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File: 604 KB, 1857x1553, net_worth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51141985 No.51141985 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51142001

OP is a faggot

>> No.51142033

this is a cope chart. people are WAY richer than that.

>> No.51142065

i dont understand the chart

>> No.51142106
File: 133 KB, 1370x1058, 1659915922372626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know plenty of people with >110 IQ who are poor. They never had any capital given to them by family because their families were poor. They never built capital either because all they could do was wageslave.
Some of you really are the worst sorts of privileged faggots who wouldn't survive 6 months without having been the product of semen shot out of a wealthy and connected man.

>> No.51143575

I’ve said this before to them but they get mad. Being better than the “medin” American means comparing yourself to the unemployed, to niggers, to women, to those without any skills. You should compare yourself to your direct peer group.

>> No.51143590

They could do factory night shifts.

>> No.51143662

is this inflation adjusted?

>> No.51143830


Data is pre-inflation. I would argue that it's still valid with the recent drop in the market though.


True, point is to filter people who really don't have a shot, as tragic as it is.


That's what the chart is attempting to do.


Look at the ages on the bottom. If you still don't get it, you are in the white square.

>> No.51143856
File: 21 KB, 725x500, 1658788442488635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coping with age brackets
this chart is all you need.
nobody cares how old you are, if you're poor, you're poor.
bitcoin didn't wait for you to grow up, if you miss opportunities, you miss them permanently.

>> No.51143880

BIG if true

>> No.51143939


There is a lot of truth to this - I assume the chart generally tracks career trajectory, aka for the working class (everyone on the chart), wealth correlates with income. So those in the top at 35 are expected to continue making surgeon salaries.

For gamblers, the final age brackets hold true, because there is no income to build up to those final values even if they are high-up now.

I am kind of obsessed with helping people understand the realities of these numbers.

>> No.51143944
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this is the only chart that matters

>> No.51143948

>6 figures puts you in the top 90% of the planet
I really gotta travel to some 3rd world countries and impregnate bitches on the cheap

>> No.51144036

it's cope for those looking to grow an income, but you'll never get wealthy with an income. nobody here is looking to get wealthy with an income.

you want to concentrate on the overall distribution of wealth among the wealthy, and how that's changing. at the absolute least you want to be keeping pace, if not growing your wealth faster, otherwise you're losing out to wealth inflation.

>> No.51144100


I have some catching up with my net worth.

>> No.51144111


The reality is that right now a lot of people don't know how they will afford rent / food, so dismissing income, especially things like surgeon/Cal dev incomes is negligent unless you already started out with a trust fund or the right doggie coin.

>> No.51144150

Eh, sort of. Most of the 53 million at 7 figures are retirees with a lifetime of wealth, so I don't think it's all that useful as a comparison for a young person to know how they're doing.

>> No.51144172

why are you posting net worth percentiles on 4chan then? they're either cope for poors or ego stroking for the wealthy.

>> No.51144188

tfw 300k at 24

>> No.51144275


I told you why right here: >>51143939. People need to understand where they are.

>> No.51144308
File: 31 KB, 324x500, 41zc0wq1wUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pewdiepie is 120 iq. being 150+ is hell on earth, people can only be lead by ones at most 20 IQ points above, otherwise they won't understand anything they're saying.

>> No.51144321

like i said younger people need to look at the growth of wealth over time, or just the population of higher-percentile wealth holders because they're the ones competing against you for scarce resources.

>> No.51144373


I am dropping my latest pasta for your consideration:

> $1,200,000 to retire in boonies or slav country near sea. This is NOT making it, this is existing without waging. Any emergency will wreck this tier.

$200,000 new house and rusted out 1960 Camaro SS
OR $200,000 apartment in slav high rise in actual city
$40,000 a year "income" from invested mil.

> $2,000,000 to retire as middle class

All invested to withdraw 4% post-inflation for $80,000* "income". Sufficient if you live alone. Tight for single-income family.

> $3,000,000 to safely retire as middle class

$80,000 "income" AND $500,000 to cover NEW middle class house near fly-over city, $500,000 as an emergency visit to the ER in the US if you get a papercut. If anyone poor ever gets to 3 mil, they should probably pull it and invest it safely. At that point, their future is secure barring any true black swans. Its enough to do whatever you want if you commit - become a surgeon, mathematician, researcher, pilot, start a small business, etc. Only a few hobbies are out of reach in terms of expenses, e.g. automotive racing.

>> No.51144388

>>51144373 (cont)

> $10,000,000 is for (cheap) super cars, a (single) beachfront property, and living on a (lowest-paid) surgeon's "salary".

You can both support a family and "appear" wealthy (without risk) if you choose to do so. This is also the point where gold-diggers think you are "rich enough" even if you aren't living outside of your means. That is NOT the case @ 3 million. Note - still "only" $320,000 "income" if you want two mil to blow on luxuries. Most surgeons are at $600,000+ today.

> $100,000,000 "hundie" is what the wealthy consider *(-ed, 20 years ago) a minimum to live a wealthy lifestyle.

This is true "make it" money. Private medical care, mansions, private schools, constant vacations, expensive hobbies, your kids getting out of jail with "Affluenza" defense for minor offenses like "killing four people while driving drunk" in the first world.

> 3 comma club

Islands, MIG-29s, start a PMC, start a space company, buy anything and anyone, run for Congress.


* $80,000 is used as "middle class income" as that's the low-end of what an engineer makes in a flyover state. That income is also realistic in trades and low-barrier-to-entry jobs like trucking, UPS delivery, garbage pick up, etc.

>> No.51144422

>pewdiepie is 120 iq
I would guess atleast 130 he does make fairly smart decisions despite a couple fuck ups

>> No.51144430

nah anon, it's just hard for you to cope with the fact that you're sub 110.

>> No.51144440
File: 30 KB, 759x372, 2022-08-28 23_09_03-Affluenza defense - Google Search - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your kids getting out of jail with "Affluenza" defense
holy shit affluenza defense is kino

>> No.51145424
File: 159 KB, 960x802, 1644855312108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Getting close to Deca Millionaire. I can taste it.

Most of my exposure is in Real Estate with 7.5 million in assets there. (around 60% is equity)

Will get there no matter what simply through amortization just a matter of time.

Probably another 4-6 years before I hit it.

The reality is its a number on paper and will make no difference. I already don't work. I can already realistically buy anything I would want. I already don't look at the price of things at normal people stores.

>> No.51145474

my iq is in the 135-140 range i dont earn shit these days

>> No.51145514

i actually made this a couple of years ago for a biz thread about youtube TA midwit spastics

>> No.51145532

A lot of people in those 3rd world countries value women more than some foreign billionaire. You'd get tortured and killed before you could even touch their women and a lot of people in 3rd world countries wouldn't care about your money.

>> No.51145599


How much are you taking out for your income annually? What do you feel like you "can't" afford that you may want? What has been a "whoah, money gets me that?!" moment?

You are sitting on 4-5 mil right? That pretty much puts you in the $120 - 160k passive category, which is like being a good engineer in a flyover state, with the huge, huge, bonus of not working of course.

>> No.51145729

>a lot of people in 3rd world countries wouldn't care about your money
Is that what you tell yourself, third worlder?

>> No.51145744
File: 151 KB, 610x590, 1661471102499966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 135 iq you mouthbreather

>> No.51145759
File: 35 KB, 728x483, 1645034532390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My RE portfolio grossed 306K this year and we live in an Apartment that would generate an additional 84K per year if we wanted to move somewhere else.

We take nothing out. My wife makes 240K salary milking a semi easy relationship banking job. We probably save15K a month from rents/salary. Amortize around 7K per month from mortgage paydown across the portfolio.

The actual breakdown is 3.7M in RE equity, shade over 2M in stocks/cash. 175K in other assets (Car, Watches, Art, Gold).

What we can't afford is space. I live in Brooklyn and I am very averse to taking on larger monthly expenses. So to upgrade from my current living situation would be a stand alone townhouse which would 3-4 million.

I could do it by liquidating everything but that would be asset suicide given I have 3.7M in loans with a 3% fixed rate. I'm stuck in all my properties I will never get that rate again.

There hasn't really been a money get me that moment other then I literally don't have to care about normal people purchases. Can eat out as much as I want. I can buy a 5K piece of art for my wall just because I want to. I could buy any car for cash just because I wanted to.. but I don't.

It kind of takes the appeal out of buying things. There is no striving or saving. You sort of realize most objects are trash once you get them and a burden take care of.

Nice car gotta pay insurance, maintenance stress if someone nicks it up in the street.

Nice watch gotta avoid being mugged. Gotta hide it when you go away on vacation etc.

Really don't have much to spend it on and like I said there would be almost no life style difference between here and 10M.

>> No.51145798

Nope. You're out of touch from reality. It's always on the news about some rich guy murdered for money etc. It's just rich people cope that they could buy actual women in third world countries but most of these women already have owners. The single women you usually get are either very ugly ones locally or 35 yo single mothers.

>> No.51145806
File: 436 KB, 460x547, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Congratulations on making it!

>> No.51146036
File: 65 KB, 742x614, 1647263918904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks man. Mostly trying to preserve equity and avoid disasters at the moment.

Inflation makes for scary times but I think I am correctly positioned.

Hope you make it as well.

My 2 equity plays this year were All-in XOM all the way until I got shook out in June after the drawdown.

All in QQQ from 275 to 325. Been sitting in cash for a few weeks.

Gonna keep sitting until things get more attractive.

>> No.51146066
File: 442 KB, 455x500, 1620533838487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks Fren. I fucked up a bit recently so I might have to grind for it or get creative, but a fren's gotta do what a fren's gotta do.

>> No.51146226

>I know plenty of people with >110 IQ who are poor. They never had any capital given to them by family because their families were poor.
people in the 110-130 range are peak wagie midwits mate and for reasons that have been posted a million times on here.
but your point about family wealth stands when applied to people 130+ and when 'wealth' is used to describe the wider environment a child is raised in, rather than just using 'wealth' to describe some sort of inter generational monetary support.
keeping a very long post short, as its late and ive a hard day ahead of me as a low income schizo wagie i need to navigate tomorrow, high iq children growing up in a low iq environment will be considered weird as fuck by their peers and rightfully so, you can extrapolate out the consequences of being seen as a weirdo for two decades yourself.
i say 2 decades as things change quickly in adulthood, you soon realise why it was you hesitated in x or y situation or why you didnt laugh in this or that scenario, why you fumbled with some girl or didnt throw that punch, you just never had it explained to you at the time your brain was seeing the worst case scenario play out in 100 different ways instantly to the point of paralysis.
a high iq kid in a more supportive environment will be taught from an early age their armed with a world building supercomputer in their head and encouraged to spend as much time as they need to work shit out, then theyll have it explained to them that the exact same process in later life will set them apart from all the plebs they surround themselves with.
sure the inter generational wealth thing is an issue but its more about no confidence v confidence that stops the smart kid turning into a schizo weirdo loner in adulthood

>> No.51146364


Right. But sub-100 IQ people generally can't:

> do well on the SATs or the ASVAB
> learn to code
> get through med school

It caps them hard. Some ~100s are successful. I think part of it is that people that think of themselves as smart don't start a cleaning business, a car lot, an HVAC/office wiring business, or buy trucks and hire truckers. They think of themselves as above it. Those are all examples of people I know. Having a ~100IQ is like having a criminal record - it keeps you out of wagie world, which may be a win in the long run.

At the end of the day - high IQ / socially inept is somewhat of a myth. Generally, really high-IQ people without disorders figure out when to dumb shit down and not "throw pearls before swine".

>> No.51146418
File: 33 KB, 645x588, e02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-i is 135 iqs!! scorr'd 135 on this super reliablu online test!!!

>> No.51146849

>do well on the SATs or the ASVAB
>learn to code
>get through med school
hence why 110-130 is peak wagie territory.
sure sub 100s often end up as wagies too but they arent peak wagie, the elite wagie believes the job title = status paradigm theyre taught throughout their early life (then perpetuate themselves among their wagie peers forever). their unquestioning belief in the status grind will often lead them to living outwardly more enriched lives than the high iq person, who can spend decades tryign to figure out if the world around them is even something worth existing within nevermind trying hard to find a better place within it.
>At the end of the day - high IQ / socially inept is somewhat of a myth.
there isnt a 1:1 correlation for reasons posted elsewhere, the cumulative life experience before adulthood will decide how they turn out but consider that theres quite a complex set of mental gymnastics taking place in the dysfunctional persons head that a low/mid iq person simply is incapable of replicating.
>Generally, really high-IQ people without disorders figure out when to dumb shit down and not "throw pearls before swine".
is wearing a mask mate, me and pretty much every low income high iq person ive worked with over the past few years has learned to wear one, you have to. pretending everything is ok and things actually being ok are very different

>> No.51147134
File: 26 KB, 680x670, 1661492821254444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I literally had some interview for a tech sales job where they made everyone take a binet IQ test and weeded out the bottom 99%. All the other applicants that made it were from ivy leagues and stanford. Had another job where they did the same but with some LSAT questions. I never bothered taking an IQ test until mid 20s and some lady at work kept bragging about being in mensa

>> No.51147212


1. Your first paragraph is exactly what I just said.
2. Find some high IQ friends.

This is just like girls complaining that no one takes them seriously because they are too hot. Which falls in with:

>there isnt a 1:1 correlation for reasons posted elsewhere, the cumulative life experience before adulthood will decide how they turn out but consider that theres quite a complex set of mental gymnastics taking place in the dysfunctional persons head that a low/mid iq person simply is incapable of replicating.

At the end of the day though, it's an advantage if you learn how to use it.


This shit is brutal. I know P&G & Fidelity do these. It also determines if they call you on the spot or you fall back to the maybe list.

>> No.51147250

Oh yea well you wanna know what I think about the charts in this thread? Rhetorical question I'm answering anyway: nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.51147353

because "smart people" study shit that makes them no money.
so many brilliant engineers make less than 200k a year.
so many PhD fags gave up 5-8 years of making money, and for what
doctors spend 10 years accruing debt after undergrad and making lol 60k in residency before making 200-800k depending on practice area.
meanwhile, the guy who was good at math but not an autist and went into private equity is making ridiculous cash
you don't need connections to make $$$ but they certainly help
wife and I went to ASU and are now both corporate lawyers. No debt from undergrad and 50% scholarships for law school.
Bring in combined 500k in our late 20's.
>99th percentile ACT
>97th percentile LSAT
I'm not a total fucking retard but far from the most brilliant person ever. I know people with 35 and 36 ACT scores and some people score 175+ on the LSAT.

>> No.51147543

>This is just like girls complaining that no one takes them seriously because they are too hot
youll need to cut and paste where somebody is complaining about having a high iq because i cant read it anywhere, me talking about smart kids turning into spergs without the right support is about as complain-y as ive been itt but ive never hinted at all that the kid would be better off being retarded.
nor have i complained that the wagie world and its social expectations dont cater to the needs of people with higher potential, high iq people generally dont even want to participate in whatever hierarchies exist down there, ive been pretty dismissive of them. ive no idea how you could pick up any sense of 'complaining' in my posts regarding wage cage status.
>At the end of the day though, it's an advantage if you learn how to use it.
i think in every post ive segregated the experience between childhood and adulthood, neither term refers to a biological phase of your life but rather the moment you reach maturity and you can go about reframing past experiences for how they truly were.
whether people can ever reach that point is another matter, sometimes all they need to do is hear once that their mental because their smart to snap them out of whatever bullshit games their playing on themselves internally.

>> No.51148860


>99th percentile ACT
>97th percentile LSAT
>I'm not a total fucking retard but far from the most brilliant person ever

SAT scores correlate directly with IQ. At low IQs, there is a hard limit to SAT score, even with dedicated tutors - the kids just forget what they are taught. There is hard research on this.

You might not be "brilliant", but you are 115 or over based on what you said.

>doctors spend 10 years accruing debt after undergrad and making lol 60k in residency before making 200-800k depending on practice area.

I think this ties in with >>51147543 - "smart enough for medschool, but not smart enough to know they will run out of money, drop out, and do $15/hr lab work while paying off medschool debt if their parents aren't rich" type of deal. And then, yes, their high IQ hurt them in a way.