was talking about MATIC you illiterate niggers

>> No.51153158

AVAX to $0.

>> No.51153201

>any account with under 1k followers is a bot
I have been tweeting since 2017 and I have 58 followers. Not a lack of quality either. Its just hard to get followers

>> No.51153717

>Its just hard to get followers
not true, I made a fake Kim Jong Un account and replied to a bunch of trending political hashtags. Twitter retards thought it was funny when I endorsed political candidates or policies and I ended up with 1000 followers in less than a week.
Could have had way more but I got banned because when Anthony Bourdain died and I called him a faggot and said he was burning in hell. I think this was before it was revealed he fucked underage boys with Epstein, so I was redeemed in the end.

>> No.51153871


>> No.51154737

Unironically seems fake

>> No.51154852

Yolo, gonna use the 30 USDT sitting on my Kucoin to 100x short AVAX

>> No.51155634

that is sadly wrong.. I get y'all are trying to defend your bags. Truth will prevail.

>> No.51155651

Why the fuck did Emin declare war on China? Holy fuck he's retarded.

>> No.51155963

Just like this all late shorter btfo.

>> No.51156013

Might not be illegal. But it's extremely unethical and will turn the entire market against them. That is bad when the entire market is ran on narrative

>> No.51156149

Avalanche team denies tho, It's easy to fabricate vids and take things out of context, People born in the internet generation should've known this by now (Not that they care as long as it feet their narrative).

It's only bad because corrupted people with authority or apologist jeets say it's bad, It's kind of a chad move, If something like this was done in the equity market people would praise the company who did it (Or not care at all, again, court action is a regular practice in every successful business)

>> No.51156170


>> No.51156948

>AVAX to $0.

>> No.51156965

The avax shills trying to damage control saying this is somehow good for avax is hilarious and a signal that its over

>> No.51157128


it is very well illegal to engage in practices with malicious intent.
in court, intent is important.
it does not matter how you scheme it, fucking with people like they did will probably be ruled illegal.
that is why murder gives you harsher sentence than manslaughter

>> No.51157304

i mean, look at the first ponzi scheme.
before it, maybe there were no precedents,
so, they had to look at the thing not as a ponzi but they had to figure out if this can be characterized as a scheme, malicious scheme with lying and scamming.

what I mean is this:
you recognize a scheme by its' components. sometimes there is no clear definition of what was done and it is up to the legal system to find out how to call that thing and if it is to be considered illegal practice.

intentionally using the legal system as leverage to fuck with competitors for monetary gain? we will see what will happen.

>> No.51157342

its the face of a terrorist from turkey

>> No.51158659

Roach confessed

"Statements in the video to the contrary are false, and were obtained through deceptive means, including a deliberate scheme to intoxicate, and then exploit me, using leading questions. The statements are highly edited and spliced out of context."

>They tricked me into telling the truth

>> No.51159533

kek how is your short going? ha you didnt take profit? too bad

>> No.51161411
File: 139 KB, 662x492, 1661795497491951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch the video, the guy was drunk as fuck and trying to impress a 'rich client' so he lied and bragged that lived in Kevin's house and that Brad Garlinghouse was an angel investor in one of his companies.