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51143004 No.51143004 [Reply] [Original]

should i quit my job today/tomorrow over a bad breakup? i've been with this girl for 2 years, she was my miracle woman. and we've tried to make it work but she cut it off in the worst fucking way imaginable today. and the thought of sitting there tomorrow for 8 fucking hours bored out of my skull, on my phone or browsing the internet with this fucking shit hanging over my head, makes me want to fucking die. i had to take a week off earlier this month due to this shit and now that its completely over, i dont know how or what the fuck to do.

>> No.51143018

You’re letting her control you dude. Just stop. Work and focus on something else.

>> No.51143029
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>being this enamored with a foid

>> No.51143051
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Hahahaha, you got scammed by a woman.

Bro, what a beta. Alphas fuck and don’t care. Betas like you prob didn’t even fuck her for months, right?

>> No.51143053

I went through a nasty divorce in 2018, my wife of 5 years cheated on me and wouldn’t let me see my kid. I went to work every fucking day. It helped me focus on something else.

You’re an actual fucking bitch if you’re taking days or weeks off because of some shitty breakup. Seriously grow some fucking balls and stop letting women control you, you fucking retard. You should be ashamed for even letting her control you like this. Are you too far gone? Pathetic. Beyond pathetic.

>> No.51143088

how do you guys get cheated on? do you guys wife whores or do all women have the propensity for this?

>> No.51143099

damn that sucks. i would have peeled the skin off her face and worn it like in that cartel video.

>> No.51143124

Any woman worth fucking cheats on people all the time

>> No.51143133




Dumb bitch

>> No.51143144

You should quit your job if you hate your job. If your job is fairly easy, then what difference does it make if you go to work? At least you will be somewhat distracted.

>> No.51143267


Just fired anon. Why quit? You want that unemployment don't you?

>> No.51143338

same happened to me but we were together only one month. it hurts like hell. was it your first girlfriend? is she ghosting you now?

>> No.51143522

i hate the job more than anything. there's no forward progress, or promotions. its just mindless fucking data entry. on any given day, if you condensed my work throughout the day down, i probably work for 20min out of the whole 8 hour day. its easy but so fucking boring. and now with this hanging over my head, i have no idea how the fuck i am going to focus without going insane and/or walking out.

i truly dont give a fuck about anything anymore

not my first girlfriend. my longest relationship in a LONG time, where i wasn't settling. she was a fucking goddess. i never match with women like her. i've spend the last 7-10 years settling for women below my standards. and when she came along in 2020, it felt like a fucking anomaly. she has come and gone so many times throughout the 2 years that my mind is conditioned she will be back once more. but the last 3 days, she has made it clear she is completely fucking done and doesnt feel that way for me anymore. i am completely fucking ruined. she blocked me on everything. i have no method of getting in touch with her, if not through email or hard mail.

>> No.51143561

All relationships are push/pull. The more you pull the more their push. Next time, be the one pushing and she will pull you every time. I conquered mine for 6 years she’s going nowhere

>> No.51143593

my first girlfriend left me after one month... she still replied to me but was avoiding me a lot. eventually I found out she was with somebody else shortly after (possibly even cheated on me). that's when I decided it would be easier for me to become a millionaire than to get a fixed relationship with a woman I was attracted to.

>> No.51143613

up to this day that was my only relationship with a woman. it has been 8 years and I still can't trust woman because of her. my only hope is being filthy rich so I am attractive enough to not give a fuck anymore about any woman in particular.

>> No.51143633

Gets with you during pandemic, breaks up with you for good once pandemic is truly over.
Lesson right there.

>> No.51143657

you sound like a tiktok motivational gym video. cringe as fuck

>> No.51143664

Cool blog post OP!
jk kys

>> No.51143766

Take some time off to heal. What you should absolutely not do is binge on porn or some other unhealthy behavior though. Use this time for self-care and getting you head straight. Your feelings are valid and you need time to grieve the loss of the relationship.

>> No.51143797

that's what i'm thinking but i highly doubt they will let me take a leave of absence after i had to take a week over earlier this month, especially since i'm only 2 months into this new job. and i had to take friday off too, because we had a wicked argument between 2am and 5am and i ended up leaving to drive an hour home at 5am. they'll probably just tell me it isn't working out.

>> No.51143828

Everyone experiences heartbreak numerous times throughout their lives. Lie to your boss and say something actually serious happened and ask for a week or two off. Wallow in self pity during that time until you realize that she was just one thot in an ocean of identical thots and move the fuck on

>> No.51144174

i really think theyll just let me go. i'm still within my 90 days.

>> No.51144187

Ah man don't ever kill yourself over a whore. Suffer for God and for nobody else. This pain will be useful to you one day.

>> No.51144199

Boomer, your advice is about as wanted as malaria. Please go eat some goyslop and praise the flag. Leave us be.

>> No.51144206

I've left jobs because I met my then GF in my route so I'd be seeing her everyday

>> No.51144219

You are a huge fucking pussy. I really mean that.

>> No.51144310

A woman's love is just like a fairweather friend. Don't let it get you down man.

>> No.51144686

Except the pandemic ISN'T over, as you'll discover this winter during the next wave.

>> No.51144728
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>she has come and gone so many times throughout the 2 years that my mind is conditioned she will be back once more.
that's the problem. there is no option to be with her anymore because she will never respect you. it's over even if she came back again. if she thinks she can be with you whenever she wants, then she unconsciously sees you as low value, and her hypergamous nature will never allow herself to commit to you. your only option is to genuinely not want her anymore and climb the social strata, but you will never be with her anymore. and let's be honest, there's plenty of women exactly like her, but of course your rationality is clouded by your feelings. if she was as amazing as you say, then you wouldn't have broken up time and again. it may feel like someone close to you died, but you have to accept it and move on like a real man.

>> No.51144842

>I will never smell my ex's asshole again

>> No.51144847

You were beta in a beta relationship. When the man is devastated and the women leaves not giving a shit you are the clingy beta and she is the prize and the one in control. The alpha male relationship, the natural relationship is with the women being clingy to the man and if the women isn’t serving him well he breaks up with her and the women is the one devastated she lost the prized alpha male while the alpha male doesn’t give a shit.

>> No.51144894
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Don't do it anon, It's not worth it. You will overcome it and realize that you didn't need her in the first place. Work harder, make cash, invest in bitDAO. You will crawl your way out anon, don't be a pussy.

>> No.51144924

wow you spend so much time alone you realize there are some guys who dictate their lives based on what a WOMAN wants or doesnt want lol like why dude it never ends

>> No.51144965

are you retarded or just in elementary school?

>> No.51145071

Weak men cant handle a breakup with some low tier hag.
You said you were with her 2 years, wtf is that?? How old are you, 20??
Man the fuck and keep you söyboy issues put of the work place.
Fucking spineless low test trash.

>> No.51145125

This. The second a man is not willing to walk away from a relationship- which is not the same thing as wanting to, or being intractable- he's lost. Because of how the feminine ego works, one person is always willing to end a relationship. It has to be you.

>> No.51145263
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uhh yea don't do it anon. I was with a girl for 4.5 years and after a year of me telling her my job was screwing me out of promos and wouldn't give me an early promo, she was for me quitting. I put in my two weeks and then she broke up with me one week later. I just wanted a break from work, not to voluntarily lose my job and also lose my ltr gf. the last week of work was pretty hard to get through and all I wanted was a break from work, but what I got was losing everything I knew and was used to. this was mid 2020 and before the bullrun start, but even though I saw wild crypto gains I still wished I had my job to focus on and help get over my gf. I can't recommend feeling like you lost everything even if you have money and see more money than ever come to you months later. it's not worth leaving everything familiar to be by yourself and clawing your way out and back to society, no cap frfr. I even had 1.5 years worth of post tax salary saved up and saw 10 years worth of post tax salary in gains, it was still the most miserable time I've had in my life and cannot recommend. keep some normality in your life

>> No.51145466

i feel like im going through fucking shock. my eyes feel fucking weird as fuck. feels like im blinking irregularly and looking through a fish lens. i keep having these breathing fits. i dont know what the fuck to do, i cant work like this tomorrow. i might just ask hr if i can have some time off but ill probably get cnaned.

>> No.51145530

I took the day off when I lost my relationship. Just said I was sick, because I was

>> No.51145693

Take sick days, but don't just stay home like a little bitch. Find something to do or take a long hike.

I knew this guy who got into a car accident and killed a retard on a motorcycle. It was clearly the motorcycle dude's fault. The guy was so distraught the next day he killed himself. Everyone was like, what a fucking absolute retard. (I saw a person get killed, and it really did fuck me up for a day to a week. It's really strange and the feelings are powerful.) But this absolute faggot killed himself over FEELINGS that would have dissipated in literally one day.

My point is, it hurts now, but just fucking wait a week and it will feel better. It might take a little longer to heal fully from a break up, but you have to control the beast that is your flesh. Believe it or not, this breakup is good for you.

>> No.51145793

How did you get a gf In the first place?

Your. On 4chan
Just join all the other schizoids, you will die alone anyway. Like all of us
Frenposting will never betray you

>> No.51145805

that's western roasties. they all think they're stacy and are entitled to be loose women.

>> No.51145824

Money =/= Attractiveness.
Not giving a fuck and having them feel like they are replaceable is the key, even if they do go off with someone else "because they get me emotionally" you won't give a fuck anyway. Grow up, you sound like a child.

>> No.51145839

I asked remote working he agreed and it worked for me

>> No.51145949


>> No.51146057

All of the guys calling you beta have never been with a hot girl who they valued. They all just talk like they're the man, but in reality if you saw the girls they were getting, you'd understand why they act like that. The advice of just push her away and don't let it affect you only applies to unattractive girls. Theyre comfortable pushing them away because they dont really value them in the first place, so if they left its no big deal to them. If youre with a really attractive girl, as it seems you are, and you try to play the same game you're going to lose everytime. What you need to do itis start reading the bible and finding comfort in God and not women. Work really hard on your career and invest wisely. Women are really horrible these days and its not your fault (that they are so in demand that its impossible to be with one). Every guy is facing the same things you are (unless theyre settling for average or below average girls, which many in here im sure are). Find a job that pays a lot and start reading the Bible. WOmen are not something to invest in right now. Its like buying the bitcoin when its at 65K. Just wait 10 years until the market collapses and be with God Best of luck anon

>> No.51146080
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its true tho

>> No.51146161

i've used all my pto days this month due to this fucking on/off hot/cold stuff

>All of the guys calling you beta have never been with a hot girl who they valued.
pretty much what i figured. i'll never get a girl this hot again. it took me hoping and praying for nearly 10 years and settling for a woman like her to come along. who the fuck knows how much longer it will take from here.

>> No.51146302

no trust me as someone who has had unrequited love for 5 years, it is not worth it - chin up - show her what she missed out on

>> No.51146343

Women aren't players. They're like npcs or bosses

>> No.51146389
File: 138 KB, 593x333, 2022-08-28--1661728553_593x333_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unrequited love
"love"? whats that? Is that the thing that people use to obscure that you will be dropped the moment you are no longer providing a service? And that if you acknowledge that fact you will be chastised for not already knowing it and "taking ownership" of that fact and / or complaining?