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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 4267x3201, 62e02d6aae6a62a742061598_SmartCon 2022_Google Events_4-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51131744 No.51131744 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that there will be NO livestream of SmartCon.

It will be the same like with Consensus, everyone on /biz/ will expect someone else to livestream the talks at the event somehow but there will be NO stream of any kind. Nothing, just a bunch of full on panic WHERE IS THE STREAM?!??!??!?!! threads in the catalog with no answer.

/biz/ won't know shit about what's happening or what's being told. Radio silence, only crumbs from twitter and the official Chainlink profile once they release only the selected the content.
Yes back in the day you'd get a full livestream from someone in the audience even, today you won't get even a single live pic from any anon let alone a stream. Speaks volumes of how much /biz/ has fallen

>> No.51131763

I will livestream it

>> No.51131807

thanks anon

>> No.51131903

based, OP instantly BTFO

>> No.51131951


>> No.51131998

I'm grateful, thank you

>> No.51132001

based. op is a faggot

>> No.51132047
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This is now a smartcon predictions thread. What do you think we'll get out of smartcon? I think staking will go live before smartcon as a fuck you to people trying to play the post conference dump, and I think that while DECO and CCIP won't be released they'll give us a firm date sometime in q4.

>> No.51132068

I'm going to go with nothing. No expectations no disappointments. The crab is strong.

>> No.51132086

if there is nothing then thats actually something this time around. DTCC and SWIFT presenting at smartcon is a massive happening, and if they just make some bland general statements about the space as a whole i'll be butthurt.

>> No.51132094

based and streampilled

>> No.51132159

staking - date announced, and purpose of the ETH/USD price feed announced
enterprise/institutional - surprising number of products announced in various stages of production (insurance, benchmark rates for financial products, investment funds offering chainlinked
products). DTCC and Swift talking about their projects...?
FSS - live demo from Ari, maybe some words from Ed, maybe surprises from other chains looking for a sequencer? I suspect this will be coming S O O N
CCIP - public beta on testnet teased but not yet announced. synthetix will talk about their ccip product. maybe stani too
DECO - proof of concepts discussed and shown off

wildcard for me is Reitwiessner, announced as speaker but no agenda slot revealed as of yet. also curious what Sergey and Eric will talk about. Schmidt is billed as "co-founder of Schmidt Futures" which is basically a talent acquisition firm, maybe they will talk about finding talent in a decentralized world (moving beyond the sterile artificiality of Linkedin and finding real humans with real talent capable of solving real problems?). or maybe they will just thumb-wrestle for 30 minutes

>> No.51132345

>purpose of the ETH/USD price feed announced

i always assumed that was going to be the primary crypto medium of exchange. Like, its been obvious for a while that we are moving into a multichain environment. it's inefficient to have to buy different tokens or coins for a single transaction (from the end user's perspective) that involves multiple blockchains. So the medium of exchange needs to be standardized and there needs to be a background process that does all the swaps between currencies seamlessly and inexpensively, in such a way that the end user doesn't even know its happening.

>> No.51132466

Appreciate it fren

>> No.51132594

I think something like this but with more ambiguity around products and timeframes than we'd like. Perhaps some volatility with price movement but that's about it. Everything is promising but what everyone wants to see will be 2-5 years away.

>> No.51132685


You guys read the project whitney pdf? Reading through it now and it seems to be saying that DTCC is going to dip their oar into crypto by creating a new securities classification for pre-ipo private companies to raise funds from the public. Which is actually pretty exciting because doing so would take much less time than transitioning their current assets. And it makes sense too, it creates a sort of fair trade-off. Provide private companies who aren't able to go public yet a fundraising apparatus through tokenized securities, but they have to take on the risk of being beta testers for a later tokenization effort for traditional stocks. And this would mean we'd see this application go live much faster. I wonder if they'll give us a timeline?

>> No.51132864
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my hopes are really high, i really think this is the year. i also thought 2018 was the year. then 2019, then 2020, then 2021.

>> No.51132984

oh wow i didn't realize that press release came out this week.

>> No.51133497

Make sure you stream it to something other than twitch or youtube so they can't strike it.

>> No.51133563
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Oh no! Now how am I going to watch Eric Schmidt talk pie-in-the-sky bs for 30 minutes, industry "partners" refuse to use the word "partner" and spew some avoidant language while babbling fantasies about future state of the industry like the "mystery guests" of prior SmartCons, and nothing other than maybe v.0.dogshit of staking be actually announced?

I'm devastated.

>> No.51133646

>massive happening
I hate to break it to you but SWIFT's strategy director already had a fireside with Sergey last time and it was exactly the "bland general statements about the space as a whole" that you describe, which is exactly what it will be again. What's changed since the last SmartCon that they could update us on? Nothing. It might be different if staking or CCIP had been out for a year and the landscape had changed. Everything will be future state musings. I'm lost as to how you could still expect anything whatsoever from this SmartCon after the previous ones. It's commendable hopium, but I think you'll be burned if you're expecting anything, anon.

>> No.51133736
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>And, but, you know, you and I have, have worked many times in this type and we have had many discussions, I remember I mean you were just a few people in your company before, the first time you collaborated with Swift and throughout the years you have, we have had many projects together, you have been part of, you know, the inner tribe sort of alumni, which is our innovation hub, you have presented in front of our board which is 25 directors from, you know, the biggest banks in the world and they have been impressed about what you guys have been doing with smart contracts and with Chainlink and everything else, but I was always wanted to ask you the question of what attracted you to work with Swift right, because it’s not every fintech company wants to work with Swift or with the sort of incumbent, but so what do you think that we bring is it the member own model we were talking about before, is it something else, so what exactly did attract you to work with us?
>you have presented in front of our board which is 25 directors from, you know, the biggest banks in the world
>you have presented in front of our board which is 25 directors from, you know, the biggest banks in the world

>> No.51133798
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go back to /pol/ and take your racist shitcoin with you

>> No.51133831

shoo shoo nigger

>> No.51133837

ok i dont intend to watch it anyway so what's the thread about?

>> No.51133846

kys faggot

>> No.51134134

Who cares.

This is all that matters frens

>> No.51135298

8 months came and went and nothing was released. Are there any delusionals left who think Chainlink Labs will release staking, CCIP, and an abstraction layer for enterprise within the next 4 months? As history has shown, Smartcon will be a nothingburger and at most the team will proudly announce that staking is coming in the upcoming year (coming this year in the staking roadmap blogpost was a typo). Oh by the way, paypiggies are still needed for liquidity to absorb an additional 10% of the available token supply even after Sergey and Co. dumped tokens during the bull market to amass le war chest for the next 10 years. Enjoy bag holding for another year. Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.51135314
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just sold 100k thank you for this alpha

>> No.51135834

Can anyone tell me why this fat fuck even told Chainlink needs to not only go to conferences but even HOST one.

It takes so much time, energy and manhours to host such a thing. WHY? Did Google host a conference after 5 years about "Future of the Internet"? Amazon on "Future of é commerce"? Of course not, they were busy, had a shit load of things to do. Yet Mr fat fuck insists on hosting the third conference already, just why? As if the first two were not embarrassing enough.
Or is he really just looking to raise some exit liquidity?

>> No.51136681

For the people who think staking and ccip release at smart (or at least date provided), I have a question. Were you this retarded before you found out about link or did holding link make you mentally retarded? Yes i hold link, no i’m not bulgarian, fuck of you lemming cunts who deflect with that shit. This is probably the most obvious let down in cchainlinks history

>> No.51136786

this, what the fuck is even the point of this overpriced shitty conference

>> No.51136838

>I hate to break it to you but SWIFT's strategy director already had a fireside with Sergey
The fud for swift to that point was
>Nothing since 2018 hahahaha linkies
Sooo saying it was nothing.. is quite disingenuous. Confirmed continuing and ongoing swift interaction since the projects inception was bullish af

>> No.51136987
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i'm pretty sure staking is coming before or around smartcon

>> No.51136994
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>> No.51137154
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The Shemitah ends around Smart-con. Make of it what you will

>> No.51137194

Maybe im wrong to think this but it's kind of suspicious and annoying that they said they'd sell more tokens for staking, but since then we've just had mass selling and no staking. I assumed what they had meant was selling to bootstrap rewards, what are they using the sales for?

>> No.51137203

Who is this kazakh beauty

>> No.51137210
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to add to this, this year is also known as "Super Shmita" year which is the seventh year of seven "7 year" cycle. So its the 49th year and of course this occurs every 49 yrs. Hence it has heightened importance on Jewish calendar. You maybe thinking this is all weird. I ain't believing this hocus pocus and thinking "What has letting land rest and forgiving debts have to do with all of this".

Could be good, could be bad. Could mean the "chosen" people has given a sabbath of reaping the financial markets.

Out of all the places that could discuss the Shemitah and it's impact on the financial markets, I thought /biz/realies would be on it and a Shemtah general or some shit. But it's not to disctract that it does end around smartcon.

>> No.51137219

The war chest unironically got eaten up by their wild company bloat. Coinbase wrote a statement basically apologizing for their irresponsible growth during the bull run and it was a fraction of chainlink's.

We saw the email smartcontract circulated saying teams needed to start thinking of cost given the turn down. That isn't something you write if you had most of the war chest left.

>> No.51137320

Just what in the fuck is that cuck Rory on about? We saw the tokens going straight to Binance, how the fuck can they spin this as being part of "growth initiatives, such as staking"?

>> No.51137343

kek how does dumping more supply and lowering the price help harden the network against attacks? A lower token price means a less secured network

>> No.51137372

any employee reading this should know that your vested interested in chainlink and mine and every one else's depends on the price of the token going up not down. simply said supply and demand. there is little demand for smart contracts and a lot of demand from sir gay to dump everything and kill your future dreams and mine. how could (you) be so rektless?

>> No.51137379
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>> No.51137414

errr... cexs are how you obfuscate token movements retard. probably selling some of them but yeah
this isn't how the network is secured. it's secured by non-performant nodes being removed from the network

>> No.51137418

>The war chest unironically got eaten up by their wild company bloat.
ok guy, how much did they make from selling. You telling me they spent that? Get fucked.

>> No.51137431

Absolutely based and OP btfo seethe and dilate

>> No.51137441

what is there to discuss though anon?
a seven year period recurring every 49 years?
what is the significance of the cycle length? crypto has 4 year cycles? relationship?
seven's have a recurrence with chainlink. the famous get the marketing etc.
what happened with crypto regarding sir gay seven years ago? any significance?

every time I have responded to a shemitah post the thread dies no replies. Leveraging jewish practices for gains is og /biz/raeli and not the contemporary politicized nu/biz/ I read today. There would be little interest to take advantage of the Jews by exploiting their practices and scapegoating their victimhood. Most folks are happy blaming them and suffering in abject poverty

>> No.51137454

decentralized reputation is a future release being rolled out by a third party? link reputation something. they had a chick headlining last year I think. Did not see them attending SmartCon. wtf happened?

>> No.51137492

and to add to >>51137441 if we
go back about 49 years ago we are deep in boomertown 1973. What happened during that period? Are there any analogies to point to? The development of credit money maybe?

I wish we had data to delve deep into these kinds of things

>> No.51137504

maybe, dunno, it's another security layer, not as important as staking
btw those guys rebranded to mycelium:

>> No.51137529

>they rebranded
did not know thanks anon they seemed like a cool team

>> No.51137563

and the mechanism for exclusion is not staking but slashing. although failure to stake enough would exclude nodes from servicing a contract I had heard they are not going with the zero sum nodes are competing against nodes... yet. in a real zero sum environment nodes must have enough collateral to service contracts and if they are slashed they could fail to meet min. colleteral requirements. so they raise funds from the market, the community, like the kings of old sending out a call to arms to their countrymen. A node might be placed into a disadvantageous situation by not having enough rep to raise collateral to reclaim their access and service contract X. so they offer higher returns and get funding so they can leapfrog their way up and get rep faster by servicing more contracts (less valuable) until such time as they can reclaim their original position. yeah thats the power of the exclusionary mechanism. Slashing is the cause. Reputation the effect. And the market provides (theoretically: green cheese)

>> No.51137606

just like now the people running the dons will be able to remove nodes for poor performace
this is what happens now, which is what keeps people in line. remember how clcg got removed back in the day
of course at the moment chainlink team runs most of the dons

>> No.51137623

this >>51137563 is also why the
>nodes will dump their earnings like miners lmao its just like BTC
argument fails to pass muster as any node on any given day could be slashed and the severity of the penalities have not been laid out so at minimum nodes must be considering themselves to be in a position of what I like to call Potential Market Exclusion by not having enough collateral on hand to service the contract. Of course these thoughts all assume decentralization and open node onboarding (simplified and easy to run like you set up a miner nowadays by running a .exe file and maybe it also sets up a bunch of services in the background to further decentralize your node additional clouds internet backups whatever else you need to mitigate downtime) and not Fat Sergey and Steve's Whitelist Emporium

>> No.51137637
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Uuuh guys (άνοδος) means it goes up and (κάθοδος) it goes down.
What does this mean?

>> No.51137656

CLCG were disbarred from oracle services for blatant misconduct and for the most heinous crime of being Bulgarian. The officers of the court laid out these charges all were found guilty of being Bulgarian and sentenced to seven market cycles in the APU2 gulag

>> No.51137664

yeah but that's years off.
it's like an onion
first layer is people running dons are able to add and remove nodes as they wish. risk all future fee revenue if removed
second layer is staking. people punished for coordinated attack or failure to respond. so penalty for past actions, not just removal from future fee opportunity
third layer is reputation. basically an early screenign service for people making dons
fourth layer is real world legal recourse

>> No.51137672

Why exactly do they need to obfuscate token movements in this context, retard? What are they trying to hide?

>> No.51137694

They said they are releasing 50 million tokens, staking in v0.1 will only need 3.75 million (75mm at 5%). Obviously they are using most for non staking purposes

>> No.51137705
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yep thats their defence in depth thinking. the tokenomics in the zero sum decentralized system I have briefly laid out are very aggressive in terms of nodes demanding LINK and the market plebs seeing LINK as too valuable to spend (unlike ETH for gas which people are happy to spend for access to shitcoins). contract consumers on the other hand have no choice but to consume because their systems depend on Chainlink feeds regardless of how valuable LINK is as a money to be saved not spent. really makes you think that I am the dragon and this is my gold in token form

>> No.51137741

Big if true anon, and very based

>> No.51137743

go back
anyone who hasn't been here 5 mins knows one of the main advantages of cexes is to wash token movements
deposit in, send out to new wallets
all teams do it
and what you want full visibility on everything they do.....? of course they want to keep their actions private
imagine being able to view everyone's bank account!

>> No.51137762

>I'll livestream it
How? Unless that was just a joke; There's different events taking place at the same time, or was in previous Smartcons. You can't be in several rooms at once. Also the quality from a phone held up in the audience will be unintelligible/unbearable, even if you did manage it.
Also, they have already stated they would livestream key speeches, so I think we'll hear Sergey/Eric and the other main ones.

>> No.51137763

And these tokens that might have incredible value in the future are given away pretty much to jump start the network create thought groups to think about solutions to any problems take advantage of any new tech and provide funding to attract new talent as well as sustain operations. Of course this is the horse and cart way of thinking: a well funded space solves problems. Look at all the liberal arts colleges funded with the explicit purpose of indoctrinating the next generation into thinking through problems via a post modernist or a liberal agenda. Where are the right wing think tanks? they do not exist because most regular people think like that so the media gaslit city folk into thinking they are smarter than the dumb farmers who grow the food and sustain the office drones. Chainlink must create a new way of thinking about web3 blockchains smart contracts oracles and everything else. This is what they are doing more or less but most people will not abandon a system until it fails to service their needs

>> No.51137778

>DECO and CCIP won't be released they'll give us a firm date sometime in q4.
There won't be firm dates on anything unless they're releasing something imminently, like within 24 hours. Don't know why but they've never given us exact dates on anything at all. It's always really vague like "sometime next year".

>> No.51137798

I remember when there were a lot of posts expressing concern about the release of critical updates and posts like
>what if we are not ready for them??
like holy fuck you run nodes 24/7 sort your shit out

>> No.51137809

I thought the story was that API3 found fundamental flaws in the chainlink network and were able to innovate oracle design via first party oracles?

>> No.51137888

you thought wrong. I mean CLCG found themselves cut off from the golden goose and had to sell their early knowledge to make the zeus capital report with fellow bulgarians from nexo then made perfect trades thanks to stani?from aave then secured some vc capital and began the (((oracle wars))) which fell through because even the vulture capitalists could clearly see that there was no way they could bullshit anons and retail with some fake oracles wars with the standard vs some esl whitepaper especially not when anons had the upper hand in terms of knowledge. they were psyoping reddit ffs remember astro astronaut? I think he doxxed himself to the team because they changed the smartcon date and he already paid for flights so he doesnt fud anymore.

But now its different anon the VCs are investing into projects like Arbitrum and they dont even have a token. Best solution I can see is they sent over a bunch of different tokens to pump up Arbitrum to become the number 1 scaling solution in exchange for a lion's share of the fees. And the worst takes us down a very dark path where tokens do not matter and its all just a trick to distract retail while a select few get in through some legal means

>> No.51137893
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>schmidt futures

>> No.51138013

>they hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.51138203

>and they dont even have a token

>> No.51138252

Chainlink labs has had 3 funding rounds, idiot

>> No.51138553
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You are biggest gorilla nigger that posts on this board. Turns out the madlads at (P)reddit are already on it. Biz is truly dead

>> No.51138595

You're not wrong about the change from /biz/realies and nu-biz. It's funny because even /pol/ discusses the shemitah. It's when I heard the end date for it being around Smartcon 2022 got my gears grinding, yet no one in any Chainlink shill or fud thread is entertaining.

>> No.51138904

So things will collapse after September 25th? If so Link might get fucked even with a stacking announcement.

>> No.51138958

I highly doubt they spent it all but the email suggested they certainly didn't have enough to keep operating as normal for a couple of years.

>> No.51139014

Do you guys have a screenshot of the email you can share? I've never seen it.

>> No.51139537

Sorry, just saw it posted here. When im done doing some food shopping I'll look through archives later.

>> No.51139690

>Yes back in the day you'd get a full livestream from someone in the audience even, today you won't get even a single live pic from any anon let alone a stream. Speaks volumes of how much /biz/ has fallen

I'll be there anon.

>> No.51139816

Consensus was live streamed retard

>> No.51140629

>go read reddit
Beyond posting Shemitah the rest of your posts are meaningless. Is this supposed to make me interested jewish traditions?

>> No.51141888

DTCC’s Project Ion already went live like a week ago, albeit in a limited parallel capacity. I also read a couple months ago that some investment banks already executed a tokenized or blockchain based bond derivative trade. We’re in the beginning stages of implementation of these systems and maybe further along than what’s let on publicly. It’s just a matter of finding out how fast the volume ramp up will be.

>> No.51142093

I'm in the same boat, anon.
I can stay delusional longer than the market can remain irrational.

>> No.51142265
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>> No.51143532

>the quality from a phone held up in the audience will be unintelligible/unbearable, even if you did manage it.
newfag is new

>> No.51143643

Pls wen moon pls I beg you

>> No.51143742

Did you find it?

>> No.51144694

^this guy is a jew and is using pilpul, take everything he says with a grain of salt. He wants you to lose money