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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5113368 No.5113368 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.5113377

He's a piece of shit but we just need to wait until le fbi catches the asshole

>> No.5113380

Absolute madman

>> No.5113381 [DELETED] 
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>tumblr link

i aint opening that shit nigger

fuck off pajeet

>> No.5113388

>guy who uses your credit card gets a free tv
>you can call your credit card company and get your money back
Sounds like a win-win to me OP

>> No.5113396

>tony dumpster arrested
>he’s a poo in the loo pajeet

My sides would never leave orbit

>> No.5113411
File: 29 KB, 620x330, asians_are_gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure blumpfer is an asian

>> No.5113478

After hearing about this nigger, I can’t tell if he’s a genius or a scumbag

>> No.5113503

/pol/ ran an investigation the other day and can’t find anything out.

hackers like this should die

>> No.5113529
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In all honesty it's probably an 11yr old indian.
kids these days are fucking smart

>> No.5113533

>buy stolen credit cards in bulk
>resell them
>this is a “””genius””” business idea according to /biz/
Explains why everyone here is poor tbqh

>> No.5113551

anyone have a screenshot from the thread from the other day when an anon got a dump and was spooped? I think he posted some of the cards

>> No.5113574

Me too anon
Just wait. They’ll catch the fat autist

>> No.5113575
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checked and wrecked

>> No.5113592


>using credit cards

>> No.5113618

Everyone here is a paranoid faggot.

Download a vpn and increase your btc amount.

I’ve made a shitload off of my nigga tony

>> No.5113741

kill yoursef

>> No.5113767

This would be a perfect application of a blockchain, using it it store customers credit card info rather than whatever the fuck they do with it now

>> No.5113990

not a bad idea

>> No.5114088


Go hang yourself you worthless thieving nigger

>> No.5114103

Good. Printing a private key on a card and sending it along with evwry transaction is braindead.

>> No.5114169
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>Americans don't have passcodes on their cards

>> No.5114201

umm you want us to stop this scam?

>> No.5114248

Do they really not have vbv / msc / one-time passwords on their cc?
Jesus christ what a joke

>> No.5114295

We're behind in credit card tech. We have chips that don't do shit though.

>> No.5114301

How much? Because I can almost guarantee you're a poorfag compared to me and my shitcoin gains.

>> No.5114312

Unlike you third worlders all the good cards have zero fraud liability

>> No.5114418

wow that's insane. I think posting it on here is just going to get more people to commit crime though maybe

>> No.5114459

carding is a new standard

>> No.5114465
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your country is built on credit and loans, yet your fucking cards lack basic security functions that are a given in the rest of the world (can, uk, eu, jp). Dumb burgers are dumb

>> No.5114557


wow, really surprised that /pol/ doesnt get shit done! could it be theyre a board of inconpetent failures?

>> No.5114578
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I don't see why not.

>> No.5114592

I imagine this is what the guy looks like

>> No.5114603

They memed on Shia pretty good

>> No.5114638
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this is your early Christmas faggs

>> No.5114643

Doesn't matter, don't have to pay if it gets stolen :^)

>> No.5114671

Every exchange requires verification, unless you're doing localbitcoin and steam cards

>> No.5114692
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Pol detectives are legendary. Look it up before throwing useless accusations newfag

>> No.5114703

it counts towards our gdp

>> No.5114714

Why does he give them out though lads?
Seems nonsensical.

>> No.5114746
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This. That pajeet is the bomb
You can just use a tumbler and xmr fagots. Don't launder like a normie, you'll get caught

>> No.5114770

hahaha get rekt

>> No.5114855

Everyone here should kill themselves

>> No.5114857

If i were poor and had nothing id give it a go. Im not gonna sepdn 1000$ on a stolen cc and worry about the. Feds kncokong on my door.

>> No.5114868

VPN+ some people don't live in burger land

>> No.5114901
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>> No.5114914

> Use VPN or Mobile Data with Location OFF/Wifi OFF

> Use G2A or other gaming sites & purchase STEAM WALLET CARDS via Email Delivery Only.

> Once purchased, use your code & trade it on localbitcoins/paxful/bitcointalk for a discount in Bitcoin

How do they turn steam cards into bitcoin??

>> No.5114943

VPN just slows down the feds. They can subopena the provider and get a list of who was on the VPN server at the time of purchase.

A lot of effort for a few people, who may be able to plausibly deny but still...

>> No.5114950

>buy $50 Code
>sell for $40 in btc

not that hard to comprehend

>> No.5115006


I get that but step 2.

Where do i selll cards for bitcoin? Is it reliable or so i have to find a buyer?

Also will thw trade work? Do i sent the code first, does he send the btc first?

Imagine bagholding steam cards...

>> No.5115022

paxful uses escrow.
Only trade with trusted users with good rep

>> No.5115028

Depends where the VPN is located

>> No.5115136


Saudi Arabia VPN won’t work.

If you’re In NY, use a Chicago vpn kek

>> No.5115172
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>> No.5115209


>> No.5115222

What browser to use? Using regular firefox or chrome isn't so wise.

>> No.5115245

chrome incognito at a public library with a vpn and the blood of a virgin

>> No.5115250

I would do this shit on a Linux USB. That way after the deed is done you can just toss the usb and plausibly deny.

>> No.5115253

nice honeypot, you're gonna get fucked

>> No.5115334
File: 126 KB, 959x426, D6A79F28-0FCE-4210-9E22-B90F94A04CE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was that?
couldn’t hear you over my gainz

>> No.5115347

I can tell that first name is Tricia.
poor Tricia.
I wish I could show her how a real man is.

>> No.5115363

btw this was from a dump on the 10th and it’s still filled with greatness

>> No.5115368

Ok pajeet thats enough

>> No.5115383

>calls me a pajeet
>probably begs for bobs daily on facebook

ok ajit

>> No.5115398

Haha good I never stay at shitfag comfort inn haha

>> No.5115423

Man just gotta accept your CC will be stolen. Don't use debit cards for anything

>> No.5115451

>Email Delivery Only

Got him.

>> No.5115456

why why why tease us?

>> No.5115472

Couldn't I technically run a TAILS usb then buy things with the CC and my ass would be covered? Same way you'd cover yourself for dark web purchases?

>> No.5115497

How I'm got my first bitcoins. - selling CC info on the dark web.

>> No.5115507
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inchalah brother

>> No.5115520

>using vpn for throwaway email
problem solved

>> No.5115535

don't muslims believe in the same god as christians, except the quran tells them to kill everyone while the bible says to love everyone

>> No.5115582


Yes but be wary of where you connect from. If you connect froma eouter that gets one or two userrs, you will stick out being the third.

Also best to use a different MAC address for your network card. People usually have a disposable laptop for this or they spoof their mac address.

>> No.5115589

the old testament God / quran God is what muslims believe to be the same.

They believe Jesus/New Testament God is a false prophet because he taught us how to love one another

They believe Muhammad/Allah is the true prophet because pedophilia and rape is promoted.

>> No.5115634

so basically they're uneducated barbarians

>> No.5115637

Well that's not fucking true at all

>> No.5115659

why steam wallet only? can't you buy amazon cards too?

>> No.5115674

Oh yes.
Amazon cards go like hotcakes.

>> No.5115691
File: 24 KB, 480x248, Screenshot-2017-11-29 EtherDelta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off FBI.

Everyone opening that link is now on a watch-list.
Good luck ruining your life for a few thousands.

>> No.5115692

Steam is just easy. Pretty sure you can use whatever you want.

>> No.5115710

t. paranoid schizophrenic

>> No.5115779
File: 377 KB, 820x1020, 1512801898347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not trust this CIA niggers.

There's always plenty of this credit card info on the Internet.

>> No.5115803

Who the hell would buy a stolen steam/amazon card when steam/amazon will just revoke it and the buyer will get fucked..

>> No.5115845

>has beard AND moustache

fake and gay. Muslims don't grow moustaches, only beards.

>> No.5115846
File: 144 KB, 1368x730, reported.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just reported this thread to the FBI in case this is not a honey-pot.

>> No.5115885


>> No.5115900

you just sell the card
don’t tell anyone it’s stolen dumbass

>> No.5115927

throw some my way


>> No.5115975

I'm reporting this account to Google.
All of your stuff will be deleted.


>> No.5116006

fucking kek

>> No.5116010

I never understood why anyone cares about their credit card number getting stolen. It's not your money, it's the bank's. Just call up and say yo not mine. They send you a new card and go about catching the thief themselves. This is also why you should never ever ever use your debit card for shit. Get a CC, use it to filter out risky transactions, pay it off immediately. Zero risk to you.

>> No.5116129

i don't know if it's more embarassing the tab "Gay Porn Videos" or the "how to take a screenshot" one

>> No.5116181

>the joke

The absolute state

>> No.5116473

they're going to know it's stolen if you only take Bitcoin dumbass

>> No.5116520

We don’t
We use this for profit

>> No.5116526

I've had my CC info stolen twice.

It's more annoying than anything. You have to go back to all the services the have automatic payment and give them the new CC info.

>> No.5116581

4 times in 3 years here

>> No.5116645

I used to be into carding when I was like 12yo.

It's a stupidly easy crime.

>> No.5116900

Why is everyone so russled?
Who cares if he steals some credit cards?
Not like it would crash the btc?

>> No.5116908

Tony is king

>> No.5116922

he’s actually boosting btc

>> No.5116938

Yea, so why is going crazy?

>> No.5116943

Whats carding?

>> No.5117069

The consequences will never be the same.

>> No.5117182

So how much does one pay for a card, and how much do you get?

>> No.5117219

Again, please kill yourselves.

>> No.5117240

you're more likely to be arrested before anyone else in this thread for telling someone to kill themselves online. Any idea what year we're in? People go to jail for that shit, don't be an idiot, take it back.

>> No.5117242

So you have to pay 0.002 btc. But how the fuck does the download unlock if you've paid it? How can the automated system know it was you that paid and unlock the download?

>> No.5117291

>not knowing how a basic transaction confirmation works

Same thing with almost any site that accepts btc. It generates a unique address, you deposit, it confirms, you get your product.

Are you really this new?

>> No.5117407

You're a massive retard.

>> No.5117485

Get don't you the 0.006BTC one?

>> No.5117495

I refuse to believe anyone is this retarded

>> No.5117524


you stop giving him laxitives

>> No.5117620

lol, also if you born after 1995 your ssn can be bought for $3


>> No.5117643


>> No.5117697


>> No.5117722

yep this gives me a raging erection

>> No.5117741

So what the fuck does any of this mean?

>> No.5117780
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>> No.5117861

Use a VPN. Your mom uses one.

>> No.5117968

That's the joke.

The most embarrassing part is how he is a Greek though. (see the αγγλιkα)

>> No.5118013

he is truly unstoppable and he’s made me many bucks

>inb4 it’s illegal
literally everyone’s card info is somewhere.

>> No.5118135

I combined all of the dumps he's made into one .txt file. https://satoshibox.com/jec5aqnto37a7y3vsbjatfj8
you can have all of his dumps for the price of one of them

thank me later

>> No.5118165

they’re pdfs with images

stop trying to scam people

>> No.5118255

i attached a png from one of the dumps, instead of the dump itself. completely my mistake. updated sbox here: http://satoshibox.com/8x7d6v7mco46ixrimg6am8rn

>> No.5118287

and to clarify, i've been copying down a bunch for the past ~4 hours, from the first two pdfs he released, that's as far as i got.

>> No.5118758

Any recommandation for best VPN? Also, is it better to have it in Switzerland?

>> No.5118993
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crawl back to Tumblr you cunt. It seems the premise of quick riches brought all the censoring bullshit from mainstream media into our glorious mancave. Welp, time to go to cheese pizza chans on i2p then

>> No.5119111

use mobile data on your phone (location off) as recommended, and for vpn I use an app on iOS literally called "FreeVPN", it works like a charm

>> No.5119213


Take a wild guess based on the theme of this thread, retard.

>> No.5119858

why haven't you killed yourself

>> No.5119931

>bernie sanders
>gay porn
>how to take a screenshot
>google translate in url
>selected greek
>1368x730 resolution

ultimate bait

>> No.5120012

It isn't zero risk. It is a total pain in the ass and it raises rates because the consumer pays for increased fraud.

>> No.5120181

>being this new
>triggered by gay porn over bernie
back to plebbit

>> No.5120300

fucking grandma is clueless about her credit card and this faggot comes in and puts a 60" tv on her

yeah no thanks

>> No.5120342

They're also dumber than ever, so its kind of a trade-off overall.