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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 433 KB, 1287x858, Hennessey-VelociRaptor-6x6-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5114171 No.5114171 [Reply] [Original]

>making 4,000,000 a year running my own construction business.
>see you cucks playing around with digital funny money.
>they don't know bitcoin is a huge fucking ponzi

I fuckin Laugh at all you dumb failures of life. You autists realize bitcoin is just a hyper bubble ponzi scheme and will crash down to 0$ when the general public realizes it has absolutely ZERO FUCKING USE CASE and isn't backed by anything.

Bitcoin seriously has so intrinsic value. It isn't backed by anything. 50% of bitcoins are controlled by less than 10 people. You seriously are all going to get burnt and I'll laugh when it happens. I make way more fucking money than all of you fags.

I'll laugh when one day all of the bitcoins just disappear from a computer virus and they all go away.

I've bought gold and real estate for my investment. Oh and buy the way pic related: my new fucking ride. Can't wait to take it offroading up here in Alberta Canada.

Stay poor biz fags stay poor

>> No.5114231

just remember this, there are pieces of art worth millions of dollars

>> No.5114266


fuck off shill

>making $4m
>spend time on /biz bragging about himself

I bet you cannot even make 40k a year

>> No.5114269

Sup berta deadmonton, calg or ft mac

>> No.5114304
File: 428 KB, 846x442, dogewetrust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just a skeptic because you don't own any doge.

>> No.5114314

You guys are truly pathitic. You don't realize the only way to make it in life is through hard work and dedication. No one earns money for free absolutely no one. Do your self a favur start picking up a hammer and swing your way to financial freedom

>> No.5114395


If you had only 300 Bitcoin in the beginning of the year you made more than this cuck kek

>> No.5114396

This guy gets it. I know that universities have changed a bit but it's all for the better. Come on guys let's put the cryptos down and do it old fashioned style. We're in a bubble anyways. It was fun while it lasted.


>> No.5114438

t. boomer

lol crypto cant be a ponzi scheme because it doesnt generate income to its holders.
In the meanwhile life truely is a ponzi scheme since only the few at the top get everything( women, money, statues) but you dont see fags like you saying to quit on life. Cuck

>> No.5114458

>muh 4 million
>market cap 1 trillion during 2018
>too much of a brainlet to get a free ride

When will they learn

>> No.5114467


>> No.5114538

What happens if all your precious bitcoins disappear? Have you ever fucking considered this? No of course you haven't because you're all lost in a fantasy world.

Russian hackers could at any point hack all of the bitcoins. Don't you fags watch the news? Sure I might be 47 years old and not done all my research but I sure as fuck know things that go up 1500% in a year are a fucking ponzi.

Your supposed to only get 5-10% per year max!!!! This will be fucking regulated or banned or hacked fuck all your crypto faggot coins fuckers!!!!!!

>> No.5114560
File: 204 KB, 610x876, moneyskeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autistic kids make that in a month.
you're getting out gained by autistic kids.
if driving around in a tonka truck makes you feel better about that fact, more power to ya.

Merry Christmas.

>> No.5114561
File: 3 KB, 120x90, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the back of your hilly billy trash truck

>> No.5114573

How does it feel to be such a sad person even tho you have so much money?

>> No.5114594

Are you stupid?

Yes, it's a bubble. Like absolutely every modern thing (who said apple?).
The FACT is that you can make money by using the bubble instead of doing nothing.

You made 4m? Gr8 m8.
Now, what could you lose by buying -say- some bitcoin and sell it when you have sweet gains ?

Nobody says one should not work, yoi can do this aside.

But you can ride the hype and be even more rich. Think about it.

>> No.5114611
File: 50 KB, 294x326, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Velociraptor is a terrible name for such a lumbering beefcake of a truck. I was thinking Rexx would be good but Wrecks lol, can't do it. It could be like a stegosaurus, Steg or Steggo and people would call it Smeggo, I mean that's cool right? Hmm.

>> No.5114615

Give me a job you cuck.
Commercial or residential? I do both.

>> No.5114648
File: 13 KB, 399x400, 1513205211825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's some weak b8 m8
I can't believe /biz/ is dumb enough to fall for this
fucking newfags ruining this cambodian wife auction forum

>> No.5114660

Nevermind, you are stupid.

A ponzi is not domething that grows fast.
It's a system that use the investments of newcomers to pay back interest of oldtimer.

Bitcoin is a speculative bubble baked by 1), electricity cost 2) compitational power.

Please, try to educate yourself before posting.

>> No.5114673

>hyper bubble ponzi scheme and will crash down to 0$ when the general public realizes it has absolutely ZERO FUCKING USE CASE and isn't backed by anything
>Bitcoin seriously has so intrinsic value. It isn't backed by anything

You just showed off your terrible butthurt at missing the boat many years ago. All of your false observations are around 8 years too late. Enjoy laying bricks. You do not earn $4m a year. No one who did would give a shit about what's happening in the coin world. Nice LARP, faggot.

>> No.5114691

Yeah, you blew it with this post. You might as well have thrown a 1 in your !!!
Keep trying though, only those who persevere ever hone it into a art.

>> No.5114706


>> No.5114707

This thread is fetus cancer

>> No.5114723

I just wanted to talk about the truke.

>> No.5114824
File: 269 KB, 503x595, 1513292505252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't know bitcoin is a huge fucking ponzi
>you cant make money out of a ponzi scheme
buy btc and then sell it for more than you bought it for. Shocker, you just multiplied your money. It doesnt matter where btc will be in 10 years time unless youre relying in it like an idiot (even the greatest believer must surely acknowledge the stupidity of relying on something as volatile as btc; I dont want my rent to rest on whether or not btc does well.) Its just like the doomsday tellers who say its about to crash. Its not about whether or not it will crash its about when and if you can cash out on time and at a profit.

Furthermore, i can make a few hundred dollars a day trading. Sure, that is peanuts but considering i also find it fun its a purely net benefit since im getting money for what is, to me, like fucking video games.

>> No.5114830


If you happen to own the business, which I'm sure you inherited from your father