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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51136997 No.51136997 [Reply] [Original]

I‘m so fucking tired of reading the low iq takes of you retards on here.

The real way to make money investing is to buy based on the future expectations of the asset you are buying. The bigger the difference between current expectations and future expectations the more money you make. Underlying value not directly represented through the asset itself is irrelevant.

But none of you retards understand this. Almost everything you read on here is comically wrong INCLUDING „always the opposite of what /biz/ says.
the most proliferate bullshit that gets peddled here is that you idiots sincerely believe if it btc drops or goes up by 2k, it now will obviously go up or down 5k because of „normies“.
You fucking retards are those normies, and you’ve already panic sold, just how you panic bought at 60k.
Just because you are incels doesn’t mean you aren’t crypto normies.
These retards are followed closely by the TAfags who think it will go up 1k only to dump another 5k.
You don’t know shit retards. Check any chart of any crypto or even stock and you’ll see a lot of crabbing, sometimes slightly upwards and sometimes slightly downwards.

>> No.51137011

Thanks for your very profound words, phoneposter...

>> No.51137067

Hang yourself retard if that’s the best you can come up with. Subhumans like you are what’s killing this board.

>> No.51137077

retard post

>> No.51137079

Sorry, I don't speak phone.

>> No.51137082

In my experience you are probably not much better if you are posting here trying to save people, like dumbass moe anime, probably follow the same pseudo-intellectual libertarian line of thought jammed into your head by demiurgical capital

>> No.51137094

>Underlying value not directly represented through the asset itself is irrelevant.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.51137101


I just farted in your thread.

>What does this mean?
The amount of jannies (faggots) in this thread and 4chan account has increased by one.

>Why did you do this?
There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be deserving of a stinky fart and therefore a janny infestation. These include, but are not limited to:

Shitting in the street,

Spreading incorrect information,

Shilling lazy scams.

>Am I banned from the /biz/?
No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional fart, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy.

>I don't believe my thread deserved a fart. Can you un-fart it?
No. I cannot un-fart. My judgement is perfect and clear. Regardless, if you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to 4chan PMs within several seconds. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of fart appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.

>How can I prevent this from happening in the future?
Accept the fart and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on /biz/. I will continue to fart in your threads until you improve your conduct. Remember: 4chan is hell. You can check out whenever you want and for however long you want. But you can never leave.

>> No.51137127

I just thought it was a funny picture homie. And it fits with the theme that prices often just move slowly.
Most of the people on here aren’t libertarians, they are rightoid sheep that blindly follow what some faggot on twitter tells them to. Libertarians are the same they just think they aren’t cuckservatives despite being the same in all but name.

Im not trying to save you, just trying to piss you off a little, and hope at least one person actually posts something non-braindead in response for once.

>> No.51137140
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>> No.51137159

Anime is fine.

Calling you a phoneposter was far more effective.

>> No.51137289

Effective at what faggot? You embarrassed yourself by exposing yourself as an absolute faggot without nothing to say, better end your life sooner than later.
Not like a 2 digit iq subhuman like you could even have an opinion worth sharing, so why post in the first place?

>> No.51137336
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based snaleposter

>> No.51137338
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So arrogant and angry.

>> No.51137410

ok stay mad and cope wagie back to the cage tomorrow mr wolf of wall street

>> No.51137477

Ok Boomer!
If Value goes above use value, it's speculative value.
And speculative value is dictated by how cheap or expensive currency is.
Fed and almost all countries has made its currency expensive by raising interest rates, so expensive currency will make it expensive to borrow and spend currency on things like BitCoin because it has very less use value and very high speculative value.
Demand is very very much elastic and speculative spending is going to go much down. And it will be reflected in all asset prices. All types of asset prices will dump, and fake speculative "assets" like bitcoin will also dump hard.

>> No.51137494

>im going to say absolutely nothing and waste everyones time
fuck off snailnigger

>> No.51137520
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>> No.51137568

You can’t read then. I literally put it on the beginning. To make money you need to look at changes in the expected value of an asset, not by looking at funny meme lines or what some cringe faggot like Michael burry tells you, but by looking at things like how the fed is adjusting interest rates COMPARED to what was expected of them, or how the merge signing compared to what eth developers promised. Not just selling the bottom or buying the top based off of irrational fears

>> No.51137751

>The real way to make money investing is to buy based on the future expectations of the asset you are buying
hahaha retarded naive speculator. Retards like you who say "I invest in this because I expect it to go 1.5x within 5 years based on fundamentals" are wrong so often due to fundamentals not mattering as much as broad market forces. The reliable way to make money is to harvest contango gains by shorting VIX futures. Stop speculating, harvest what is practically guaranteed.

>> No.51137781

Another faggot that can’t read. And you aren’t harvesting shit with your retarded “strategy”. Maybe subhumans like you wouldn’t just lose money all of the time if they focused more on reading comprehension, and less on trying some obvious strawman?
Expected value is not the same thing as fundamental value, but of course someone as stupid as you wouldn’t understand this.

>> No.51137792

Try not to break the screen on your phone by typing with so much anger anon, it's a waste of resources.

>> No.51137823

The shit is going to crab down forever. The global economy is fucked and no one wants your ponzi shitcoins. There are no new bagholders to recruit you fucking retard. If you didn't sell when they were spamming fucking crypto commercials during the superbowl I don't know what to tell you.. that was your top signal

You will own nothing and you will not be happy