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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51134344 No.51134344 [Reply] [Original]

What are you supposed to do when you don't "want" anything? I don't care about fancy cars, women, sex, land, houses, etc.

>> No.51134351

Then you should be happy, congratz you made it

>> No.51134365

Help others

>> No.51134386

Then kill yourself. Or do you want to live. Shit thread that’s going to get bumped by right brained idiots.

>> No.51134405

You need a mission to be happy. Like regenerating the earth through permaculture or something. Find your mission, anon.

>> No.51134406

go get your testosterone checked
for me it's not your situation. it's the opposite. I want it but I can't have it.

Not fancy cars though. I like the truck I have but I would crawl through ten miles of glass right now for a pretty blonde haired blue eyed virgin wife, 100 acres next to the ocean, and a 6 bedroom house for us and our future kids.

I can dream

>> No.51134432


>> No.51134444

Noblesse oblige

>> No.51134560

Study the occult and general unknowns about esoteric history. For people like you, value isn't based on what job you have, the titles you hold, or even the concept of seeing money as tangible wealth. There's nothing wrong with going against the grain, imagine correlating your value based on how much you contribute to the GDP or some statistic. This is biz afterall so perhaps you are in the wrong place for that sort of question.

>> No.51134595


>> No.51134619


>> No.51134660


>> No.51134725

King just explained what his Hopes and dreams are, he doesnt think they're real or expect them to happen for nothing

>> No.51134743

This is a delusional board, thinking money still matters in the great reset

>> No.51134759

if it's not hypogonadism (low T) it's sone kind of difficult to change issue with your brain and limbic system

>> No.51134763

Read books

>> No.51134825

Then practice abundance, give things to people and something you'll want will likely reveal itself. Model of Abundance brings Law of Attraction.

>> No.51134830

Check your T levels.

>> No.51134846

It’s just a retard encouraged by faggots

>> No.51134858

>What are you supposed to do when you don't "want" anything?
expose (((them)))

>> No.51135515

jeet hands typed this post
when will you shitskins learn NOBODY WANTS YOU HERE

>> No.51136084
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You're cooming too much, or a woman, or mentally ill.

You need to resist the power of the jews at the local, state, or federal level.

>> No.51136096

I just want a house paid off, its the only reason im investing.

Once I get a house in cash outright owned no bullshit, Im probably done with investing, not gona lie, at least ill probably just do some passive investing on the side, nothing autistic and grindy like I am doing these days

>> No.51136112

Women want everything. But yeah op is probably a coomer. Jacking off drains motivation like crazy

>> No.51136113

Well are you happy or satisfied? If so what's the problem

>> No.51136148

fuck those assholes

>> No.51137624

Spotted the homo.

>> No.51137766

T. seething materialist whore

>> No.51139001

>I would crawl through ten miles of glass right now for a pretty blonde haired blue eyed virgin wife
globally(maybe not the blonde hair blue eye part) this is exactly what everyone's ancestors had for millennia. only in the last 60 years because of american feminism and culture has this been not the case. It wasn't an impossible unrealistic fantasy it was the norm and something most guys were guaranteed as long as they had a job that could support it.

>> No.51139237

This. Where the fuck were they when I needed help?

>> No.51139320

You need a good hobby or three.

>> No.51139386

This take the Buddhist pill anon and start a meditation practice and perceive/live the ultimate truth/reality that this board full of wage cuck consooomers can’t fathom.

>> No.51139563
File: 402 KB, 1441x1080, 7970D30B-1FBF-4B97-8549-C70A2596AA8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to seethe at posts like these, but I’ve come to appreciate them for their absurdity. You blame American culture when only an American, who lives in a country with no history or culture could think that this is how life used to be. You think serfs had a big oceanfront house and a happy family? You think people got to have a loving family when the king came by and raped their kids? Just because things are shit now does not mean they were any less shit in the past

>> No.51139574

get a job

>> No.51139614

Try Heroin ;))

>> No.51139623

it was a joke, don't do this

>> No.51139760
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>Everyone in the past was miserable, goy. You should be grateful to wagecuck for shekelstein and live in this pod with all of these human rights we have now.

>> No.51139965

Take antidepressants.

>> No.51140299

I’d tell you to read, but I know you can’t so I’ll help you out and point you to the part where I wrote “things are shit now”. But it takes a gullible idiot to think that the elite weren’t making life shit for everyone in the past too. Deluding yourself into thinking it would be enjoyable to be a peasant is exactly how we end up in this situation

>> No.51140352

help people, just hang out idk

>> No.51140448
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Why do I have to share a country with niggers like you?

>> No.51140474
File: 296 KB, 2777x1562, tylaswift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is called depression. When you lack motivation your microbiome is most likely wrecked causing you to lose any interest in life. You need to fix your health and you will see how beautify and exciting life can be.

Or maybe you on the path to achieve materialistic freedom... I highly doubt that because it seems you be clueless about your own body and health.

>> No.51140495

do things for other people

>> No.51140704
File: 346 KB, 1280x1280, 64D22987-B5FE-4C8F-8855-FD2AEBB4818C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have achieved Zen. Congrats! Jesus smiles upon you.

>> No.51140715

Become a monk

>> No.51140730

Like you?

>> No.51140819

kys nigger lover

>> No.51142129

>You think serfs had a big oceanfront house and a happy family? You think people got to have a loving family when the king came by and raped their kids? Just because things are shit now does not mean they were any less shit in the past
all I said was most men were able to get a virgin wife nothing about oceanfront house. people in other part's of the world still can get a virgin wife, just not in the west

>> No.51142407

I look at money less as a means to consoom and more as a security to avoid getting fucked any harder by life. Perhaps you can adopt the same point.

>> No.51142441

you have depression, anon

>> No.51142474

Seek Christ.

>> No.51142499

>had a job to support it
Not even. You just went there and started farming. What the hell do you need lots of money for? You sell some crops, buy animals and nails and build.